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The effects of incubation of rat anterior pituitary cells in monolayer culture with 10(-6) M colchicine have been investigated during time-intervals extending from 1 to 96 hours. Prolactin release, as measured by radioimmunoassay, was rapidly inhibited by colchicine, this inhibition being accompanied by increased cellular prolactin content for up to 24 hours of treatment and followed by decreased values of cellular prolactin concentration at later time-intervals. Immunocytochemical localization showed an increased positive reaction for prolactin up to 24 hours after colchicine treatment, whereas transmission electron microscopy demonstrated, in parallel, an increased number of intracellular prolactin secretory granules during the same interval. Longer periods of treatment (24-96 hours) resulted in the appearance of more lysosomes, autophagic vacuoles and microfilaments in the cells, whereas the number of Golgi elements was decreased. Following four hours of colchicine treatment and at later stages, microtubules could no longer be observed in the sections. Scanning electron microscopic data showed that colchicine treatment induced dramatic changes in the cell surface morphology: at short time intervals (4 and 8 hours), the number of microvilli decreased and the cell surface became folded, whereas, later, "bleb"-like protrusions of variable dimensions partially covered the cell surface and seemed to be released from it. These data show a good correlation between secretory activity of prolactin-producing cells and morphological changes induced by colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

The role of prolactin as a diabetogenic hormone was based on studies describing the ability of administered prolactin to raise the level of serum glucose. In the present study, female rats were made hyperprolactinemic by the transplantation of two anterior pituitary glands under the renal capsule, obtained from littermate donors. Chronic hyperprolactinemia increased blood glucose and impaired the glycolytic pathway of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism. However, basal serum insulin values were not different from those of controls. These data suggest that chronic hyperprolactinemia has an hyperglycemic effect and has a significant influence on glucose handling by the liver, through reduced glycolysis.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) secretion by monolayer cultures of turkey anterior pituitary cells was significantly increased (up to 44-fold) by vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), arginine vasotocin (AVT), and by an extract of turkey hypothalami (HE). Several other neuropeptides (including thyrotropin-releasing hormone) and neurotransmitters were ineffective in influencing PRL secretion at doses up to 10(-6) M. The dynamic PRL response to HE and VIP was studied using superfused pituitary cells attached to microcarrier beads. HE, administered in 30-min pulses, resulted in a significant, dose-related increase in PRL secretion from a basal secretion rate of 2.32 ng/min/10(7) cells to a peak secretion rate of 127.13 ng/min/10(7) cells at the highest dose of HE tested (1 mg tissue-equivalent weight/ml). VIP significantly increased PRL secretion at all doses studied (from 10(-10) to 10(-6) M), with 10(-8) M VIP producing a response similar to that observed with 1 mg/ml HE. A highly significant (P less than 0.001) linear relationship was demonstrated between the log-dose of VIP administered and peak PRL secretion rate. These studies suggest that VIP, but not TRH, may be a physiological stimulus for PRL release in the turkey.  相似文献   

Vinblastine sulfate in physiological saline was injected directly into the pituitary glands of lactating rats. Injections were made through the ear canal using a syringe equipped with a 24-gauge needle. The animals were killed at 2, 4, or 6 hours after the injections. When the anterior pituitary glands were examined by electron microscopy, many microtubular paracrystalline deposits were seen in the prolactin and growth hormone cells. The usual cytoplasmic microtubules and microfilaments were not seen in the cytoplasm of these cells. Granular extrusion (exocytosis) was markedly depressed, and an accumulation of secretory granules was definitely observed in the prolactin cells after the administration of vinblastine.  相似文献   

A high basal rate of prolactin (PRL) secretion (.16±.03 μg/well/hr) was produced for over four weeks by pre-confluent male rat pituitary monolayer cell cultures. When the media was changed, a rapid release of microgram quantities of PRL occurred followed by a return to the basal PRL secretory rate by seven hours. Theophylline (3.8×10?3M), but not dibutyrl cAMP (1×10?3M), produced a significant (p<.02) increase in PRL secretion, and simultaneous addition of these agents potentiated the PRL secretory rate. TRH (2×10?8M) had no effect on PRL release by six hours, whereas dopamine (4.9×10?5M) produced a significant suppression (p<.002) of PRL secretion. In addition, the effects of theophylline, TRH, and dopamine on PRL secretion were similar in cultures of various ages. Ovine prolactin in concentrations up to 50 μg per ml produced no change in PRL secretion during 72 hours of incubation suggesting that PRL feedback control of its own secretion may be transmitted via the hypothalamus. These studies show that a high rate of PRL secretion can be maintained by pre-confluent monolayer cultures for extended periods of time, permitting repeated experimentation on the same wells.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that estradiol (E2) would affect fetal anterior pituitary corticotroph and lactotroph function in vitro, and that any effects would be influenced by gestational age. Anterior pituitary cells from fetal sheep at day 129 (n = 4) and at day 139 (n = 5) of gestation were cultured. After 96 h in culture, cells were treated for 18 h with E2 concentrations ranging from 0 to 1000 nM, in the presence or absence of 100 nM of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), cortisol, arginine vasopressin (AVP), or CRH and cortisol, to examine their effects on corticotroph function. Cells were also treated with bromocriptine or increasing concentrations of E2 to study their effects on lactotroph function. Immunoreactive (ir) adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and prolactin in the culture medium were measured by radioimmunoassay. Levels of cellular pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA and prolactin mRNA were determined by in situ hybridization. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the percentage of cells that were immunopositive for ACTH (corticotrophs) or prolactin (lactotrophs). ACTH output was stimulated by CRH treatment at day 139 but not at day 129 of gestation, and cortisol attenuated this response. ACTH output by cells cultured with 10 nM E2 and 100 nM CRH, at 139 days of gestation, was greater than with CRH alone (p < 0.05). E2 did not affect basal ACTH output or ACTH output with any other treatment or levels of POMC mRNA. Prolactin output was not affected by E2 treatment. Bromocriptine significantly decreased prolactin output but not levels of prolactin mRNA. We conclude that E2 may affect CRH-stimulated fetal sheep pituitary corticotroph function late in gestation, but only within a narrow, physiological range of concentration.  相似文献   

Summary Prolactin cells were identified by means of immunocytochemistry with protein-A gold as a marker on ultrathin sections of the pituitary gland of young (3–4 months), middle-aged (16–19 months), and aged (26–30 months) male Wistar rats. Point-counting volumetry revealed that the prolactin (PRL) cell-volume density in middle-aged rats was significantly increased in comparison to the volume densities in young and aged rats. Within the PRL-cell population, four types of PRL cells were distinguished on the basis of the shape and size of their secretory granules. During aging, dramatic changes occurred in the relative volumes of the four cell types. The volume percentage of cells with round granules (type I, granule diameter 150–250 nm, and type IIA, granule diameter 250–350 nm) increased from ±30% in young rats to ±90% in old rats. The volume percentage of cells with round and polymorphic granules (type IIB; granule diameter 350–400 nm and type III; granule diameter 500–600 nm) decreased from ±70% in young rats to ±7% in old rats. Age-related changes in serum PRL levels were not found. It is concluded that although during the life span of the male Wistar rat considerable changes in PRL-cell volume densities and in the ratios of PRL-cell types occur serum, PRL levels remain more or less constant.  相似文献   

Despite their opposite effects on prolactin secretion, both dopamine and angiotensin II inhibit adenylate cyclase activity in homogenates of anterior pituitary cells in primary culture. Dopamine and angiotensin II inhibition of adenylate cyclase was not additive, suggesting that both neurohormones inhibit the adenylate cyclase of the lactotroph cells. Pretreatment with Bordetella pertussis toxin (islet activator protein) completely suppressed the dopamine-induced inhibition of both adenylate cyclase and prolactin secretion. The islet activator protein also reversed the angiotensin II-induced inhibition of the adenylate cyclase activity. In contrast, angiotensin II stimulation of prolactin release was not affected by the toxin. Angiotensin II also induced a dose-dependent stimulation of inositol phosphates (250%) with an EC50 of 0.1 nM, close to that observed for prolactin secretion. Islet activator protein pretreatment did not block the stimulation of inositol phosphate production. Dopamine inhibited the angiotensin II-stimulated prolactin release and the production of inositol phosphates induced by angiotensin II. It is concluded that angiotensin II and dopamine receptors of lactotroph cells are able to modulate both cAMP and inositol phosphate production. The dopamine receptor of lactotrophs appears to be the first example of a receptor which is negatively coupled to the production of inositol phosphates.  相似文献   

The secretion of prolactin in cultured pituitary cells was studied in correlation with the cellular changes induced by stimulatory or inhibitory agents. The techniques used in this study were: radioimmunoassay, immunocytochemistry, scanning (SEM) as well as transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. Prolactin secretion was stimulated by 17 beta-estradiol (10 nM) as well as thyrotropin- releasing hormone (TRH) (3 nM) and inhibited by 2-Br-alpha-ergocryptine (CB-154) (1 muM). The total prolactin (release and cell content) increased between 2 and 8 d of estradiol treatment, indicating an increase of both synthesis and release of prolactin. This finding was in agreement with TEM observations because, in estradiol-treated prolactin cells, the Golgi saccules were distended and Golgi elements were increased, thus indicating increased synthetic activity of these cells. The addition of TRH over a 4-h period resulted in a significant degranulation of prolactin cells. In contrast, prolactin secretory granules became accumulated in the cells after CB-154 treatment for a period ranging from 4 to 24 h. In agreement, light microscope immunocytochemistry showed an increased reaction for prolactin after short-term (< 24 h) incubation with CB-154. Because prolactin cells represent approximately 70% of the glandular cell population as revealed by immunocytochemistry, it was then possible to observe the changes of cell surface by SEM. In most cells, estradiol and TRH led to an increase in the number and prominence of microvilli and blebs, whereas CB-154 treatment resulted in a slightly decreased number of microvilli and an increased occurrence of membrane foldings. This report thus provides morphological evidence for the stimulatory effects of estradiol and TRH, and the inhibitory effects of CB-154 on prolactin secretion in pituitary cells in primary culture. These data, moreover, show that acute changes in secretory activity of prolactin-secreting cells are accompanied by marked changes of their morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

The effects of naltrexone, a specific opiate antagonist, on stimulation by estradiol benzoate (EB) of prolactin (PRL) release and anterior pituitary (AP) weight, were studied in gonadectomized female and male Sprague-Dawley rats. One week after castration, rats were injected for 10 days once daily with 2 μg EB alone, or together with twice daily injections of 2 mg naltrexone/kg body weight (BW). Blood was collected for radioimmunoassay of PRL by orbital sinus puncture on days 0 and 6, and by decapitation on day 11, at which time the AP was quickly removed, weighed and assayed for PRL.Serum PRL concentrations and AP weights were significantly increased by EB administration. These effects of EB were partially but significantly inhibited by naltrexone. These results suggest that endegenous opiates may be involved in the estrogen-induced rise in serum PRL and increase in pituatary weight.  相似文献   

Origin of the prolactin cells in the pituitary grafts autotransplanted into the renal capsule was electron microscopically investigated in young male and female rats. Prolactin cells may mainly originate from the completely degranulated acidophils after grafting in both sexes. The comprehensive degranulation of acidophils may be essential condition for the development of prolactin cells. Formation of initial prolactin granules is related to the Golgi apparatus in 3 and 6 days in the males. Even prolonged transplantation for the duration of 10 and 20 days failed to develop the typical prolactin cells storing large polymorphic granules in the grafts in the males. In the females, however, the population of prolactin cells became higher (20-30%) and their granulation was more rapidly advanced than in the male. Nine and 16 days after grafting quite numerous typical prolactin cells, characterized by the pronounced vesiculation of ER stored large polymorphic granules in the females. Progressive vesiculation of ER in degranulated acidophils may be the second necessary condition for establishing the prolactin cells. Thus, the entire course of cell conversion of acidophils into prolactin cells was observed in this study. All the graft cells including prolactin cells finally turned into the cells losing the respective individuality (10 days in the males; 32 days in the females). This fine structural similarity was striking in the males. We could not, however, deny the possibility of origination of prolactin cells from the follicular cells or their adjoining undifferentiated cells.  相似文献   

The effects of chlorpromazine (CPZ) and estradiol benzoate (EB) on serum prolactin (PRL) levels were studied in gonadectomized male and female rats. In both sexes CPZ (25 mg/kg body weight) produced an elevation of PRL when measured 2 hr after the injection, but the elevated levels were higher in ovariectomized rats than in orchidectomized rats. These results reconfirm a sexual difference in the regulatory mechanism of PRL secretion in response to the dopamine receptor blocker. Pretreatment with 5 microgram EB 48 hr before CPZ injection abolished this sexual difference in serum PRL concentration.  相似文献   

Kisspeptins are peptide hormones encoded by the KiSS-1 gene, and act as the principal positive regulator of the reproductive axis by directly stimulating gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neuron activity. We recently observed that kisspeptin-10 (the minimal kisspeptin sequence necessary for receptor activation) also has a direct stimulating effect on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in bovine anterior pituitary (AP) cells. In the present study, we evaluated the direct effect of kisspeptin-10 on the secretion of other pituitary hormones, growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL), from bovine AP cells. The AP cells, which were prepared from 1- or 8-month-old male calves, were incubated for 2h with the peptides. Kisspeptin-10 at 100 nM (P<0.05), 1000 nM (P<0.01) and 10,000 nM (P<0.01), but not at 10 nM, significantly stimulated GH secretion from the AP cells of 1-month-old calves, while in 8-month-old calves it was significantly (P<0.05) stimulated at 1000 nM (P<0.01) and 10,000 nM (P<0.01), but not at 10nM and 100 nM. The response of GH to 100 nM (P<0.01), 1000 nM (P<0.05) and 10,000 nM (P<0.01) kisspeptin-10 in the AP cells of 1-month-old calves was significantly greater than in those of 8-month-old calves. All tested doses of kisspeptin-10 had no effect on PRL secretion from AP cells of 1-month-old calves. However, 1000 nM (P<0.05) and 10,000 nM (P<0.01), but not lower concentrations, of kisspeptin-10 significantly stimulated PRL secretion from the AP cells of 8-month-old calves. The present study is, as far as we know, the first to examine the direct actions of kisspeptin on the secretion of GH and PRL from the bovine pituitary gland. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the importance of multiple actions of kisspeptin on the pituitary of various animals in vivo.  相似文献   

L Halmy  I Nagy  M Kurcz 《Endokrinologie》1975,66(3):241-249
30 days after implantation of 80 mg dehydroepiandrosterone (androst-5-en-3betaol-17-one) hyperplastic enlargement of the anterior pituitary has been observed in about 80 per cent of the female rats. There was an important increase of prolactin content, growth hormone content remained unchanged. The mentioned alterations were found to be reversible, since regression was observed after DEA treatment exceeding 30 days. In females developing no hyperplasia pituitary growth hormone contentration and content has been decreased, prolactin content remained unchanged. In male rats on identical treatment no change of pituitary weight, growth hormone and prolactin concent has been found. The results suggest that, under physiological conditions, DEA does not affect pituitary growth hormone and prolactin content, however response to pharmacological doses was different in male and female rats.  相似文献   

Several antipsychotic drugs reverse the dopamine-induced inhibition of prolactin release by rat pituitary cell cultures. Paradoxically, at high doses and without dopamine, antipsychotic drugs can also inhibit prolactin secretion. The mechanism underlying this phenomenon is unclear. Some evidence suggests that these drugs have an agonistic action. We sought to verify whether clozapine and fluphenazine, at doses higher than those reversing dopamine-induced inhibition of prolactin secretion in vitro, show this paradoxical effect and eventually a partial agonistic action. Both antipsychotics inhibited prolactin secretion, clozapine at doses starting from 10(-6) M and fluphenazine from 10(-7) M. Haloperidol reversed clozapine-induced prolactin inhibition but left fluphenazine-induced inhibition unchanged. These in vitro findings suggest that clozapine has a partial agonistic action on dopaminergic receptors but fluphenazine does not.  相似文献   

The effects of dopamine on pituitary prolactin secretion and pituitary cyclic AMP accumulation were studied by using anterior pituitary glands from adult female rats, incubated in vitro. During 2h incubations, significant inhibition of prolactin secretion was achieved at concentrations between 1 and 10nm-dopamine. However, 0.1–1μm-dopamine was required before a significant decrease in pituitary cyclic AMP content was observed. In the presence of 1μm-dopamine, pituitary cyclic AMP content decreased rapidly to reach about 75% of the control value within 20min and there was no further decrease for at least 2h. Incubation with the phosphodiesterase inhibitors theophylline (8mm) or isobutylmethylxanthine (2mm) increased pituitary cyclic AMP concentrations 3- and 6-fold respectively. Dopamine (1μm) had no effect on the cyclic AMP accumulation measured in the presence of theophylline, but inhibited the isobutylmethylxanthine-induced increase by 50%. The dopamine inhibition of prolactin secretion was not affected by either inhibitor. Two derivatives of cyclic AMP (dibutyryl cyclic AMP and 8-bromo cyclic AMP) were unable to block the dopamine (1μm) inhibition of prolactin secretion, although 8-bromo cyclic AMP (2mm) significantly stimulated prolactin secretion and both compounds increased somatotropin (growth hormone) release. Cholera toxin (3μg/ml for 4h) increased pituitary cyclic AMP concentrations 4–5-fold, but had no effect on prolactin secretion. The inhibition of prolactin secretion by dopamine was unaffected by cholera toxin, despite the fact that dopamine had no effect on the raised pituitary cyclic AMP concentration caused by this factor. Dopamine had no significant effect on either basal or stimulated somatotropin secretion under any of the conditions tested. We conclude that the inhibitory effects of dopamine on prolactin secretion are probably not mediated by lowering of cyclic AMP concentration, although modulation of the concentration of this nucleotide in some other circumstances may alter the secretion of the hormone.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural localization of the glycoprotein D2 in rat adrenal gland was investigated using immunohistochemical methods, and D2 localization in cultures of adult bovine chromaffin cells was studied by immunofluorescence. D2 was found to be situated on nerve fibers passing through the adrenal cortex and in the medulla zone, and also on the surface of all chromaffin cells. In addition, it was strongly expressed on the surface of glial (Schwann) cells. Cortical cells were unreactive to the antiserum. In cultures, all adrenalin and noradrenalin [dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH)-positive] cells were surface labelled for D2. A less frequent second cell type was recognized in vitro which was DBH negative but D2 positive. Such cells were presumed to be Schwann cells. These data are discussed in terms of the developmental origin of the cells and with regard to the putative functional rôle of D2 in cell adhesion phenomena.  相似文献   

The role of a direct effect of serotonin (5-HT) on PRL secretion at the pituitary level is uncertain. The present study investigated the mechanism of action of the serotonin receptor-blocking agent cyproheptadine on PRL release by normal cultured rat anterior pituitary cells. Cyproheptadine (10 nM-10 microM) and its metabolite desmethylcyproheptadine (a compound which has lost its affinity for serotonin receptors) directly inhibited PRL release, while serotonin, investigated over a wide concentration range, did not reverse this inhibition. The cyproheptadine-mediated inhibition of PRL-release could be completely prevented by 50 microM verapamil. Cyproheptadine strongly inhibited TRH-induced PRL release in the absence, but not in the presence of verapamil. Our studies suggest that cyproheptadine inhibits PRL release at the pituitary level by a blockade of calcium influx at the cell membrane, without affecting the movement of Ca2+ between intracellular compartments.  相似文献   

Various dopamine antagonists, including two novel non-neuroleptic drugs domperidone and halopemide, stimulated apomorphine-suppressed prolactin secretion from cultured rat pituitary cells. The potency of these drugs closely paralleled their rank-order in displacing in vitro H3-haloperidol binding in rat striatum reported by others (10). Concentration-effect curves were parallel except those of pimozide and clopimozide which were biphasic : prolactin secretion was stimulated at low concentrations but depressed at concentrations above 25nM. When added alone, pimozide and clopimozide, but none of the other drugs tested, also depressed prolactin secretion. The present findings indicate that prolactin secretion from cultured pituitary cells may provide an in vitro test system suitable to differentiate antagonists of dopamine receptors and possibly to distinguish pure from partial antagonists.  相似文献   

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