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A recent convergence of data indicating a relationship between cilia and proliferative diseases, such as polycystic kidney disease, has revived the long-standing enigma of the reciprocal regulatory relationship between cilia and the cell cycle. Multiple signaling pathways are localized to cilia in mammalian cells, and some proteins have been shown to act both in the cilium and in cell cycle regulation. Work from the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas is providing novel insights as to how cilia and the cell cycle are coordinately regulated.  相似文献   

How does a bacterium grow during its cell cycle?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rod-shaped bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis appear to extend continuously in length between divisions. However, the kinetics of growth of the individual cell in the steady state is still unknown. A brief, critical account of the main approaches used to determine the pattern of surface extension is given. In general, these approaches are of three types. Firstly, attempts have been made to relate average cell size to growth rate of the culture and to determine possible stages in the cell cycle at which the rate of length extension might change. Secondly, comparisons have been made between the measured length distribution of cells and theoretical distributions, based on three primary hypotheses (linear, bilinear and exponential growth). Thirdly, the principle of Collins and Richmond, involving the calculation of growth rate from the length distributions of extant, separating and new-born cells, is described. It is emphasized that there is a strong element of variation in size at different stages of the cell cycle. This variation imposes severe limitations on models which utilize only average cellular dimensions. We conclude that the Collins-Richmond principle affords the most powerful approach to the analysis of bacterial growth kinetics. However, we propose that the method be modified to permit calculation of separate rates of growth of cells between discernible events in the cell cycle, as well as simply between birth and division.  相似文献   

Successful passage through the cell cycle presents a number of structural challenges to the cell. Inceptive studies carried out in the last five years have produced clear evidence of modulations in the lipid profile (sometimes referred to as the lipidome) of eukaryotes as a function of the cell cycle. This mounting body of evidence indicates that lipids play key roles in the structural transformations seen across the cycle. The accumulation of this evidence coincides with a revolution in our understanding of how lipid composition regulates a plethora of biological processes ranging from protein activity through to cellular signalling and membrane compartmentalisation. In this review, we discuss evidence from biological, chemical and physical studies of the lipid fraction across the cell cycle that demonstrate that lipids are well-developed cellular components at the heart of the biological machinery responsible for managing progress through the cell cycle. Furthermore, we discuss the mechanisms by which this careful control is exercised.  相似文献   

Two papers in this issue show that dynein-binding proteins may regulate the G1-S transition through an effect on cilia. Nde1, a known partner of dynein light chain LC8, controls ciliary length in vitro and in zebrafish, and influences the G1-S progression. The phosphorylation of Tctex1, a dynein light chain, modulates cilia length and accelerates G1-S, thereby regulating proliferation-differentiation decisions in the developing mouse neocortex.  相似文献   

Labelling index after one or repeated intravenous injections of 3H-thymidine was measured for various subpopulations of lymphatic cells in different canine lymphoid compartments and correlated with cell morphology. High doses of tritiated thymidine were injected and exposure times of up to 211 days were used. The labelling indices of lymphoid blasts were comparable in all tissues investigated. Labelling index varied from 100% in immunoblasts to 4% in small-sized lymphocytes. Approximately 80% of immunoblasts were labelled 1 h after 3H-thymidine application and 100% labelling was obtained after 12 h repetitive 3H-thymidine labelling. In contrast with mediumsized and large lymphocytes, immunoblasts seem to be rapidly proliferating cells in the dog with almost no Go cells. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG Grant SFB 112  相似文献   

The cyclin kinase inhibitor p27kip1 acts as a potent tumor supressor protein in a variety of human cancers. Its expression levels correlate closely with the overall prognosis of the affected patient and often predict the outcome to different treatment modalities. In contrast to other tumor suppressor proteins p27 expression levels in tumor cells are frequently regulated by ubiquitin dependent proteolysis. Re-expression of p27 in cancer cells therefore does not require gene therapy but can be achieved by interfering with the protein turnover machinery. In this review we will summarize experimental results which highlight the potential use of p27 as a target for oncological therapies.  相似文献   

RB and the cell cycle: entrance or exit?   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
J A Cooper  P Whyte 《Cell》1989,58(6):1009-1011

Ran is an abundant GTPase that is highly conserved in eukaryotic cells and has been implicated in many aspects of nuclear structure and function, especially determining the directionality of nucleocytoplasmic transport during interphase. However, cell-free systems have recently shown that Ran plays distinct roles in mitotic spindle assembly and nuclear envelope (NE) formation in vitro. During spindle assembly, Ran controls the formation of complexes with importins, the same effectors that control nucleocytoplasmic transport. Here, we review these advances and discuss a general model for Ran in the coordination of nuclear processes throughout the cell division cycle via common biochemical mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ferrell JE  Tsai TY  Yang Q 《Cell》2011,144(6):874-885
Computational modeling and the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems allow one to not simply describe the events of the cell cycle, but also to understand why these events occur, just as the theory of gravitation allows one to understand why cannonballs fly in parabolic arcs. The simplest examples of the eukaryotic cell cycle operate like autonomous oscillators. Here, we present the basic theory of oscillatory biochemical circuits in the context of the Xenopus embryonic cell cycle. We examine Boolean models, delay differential equation models, and especially ordinary differential equation (ODE) models. For ODE models, we explore what it takes to get oscillations out of two simple types of circuits (negative feedback loops and coupled positive and negative feedback loops). Finally, we review the procedures of linear stability analysis, which allow one to determine whether a given ODE model and a particular set of kinetic parameters will produce oscillations.  相似文献   

The activity of nuclear phosphoinositide 3-kinase C2β (PI3K-C2β) was investigated in HL-60 cells blocked by aphidicolin at G1/S boundary and allowed to progress synchronously through the cell cycle. The activity of immunoprecipitated PI3K-C2β in the nuclei and nuclear envelopes showed peak activity at 8 h after release from the G1/S block, which correlates with G2/M phase of the cell cycle. In the nuclei and nuclear envelopes isolated from HL-60 cells at 8 h after release from G1/S block, a significant increase in the level of incorporation of radiolabeled phosphate into phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns(3)P) was observed with no change in the level of radiolabeled PtdIns(4)P, PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. On Western blots, PI3K-C2β revealed a single immunoreactive band of 180 kDa, whereas in the nuclei and nuclear envelopes isolated at 8 h after release, the gel shift of 18 kDa was observed. When nuclear envelopes were treated for 20 min with μ-calpain in vitro, the similar gel shift and increase in PI3K-C2β activity was observed which was completely inhibited by pretreatment with calpain inhibitor calpeptin. The presence of PI3K inhibitor LY 294002 completely abolished the calpain-mediated increase in the activity of PI3K-C2β but did not prevent the gel shift. When HL-60 cells were released from G1/S block in the presence of either calpeptin or LY 294002, the activation of nuclear PI3K-C2β was completely inhibited. These results demonstrate the calpain-mediated activation of the nuclear PI3K-C2β during G2/M phase of the cell cycle in HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

1. Spectrophotometric analysis of intact cells of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, harvested from exponentially growing cultures during the phase of glucose repression, revealed the presence of cytochromes a+a(3), c and at least two species of cytochrome b. 2. An absorption maximum at 554nm at 77 degrees K, previously attributed to cytochrome c(1), has been identified as a b-type cytochrome. 3. CO-difference spectra reveal the presence of cytochromes P-420 and P-450 in addition to cytochrome a(3). 4. The cell cycle was analysed by separation of cells into classes representing successive stages in the cell cycle by isopycnic zonal centrifugation. 5. Cytochromes c(548), b(554) and b(560) each exhibited a single broad maximum of synthesis during the cell cycle. 6. Amounts of cytochromes a+a(3) and b(563) (tentatively identified as cytochrome b(T) by its reaction on pulsing anaerobic cell suspensions with O(2)) oscillated in phase, and showed two maxima during the cycle; the second maximum of cytochromes a+a(3) was coincident with a maximum of activity of enzymically active cytochrome c oxidase. 7. The amount of cytochrome P-420 decreased during the first three-quarters of the cell-cycle, whereas that of cytochrome P-450 increased during this period. 8. The discrepancy between spectrophotometric and enzymic assay of cytochrome c oxidase, the changing ratio of cytochrome a(3)/cytochrome a and the relationship between changes in cellular content of cytochromes and previous observations on respiratory oscillations during the cell cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) δ is a regulator of apoptosis with both pro- and anti-apoptotic effects. The mechanistic basis for the discrepant effects is not completely understood. Here we show that Smac interacts with PKCδ. The interaction depends on the N-terminus of Smac and is disrupted upon treatment with paclitaxel. This is associated with release of Smac into the cytosol. Activation of PKCδ rescues the interaction during paclitaxel exposure and suppresses the paclitaxel-mediated cell death. However, under these conditions the complex is mainly found in the cytosol suggesting that cytosolic Smac can be bound by PKCδ when PKC is activated. The data unravel a previously unrecognized interaction and suggest that PKCδ by associating with Smac may prevent its apoptotic effects.  相似文献   

A variety of molecular, genomic and epidemiological evidence has linked cell cycle regulation to circadian rhythms. In a recent issue of Molecular Cell, Koeffler and colleagues show that PER1 sensitizes human cancer cells to ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis. In addition, PER1 expression was found to be downregulated in human tumors, suggesting a tumor suppressor role for the PER1 protein. The significance of PERs, clocks, and cell cycle control is discussed.  相似文献   

The repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombinational repair (HRR) underlies the high radioresistance and low mutability observed in S-phase mammalian cells. To evaluate the contributions of HRR and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) to overall DSB repair capacity throughout the cell cycle after γ-irradiation, we compared HRR-deficient RAD51D-knockout 51D1 to CgRAD51D-complemented 51D1 (51D1.3) CHO cells for survival and chromosomal aberrations (CAs). Asynchronous cultures were irradiated with 150 or 300 cGy and separated by cell size using centrifugal elutriation. Cell survival of each synchronous fraction (~20 fractions total from early G1 to late G2/M) was measured by colony formation. 51D1.3 cells were most resistant in S, while 51D1 cells were most resistant in early G1 (with survival and chromosome-type CA levels similar to 51D1.3) and became progressively more sensitive throughout S and G2. Both cell lines experienced significantly reduced survival from late S into G2. Metaphases were collected from every third elutriation fraction at the first post-irradiation mitosis and scored for CAs. 51D1 cells irradiated in S and G2 had ~2-fold higher chromatid-type CAs and a remarkable ~25-fold higher level of complex chromatid-type exchanges compared to 51D1.3 cells. Complex exchanges in 51D1.3 cells were only observed in G2. These results show an essential role for HRR in preventing gross chromosomal rearrangements in proliferating cells and, with our previous report of reduced survival of G2-phase NHEJ-deficient prkdc CHO cells [Hinz et al., DNA Repair 4, 782–792, 2005], imply reduced activity/efficiency of both HRR and NHEJ as cells transition from S to G2.  相似文献   

Sea urchin is a classical research model system in developmental biology; moreover, the external fertilization and growth of embryos, their rapid division cycle, their transparency and the accessibility of these embryos to molecular visualization methods, made them good specimens to analyze the regulatory mechanisms of cell division. These features as well as the phylogenetic position of sea urchin, close to vertebrates but in an outgroup within the deuterostomes, led scientists working on this model to sequence the genome of the species S. purpuratus. The genome contains a full repertoire of cell cycle control genes. A comparison of this toolkit with those from vertebrates, nematodes, drosophila, as well as tunicates, provides new insight into the evolution of cell cycle control. While some gene subtypes have undergone lineage-specific expansions in vertebrates (i.e. cyclins, mitotic kinases,...), others seem to be lost in vertebrates, for instance the novel cyclin B identified in S. purpuratus. On the other hand, some genes which were previously thought to be vertebrate innovations, are also found in sea urchins (i.e. MCM9). To note is also the absence of cell cycle inhibitors of the INK type, which are apparently confined to vertebrates. The uncovered genomic repertoire of cell-cycle regulators will thus provide molecular tools that should further enhance future research on cell cycle control and developmental regulation in this model.  相似文献   

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