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Orchid seeds are minute, dust-like, wind-borne and, thus, would seem to have the potential for long-distance dispersal. Based on this perception, one may predict near-random spatial genetic structure within orchid populations. In reality we do not know much about seed dispersal in orchids and the few empirical studies of fine-scale genetic structure have revealed significant genetic structure at short distances (< 5m), suggesting that most seeds of orchids fall close to the maternal plant. To obtain more empirical data on dispersal, Ripley’s L(d)-statistics, spatial autocorrelation analyses (coancestry, fij analyses) and Wright’s F statistics were used to examine the distribution of individuals and the genetic structure within two populations of the terrestrial orchid Orchis cyclochila in southern Korea. High levels of genetic diversity (He = 0.210) and low between-population variation were found (FST = 0.030). Ripley’s L(d)-statistics indicated significant aggregation of individuals, and patterns varied depending on populations. Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed significant positive genetic correlations among individuals located <1 m, with mean fij values expected for half sibs. This genetic structure suggests that many seeds fall in the immediate vicinity of the maternal plant. The finding of significant fine-scale genetic structure, however, does not have to preclude the potential for the long distance dispersal of seeds. Both the existence of fine-scale genetic structure and low FST are consistent with a leptokurtic distribution of seed dispersal distances with a very flat tail.  相似文献   

以花苜蓿(Medicago ruthenica Trautv.)为材料,在内蒙古克什克腾旗建立两个25 m×50 m的样方(山谷YF1和山坡YF2),采集该范围内的所有个体,利用8对SSR分子标记对其遗传变异特性进行分析。结果显示,克什克腾旗花苜蓿居群遗传多样性较高。两个居群个体的空间自相关分析结果表明,9 m内的个体间为非随机邻近交配,且在同距离范围内,山谷居群的个体间遗传相似性更低,推测此区域可能是历史和地理因素塑造了花苜蓿丰富的遗传多样性,两个小尺度空间格局的个体间基因流模式主要受地形影响。  相似文献   

Seed dispersal and the subsequent recruitment of new individuals into a population are important processes affecting the population dynamics, genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure of plant populations. Spatial patterns of seedling recruitment were investigated in two populations of the terrestrial orchid Orchis purpurea using both univariate and bivariate point pattern analysis, parentage analysis and seed germination experiments. Both adults and recruits showed a clustered spatial distribution with cluster radii of c. 4-5 m. The parentage analysis resulted in offspring-dispersal distances that were slightly larger than distances obtained from the point pattern analyses. The suitability of microsites for germination differed among sites, with strong constraints in one site and almost no constraints in the other. These results provide a clear and coherent picture of recruitment patterns in a tuberous, perennial orchid. Seed dispersal is limited to a few metres from the mother plant, whereas the availability of suitable germination conditions may vary strongly from one site to the next. Because of a time lag of 3-4 yr between seed dispersal and actual recruitment, and irregular flowering and fruiting patterns of adult plants, interpretation of recruitment patterns using point patterns analyses ideally should take into account the demographic properties of orchid populations.  相似文献   

The roles of the various potential ecological and evolutionary causes of spatial population genetic structure (SPGS) cannot in general be inferred from the extant structure alone. However, a stage-specific analysis can provide clues as to the causes of SPGS. We conducted a stage-specific SPGS analysis of a mapped population of about 2000 Trillium grandiflorum (Liliaceae), a long-lived perennial herb. We compared SPGS for juvenile (J), nonreproductive (NR), and reproductive (R) stages. Fisher's exact test showed that genotypes had Hardy-Weinberg frequencies at all loci and stage classes. Allele frequencies did not differ between stages. Bootstrapped 99% confidence intervals (99%CI) indicate that F-statistic values are indistinguishable from zero, (except for a slightly negative FIT for the R stage). Spatial autocorrelation was used to calculate f the average kinship coefficient between individuals within distance intervals. Null hypothesis 99%CIs for f were constructed by repeatedly randomizing genotypic locations. Significant positive fine-scale genetic structure was detected in the R and NR stages, but not in the J stage. This structure was most pronounced in the R stage, and declined by about half in each remaining stage: near-neighbor f = 0.122, 0.065, 0.027, for R, NR, and J, respectively. For R and NR, the near-neighbor f lies outside the null hypothesis 99%CI, indicating kinship at approximately the level of half-sibs and first cousins, respectively. We also simulated the expected SPGS of juveniles post dispersal, based on measured R-stage SPGS, the mating system, and measured pollen and seed dispersal properties. This provides a null hypothesis expectation (as a 99%CI) for the J-stage correlogram, against which to test the likelihood that post-dispersal events have influenced J-stage SPGS. The actual J correlogram lies within the null hypothesis 99%CI for the shortest distance interval and nearly all other distance intervals indicating that the observed low recruitment, random mating and seed dispersal patterns are sufficient to account for the disappearance of SPSG between the R and the J stages. The observed increase in SPGS between J and R stages has two potential explanations: history and local selection. The observed low total allelic diversity is consistent with a past bottleneck: a possible historical explanation. Only a longitudinal stage-specific study of SPGS structure can distinguish between historical events and local selection as causes of increased structure with increasing life history stage.  相似文献   

Epiphytic plants occupy three-dimensional space, which allows more individuals to be closely clustered spatially than is possible for populations occupying two dimensions. The unique characteristics of epiphytes can act in concert to influence the fine-scale genetic structure of their populations which can, in turn, influence mating patterns and other population phenomena. Three large populations of Laelia rubescens (Orchidaceae) in the Costa Rican seasonal dry forest were sampled at two levels of intensity to determine: (i) whether individual clusters contain more than one genotype, and (ii) the spatial distribution and fine-scale genetic structure of genotypes within populations. Samples were assayed for their multilocus allozyme genotypes and spatial autocorrelation analyses were performed. High levels of genetic diversity, high genotypic diversity and low among-population variation were found. In the larger clusters, multiple genets per cluster were common with discrete clusters containing up to nine genotypes. Spatial autocorrelation analyses indicated significant positive genetic structure at distances of 相似文献   

Visualizing the pattern of variation using microsatellites within a Eucalyptus globulus forest on the island of Tasmania provided surprising insights into the complex nature of the fine-scale spatial genetic structure that resides in these forests. We used spatial autocorrelation and principal coordinate analysis to compare fine-scale genetic structure between juvenile and mature cohorts in a study area, 140 m in diameter, located within a typical, continuous E. globulus forest. In total, 115 juvenile and 168 mature individuals were genotyped with eight highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. There was no significant difference in the level of genetic diversity between cohorts. However, there were differences in the spatial distribution of the genetic variation. Autocorrelation analysis provided clear evidence for significant spatial genetic structure in the mature cohort and significant, but weaker, structure in the juvenile cohort. The spatial interpolation of principal coordinate axes, derived from ordination of the genetic distance matrix between individuals, revealed a spatially coherent family group which was evident in both cohorts. Direct comparison of the genetic structure within each cohort allowed visualization of a shift in the spatial distribution of genetic variation within the population of approximately 10 m. As the shift coincided with the direction of prevailing winds, it is hypothesized that this phenomenon is due to downwind dispersal of seeds and is indicative of the important role of prevailing winds in forcing eastward gene flow in these high-latitude forests.  相似文献   

Plants are sessile organisms, often characterized by limited dispersal. Seeds and pollen are the critical stages for gene flow. Here we investigate spatial genetic structure, gene dispersal and the relative contribution of pollen vs seed in the movement of genes in a stable metapopulation of the white campion Silene latifolia within its native range. This short-lived perennial plant is dioecious, has gravity-dispersed seeds and moth-mediated pollination. Direct measures of pollen dispersal suggested that large populations receive more pollen than small isolated populations and that most gene flow occurs within tens of meters. However, these studies were performed in the newly colonized range (North America) where the specialist pollinator is absent. In the native range (Europe), gene dispersal could fall on a different spatial scale. We genotyped 258 individuals from large and small (15) subpopulations along a 60 km, elongated metapopulation in Europe using six highly variable microsatellite markers, two X-linked and four autosomal. We found substantial genetic differentiation among subpopulations (global FST=0.11) and a general pattern of isolation by distance over the whole sampled area. Spatial autocorrelation revealed high relatedness among neighboring individuals over hundreds of meters. Estimates of gene dispersal revealed gene flow at the scale of tens of meters (5–30 m), similar to the newly colonized range. Contrary to expectations, estimates of dispersal based on X and autosomal markers showed very similar ranges, suggesting similar levels of pollen and seed dispersal. This may be explained by stochastic events of extensive seed dispersal in this area and limited pollen dispersal.  相似文献   

Studies of fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) in wind-pollinated trees have shown that SGS is generally weak and extends over relatively short distances (less than 30-40 m) from individual trees. However, recent simulations have shown that detection of SGS is heavily dependent on both the choice of molecular markers and the strategy used to sample the studied population. Published studies may not always have used sufficient markers and/or individuals for the accurate estimation of SGS. To assess the extent of SGS within a population of the wind-pollinated tree Fagus sylvatica, we genotyped 200 trees at six microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci and 250 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and conducted spatial analyses of pairwise kinship coefficients. We re-sampled our data set over individuals and over loci to determine the effect of reducing the sample size and number of loci used for SGS estimation. We found that SGS estimated from AFLP markers extended nearly four times further than has been estimated before using other molecular markers in this species, indicating a persistent effect of restricted gene flow at small spatial scales. However, our SSR-based estimate was in agreement with other published studies. Spatial genetic structure in F. sylvatica and similar wind-pollinated trees may therefore be substantially larger than has been estimated previously. Although 100-150 AFLP loci and 150-200 individuals appear sufficient for adequately estimating SGS in our analysis, 150-200 individuals and six SSR loci may still be too few to provide a good estimation of SGS in this species.  相似文献   

The extent of gene dispersal is a fundamental factor of the population and evolutionary dynamics of tropical tree species, but directly monitoring seed and pollen movement is a difficult task. However, indirect estimates of historical gene dispersal can be obtained from the fine-scale spatial genetic structure of populations at drift-dispersal equilibrium. Using an approach that is based on the slope of the regression of pairwise kinship coefficients on spatial distance and estimates of the effective population density, we compare indirect gene dispersal estimates of sympatric populations of 10 tropical tree species. We re-analysed 26 data sets consisting of mapped allozyme, SSR (simple sequence repeat), RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) or AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) genotypes from two rainforest sites in French Guiana. Gene dispersal estimates were obtained for at least one marker in each species, although the estimation procedure failed under insufficient marker polymorphism, limited sample size, or inappropriate sampling area. Estimates generally suffered low precision and were affected by assumptions regarding the effective population density. Averaging estimates over data sets, the extent of gene dispersal ranged from 150 m to 1200 m according to species. Smaller gene dispersal estimates were obtained in species with heavy diaspores, which are presumably not well dispersed, and in populations with high local adult density. We suggest that limited seed dispersal could indirectly limit effective pollen dispersal by creating higher local tree densities, thereby increasing the positive correlation between pollen and seed dispersal distances. We discuss the potential and limitations of our indirect estimation procedure and suggest guidelines for future studies.  相似文献   

彭国清  唐绍清 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7313-7323
淡黄金花茶(Camelia flavida)是一种具有淡黄色花瓣的金花茶植物,为喀斯特典型的耐阴灌木。基于广西弄岗喀斯特季节性雨林15 hm2(300 m×500 m)监测样地,利用13对微卫星(SSR)标记,探讨喀斯特地貌对淡黄金花茶的精细空间遗传结构(SGS)、基因流和小尺度范围遗传分化的影响。结果表明:(1)淡黄金花茶在50 m距离内产生显著的SGS,在灌木类型和依赖种子传播的物种中具有中等程度的SGS强度(Sp=0.0248);(2)淡黄金花茶种子和花粉传播平均距离较短,分别为12.47 m和29.03 m,72.2%花粉和81.0%种子的传播距离均主要是在20 m内;(3)淡黄金花茶在小尺度范围(种群间距离1 km)的4个种群,甚至相距100 m的两个斑块产生了显著的遗传分化。喀斯特生境地貌对淡黄金花茶的基因流产生阻碍作用,从而导致淡黄金花茶在小尺度范围产生遗传分化。  相似文献   

Populations of Sinojackia rehderiana are highly threatened and have small and scattered distribution due to habitat fragmentation and human activities. Understanding changes in genetic diversity, the fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) at different life stages and gene flow of S. rehderiana is critical for developing successful conservation strategies for fragmented populations of this endangered species. In this study, 208 adults, 114 juveniles and 136 seedlings in a 50 × 100-m transect within an old-growth forest were mapped and genotyped using eight microsatellite makers to investigate the genetic diversity and SGS of this species. No significant differences in genetic diversity among different life-history stages were found. However, a significant heterozygote deficiency in adults and seedlings may result from substantial biparental inbreeding. Significant fine-scale spatial structure was found in different life-history stages within 19 m, suggesting that seed dispersal mainly occurred near a mother tree. Both historical and contemporary estimates of gene flow (13.06 and 16.77 m) indicated short-distance gene dispersal in isolated populations of S. rehderiana. The consistent spatial structure revealed in different life stages is most likely the result of limited gene flow. Our results have important implications for conservation of extant populations of S. rehderiana. Measures for promoting pollen flow should be taken for in situ conservation. The presence of a SGS in fragmented populations implies that seeds for ex situ conservation should be collected from trees at least 19-m apart to reduce genetic similarity between neighbouring individuals.  相似文献   

Oaks are model species for the study of natural introgressive hybridization. High interfertility among oak taxa might result in collective evolution, through transpecific spread of advantageous alleles, challenging the standard concept of species. Nine highly polymorphic microsatellite (nuSSR) loci were analysed in three mixed oak populations of Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus petraea (Montejo, Somosierra and Robregordo) with different density and hybridization rates. Both leaf morphology and molecular markers were used to assess individual admixture rates. Insights about the relative effect of density and hybridization rates on fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) were obtained from autocorrelograms and Sp statistics. Differences in SGS among populations were higher than between species. These differences cannot be attributed solely to census densities but also relate to other factors, such as the spatial configuration of the population. Hybridization was an important factor shaping within-population spatial genetic structure, and an interspecific component of SGS was found in Somosierra. Indirect estimates of historical gene flow in Montejo were compared with actual values of gene dispersal assessed by parentage analysis in a former study. Similar values were found for current and historical gene flow in both species, which might reflect demographical stability.  相似文献   

In Flanders (northern Belgium), the distylous self-incompatible perennial herb Primula veris is common, but mainly occurs in fragmented habitats. Distyly, which favours disassortative mating, is characterized in P. veris by two genetically determined floral morph types (pin or thrum). Using 18 polymorphic loci, we investigated fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) and spatial distribution of the morphs within four populations from two regions that differ in degree of habitat fragmentation. We studied the contributions made by sexual reproduction and clonal propagation and compared the SGS patterns between pin and thrum morph types. Clonal growth was very restricted to a few individuals and to short distances. One population showed a non-random spatial distribution of the morphs. Pin and thrum individuals differed in SGS patterns at a small scale, suggesting intrapin biparental inbreeding, also related to high plant densities. This may be explained by partial self-compatibility of the pin morph combined with restricted seed dispersal and pollinator behaviour. There is an indication of more pronounced SGS when populations occur in highly fragmented habitats. From our findings, we may hypothesize disruption of the gene flow processes if these large populations evolve into patchworks of small remnants, but also a possible risk for long-term population survival if higher intrapin biparental inbreeding leads to inbreeding depression. Our study emphasizes the need for investigating the interactions between the heterostylous breeding system, population demographic and genetic structure for understanding population dynamics in fragmented habitats and for developing sustainable conservation strategies.  相似文献   

A heterogeneity test for fine-scale genetic structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For organisms with limited vagility and/or occupying patchy habitats, we often encounter nonrandom patterns of genetic affinity over relatively small spatial scales, labelled fine-scale genetic structure. Both the extent and decay rate of that pattern can be expected to depend on numerous interesting demographic, ecological, historical, and mating system factors, and it would be useful to be able to compare different situations. There is, however, no heterogeneity test currently available for fine-scale genetic structure that would provide us with any guidance on whether the differences we encounter are statistically credible. Here, we develop a general nonparametric heterogeneity test, elaborating on standard autocorrelation methods for pairs of individuals. We first develop a 'pooled within-population' correlogram, where the distance classes (lags) can be defined as functions of distance. Using that pooled correlogram as our null-hypothesis reference frame, we then develop a heterogeneity test of the autocorrelations among different populations, lag-by-lag. From these single-lag tests, we construct an analogous test of heterogeneity for multilag correlograms. We illustrate with a pair of biological examples, one involving the Australian bush rat, the other involving toadshade trillium. The Australian bush rat has limited vagility, and sometimes occupies patchy habitat. We show that the autocorrelation pattern diverges somewhat between continuous and patchy habitat types. For toadshade trillium, clonal replication in Piedmont populations substantially increases autocorrelation for short lags, but clonal replication is less pronounced in mountain populations. Removal of clonal replicates reduces the autocorrelation for short lags and reverses the sign of the difference between mountain and Piedmont correlograms.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses of spatial genetic structure (SGS) among species, populations, or cohorts give insight into the genetic consequences of seed dispersal in plants. We analysed SGS of a weedy tree in populations with known and unknown recruitment histories to first establish patterns in populations with single vs. multiple founders, and then to infer possible recruitment scenarios in populations with unknown histories. We analysed SGS in six populations of the colonizing tree Albizia julibrissin Durazz. (Fabaceae) in Athens, Georgia. Study sites included two large populations with multiple, known founders, two small populations with a single, known founder, and two large populations with unknown recruitment histories. Eleven allozyme loci were used to genotype 1385 individuals. Insights about the effects of colonization history from the SGS analyses were obtained from correlograms and Sp statistics. Distinct differences in patterns of SGS were identified between populations with multiple founders vs. a single founder. We observed significant, positive SGS, which decayed with increasing distance in the populations with multiple colonists, but little to no SGS in populations founded by one colonist. Because relatedness among individuals is estimated relative to a local reference population, which usually consists of those individuals sampled in the study population, SGS in populations with high background relatedness, such as those with a single founder, may be obscured. We performed additional analyses using a regional reference population and, in populations with a single founder, detected significant, positive SGS at all distances, indicating that these populations consist of highly related descendants and receive little seed immigration. Subsequent analyses of SGS in size cohorts in the four large study populations showed significant SGS in both juveniles and adults, probably because of a relative lack of intraspecific demographic thinning. SGS in populations of this colonizing tree is pronounced and persistent and is determined by the number and relatedness of founding individuals and adjacent seed sources. Patterns of SGS in populations with known histories may be used to indirectly infer possible colonization scenarios for populations where it is unknown.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogeographical studies in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (BAF) have mostly included species associated with forest habitats, whereas taxa associated with grassland and sand‐dune plant communities have so far been largely overlooked. This study examines the phylogeography of the orchid Epidendrum fulgens, which occurs on coastal sand dunes and granitic outcrops, in order to identify major genetic divergences or disjunctions across the range of the species and to investigate the genetic signatures of past range contractions and expansions. Location Southern and south‐eastern seashore vegetation along the BAF biome, and granitic and arenitic outcrops that occur in the subtropical grassland plant communities located south of the BAF. Methods Nine nuclear and four plastid microsatellite loci were used to genotype 424 individuals from 16 populations across the distributional range of E. fulgens. For both sets of markers, we estimated genetic diversity and population differentiation, testing for a north–south gradient of genetic diversity. The plastid haplotype network and a Bayesian assignment analysis of nuclear markers were used to infer population structure. Past demographic changes were investigated using a coalescence approach. Results A deep disjunction was found between northern populations within the BAF and southern populations outside the BAF that occur on granitic and arenitic outcrops. Recent demographic reductions were detected in northern populations on coastal sands. Such demographic changes were not expected for those populations, as previous studies with forest species had found evidence of population expansion in the same areas. Higher genetic diversity was found in southern populations on granite, in contrast to patterns observed in previous studies of forest species. Main conclusions The results are consistent with the long‐term persistence of E. fulgens. Bottlenecks were detected in populations from areas where population expansion events have been detected in other plant (and animal) species, suggesting that forest expansion after the Last Glacial Maximum played a role in the population fragmentation and decrease in genetic diversity in E. fulgens. A substantial genetic division in E. fulgens corresponds to the ‘Portal de Torres’, a region that demarcates the northern limits of subtropical grassland plant communities and the southern limits of the BAF.  相似文献   

Analysis of fine scale genetic structure in continuous populations of outcrossing plant species has traditionally been limited by the availability of sufficient markers. We used a set of 468 SNPs to characterize fine‐scale genetic structure within and between two dense stands of the wild ancestor of maize, teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis). Our analyses confirmed that teosinte is highly outcrossing and showed little population structure over short distances. We found that the two populations were clearly genetically differentiated, although the actual level of differentiation was low. Spatial autocorrelation of relatedness was observed within both sites but was somewhat stronger in one of the populations. Using principal component analysis, we found evidence for significant local differentiation in the population with stronger spatial autocorrelation. This differentiation was associated with pronounced shifts in the first two principal components along the field. These shifts corresponded to changes in allele frequencies, potentially due to local topographical features. There was little evidence for selection at individual loci as a contributing factor to differentiation. Our results demonstrate that significant local differentiation may, but need not, co‐occur with spatial autocorrelation of relatedness. The present study represents one of the most detailed analyses of local genetic structure to date and provides a benchmark for future studies dealing with fine scale patterns of genetic diversity in natural plant populations.  相似文献   

Local genetic structure in a clonal dioecious angiosperm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We used seven microsatellite loci to characterize genetic structure and clonal architecture at three different spatial scales (from meters to centimetres) of a Cymodocea nodosa population. C. nodosa exhibits both sexual reproduction and vegetative propagation by rhizome elongation. Seeds remain buried in the sediment nearby the mother plant in a dormant stage until germination. Seed dispersal potential is therefore expected to be extremely restricted. High clonal diversity (up to 67% of distinct genotypes) and a highly intermingled configuration of genets at different spatial scales were found. No significant differences in genetic structure were found among the three spatial scales, indicating that genetic diversity is evenly distributed along the meadow. Autocorrelation analyses of kinship estimates confirmed the absence of spatial clumping of genets at small spatial scale and the expectations of a very restricted seed dispersal (observed dispersal range 1-21 m) in this species.  相似文献   

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