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Previously, we isolated and characterized unique liposomal-like, cholesterol-rich lipid particles that accumulate in human atherosclerotic lesions. Human plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) has a molar ratio of total cholesterol to phospholipid (3:1) similar to that of this lesion cholesterol-rich lipid particle. However, LDL is enriched in cholesteryl ester while the lesion lipid particle is enriched in unesterified cholesterol. To examine a possible precursor-product relationship between LDL and the lesion lipid particle, we hydrolyzed the cholesteryl ester core of LDL with cholesterol esterase. Cholesteryl ester hydrolysis occurred only after LDL was treated with trypsin. Trypsin pretreatment was not required for cholesteryl ester hydrolysis of LDL oxidized with copper, a treatment that also degrades apolipoprotein B, the major protein moiety in LDL. In contrast to greater than 90% hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester in trypsin-cholesterol esterase-treated or copper-oxidized LDL, there was only 18% hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester in similarly treated high density lipoprotein. With a limited 10-min hydrolysis of LDL cholesteryl ester, LDL-sized particles and newly formed larger flattened films or discs were present. With complete hydrolysis of LDL cholesteryl ester, LDL particles converted to complex multilamellar, liposomal-like, structures with sizes approximately five times larger than native LDL. These liposomal-like particles derived from LDL were chemically and structurally similar to unesterified cholesterol-rich lipid particles that accumulate in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Fluorescent cholesteryl esters with chromophores placed either on the acyl chain (cholesteryl-cis-parinarate), the sterol ring system (5,7,9-cholesteryl oleate), or the side chain (naphthylcholenamide oleate) have been incorporated into the core of low density lipoprotein. The temperature dependence of several fluorescence parameters has been evaluated. An analysis of the fluorescence lifetime components of cholesteryl-cis-parinarate reveals coexisting environments whose proportion varies and reflects the thermotropic reorganization of the core of the particle. An analysis of the motion by dynamic depolarization suggests that the motions of the acyl chains in the core of the particle are highly restricted.  相似文献   

Dietary phenolic compounds, ubiquitous in vegetables and fruits and their juices possess antioxidant activity that may have beneficial effects on human health. The phenolic composition of six commercial apple juices, and of the peel (RP), flesh (RF) and whole fresh Red Delicious apples (RW), was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and total phenols were determined by the Folin-Ciocalteau method. HPLC analysis identified and quantified several classes of phenolic compounds: cinnamates, anthocyanins, flavan-3-ols and flavonols. Phloridzin and hydroxy methyl furfural were also identified. The profile of phenolic compounds varied among the juices. The range of concentrations as a percentage of total phenolic concentration was: hydroxy methyl furfural, 4-30%; phloridzin, 22-36%; cinnamates, 25-36%; anthocyanins, n.d.; flavan-3-ols, 8-27%; flavonols, 2-10%. The phenolic profile of the Red Delicious apple extracts differed from those of the juices. The range of concentrations of phenolic classes in fresh apple extracts was: hydroxy methyl furfural, n.d.; phloridzin, 11-17%; cinnamates, 3-27%; anthocyanins, n.d.-42%; flavan-3-ols, 31-54%; flavonols, 1-10%. The ability of compounds in apple juices and extracts from fresh apple to protect LDL was assessed using an in vitro copper catalyzed human LDL oxidation system. The extent of LDL oxidation was determined as hexanal production using static headspace gas chromatography. The apple juices and extracts, tested at 5 microM gallic acid equivalents (GAE), all inhibited LDL oxidation. The inhibition by the juices ranged from 9 to 34%, and inhibition by RF, RW and RP was 21, 34 and 38%, respectively. Regression analyses revealed no significant correlation between antioxidant activity and either total phenolic concentration or any specific class of phenolics. Although the specific components in the apple juices and extracts that contributed to antioxidant activity have yet to be identified, this study found that both fresh apple and commercial apple juices inhibited copper-catalyzed LDL oxidation. The in vitro antioxidant activity of apples support the inclusion of this fruit and its juice in a healthy human diet.  相似文献   

Using monoclonal antibodies against apolipoprotein B (apoB) we studied changes in apoB immunoreactivity during copper ion-mediated oxidation of human low density lipoprotein (LDL). The radioimmunoassay experiments demonstrated the decrease of immunoreactivity of three different epitopes of apoB located in different parts of the protein; at the same time the immunoreactivity of another epitope, previously mapped to the C-terminal 20 amino acids of apoB increased markedly during the first 6 h of LDL oxidation and diminished gradually upon prolonged incubation with copper ions. The fate of LDL during oxidation was also monitored using electrophoretic techniques combined with immunodetection. These experiments showed a rapid fragmentation and disappearance of immunoreactive apoB. They also indicated that the diminishing LDL immunoreactivity detectable during oxidation is associated with apoB fragments still attached to the lipid core. The changes in apoB immunoreactivity during Cu2+ treatment of LDL are similar to those observed upon LDL aging. Therefore, it appears that the enhancement of immunoreactivity of the C-terminus of apoB is a general phenomenon associated with various kinds of oxidative modifications of LDL.  相似文献   

Tetravalent vanadium mediated oxidation of low density lipoprotein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Tetravalent vanadium causes oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) as manifest by protein degradation and lipid peroxidation. 2. Oxidative modification of the apolipoprotein B-100 is paralleled by the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance and fluorescent chromolipid production. 3. The metal chelators ethylenediamine tetracetic acid and desferrioxamine, and the alcohols, ethanol and isopropanol inhibit the oxidation of LDL by tetravalent vanadium. No inhibition is observed with superoxide dismutase, catalase or mannitol. 4. The data suggest that aldehydes formed during the process of lipid peroxidation induced by tetravalent vanadium react with the proteins in LDL to form fluorescent chromolipids and that the oxidative process originates within the hydrophobic domain of LDL.  相似文献   

A method for monitoring low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation by low-level chemiluminescence (LL-CL) is described in this study. The kinetic indices obtained with this procedure, in particular lag-time and K value (related to prooxidant activity of Cu2+ bound to LDL) are compared with those of the established UV-absorbing conjugated diene assay. The correlation of lag-time values obtained by LL-CL and conjugated diene assay was very high both in the case of Cu2+- and peroxyl-radical-mediated oxidation (r = 0.99). By using the transient free radical scavenging activity of butylated hydroxytoluene, a calibration of LL-CL for lipid peroxyl radical and termination rate was obtained. The spectral analysis of LL-CL from oxidizing LDL shows a maximum peak between 420 and 500 nm, corresponding to the emission of triplet carbonyl compounds. LL-CL allows continuous and direct monitoring of LDL oxidation as extraction and derivatization of lipid peroxidation products are not required. Moreover, some limitations of UV spectroscopy such as by absorbing compounds need not be considered. Therefore, the present procedure represents a simple and convenient tool for continuous monitoring of LDL oxidation which may be applied to mechanistic and clinical studies.  相似文献   

Macrophage activation is associated with the production and release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are capable of mediating oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). In the present study we questioned whether cellular capacity to oxidize LDL increases during in vivo monocyte/macrophage maturation. We developed a novel model for macrophage maturation in vivo using mouse peritoneal macrophages (MPMs) harvested at increasing intervals after intraperitoneal thioglycollate injection. Macrophage maturation was evidenced by a progressive increase in cellular size, density, granulation, and expression of cell surface markers CD11b and CD36, and by a gradual decrement in myeloperoxidase activity. Cellular capacity to stimulate copper ion-mediated oxidation of LDL increased gradually by up to 2-fold during in vivo macrophage maturation in Balb/C mice, similar to the pattern observed during 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced in vitro differentiation of the PLB-985 cell line. These effects were attributed to a gradual increase in production of ROS by up to 9-fold. The mechanism for the increase in cellular oxidative stress during macrophage maturation could be related, at least in part, to NADPH oxidase activation, as demonstrated by a gradual increase over time in p47phox expression (mRNA and protein) and in its translocation to the plasma membrane. In conclusion, in vivo monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation is associated with increased cell capacity to oxidize LDL, which may represent a protective mechanism for rapid removal of atherogenic LDL from extracellular spaces in the arterial wall.  相似文献   

Murine and human macrophages rapidly decreased the level of cholesteryl ester hydroperoxides in low density lipoprotein (LDL) when cultured in media non-permissive for LDL oxidation. This process was proportional to cell number but could not be attributed to the net lipoprotein uptake. Macrophage-mediated loss of lipid hydroperoxides in LDL appears to be metal ion-independent. Degradation of cholesteryl linoleate hydroperoxides was accompanied by accumulation of the corresponding hydroxide as the major product and cholesteryl keto-octadecadienoate as a minor product, although taken together these products could not completely account for the hydroperoxide consumption. Cell-conditioned medium possessed a similar capacity to remove lipid hydroperoxides as seen with cellular monolayers, suggesting that the activity is not an integral component of the cell but is secreted from it. The activity of cell-conditioned medium to lower the level of LDL lipid hydroperoxides is associated with its high molecular weight fraction and is modulated by the availability of free thiol groups. Cell-mediated loss of LDL cholesteryl ester hydroperoxides is facilitated by the presence of alpha-tocopherol in the lipoprotein. Together with our earlier reports on the ability of macrophages to remove peroxides rapidly from oxidized amino acids, peptides, and proteins as well as to clear selectively cholesterol 7-beta-hydroperoxide, results presented in this paper provide evidence of a potential protective activity of the cell against further LDL oxidation by removing reactive peroxide groups in the lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The effect of lipid transfer proteins on the exchange and transfer of cholesteryl esters from rat plasma HDL2 to human very low (VLDL) and low density (LDL) lipoprotein populations was studied. The use of a combination of radiochemical and chemical methods allowed separate assessment of [3H]cholesteryl ester exchange and of cholesteryl ester transfer. VLDL-I was the preferred acceptor for transferred cholesteryl esters, followed by VLDL-II and VLDL-III. LDL did not acquire cholesteryl esters. The contribution of exchange of [3H]cholesteryl esters to total transfer was highest for LDL and decreased in reverse order along the VLDL density range. Inactivation of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) and heating the HDL2 for 60 min at 56 degrees C accelerated transfer and exchange of [3H]cholesteryl esters. Addition of lipid transfer proteins increased cholesterol esterification in all systems. The data demonstrate that large-sized, triglyceride-rich VLDL particles are preferred acceptors for transferred cholesteryl esters. It is suggested that enrichment of very low density lipoproteins with cholesteryl esters reflects the triglyceride content of the particles.  相似文献   

Human low density lipoprotein (LDL), radiolabeled in the cholesteryl ester moiety, was injected into estrogen-treated and -untreated rats. The hepatic and extrahepatic distribution and biliary secretion of [3H]cholesteryl esters were determined at various times after injection. In order to follow the intrahepatic metabolism of the cholesteryl esters of LDL in vivo, the liver was subfractioned into parenchymal and Kupffer cells by a low temperature cell isolation procedure. In control rats, the LDL cholesteryl esters were mainly taken up by the Kupffer cells. After uptake, the [3H]cholesteryl esters are rapidly hydrolyzed, followed by release of [3H]cholesterol from the cells to other sites in the body. Up to 24 h after injection of LDL, only 9% of the radioactivity appeared in the bile, whereas after 72 h, this value was 30%. Hepatic and especially the parenchymal cell uptake of [3H]cholesteryl esters from LDL was strongly increased upon 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol treatment (3 days, 5 mg/kg). After rapid hydrolysis of the esters, [3H]cholesterol was both secreted into bile (28% of the injected dose in the first 24 h) as well as stored inside the cells as re-esterified cholesterol ester. It is concluded that uptake of human LDL by the liver in untreated rats is not efficiently coupled to biliary secretion of cholesterol (derivatives), which might be due to the anatomical localization of the principal uptake site, the Kupffer cells. In contrast, uptake of LDL cholesterol ester by liver hepatocytes is tightly coupled to bile excretion. The Kupffer cell uptake of LDL might be necessary in order to convert LDL cholesterol (esters) into a less toxic form. This activity can be functional in animals with low receptor activity on hepatocytes, as observed in untreated rats, or after diet-induced down-regulation of hepatocyte LDL receptors in other animals.  相似文献   

Tanshinone II-A inhibits low density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tanshinone II-A (TSII-A) is a major component of Salvia miltorrhiza Bunge which has long been used for preventing and ameliorating anginal pain in China. However the effect of TSII-A on low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation has not been studied. The present study was performed to investigate the effects of TSII-A on LDL oxidation using four oxidizing systems, including copper-, peroxyl radical- and peroxynitriteinitiated and macrophage-mediated LDL oxidation. LDL oxidation was measured in terms of formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), relative electrophoretic mobility (REM) on agarose gel and lag time. In all four systems, TSII-A has apparent antioxidative effects against LDL oxidation, as evidenced by its dose-dependent inhibition of TBARS formation, prolongation of lag time and suppression of increased REM.

Regarding the mechanism underlying its antioxidative effect, TSII-A neither scavenged superoxide nor peroxynitrite. It also did not chelate copper. But it has mild peroxyl radical scavenging activity. The direct binding to LDL particles and conformational change of LDL structure by TSII-A were suggested, because it increased negative charge of LDL which was shown by increased REM on agarose gel. In conclusion, TSII-A is an effective antioxidant against LDL oxidation in vitro. The underlying mechanism appears to be related to its peroxyl radical scavenging and LDL binding activity.  相似文献   

Tanshinone II-A (TSII-A) is a major component of Salvia miltorrhiza Bunge which has long been used for preventing and ameliorating anginal pain in China. However the effect of TSII-A on low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation has not been studied. The present study was performed to investigate the effects of TSII-A on LDL oxidation using four oxidizing systems, including copper-, peroxyl radical- and peroxynitriteinitiated and macrophage-mediated LDL oxidation. LDL oxidation was measured in terms of formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), relative electrophoretic mobility (REM) on agarose gel and lag time. In all four systems, TSII-A has apparent antioxidative effects against LDL oxidation, as evidenced by its dose-dependent inhibition of TBARS formation, prolongation of lag time and suppression of increased REM.

Regarding the mechanism underlying its antioxidative effect, TSII-A neither scavenged superoxide nor peroxynitrite. It also did not chelate copper. But it has mild peroxyl radical scavenging activity. The direct binding to LDL particles and conformational change of LDL structure by TSII-A were suggested, because it increased negative charge of LDL which was shown by increased REM on agarose gel. In conclusion, TSII-A is an effective antioxidant against LDL oxidation in vitro. The underlying mechanism appears to be related to its peroxyl radical scavenging and LDL binding activity.  相似文献   

The formation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) from very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) was studied after injecting 14C-radiomethylated or 125I-radioiodinated VLDL into rats. VLDL and LDL B apoprotein specific radioactivity time curves were obtained after tetramethylurea extraction of the lipoproteins. In all experiments, the specific activity of LDL B apoprotein did not intercept the VLDL curve at maximal heights, suggesting that not all LDL B apoprotein is derived from VLDL B apoprotein. Further subfractionation of LDL into the Sf 12-20, 5-12, and 0-5 ranges showed that most (65%) LDL B apoprotein was present in the Sf 0-5 fraction and that only a small proportion (6-15%) of this fraction was derived from VLDL. However, the curves obtained for the Sf 12-20 and 5-12 subfractions were consistent with a precursor-product relationship in which all of these fractions were derived entirely from VLDL catabolism. These results contrasted strikingly with similar data obtained for normal humans in which all LDL is derived from VLDL. In the rat, it appears that most of the B apoprotein in the Sf 0-5 range, which contains 65% of the total LDL B apoprotein, enters the plasma independently of VLDL secretion.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. LDL was incubated in the presence of 1 μ M CuSO4 for 18 hr at 37°C. The content of lipoperoxides was found to be approx. 40 nmol MDA equivalents/mg LDL protein. The addition of 50 μM phosphatidylserine (PS) reduced the content of lipoperoxides to 15% of control values.
  • 2.2. The electrophoretic mobility observed for LDL oxidized in the presence of PS approximated the mobility observed for native LDL.
  • 3.3. The formation of conjugated dienes was strongly inhibited when LDL was oxidized in the presence of PS.
  • 4.4. The addition of 50 μM phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin did not alter the extent of LDL oxidation.
  • 5.5. PS did not inhibit the oxidation of LDL mediated by J774 macrophages in the presence of Ham's F-10 culture medium. Under these conditions, PS was found to be an excellent substrate for oxidation.

Cholesteryl ester-loaded macrophages, or foam cells, are a prominent feature of atherosclerotic lesions. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-mediated endocytosis of native LDL is a relatively poor inducer of macrophage cholesteryl ester accumulation. However, the data herein show that in the presence of a very small amount of sphingomyelinase, LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis of 125I-LDL was enhanced and led to a 2-6-fold increase in 125I-LDL degradation and up to a 10-fold increase in cholesteryl ester accumulation in macrophages. The enhanced lipoprotein uptake and cholesterol esterification was seen after only approximately 12% hydrolysis of LDL phospholipids, was specific for sphingomyelin hydrolysis, and appeared to be related to the formation of fused or aggregated spherical particles up to 100 nm in diameter. Sphingomyelinase-treated LDL was bound by the macrophage LDL receptor. However, when unlabeled acetyl-LDL, a scavenger receptor ligand, was present during or after sphingomyelinase treatment of 125I-LDL, 125I-LDL binding and degradation were enhanced further through the formation of LDL-acetyl-LDL mixed aggregates. Experiments with cytochalasin D suggested that endocytosis, not phagocytosis, was involved in internalization of sphingomyelinase-treated LDL. Nonetheless, the sphingomyelinase effect on LDL uptake was macrophage-specific. These data illustrate that LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis of fused LDL particles can lead to foam cell formation in cultured macrophages. Furthermore, since both LDL and sphingomyelinase are present in atherosclerotic lesions and since some lesion LDL probably is fused or aggregated, there is a possibility that sphingomyelinase-treated LDL is a physiologically important atherogenic lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Effect of dipicolinic acid (pyridine 2,6-dicarboxylic acid) and pyridine compounds on the copper-dependent oxidation of human low density lipoprotein was analyzed in relation to the inhibition of copper reduction. Dipicolinic acid inhibited copper-dependent LDL oxidation completely, but the LDL oxidation was slightly inhibited by pyridine compounds with one carboxyl group at 2 or 6-position. Reduction of copper by LDL itself and ascorbate was inhibited completely by dipicolinic acid, but only partially by picolinic acid, quinolinic acid and isocinchomeronic acid with 2- or 6-carboxylic group. Pyridine compounds without 2- or 6-carboxyl group did not show any inhibitory effect on the LDL oxidation and the copper reduction. Protective effect of dipicolinic acid on the LDL oxidation was closely correlated with the copper-reducing activity. Dipicolinic acid shows an antioxidant action by the formation of a chelation complex with copper. This may have implications in understanding mechanisms of preventing LDL oxidation during the early phase of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG) appear to contribute to retention of low density lipoproteins (LDL) in atherosclerotic lesions. In vitro, CSPG and glycosaminoglycans (GAG) modify LDL structure and increase its uptake by macrophages. This latter effect appears related to increased exposure of arginine- and lysine-rich segments of apoB-100. We explored whether alterations of LDL induced by human arterial CSPG and purified GAG alter the lipoprotein susceptibility to transition metals-catalyzed oxidation. Human LDL was complexed with human arterial CSPG and dissociated by raising the ionic strength. The nonaggregated, CSPG- and GAG-treated LDL was subjected to oxidation by micromolar amounts of Cu+, Cu2+, Fe2+, and Fe3+. This treatment increased LDL susceptibility to Cu2+ oxidation 3- to 5-times, as indicated by the degradation rate of phospholipids and cholesteryl esters and formation rates of dienes and thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS). Also, human macrophages degraded the CSPG-treated, Cu2+-oxidized LDL 3- to 6-times faster than native LDL similarly treated. No enhancement of oxidation was observed with Fe2+, Fe3+, and Cu+. Quenching of the LDL intrinsic fluorescence by Cu2+ showed that heparin, CSPG, and chondroitin-6-SO4 pretreatment increased the access of Cu2+ to hydrophobic chromophores, probably tryptophan, 6- to 7-, 3- to 4-, and 2- to 3-fold, respectively. Also, the affinity constant (Ka) of LDL for Cu2+ was increased from 0.12 microM to 0.20 microM by the treatment with CSPG and GAG. These results and evaluation of the fraction of surface-accessible LDL chromophores to acrylamide quenching suggest that the increased susceptibility to oxidation may be associated with an increase in the access of Cu2+ to hydrophobic regions in LDL caused by treatment with CSPG and GAG. This effect was not detected with Cu+, Fe2+, or Fe3+. The phenomenon may contribute to acceleration of the oxidative modifications of LDL in cell culture models and in vivo.  相似文献   

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