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Actin is an abundant protein in most nonmuscle cells. It has often been observed in isolated nuclei, yet cytoplasmic contamination was of course initially regarded as the most plausible origin. Numerous studies on nuclear actin appeared in the 1970s and 1980s, but the picture remained rather muddy. The viewpoint at that time was that actin-shown to move freely between cytoplasm and nucleus-was a mere "thermodynamic wanderer," transiently occupying the nucleus. More recently, evidence has been mounting that actin's presence in the nucleus is not simply governed by the laws of diffusion. The same holds true for the finding of various actin-related proteins in the nucleus, and the case for nuclear myosin, specifically myosin I, is now quite convincing. Moreover, the first intimations of functional roles of nuclear actin are now emerging. Here we examine the overall subject from cell biological and chemical perspectives. The major issue is no longer the presence of actin in the nucleus but rather its supramolecular organization, intranuclear locations, and, of course, functions. These issues interface with recent findings that reveal a surprisingly diverse repertoire of actin conformations and oligomer and polymer forms beyond monomeric G-actin and polymeric F-actin. We present ideas for advancing the nuclear actin field and call for a renewed attack on this major problem in cell biology.  相似文献   

Papers on sexual selection often highlight the incredible diversity of sexually selected traits across animals. Yet, few studies have tried to explain why this diversity evolved. Animals use many different types of traits to attract mates and outcompete rivals, including colours, songs, and horns, but it remains unclear why, for example, some taxa have songs, others have colours, and others horns. Here, we first conduct a systematic survey of the basic diversity and distribution of different types of sexually selected signals and weapons across the animal Tree of Life. Based on this survey, we describe seven major patterns in trait diversity and distributions. We then discuss 10 unanswered questions raised by these patterns, and how they might be addressed. One major pattern is that most types of sexually selected signals and weapons are apparently absent from most animal phyla (88%), in contrast to the conventional wisdom that a diversity of sexually selected traits is present across animals. Furthermore, most trait diversity is clustered in Arthropoda and Chordata, but only within certain clades. Within these clades, many different types of traits have evolved, and many types appear to have evolved repeatedly. By contrast, other major arthropod and chordate clades appear to lack all or most trait types, and similar patterns are repeated at smaller phylogenetic scales (e.g. within insects). Although most research on sexual selection focuses on female choice, we find similar numbers of traits (among sampled species) are involved in male contests (44%) and female choice (55%). Overall, these patterns are largely unexplained and unexplored, as are many other fundamental questions about the evolution of these traits. We suggest that understanding the diversity of sexually selected traits may require a shift towards macroevolutionary studies at relatively deep timescales (e.g. tens to hundreds of millions of years ago).  相似文献   

Is individual-based modelling really a new approach in ecology? A large part of the uncertainty surrounding this question is a consequence of imprecisely delimited boundaries between classical and individual-based modelling. Genuine 'individual-based' models describe a population made up of individuals that may differ from one another; they also describe changes in numbers of individuals rather than in the population density, and take resource dynamics explicitly into account. Individual-based models that fulfil these criteria will not characterize ecological systems as 'stable' systems in their ideal form, with equilibrium states represented by points in the phase space.  相似文献   

Age‐related patterns of survival and reproduction have been explained by accumulated experience (‘experience hypothesis’), increased effort (‘effort hypothesis’), and intrinsic differences in phenotypes (‘selection hypothesis’). We examined the experience and effort hypotheses using a 40‐year data set in a population of Leach's storm‐petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa, long‐lived seabirds for which the effect of phenotypic variation has been previously demonstrated. Age was quantified by time since recruitment (‘breeding age’). The best model of adult survival included a positive effect of breeding age (1, 2, 3+ years), sex (male > female), and year. Among‐individuals variation (fixed heterogeneity) accounted for 31.6% of the variance in annual reproductive success. We further examined within‐individual patterns in reproductive success (dynamic heterogeneity) in the subset of individuals with at least five breeding attempts. Three distinct phases characterized reproductive success – early increase, long asymptotic peak, late decline. No effect of early reproductive output on longevity was found, however, early success was positively correlated with lifetime reproductive success. Reproductive success was lower earlier than later in life. Among the few natally philopatric individuals in the population, age of first breeding had no effect on longevity, lifetime reproductive success, or early reproductive success. No support for the effort hypothesis was found in this population. Instead, age‐specific patterns of survival and reproduction in these birds are best explained by the experience hypothesis over and above the effect of intrinsic differences among individuals.  相似文献   

There is concern that food insecurity will increase in southern Africa due to climate change. We quantified the response of maize yield to projected climate change and to three key management options – planting date, fertilizer use and cultivar choice – using the crop simulation model, agricultural production systems simulator (APSIM), at two contrasting sites in Zimbabwe. Three climate periods up to 2100 were selected to cover both near‐ and long‐term climates. Future climate data under two radiative forcing scenarios were generated from five global circulation models. The temperature is projected to increase significantly in Zimbabwe by 2100 with no significant change in mean annual total rainfall. When planting before mid‐December with a high fertilizer rate, the simulated average grain yield for all three maize cultivars declined by 13% for the periods 2010–2039 and 2040–2069 and by 20% for 2070–2099 compared with the baseline climate, under low radiative forcing. Larger declines in yield of up to 32% were predicted for 2070–2099 with high radiative forcing. Despite differences in annual rainfall, similar trends in yield changes were observed for the two sites studied, Hwedza and Makoni. The yield response to delay in planting was nonlinear. Fertilizer increased yield significantly under both baseline and future climates. The response of maize to mineral nitrogen decreased with progressing climate change, implying a decrease in the optimal fertilizer rate in the future. Our results suggest that in the near future, improved crop and soil fertility management will remain important for enhanced maize yield. Towards the end of the 21st century, however, none of the farm management options tested in the study can avoid large yield losses in southern Africa due to climate change. There is a need to transform the current cropping systems of southern Africa to offset the negative impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Green or red: what stops the traffic in the tetrapyrrole pathway?   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Regulation of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis is crucial to plant metabolism. The two pivotal control points are formation of the initial precursor, 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA), and the metal-ion insertion step: chelation of Fe(2+) into protoporphyrin IX leads to haem and phytochromobilin, whereas insertion of Mg(2+) is the first step to chlorophyll. Recent studies with mutants and transgenic plants have demonstrated that perturbation of the branch point affects ALA formation. Moreover, one of the signals that controls the expression of genes for nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins has been shown to be Mg-protoporphyrin-IX. Here, we discuss the regulation of branch-point flux and the relative contributions of the haem and chlorophyll branches to the regulation of ALA synthesis and thus to flow through the tetrapyrrole pathway.  相似文献   

Insufficient folic acid intake in the Netherlands: what about the future?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: In 1993 all women of childbearing age in the Netherlands were advised to take a daily 0.5 mg folic acid pill to reduce the risk for neural tube defects. This study describes both recent and past awareness and use of folic acid supplements in relation to socio-economic status in the Northern Netherlands. The consequences of a recent report of the Dutch Health Council report will be discussed as well. METHODS: In the most recent cross-sectional study (November 2000), pregnant women filled out a questionnaire. Out of 473 women, 461 were willing to cooperate. The highest fulfilled level of education was taken as an indicator for socio-economic status. RESULTS: Seventy-seven percent (n = 357) of the respondents had heard about folic acid before being pregnant. Sixty-three percent (n = 289) knew about the protective effect for NTDs and 33% (n = 151) knew the entire advised period. Sixty-one percent (n = 265) of the respondents used folic acid in some part of the advised period and 36% (n = 164) used it in the entire advised period. Higher educated women knew more about folic acid and used it significantly more often in the periconceptional period than lower educated women. CONCLUSIONS: Because compliance to proper use of folic acid was poor, food fortification in the Netherlands must be seriously considered. The Dutch Health Council wants to limit the fortification of food products to those products that are especially aimed for women who wish to become pregnant. The fortification of specific products instead of staple foods is a missed chance to reduce NTDs and possibly other birth defects and cardiovascular defects as well.  相似文献   

Data concerning the presence in the central nervous system of the anterior and intermediate lobe hormones ACTH, beta-lipotropin, alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone, beta-endorphin, prolactin, growth hormone, gonadotrophic hormone, and thyrotropin stimulating hormone are reviewed. Available evidence for the ACTH-lipotropin family of peptides indicates that synthesis can occur in brain as well as in pituitary. Although behavioral effects have been described for some of these peptides and their fragments (ACTH, alpha-MSH, beta-endorphin, prolactin), the physiological relevance and the mechanisms of such effects, the nature of the biosynthetic pathways involved, and the factors regulating the brain concentrations of these peptides remain to be explored.  相似文献   

Controlling gene expression is one of the most fundamental task of living organisms, from prokaryotes to higher eukaryotes, in order to develop, grow, and reproduce in an ever changing environment. In many cases, the expression status of a given gene is controlled independently of that of its neighbours through localised cis DNA elements responsible for the recruitment of specific factors and enzymatic activities. However, in a growing number of cases, genomic regions including several genes have been shown to be regulated in a coordinated manner. X-chromosome inactivation, the dosage compensation mechanism encountered in mammals, is one of the most Striking example of such coordinated gene regulation. This process, which occurs at the chromosome-wide level, affecting many hundreds of genes, is under the control of a unique, cis acting region, termed the X-inactivation centre, whose complexity is just beginning to be unravelled.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation: what does the subsurface have in store?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Throughout the world, organic and inorganic substances leach intothe subsurface as a result of human activities and accidents. There, the chemicals pose director indirect threats to the environment and to increasingly scarce drinking water resources.At many contaminated sites the subsurface is able to attenuate pollutants which, potentially,lowers the costs of remediation. Natural attenuation comprises a wide range of processesof which the microbiological component, which is responsible for intrinsic bioremediation,can decrease the mass and toxicity of the contaminants and is, therefore, the mostimportant. Reliance on intrinsic bioremediation requires methods to monitor the process. Thesubject of this review is how knowledge of subsurface geology and hydrology, microbial ecologyand degradation processes is used and can be used to monitor the potential andcapacity for intrinsic bioremediation in the subsurface and to verify degradation in situ.As research on natural attenuation in the subsurface has been rather fragmented and limitedand often allows only conclusions to be drawn of the site under investigation, we providea concept based on Environmental Specimen Banking which will contribute to furtherunderstanding subsurface natural attenuation processes and will help to develop andimplement new monitoring techniques.  相似文献   

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