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During mitosis, equal segregation of chromosomes depends on proper kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Merotelic kinetochore orientation, in which a single kinetochore binds microtubules from both spindle poles [1], is a major cause of chromosome instability [2], which is commonly observed in solid tumors [3, 4]. Using the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we show that a proper force balance between kinesin motors on interpolar spindle microtubules is critical for correcting merotelic attachments. Inhibition of the plus-end-directed spindle elongation motors kinesin-5 (Cut7) and kinesin-6 (Klp9) reduces spindle length, tension at kinetochores, and the frequency of merotelic attachments. In contrast, merotely is increased by deletion of the minus-end-directed kinesin-14 (Klp2) or overexpression of Klp9. Also, Cdk1 regulates spindle elongation forces to promote merotelic correction by phosphorylating and inhibiting Klp9. The role of spindle elongation motors in merotelic correction is conserved, because partial inhibition of the human kinesin-5 homolog Eg5 using the drug monastrol reduces spindle length and lagging chromosome frequency in both normal (RPE-1) and tumor (CaCo-2) cells. These findings reveal unexpected links between spindle forces and correction of merotelic attachments and show that pharmacological manipulation of spindle elongation forces might be used to reduce chromosome instability in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Metaphase and anaphase PtK1 cells show spindle elongation without concomitant chromosome motion when treated with culture medium containing 0.5 M sucrose. Electron microscopy has shown sucrose-induced changes in microtubule (MT) organization, changes in trilaminar kinetochore structure, and specific kinetochore-MT associations which may account for these results. In this paper we employ double-label immunofluorescence techniques using antibodies against tubulin and the kinetochore to analyze changes in spindle microtubule and kinetochore distribution produced by sucrose treatment. Cells treated from prometaphase through anaphase with 0.5 M sucrose from 10 min to 2 h showed spindle elongation and a distinct rearrangement of spindle microtubules into bundles, with a pronounced increase in length of interpolar microtubule bundles. In sucrose-treated mitotic cells kinetochores remained as antigenically distinct structures, similar to those found in untreated interphase cells. Kinetochore determinants remained positioned within a diffuse chromatin mass, but the orientation of sister kinetochores to opposite spindle poles was lost. Instead, kinetochore pairs were found in lateral association with microtubule bundles, with several pairs of determinants associated with a single bundle in many instances. Cells released from 0.5 M sucrose treatment showed a return of the spindle to a pretreatment arrangement for both the microtubules and kinetochore determinants.  相似文献   

Summary. We used an ultraviolet microbeam to cut individual kinetochore spindle fibres in metaphase crane-fly spermatocytes. We then followed the growth of the “kinetochore stubs”, the remnants of kinetochore fibres that remain attached to kinetochores. Kinetochore stubs elongate with constant velocity by adding tubulin subunits at the kinetochore, and thus elongation is related to tubulin flux in the kinetochore microtubules. Stub elongation was blocked by cytochalasin D and latrunculin A, actin inhibitors, and by butanedione monoxime, a myosin inhibitor. We conclude that actin and myosin are involved in generating elongation and thus in producing tubulin flux in kinetochore microtubules. We suggest that actin and myosin act in concert with a spindle matrix to propel kinetochore fibres poleward, thereby causing stub elongation and generating anaphase chromosome movement in nonirradiated cells. Correspondence: A. Forer, Biology Department, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pole-to-pole distance of the metaphase spindle is reasonably constant in a given cell type; in the case of vertebrate female oocytes, this steady-state length can be maintained for substantial lengths of time, during which time microtubules remain highly dynamic. Although a number of molecular perturbations have been shown to influence spindle length, a global understanding of the factors that determine metaphase spindle length has not been achieved. RESULTS: Using the Drosophila S2 cell line, we depleted or overexpressed proteins that either generate sliding forces between spindle microtubules (Kinesin-5, Kinesin-14, dynein), promote microtubule polymerization (EB1, Mast/Orbit [CLASP], Minispindles [Dis1/XMAP215/TOG]) or depolymerization (Kinesin-8, Kinesin-13), or mediate sister-chromatid cohesion (Rad21) in order to explore how these forces influence spindle length. Using high-throughput automated microscopy and semiautomated image analyses of >4000 spindles, we found a reduction in spindle size after RNAi of microtubule-polymerizing factors or overexpression of Kinesin-8, whereas longer spindles resulted from the knockdown of Rad21, Kinesin-8, or Kinesin-13. In contrast, and differing from previous reports, bipolar spindle length is relatively insensitive to increases in motor-generated sliding forces. However, an ultrasensitive monopolar-to-bipolar transition in spindle architecture was observed at a critical concentration of the Kinesin-5 sliding motor. These observations could be explained by a quantitative model that proposes a coupling between microtubule depolymerization rates and microtubule sliding forces. CONCLUSIONS: By integrating extensive RNAi with high-throughput image-processing methodology and mathematical modeling, we reach to a conclusion that metaphase spindle length is sensitive to alterations in microtubule dynamics and sister-chromatid cohesion, but robust against alterations of microtubule sliding force.  相似文献   

At the metaphase to anaphase transition, chromosome segregation is initiated by the splitting of sister chromatids. Subsequently, spindles elongate, separating the sister chromosomes into two sets. Here, we investigate the cell cycle requirements for spindle elongation in budding yeast using mutants affecting sister chromatid cohesion or DNA replication. We show that separation of sister chromatids is not sufficient for proper spindle integrity during elongation. Rather, successful spindle elongation and stability require both sister chromatid separation and anaphase-promoting complex activation. Spindle integrity during elongation is dependent on proteolysis of the securin Pds1 but not on the activity of the separase Esp1. Our data suggest that stabilization of the elongating spindle at the metaphase to anaphase transition involves Pds1-dependent targets other than Esp1.  相似文献   

By using inhibitors of elongation factor Tu (L-1-tosylamido-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone [TPCK] and kirromycin), we determined the effect of elongation factor Tu inhibition on the synthesis of individual components of the translation machinery. The rates of synthesis of individual proteins were measured in double-label experiments using a two-dimensional gel system. TPCK inhibition produce a coordinate decrease in the differential synthesis rates of all components of the translation machinery examined in these experiments. On the other hand, kirromycin inhibition increased the differential synthesis rates of some translation components and decreased the differential synthesis rates of others. These results suggest that the metabolic regulation of synthesis of various translation proteins is not mediated through a common signal.  相似文献   

The Ran pathway has been shown to have a role in spindle assembly. However, the extent of the role of the Ran pathway in mitosis in vivo is unclear. We report that perturbation of the Ran pathway disrupted multiple steps of mitosis in syncytial Drosophila embryos and uncovered new mitotic processes that are regulated by Ran. During the onset of mitosis, the Ran pathway is required for the production, organization, and targeting of centrosomally nucleated microtubules to chromosomes. However, the role of Ran is not restricted to microtubule organization, because Ran is also required for the alignment of chromosomes at the metaphase plate. In addition, the Ran pathway is required for postmetaphase events, including chromosome segregation and the assembly of the microtubule midbody. The Ran pathway mediates these mitotic events, in part, by facilitating the correct targeting of the kinase Aurora A and the kinesins KLP61F and KLP3A to spindles.  相似文献   

Different organisms employ a variety of strategies to segregate their chromosomes during mitosis. Despite these differences, however, the basic regulatory principles that govern this intricate process are evolutionarily conserved. Above all, rapid dephosphorylation of mitotic phosphoproteins upon the metaphase-to-anaphase transition has proven to be essential for proper function of the mitotic spindle and accurate chromosome segregation in all eukaryotes. Recently, a central midzone component, the microtubule crosslinker Ase1/PRC1 (anaphase spindle elongation 1/protein regulating cytokinesis 1), was uncovered as a universal target of such control mechanism. Depending on its phosphorylation status, Ase1 either restrains spindle elongation in metaphase or promotes it after anaphase onset via recruitment of kinesin motor proteins to the midzone. Here we discuss the potential role of Ase1/PRC1 as a central regulatory platform that interconnects distinct functions of the midzone such as spindle stability, spindle elongation and cytokinesis. Additionally, we provide a comparative overview of the chromosome segregation strategies used by the main model organisms.  相似文献   

The mechanism of anaphase spindle elongation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At anaphase chromosomes move to the spindle poles (anaphase A) and the spindle poles move apart (anaphase B). In vitro studies using isolated diatom spindles demonstrate that the primary mechanochemical event responsible for spindle elongation is the sliding apart of half-spindle microtubules. Further, these forces are generated within the zone of microtubule overlap in the spindle mid-zone.  相似文献   

The bipolar mitotic spindle is a highly conserved structure among eukaryotes that mediates chromosome alignment and segregation. Spindle assembly and size control are facilitated by force-generating microtubule-dependent motor proteins known as kinesins. In animals, kinesin-12 cooperates with kinesin-5 to produce outward-directed forces necessary for spindle assembly. In plants, the relevant molecular mechanisms for spindle formation are poorly defined. While an Arabidopsis thaliana kinesin-5 ortholog has been identified, the kinesin-12 ortholog in plants remains elusive. In this study, we provide experimental evidence for the function of Arabidopsis KINESIN-12E in spindle assembly. In kinesin-12e mutants, a delay in spindle assembly is accompanied by the reduction of spindle size, demonstrating that KINESIN-12E contributes to mitotic spindle architecture. Kinesin-12E localization is mitosis-stage specific, beginning with its perinuclear accumulation during prophase. Upon nuclear envelope breakdown, KINESIN-12E decorates subpopulations of microtubules in the spindle and becomes progressively enriched in the spindle midzone. Furthermore, during cytokinesis, KINESIN-12E shares its localization at the phragmoplast midzone with several functionally diversified Arabidopsis KINESIN-12 members. Changes in the kinetochore and in prophase and metaphase spindle dynamics occur in the absence of KINESIN-12E, suggest it might play an evolutionarily conserved role during spindle formation similar to its spindle-localized animal kinesin-12 orthologs.

KINESIN-12E aids in the rapid alignment of chromosomes during cell division in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The use of metabolic inhibitors indicated that ethylene-enhancement of light-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis in Sorghum vulgare is through promotion of enzyme synthesis. Ethylene treatment had no effect on the amount of cyanidin synthesized in sorghum tissue infiltrated with actinomycin D to inhibit RNA synthesis. Treatment of sorghum tissue with ethylene in the dark for 24 hr prior to light-induction of anthocyanin biosynthesis reduced the ability of cycloheximide to inhibit anthocyanin formation in the tissue. Ethylene treatment promoted the biosynthesis of two 3-deoxyanthocyanidins in sorghum for which light-induced RNA synthesis is not necessary.  相似文献   

The kinetics of spindle and chromosomes during bovine oocyte meiosis from meiosis I to meiosis III is described. The results of this study showed that (1) oocytes began to extrude the first polar body (Pb1) at the early anaphase I stage and the Pb1 totally separated from the mother cell only when oocytes reach the MII stage; (2) the morphology of the spindle changed from barrel-shaped at the metaphase stage to cylinder-shaped at early anaphase, and then to a thin, long triangle-shaped cone at late anaphase and telophase stages; (3) chromosome morphology went from an individual visible stage at metaphase to a less defined chromatin state during anaphase and telophase stages, and then back to visible individual chromosomes at the next metaphase; (4) chromatin that connected with the floor of the cone became the polar bodies and expelled, and almost all of the microtubules (MTs) and microfilaments (MFs) composing the spindles moved towards and contributed to the polar bodies; and (5) the size of the metaphase I (MI) spindle was larger than the metaphase II (MII) and metaphase III (MIII) spindles. The MII spindle, however, is more barrel-shaped than the MI spindle. This study suggests that spindle MTs and MFs during bovine oocyte meiosis are asymmetrically divided into the polar bodies.  相似文献   

Shimamoto Y  Maeda YT  Ishiwata S  Libchaber AJ  Kapoor TM 《Cell》2011,145(7):1062-1074
The microtubule-based metaphase spindle is subjected to forces that act in diverse orientations and over a wide range of timescales. Currently, we cannot explain how this dynamic structure generates and responds to forces while maintaining overall stability, as we have a poor understanding of its micromechanical properties. Here, we combine the use of force-calibrated needles, high-resolution microscopy, and biochemical perturbations to analyze the vertebrate metaphase spindle's timescale- and orientation-dependent viscoelastic properties. We find that spindle viscosity depends on microtubule crosslinking and density. Spindle elasticity can be linked to kinetochore and nonkinetochore microtubule rigidity, and also to spindle pole organization by kinesin-5 and dynein. These data suggest a quantitative model for the micromechanics of this cytoskeletal architecture and provide insight into how structural and functional stability is maintained in the face of forces, such as those that control spindle size and position, and can result from deformations associated with chromosome movement.  相似文献   

During anaphase B spindle elongation, interzonal microtubules lengthen to accomplish pole-pole separation, while at the same time remaining highly dynamic [Shelden and Wadsworth, J. Cell Sci. 97:273-281, 1990]. To further examine the role of microtubule polymerization and dynamics during spindle elongation, cells have been treated with taxol, which induces microtubule polymerization and stabilizes microtubules. Taxol was added to PtK1 cells 3 minutes after initial chromatid separation, so that the effect on anaphase B could be observed with minimal disruption to anaphase A movement. In 20 microM taxol, the rate and extent of pole-pole separation, measured from time-lapse video records, are reduced to 4% and 9.5% of controls, respectively. The organization of microtubules in taxol treated cells was examined using tubulin immunofluorescence and confocal fluorescence microscopy. Taxol induces a dramatic reorganization of interzonal microtubules resulting in a narrow gap, which is nearly completely lacking in MTs, across the center of the interzone. Furthermore, microtubules in taxol treated cells are resistant to nocodazole induced microtubule disassembly. Our results reveal that taxol rapidly inhibits anaphase B spindle elongation; inhibition is accompanied by a depletion of interdigitated interzonal microtubules and a reduction in microtubule dynamic behavior.  相似文献   

During cell division, chromosome segregation must be coordinated with cell cleavage so that cytokinesis occurs after chromosomes have been safely distributed to each spindle pole. Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) is an essential kinase that regulates spindle assembly, mitotic entry and chromosome segregation, but because of its many mitotic roles it has been difficult to specifically study its post-anaphase functions. Here we use small molecule inhibitors to block Plk1 activity at anaphase onset, and demonstrate that Plk1 controls both spindle elongation and cytokinesis. Plk1 inhibition did not affect anaphase A chromosome to pole movement, but blocked anaphase B spindle elongation. Plk1-inhibited cells failed to assemble a contractile ring and contract the cleavage furrow due to a defect in Rho and Rho-GEF localization to the division site. Our results demonstrate that Plk1 coordinates chromosome segregation with cytokinesis through its dual control of anaphase B and contractile ring assembly.  相似文献   

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