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The South American opossum Monodelphis domestica has been a model organism for marsupials for many years and has recently been the subject of a large-scale genome sequencing effort that will provide the foundation for comparative studies of gene function and regulation. Genomic imprinting is one mechanism of gene regulation that has received increasing attention due to the impact of imprinting defects on development and disease. We have mapped the imprinted insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2) gene of M. domestica as a first step in understanding the regulatory mechanisms involved in genomic imprinting in this marsupial.  相似文献   

The gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) has become a useful marsupial for biomedical research since it breeds reliably in the laboratory. During a 3 year period (1983-1986), a total of 129 litters were born in the colony at NJMS resulting in five generations of captive-born animals. Litter size ranged from 2 to 13 and the average sex ratio at weaning was 1:1. Mean body temperature of M. domestica was approximately 32.3 degrees C and respiratory rate approximately 54 breaths/minute. Systolic blood pressures of approximately 188 mmHg and heart rates of 345 beats/minute were found. Techniques of blood collection, anesthesia, implanting of hormones, ovariectomies and castrations, and treatment of neonates are described as well as current practices of colony management.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitor (PI) polymorphism was observed in the laboratory opossum,Monodelphis domestica, by either one-dimensional acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE; pH 4.6) or isoelectric focusing (pH 3.5-5.0) followed by immunoblotting with rabbit antiserum to human α1-antitrypsin; but acid PAGE produced superior resolution of the PI proteins. Family studies demonstrated an inheritance of nine codominant autosomal alleles,PI D ,PI E ,PI F ,PI G ,PI H ,PI I ,PI J ,PI K , andPI M , and a population study revealed frequencies of 0.411, 0.010, 0.341, 0.034, 0.023, 0.071, 0.035, 0.020, and 0.055, respectively.  相似文献   

The organization of neocortex in the short-tailed opossum ( Monodelphis domestica ) was explored with multiunit microelectrode recordings from middle layers of cortex. Microelectrode maps were subsequently related to the chemoarchitecture of flattened cortical preparations, sectioned parallel to the cortical surface and processed for either cytochrome oxidase (CO) or NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry. The recordings revealed the presence of at least two systematic representations of the contralateral body surface located in a continuous strip of cortex running from the rhinal sulcus to the medial wall. The primary somatosensory area (S1) was located medially while secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) formed a laterally located mirror image of S1. Auditory cortex was located in lateral cortex at the caudal border of S2, and some electrode penetrations in this area responded to both auditory and somatosensory stimulation. Auditory cortex was outlined by a dark oval visible in flattened brain sections. A large primary visual cortex (V1) was located at the caudal pole of cortex, and also consistently corresponded to a large chemoarchitecturally visible oval. Cortex just rostral and lateral to V1 responded to visual stimulation, while bimodal auditory/visual responses were obtained in an area between V1 and somatosensory cortex. The results are compared with brain organization in other marsupials and with placentals and the evolution of cortical areas in mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

The organization of neocortex in the short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) was explored with multiunit microelectrode recordings from middle layers of cortex. Microelectrode maps were subsequently related to the chemoarchitecture of flattened cortical preparations, sectioned parallel to the cortical surface and processed for either cytochrome oxidase (CO) or NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry. The recordings revealed the presence of at least two systematic representations of the contralateral body surface located in a continuous strip of cortex running from the rhinal sulcus to the medial wall. The primary somatosensory area (S1) was located medially while secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) formed a laterally located mirror image of S1. Auditory cortex was located in lateral cortex at the caudal border of S2, and some electrode penetrations in this area responded to both auditory and somatosensory stimulation. Auditory cortex was outlined by a dark oval visible in flattened brain sections. A large primary visual cortex (V1) was located at the caudal pole of cortex, and also consistently corresponded to a large chemoarchitecturally visible oval. Cortex just rostral and lateral to V1 responded to visual stimulation, while bimodal auditory/visual responses were obtained in an area between V1 and somatosensory cortex. The results are compared with brain organization in other marsupials and with placentals and the evolution of cortical areas in mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

A two-allele polymorphism in aldolase C was identified in brain extracts of grey short-tailed opposums, Monodelphis domestica , by electrophoresis in starch or cellulose acetate gels. Pedigree data were consistent with autosomal codominant inheritance. The polymorphism was present in two of the six genetically distinct laboratory populations that have been established for this species.  相似文献   

Unilateral naris closure in young rodents leads to striking alterations in the development of the ipsilateral olfactory system. One of the most pronounced effects is a 25% reduction in the size of the experimental olfactory bulb, a change that stems in part from decreased cell survival. Since naris occlusion in rodents alters the system more during development than in adulthood, we investigated the consequences of olfactory deprivation in a species that is born in a very immature state, Monodelphis domestica. In this pouchless marsupial, offspring are born after a short 14-day gestation. In the present study, the thymidine analogue bromodeoxyuridine was used to examine early postnatal neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb. Unlike rats and mice, neurogenesis of the main output neurons (the mitral cells) continues into postnatal life. Unilateral naris closure was begun on postnatal day 4 (P4) or P5 in Monodelphis and continued for 30 or 60 days. Laminar volume measurements revealed a significant reduction in the size of the experimental bulb following 60, but not 30, days of early olfactory deprivation. Mitral cell number estimates indicated a significant reduction after both 30 and 60 days of naris closure. The immaturity of Monodelphis offspring may render the population of mitral cells susceptible to the effects of olfactory deprivation. These findings suggest that afferent activity plays a role in the survival of all bulb neurons, irrespective of cell class. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 429–438, 1997  相似文献   

The timing of development was examined in 496 embryos from female Monodelphis domestica, collected at known time intervals after video recorded mating. Ovulation occurred approximately 20 hr (day 1) after mating, and fertilization was observed by 24 hr. Transport through the oviducts was rapid, and pronuclear stage embryos were recovered from the uterus as early as 24 hr after mating. Second cleavage had occurred by 55 hr after mating. Three-celled embryos were among those collected on day 3 after mating, indicating that asynchronous cleavage of blastomeres can occur from the two-cell stage. The four-cell stage persisted for approximately 24 hr, and embryos that had undergone third cleavage were first recovered 74 hr after mating. Embryos that had undergone fourth to fifth cleavage were found 96–100 hr (4 days) after mating and complete unilaminar blastocysts by 5.5 days after mating. Primary endoderm formed from an already distinct embryonic area of the unilaminar blastocyst early on day 7 after mating. Formation of the bilaminar blastocyst was completed rapidly, on day 7 after mating. The primitive streak appeared on day 10 after mating, and organogenesis rapidly ensued on a timetable similar to that reported for Didelphis virginiana (McCrady, 1938). Close contact with the maternal circulation was established on day 11 and by day 12 maternal and embryonic tissues could not be separated without damage. The length of the gestation period from fertilization to birth was approximately 13.5 days. These observations provide the basis for further embryological cellular and molecular studies of this species as a laboratory model for marsupial development.© 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In all major groups of Australian marsupials, prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF) or oxytocin injection initiates birth behavior in adult females, adult males and pouch young. Because inhibitors of PGF synthesis block this initiation, oxytocin may activate birth behavior via the stimulation of PGF synthesis. In this study, the role of PGF and oxytocin in the activation of birth behavior was examined in an American marsupial, the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica). Adult male and female gray opossums were given PGF, oxytocin, or saline (control) before behavioral observation. On the next day, the animals in the oxytocin group were injected with the PGF inhibitor flunixin meglumide (Finadyne, Schering Corp., U.S.A.) before oxytocin reinjection and behavioral observation. Both males and females showed birth behavior in response to PGF but only females responded to oxytocin. There was no significant difference in the latency of response of females to oxytocin alone versus response to oxytocin after receipt of the PGF inhibitor. These results suggest that, in contrast to Australian species, in this American marsupial, oxytocin initiates birth behavior only in females and does not operate via stimulation of prostaglandin secretion.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel-isoelectric focusing (PAGE-IEF) methods were used to examine the multiplicity, tissue distribution, and biochemical genetics of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) isozymes among gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica). Seven ADH isozymes were resolved and distinguished on the basis of their isoelectric points, tissue distributions, and substrate and inhibitor specificities. ADH1 and ADH2 exhibited Class I properties and were observed in liver (and intestine) extracts. ADH3, ADH4, and ADH5 showed “high-K m ” (possibly Class IV) properties, with ADH3 and ADH4 exhibiting high activity in cornea, ear, stomach, and esophagus extracts. ADH6 and ADH7 exhibited Class III properties, including activities as formaldehyde dehydrogenases, with each showing different tissue distribution characteristics; ADH6 was widely distributed, and ADH7 was restricted to prostate extracts. An additional form of formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH) was observed, which was inactive with hexenol and ethanol as substrates. Isoelectric point variants were observed for ADH3 (three forms) and for ADH4 (two forms), and the inheritance of ADH3 was studied in 15 families ofM. domestica. The data were consistent with codominant inheritance of two alleles (ADH3*A andADH3*B) at a single autosomal locus (designatedADH3) and with a model involving a dimeric ADH isozyme: ADH3 (γ2 isozyme, forming three dimers designated γ 2 1 , γ1 γ2, and γ 2 2 in heterozygous individuals).  相似文献   

The effect of several anaesthetic agents on the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) was investigated. Pentobarbitone sodium at a dose of 50 mg/kg sedated the animals but did not produce analgesia or anaesthesia. A combination of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine at 40 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg, respectively, sedated the animals, but anaesthetic levels were not attained. Halothane was most effective in producing anaesthesia in Monodelphis domestica. Hypothermia was a major side effect with all three anaesthetic regimes.  相似文献   

1. The protein composition and concentrations of total protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma of opossum (Monodelphis domestica) from birth until adulthood have been estimated. 2. Total protein in CSF increased from birth to a peak concentration between 5 and 10 days (500 mg/100 ml) after which it declined rapidly. 3. Total protein in plasma started at a low level at birth (below 400 mg/100 ml) and increased progressively to the adult value (8500 mg/100 ml). 4. Proteins identified in CSF and plasma were: albumin, alpha 1 antitrypsin, transferrin, alpha 2 macroglobulin, lipoproteins and immunoglobulin G. A fetal protein, probably alpha-fetoprotein, has been identified. 5. The only plasma proteins found within the brain, even in the very immature newborn of this species, appeared to have an intracellular rather than an extracellular distribution. This indicates that the blood-brain barrier is present very early in development and that there is also a CSF-brain barrier that appears to exclude CSF protein from brain extracellular space.  相似文献   

Twenty‐six polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from (AC)n and (AG)n microsatellite‐enhanced genomic libraries of the gray, short‐tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica. All 26 loci showed high allelic diversity, with allele numbers ranging from five to 11 in a subset of 35 animals. Normal Mendelian inheritance was confirmed for 24 loci by analysing allelic segregation in 10, two‐generation, families. Non‐amplifying (null) alleles were detected at two loci, which we recommend be used only if pedigree data are available. We conclude that all of these microsatellite markers would be useful for quantitative trait locus mapping and population genetic studies.  相似文献   

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