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甘蓝型油菜小孢子胚状体发生的细胞学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用甘蓝型油菜DH系保604为材料研究小孢子胚发生过程,结果表明,在小孢子离体培养1~5d内,随培养天数增加,小孢子的存活率迅速下降,部分小孢子培养后出现细胞膨大和分裂,并沿2-细胞。“f”形3细胞,多细胞原体,胚柄球形胚,心形胚最终发育成鱼雷形胚,一般在心形胚阶段,胚柄脱离胚主体部分游离到培养基中,大多数膨大的细胞不能分裂或分裂后停止发育或发育异常。  相似文献   

应用甘蓝型油菜DH系保604为材料研究小孢子胚发生过程,结果表明,在小孢子离体培养1~5d内,随培养天数增加,小孢子的存活率迅速下降,部分小孢子培养后出现细胞膨大和分裂,并沿2-细胞。“f”形3细胞,多细胞原体,胚柄球形胚,心形胚最终发育成鱼雷形胚,一般在心形胚阶段,胚柄脱离胚主体部分游离到培养基中,大多数膨大的细胞不能分裂或分裂后停止发育或发育异常。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜游离小孢子培养的胚胎发生   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
以生长在非控温控光下的4个冬性甘蓝型油菜(BrassicanapusL.)品种为供体,进行游离小孢子培养。研究发现,多数品种在开花3-7天取材最为适宜。在甘蓝型油菜小孢子培养中只有单核晚期的小孢子才可能发育成胚状体,而花药培养时处于单核早期的小孢子易于发育成胚状体。在适当花期选取发育比较一致的单核晚期小孢子培养,经数小时后,部分小孢子便开始膨大,这是小孢子发育成胚的最早标志,膨大的小孢子中,有部分形成多细胞球并进一步发育成胚。用春性甘蓝型油菜为材料进行蔗糖浓度的实验结果表明:培养3天后,在16%蔗糖培养基中存活的小孢子最多,达16.13%;培养30天后,胚状体诱导频率则以13%蔗糖浓度为最高,每花蕾可达144个胚状体。如果在16%蔗糖培养基中培养3天后,添加等体积的13%蔗糖培养基,能够大大提高胚状体的诱导频率,为仅用13%蔗糖培养基培养的3.7倍。这一实验体系正在用于抗菌核病的诱变与筛选,并作为外源基因导入的实验体系。  相似文献   

油菜小孢子胚发生的超微结构和胚状体形态   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
应用透射电镜和扫描电镜分别研究油菜游离小了包子培养后细胞的超微结构和胚状体的形态。单核晚期小孢子经培养后,具有胚状体发生能力的细胞中央液泡消失,积累淀粉,含丰富细胞器。  相似文献   

本文以甘蓝型油菜Westar的F1代为供试材料,通过对8个正季和同样的8个反季材料进行小孢子培养对比实验。结果表明,相同材料(基因型)正季能获得胚状体的反季一样能获得胚状体,但是相同材料的出胚数反季要比正季少50%,并且出胚时间要晚5~8d。正季与反季材料的成苗百分率相同,平均达到93%,加倍率基本一样,达到80%。由此可见,用反季节材料培养小孢子同样能获得成功,对特殊材料可以利用此法进一步加速育种进程。  相似文献   

结球甘蓝游离小孢子胚胎发生   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以结球甘蓝品种“强夏”为材料进行游离小孢子培养,对与胚胎发生关系密切的因子进行探讨。研究结果表明,在盛花前期取材最适宜;单核晚期至双核期的小孢子才能发育成胚状体;含17%蔗糖的培养液在培养初期有利于小孢子存活;培养3d后胚胎诱导则以14%蔗糖浓度为最好;高浓度(17%)蔗糖培养3d后添加低浓度(11%)蔗糖培养液能大大提高胚胎发生能力,比一直在14%蔗糖培养液培养的提高282.4%,比更新培养液培养的提高126.1%。  相似文献   

秋水仙碱对大麦离体培养小孢子存活与成苗的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以4份大田生长的优良大麦品种/品系为材料,采用超速旋切法分离小孢子进行培养,提取液和预处理液中添加适当浓度的秋水仙碱可明显提高大麦小孢子的存活率,胚状体的成苗潜力。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜和白菜型油菜种间杂种的小孢子培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用分离小孢子培养从甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)和白菜型油菜(B. cam pestris)种间杂种中获得了胚和再生植株。所用的培养程序是,将甘蓝型油菜和白菜型油菜杂种小孢子在蔗糖浓度为17% 、BA 为0.1 m g/L的液体NLN 培养基中32 ℃下暗培养48 h,再转入蔗糖浓度为10% 的NLN 培养液中25 ℃下暗培养3 周。不同杂种间小孢子胚胎发生能力存在差异,其中UM921(白菜型油菜)×911186(甘蓝型油菜)正反交杂种的胚产量显著高于供试的其它组合。供体植株种植在10 ℃/5 ℃(昼/夜)条件下能显著改善杂种小孢子胚产量和质量。杂种小孢子胚产量和杂种植株每荚种子数存在极显著正相关,但杂种植株的花粉育性和胚产量间相关不显著。大多数甘蓝型油菜和白菜型油菜杂种小孢子胚衍生植株为非整倍体,22.8% 的植株起源于具亲本染色体数的小孢子,几乎全部为n= 19 的类型。讨论了影响种间杂种小孢子胚胎发生的因素以及种间杂种小孢子培养技术的可能用途  相似文献   

就近年来有关被子植物的离体受精、合子的离体发育以及受精与早期胚胎发育过程中的基因表达的研究情况作了介绍。  相似文献   

通过对甘蓝型油菜花粉发育阶段和活力的检测确定花粉发育的时期,分离出单核晚期花粉进行离体培养.结果表明,(1)筛选出适合油菜小孢子花粉离体培养的液体培养基为T_1+怀特维生素(White's vitamins)+2%椰子汁+0.5 mol/L麦芽糖,在此培养基上花粉的成熟率可达25.1%,萌发率达6.3%.(2)筛选出适合成熟花粉离体萌发液体培养基为0.6 mol/L麦芽糖+1.6 mmol/L硼酸+2.9 mmol/L硝酸钙+29.6 μmol/L VB_1,在此培养基上,自然成熟花粉的萌发率可达75.2%.将离体培养成熟的花粉培养在萌发培养基,萌发的花粉占成熟花粉的66.3%.  相似文献   

We investigated an embryogenic microspore culture from Brassica napus L. cv. “Topas”, 3 days after induction of embryogenesis, using light and electron microscopical techniques. According to our observations, 6 groups of uni- or multicellular structures could be distinguished by differences in size, wall structure, structure and distribution of organelles and the degree of vacuolisation. Only one multicellular group represents real proembryos which are able to form embryos and to regenerate plants. These 6 groups could be detected in living cultures using an inverted microscope. The cell size and the degree of vacuolization are especially useful markers to distinguish the groups. Separate cultivation of the multicellular complexes of the 6 groups in culture plate inserts from the third day of culture proved that only one group contains real proembryos.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜小孢子培养技术的几项改进   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本研究在NLN-16和NLN-13的培养基中分别加入0.1mg/L 6-BA和0.05%的活性碳,结果表明6-BA对小孢子再生胚有明显地促进作用,再生胚的频率比对照增加26枚/皿,经分析达到显著水平;而0.05%的活性碳对小孢子再生胚促进作用不显著。对甘蓝型油菜小孢子培养再生植株的染色体加倍及移栽的研究结果表明,在小孢子培养初期加50mg/L秋水仙碱加倍效率最佳,加倍率达到67.6%。小孢子培养的再生苗移栽至大田后,采用遮阳网覆盖小苗,移栽成活率达到87.6%。 Abstract:The application of microspore culture technique was restricted because of its low frequency of embryogenesis and chromosome doubling.Two methods of enhancing the frequency of embryogenesis were employed in the study,namely,activated charcoal treatment in NLN-13 media and 6-BA treatment in NLN-16 media.The treatment with 0.05% activated charcoal produced 24 embryos per plate,which increased 1.7 embryos per plate,as compared with the treatment without activated charcoal.However,the analysis of T-test showed that it was not significant.After adding 0.1mg/L 6-BA in NLN-16 media,the frequency of embryogeny was 38.3 embryos per plate,and it was 26 embryos more per plate than that of CK.Analysis of T-test is significant.This indicates that 6-BA promotes embryogeny in microspore culture.Adding 50mg/L colchicines in NLN-16 media,the doubling frequency was 67.6%.The plantlets transplanted into field with two methods of light-covered net and plastic films were investigated.A survival rate of 87.6% was obtained using light-covered method whereas 57.7% survived using plastic film method.  相似文献   

Embryos and regenerated plants were produced by isolated microspore culture of inter-specific hybrids between Brassica napus and B. campestris. The NLN media with different sucrose concentrations and pH values were tested and a protocol for optimal microspore culture of B. carnpestris was identified. The reciprocal hybrids between UM921 (B. campestris) and 911186 (B. napus) had significant higher embryo yield than other cultured hybrids. Obvious improvement of embryo yield and quality was achieved when hybrid plants of reciprocal UM921 × 911186 were grown under 10 ℃/5 ℃ (day/night) condition. There was significant correlation between embryo yield and seeds per pod on hybrid plants but no correlation between pollen fertility and embryo yield was detected among cultured.hybrids. The majority of microspore-derived plants from the reciprocal B. napus × B. campestris hybrids are aneuploids and 22.8% of the plants observed originated from the microspores with parent′s chromosome numbers, almost all n = 19. The factors affecting the embryogenesis in microspore culture of interspecific hybrids and the possible applications of the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

从快速生长的甘蓝型油菜的小孢子培养中共获得23个再生植株。经倍性鉴定,其中自发加倍成二倍体的有10株,单倍体13株。单倍体再用秋水仙碱处理后获得DH系,所得材料对油菜功能基因组学的研究可能有一定的价值。  相似文献   

Identification of potentially embryogenic microspores in Brassica napus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies were undertaken with Brassica napus L. cv. Topas to identify buds containing microspores predisposed to embryogenesis in vitro and to investigate bud and microspore development in relation to this process. No significant correlation was found between the final embryo number and bud components. There appears to be a developmental window of less than 8 h duration during which microspores are very likely to form embryos: over 70% of the microspores can undergo division and up to 70% of these can form embryos. Embryos were mainly obtained from late uninuucleate to early binucleate microspores: the former contained mainly a G2 or M phase nucleus located at the microspore periphery and the latter a generative nucleus (associated with the intine) and a vegetative nucleus. Observations indicated that only the vegetative nucleus contributed to embryo formation. The first embryogenic division occurred between 8 and 16 h for uninucleate- and between 8 and 48 h for binucleate-derived embryos.  相似文献   

Summary In microspore cultures of Brassica napus L. cv. Topas, embryo yield increases with culture density up to about 40,000 microspores per ml. A much higher density (100,000 per ml) appears inhibitory to embryogenesis. A relatively high culture density (30,000 or 40,000 per ml) for the first 2–4 days of culture is crucial for embryogenesis, after which cultures may be diluted to allow better embryo growth.Medium conditioned by culturing microspores at 30,000 or 40,000 per ml for 1 day improved microspore-embryo yield in low density cultures (3,000 or 4,000 per ml) more than 3-fold. In contrast, media conditioned with microspores from 1–4 days or 0–4 days of culture were inhibitory.Use of feeder cultures resulted in up to 10-fold increase of embryo yield in low density microspore cultures, depending on the method used. Filter papers and other membranes placed on top of feeders greatly inhibited embryogenesis in the feeder layer as well as microspores cultured on the feeder, possibly due to poorer gaseous exchange.  相似文献   

Microspore derived (MS-)embryogenesis and zygotic embryogenesis of Brassica napus L. cv. Topas were investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy to reveal the expression of polarity during the transition phase from globular to heart and torpedo shape. During the first 5 days of MS-embryo formation, the cell wall of the former microspores remained intact and a globular mass of cells developed within. Pollen walls ruptured after 5 days of culture; embryos proceeded through heart-shape and torpedo-shape stages within 15 days in a way comparable to, but faster than observed during zygotic embryogenesis. Expression of polarity in globular and elongating MS-embryos was analyzed by detection of the distribution of activated calmodulin as well as of free cytosolic calcium by using confocal scanning laser microscopy, and by the detection of starch. Calmodulin was evenly distributed in globular embryos and only exhibited clear polar distribution in elongated embryos. Free cytosolic Ca2+ accumulated in the protoderm of globular embryos and in the central cylinder of torpedo shaped embryos, but never showed polar distribution. Accumulation of starch granules at the root poles of both sexual as well as MS-embryos, however, indicated polar distribution before the transition from globular to heart shape stage. Since the local rupture of the pollen wall of 6-day-old MS-embryos was never preceded by the decrease of starch at that site, it is likely that the rupture of the pollen wall plays an important role in the local activation of cell metabolism and thus in the determination of the polarity axis in MS-embryos.  相似文献   

W. L. Koh  C. S. Loh 《Plant cell reports》2000,19(12):1177-1183
 A simple method to induce somatic embryogenesis from seeds of rapid-cycling Brassica napus is described. Seedlings cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium produced somatic embryos directly on hypocotyls and cotyledons after 2 to 3 subcultures onto the same medium. A low pH of the medium (3.5–5) was more conducive to somatic embryogenesis than a higher pH (6 and 7). Embryogenic potential of the seeds was inversely correlated to seed age: about 41–68% of immature seeds between the ages of 14 and 28 days after pollination (DAP) formed somatic embryos compared to 0–11% of the seeds obtained 29–37 DAP. About 54% of the somatic embryos produced secondary embryos after subculturing onto the same medium. The embryogenic potential of the cultures has been maintained on MS basal medium for 2 years (12 generations) without diminution. Up to 75% of the secondary embryos developed into plantlets on MS medium enriched with 10–6  M zeatin, and 40% of these produced flowers when transferred to an optimised flower-induction medium. Viable seeds were produced in self-pollinated in vitro flowers. Received: 15 February 2000 / Revision received: 18 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 July 2000  相似文献   

用Olympus BH2型光学显微镜对甘蓝型油菜单显性核不育系(GMS)及其等位可育系小孢子发育过程进行解剖学观察,发现在正常小孢子发育过程中,绒毡层在小孢子发育的四分体前后开始解体,为小孢子继续发育提供营养,而不育系小孢子的败育在减数分裂前就已经发生,并且不能形成四分体,小孢子逐渐解体,且小孢子解体在绒毡层解体之前发生,最后花药成为干瘪的空壳,导致不育。  相似文献   

Cultured microspores of Brassica napus L. cvs Topas and Reston initiated cell divisions within 3 to 4 days, and globular, heart and torpedo shaped embryos were prevalent after approximately 6, 8, and 10 days, respectively. Embryos with rudimentary cotyledons were evident within 2 weeks, but those that reached this stage of development represented only 1–5% of the original microspore population. The fresh weight of microspore-derived embryos at all stages of development was significantly greater than that for zygotic embryos, but the pattern of change in fresh weight and fatty acid accumulation was similar in developing zygotic and microspore embryos. In freshly isolated microspores of both Topas (low erucic acid) and Reston (high erucic acid), the predominant fatty acid was 18:3, while 18:1 comprised less than 15% of total fatty acids. During development in both zygotic and microspore embryos, the level of 18:3 declined markedly while 18:1 rapidly increased. Erucic acid (22:1) was not detected in the early stages of embryogenesis in Reston. However, small amounts of 22:1 appeared by early cotyledonary stage and the level gradually increased in both zygotic and microspore embryos through the later stages of development. The fatty acid compositions of mature embryos was nearly identical to that of dry seed, except the level of 22:1 in Reston embryos was consistently less than in the seed. Triacylglycerols comprised only 15% of total lipids in freshly isolated microspores, but increased to more than 90% by 4 weeks. The fatty acid composition of the triacylglycerol fraction was generally similar to that of total lipids at all stages of development of microspore-derived embryos.  相似文献   

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