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近期在缅甸北部进行野外植物考察中,发现了一种菌类寄生植物,疏花无叶莲(Petrosavia sakurai),是缅甸被子植物一新记录科和新记录目——无叶莲科和无叶莲目。对其进行了详细的报导,并提供特征描述等数据。疏花无叶莲主要特征为茎上的鳞片状叶较疏离且彼此相距1~2 cm、总状花序、花苞片稍短于花梗、花被约1/3贴生于子房上。  相似文献   

在近期缅甸北部的植物考察中,一种菌类寄生植物矮生喜荫草(Sciaphila nana Blume)被发现和确认。矮生喜荫草代表缅甸被子植物一新记录科,霉草科植物。矮生喜荫草主要特征为花单性同株、雄花内轮花被片顶端具有柄的门把状物、花被片6、3个雄蕊、花药4室。  相似文献   

宁夏被子植物分布新资料   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道了宁夏植物分布的3个新记录种--黑三棱、骆驼刺、婆婆针和1个新记录亚种--柳穿鱼.  相似文献   

CRANE  P. R.; PLINT  G. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(1):107-112
Calcified angiosperm hydrophyte roots, Lacunoradix headonensisgen. et sp.nov., are described from the Upper Eocene, LowerHeadon Beds of Hordle Cliff, Hampshire. These are the firststructurally preserved angiosperm roots to be found in positionof growth in the British Tertiary. The botanical and geologicalevidence indicates that they grew in a shallow freshwater lake. Lacunoradix headonensis, angiosperm, anatomy, palaeobotany, calcified roots, Upper Eocene  相似文献   

Two fossil reproductive organs of early angiosperms were collected from the Yanji Basin, Jilin Province of China. The assemblage of fossil plants consist mainly of pteridophytes, gymnosperms and a few angiospoermms. The present paper only reports the two reproductive organs of angiosperms. They are Archimagnolia rostrato-stylosa gen.et sp. nov., Eucommioites orientalis sp.nov. The first is a slightly elongated floral axis(receptacle), with about 20 carpels helically arranged. The carpels are free from each other and attenuated into a beak-like structure at the apex, with the base inserted into the receptacle. A comparison with living plants indicated its close relationship with some members of the Magnoliaceae. The second is a samara, similar to a fruit of the genus Eucommia, narrow-oblong, 2-lobed at the apex with the lobes stigmatic on theinner side. The seed is situated at the middle of fruit, oblong in shape.  相似文献   

宁夏被子植物2个新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了宁夏被子植物2种新记录,即毛茛科蓝侧金盏花(Adonis coerulea Maxim.)和龙胆科喉毛花[Comastoma pulmonarium (Turcz.) Joyokuni].  相似文献   

基于第四次全国中药资源普查,在西藏自治区巴青县、丁青县及察隅县的野外调查中,发现了4种新记录种:草甸黄堇(Corydalis prattii Franch.)、纤细羽衣草(Alchemilla gracilis Opiz.)、长果茶藨子(Ribes stenocarpum Maxim.)、金阳美登木(Maytenus jinyangensis C. Y. Chang)。凭证标本均保存于西藏高原生态研究所植物标本室(XZE)。  相似文献   

旦增  张丽  罗建 《西北植物学报》2019,39(8):1509-1512
首次报道了西藏被子植物8个新记录种:虎耳草科(Saxifragaceae)虎耳草属(Saxifraga Linn.)的阿墩子虎耳草(Saxifraga atuntsiensis W. W. Smith)、橙黄虎耳草(Saxifraga aurantiaca Franchet),罂粟科(Papaveraceae)紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)的雅曲距紫堇(Corydalis dolichocentra Z. Y. Su & Lidén),龙胆科(Gentianaceae)龙胆属(Gentiana Linn.)的圆萼龙胆(Gentiana suborbisepala C. Marquand),报春花科(Primulaceae)点地梅属(Androsace Linn.)的小点地梅[Androsace gmelinii (Linn.) Roemer & Schultes],忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)忍冬属(Lonicera Linn.)的垫状忍冬(Lonicera oreodoxa H. Smith ex Rehder J.),毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)毛茛属(Ranunculus Linn.)的川青毛茛(Ranunculus chuanchingensis L. Liou),玄参科(Scrophulariaceae)马先蒿属(Pedicularis Linn.)鹬形马先蒿(Pedicularis scolopax Maximowicz)。并提供其形态描述和照片,凭证标本保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(XZE)。  相似文献   

报道了陕西省种子植物分布的1新记录属、7新记录种.新记录属为亚麻荠属(十字花科),7个新记录种分别为梵净山菝葜(百合科)、鄂西小檗(小檗科)、堇叶碎米荠、亚麻荠(十字花科)、矮生栒子(蔷薇科)、长梗玄参(玄参科)及云雾忍冬(忍冬科).  相似文献   

报道了内蒙古1个新分布记录属:粟草属(Milium L.);2个新分布记录种:翅柄车前(Plantago komaroviiPavl.)和粟草(Milium effusum L.)。  相似文献   

FRIIS  E. M.; SKARBY  A. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):569-583
Structurally preserved angiosperm flowers are described fromthe Upper Cretaceous of southern Sweden. They are found in fluviatiledeposits dated, on palynological evidence, as Upper Santonianor Lower Campanian. The material studied includes two speciesof Scandianthus gen.nov. and one unnamed, related taxon. Thefossil flowers represent the best-preserved Cretaceous floralstructures available and the preservation permits detailed studyof organization and arrangement of parts. Comparison with flowersof extant angiosperms indicates a close relationship with membersof the Saxifragales. Scandianthus gen.nov. fossil angiosperm, Upper Cretaceous  相似文献   

An angiosperm phylogeny was reconstructed in a maximum likelihood analysis of sequences of four mitochondrial genes, atpl, matR, had5, and rps3, from 380 species that represent 376 genera and 296 families of seed plants. It is largely congruent with the phylogeny of angiosperms reconstructed from chloroplast genes atpB, matK, and rbcL, and nuclear 18S rDNA. The basalmost lineage consists of Amborella and Nymphaeales (including Hydatellaceae). Austrobaileyales follow this clade and are sister to the mesangiosperms, which include Chloranthaceae, Ceratophyllum, magnoliids, monocots, and eudicots. With the exception of Chloranthaceae being sister to Ceratophyllum, relationships among these five lineages are not well supported. In eudicots, Ranunculales, Sabiales, Proteales, Trochodendrales, Buxales, Gunnerales, Saxifragales, Vitales, Berberidopsidales, and Dilleniales form a basal grade of lines that diverged before the diversification of rosids and asterids. Within rosids, the COM (Celastrales-Oxalidales-Malpighiales) clade is sister to malvids (or rosid Ⅱ), instead of to the nitrogen-fixing clade as found in all previous large-scale molecular analyses of angiosperms. Santalales and Caryophyllales are members of an expanded asterid clade. This study shows that the mitochondrial genes are informative markers for resolving relationships among genera, families, or higher rank taxa across angiosperms. The low substitution rates and low homoplasy levels of the mitochondrial genes relative to the chloroplast genes, as found in this study, make them particularly useful for reconstructing ancient phylogenetic relationships. A mitochondrial gene-based angiosperm phylogeny provides an independent and essential reference for comparison with hypotheses of angiosperm phylogeny based on chloroplast genes, nuclear genes, and non-molecular data to reconstruct the underlying organismal phylogeny.  相似文献   

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