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The cysteine proteases of Paragonimus westermani metacercariae are involved in metacercarial excystment, host immune modulation, and possibly in tissue penetration. In order to clarify the origin of the enzymes, 28 and 27 kDa cysteine proteases in metacercarial excretory-secretory products were purified through the FPLC system using Mono Q column chromatography. The polyclonal antibodies to the enzymes were produced in BALB/c mice. Immunolocalization studies revealed that both cysteine proteases were distributed at the linings of excretory bladder and excretory concretions of the metacercariae. It was suggested that the excretory epithelium of P. westermani undertake the secretory function of metacercarial cysteine proteases, in addition to its role as a route for eliminating waste products.  相似文献   

An in vitro immune effector mechanism against the target excysted metacercariae of Paragonimus westermani was demonstrated in the rat system. Peritoneal exudate cells, mainly macrophages from normal rats, showed adherence to and killing of excysted metacercariae of P. westermani in the presence of complement-independent serum from rats infected with Paragonimus metacercariae. These reactions were specific for the excysted metacercariae, as tissue-migrating juvenile worms were not affected. Damage of excysted metacercariae of P. westermani due to antibody and macrophages was assessed by morphological observation, by cell adherence reaction and by the use of vital dyes. Trypan blue dye exclusion proved to be a reliable indicator of judging metacercarial viability. Electron microscopic studies demonstrated that macrophages reacted with fuzzy material on the tegumental surface and fine structures in the syncytium of the parasites. The tubular tunnels formed between the basement membrane and muscle layers of the damaged parasites were also noticeable. The relevance of these findings to cellular immunity in the early paragonimiasis was discussed.  相似文献   

Eosinophils are important effector cells in host defense against parasites. Excretory-secretory product (ESP) produced by helminthic worms plays important roles in the uptake of nutrients, migration in the host tissue, and in immune modulation. However, little is known about the ability of the ESP to directly trigger eosinophil apoptosis. This study investigated whether the ESP of newly excysted metacercariae of Paragonimus westermani could induce apoptosis in human eosinophils. Apoptosis was assayed by staining the cells with FITC-annexin V, and the cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. It was found that the ESP of newly excysted metacercariae of P. westermani induced a direct time- and concentration-dependent increase in the rate of constitutive apoptosis in mature human eosinophils. Eosinophil apoptosis was first apparent 3 hr after treatment with the ESP and continued to increase after 6 hr of incubation with respect to the cells cultured in the absence of the ESP. While only 2.8% of the eosinophils incubated in the medium for 3 hr were apoptotic, 7.6%, 10.9% and 22.6% of the eosinophils treated with 10, 30 and 100 micrograms/ml ESP were apoptotic, respectively. This result suggests that the ESP of newly excysted metacercariae of P. westermani directly induce eosinophil apoptosis, which may be important for the survival of the parasites and the reduction of eosinophilic inflammation in vivo.  相似文献   

1. A neutral thiol protease was isolated from the extract of larvae of the mammalian trematode parasite, Paragonimus westermani metacercariae, by arginine-Sepharose, Ultrogel AcA-54 and DEAE-toyopearl column chromatography, measuring its activity by the hydrolysis of Boc-Val-Leu-Lys-MCA as a substrate. 2. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 22,000 as a single polypeptide by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and was estimated to be 20,000 by size exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography. 3. The activity was suppressed by antipain, E-64, leupeptin, chymostatin, N-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone, but was not affected by metallo protease inhibitors or serine protease inhibitors. 4. Studies on the substrate specificity showed that the enzyme hydrolyzed Boc-Val-Leu-Lys-MCA, Z-Phe-Arg-MCA, fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled collagen, azocoll and casein. 5. The enzyme was found to hydrolyze peptide bonds of oxidized insulin B chain preferentially at the carboxy side of hydrophobic and basic amino acids.  相似文献   

Paragonimus westermani is a tissue migrating parasite in the early stage until arriving at lung, and most of the parasites spend their life spans there. Considerable immune responses including activation of macrophages are taken place during the residence of parasites in the host. However, concerning the immunologic defense mechanisms of the host against this parasite, only a few document is available so far. In this study, the cytotoxic effect of peritoneal macrophages under the presence of antibody and/or complement against metacercariae of P. westermani was investigated in vitro. Metacercariae were collected from the crayfish, Cambaroides similis and hatched out in Tyrode solution (pH 7.4). Plastic adherent cells from normal or infected rat (Wistar) peritoneal exudates were used as experimental macrophages. Polyclonal antibodies were obtained from infected rats and a cat. Cat IgG was fractioned with ion exchange chromatography. Fresh rabbit complement was used according to experimental scheme. Various combinations of peritoneal macrophages, normal or infected rat serum, complement and cat IgG were incubated at 36 degrees C in 5% CO2 incubator for 6, 14, 24 and 48 hours. The results obtained were as follows: 1. P. westermani infection activated peritoneal macrophages non-specifically and this activation induced increases of cell adherence and cytotoxicity on metacercariae. 2. In the presence of infected rat serum the antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity of peritoneal macrophages on metacercariae was significantly increased and showed a peak at 6-hour incubation. But the cytotoxic effect was markedly reduced after inactivation of complement and heat-labile IgE antibody by the heating of infected serum at 56 degrees C for 30 minutes. 3. The highest cytotoxic effect (100%) of concomitant incubation with IgG and complement showed 24 hours after incubation, although cell adherence was relatively low at 6-hour incubation and 0% at 24-hour incubation. 4. Coordinative functions of complement with serum and IgG were effective in cell adherence and in cytotoxicity, but it is not clear the independent role of complement on the macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity in this study. With these results it is assumed that P. westermani infection can induce the non-specific activation of peritoneal macrophages, and serum antibodies including IgE antibody might enhance the cytotoxicity by macrophages.  相似文献   

It is well known that the cysteine proteases in excretory-secretory product (ESP) of Paragonimus westermani newly excysted metacercariae (PwNEM) are capable of degrading IgG in vitro. Recent evidence suggests that the IgG-coated surface, such as found on parasites, is one of the most effective physiologic stimuli for granulocyte activation. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the effect of excretory-secretory product (ESP) of PwNEM on superoxide production of granulocytes stimulated with IgG. The 96-well plates were coated with human IgG (0, 10, 30, 100 micrograms/ml) in the absence or presence of ESP. When granulocytes were incubated in the wells coated with human IgG in the presence of ESP, the level of superoxide production of granulocytes was reduced to about 90% when compared to the cells incubated in the wells coated with IgG alone. This inhibitory effect of the ESP on IgG-induced superoxide production of granulocytes was concentration-dependent. These results suggest that ESP secreted by PwNEM may be important in the control of effector functions of granulocytes stimulated with IgG in human paragonimiasis.  相似文献   

A neutral thiol protease from extracts of larvae of the mammalian digenean parasite Paragonimus westermani metacercariae was purified by single-step chromatography on Ultrogel AcA-54, measuring its activity on t-butyloxycarbonyl-valyl-leucyl-lysyl-4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide as a substrate. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate and size exclusion-high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of the enzyme indicated that the fraction obtained by gel filtration was homogeneous. Antibodies against the purified protease were raised in rabbits by immunizing with micro quantities of the enzyme protein. The antibodies revealed a single precipitin line against the enzyme on double immunodiffusion analysis.  相似文献   

In vitro excystation studies were carried out on the metacercariae cysts of Paragonimus heterotremus obtained from naturally infected crabs Potamon spp. The effects of elastase, trypsin, trypsin-dog bile, trypsin-bile salt, and dithiothreitol (DTT) were examined. The trypsin-dog bile medium stimulated maximum excystation. Of the media that contained 1 mM DTT, the optimum conditions for the excystation were shown to be pH 9, temperature of 39-40 C, and osmolarity of 250-350 mOsm. The DTT acceleration was antagonized by all of the following 6 protease inhibitors: leupeptin (0.5-4 microg/ml), L-trans-epoxysuccinyl leucylamido (4-guanidine) butane (1-8 microM), N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (0.1-0.4 mM), N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (25-200 microg/ml), iodoacetic acid (0.5-4 mM), and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (1-4 mM). These results suggest that a number of extrinsic and intrinsic factors may modulate excystation.  相似文献   

Histochemical tests were done on newly excysted metacercariae and worms recovered from an abnormal host (rat) and the definitive host (dog) for some oxidoreductases, phosphatases and glycosidases. The results demonstrate that rat worms have enzymatic distribution and intensities more similar to those of metacercariae than to adult worms from dogs. Ultracytochemical examination of acid and alkaline phosphatase and Mg-ATPase activity was also carried out. Acid phosphatase activity occurred exceptionally in the excretory bladder and caeca of dog worms. No activity was observed in rat worms except for lysosomal granules in the tegument. Alkaline phosphatase activity was exhibited in the excretory bladder in both dog and rat worms. Mg-ATPase activity occurred in the tegument and parenchymal cells in dog worms and in the excretory bladder in rat worms. In metacercariae, little or no reaction for these enzymes was present except for Mg-ATPase activity on the excretory ducts. These observations, together with the histochemical results, indicate that metabolic activity in rat worms is higher than in metacercariae although it is strongly reduced compared with dog worms.  相似文献   

1. A neutral thiol protease was purified from the culture filtrate of newly excysted metacercariae of Paragonimus westermani to homogeneity as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, having a monomeric form with mol. wt 22,000. 2. It expressed activity on t-butyloxycarbonyl-valyl-leucyl-lysyl-4-methyl-coumaryl-7-amide in the presence of cysteine at an optimal pH of 7.5, and also the activity was significantly affected by thiol protease inhibitors, indicating that the enzyme belongs to a neutral thiol protease family. 3. The enzyme hydrolyzed protein substrates, azocoll, casein and fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled collagen, and showed low specificity toward hemoglobin, but no activity with elastin Congo Red and bovine serum albumin. 4. Catalytic property on fluorogenic substrates demonstrated that the enzyme cleaved preferentially the carboxylic side of the basic residue in N-substituted peptides.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeographic studies on Paragonimus westermani in Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani (Kerbert, 1878), is widely distributed in Asia, and exhibits much variation in its biological properties. Previous phylogenetic studies using DNA sequences have demonstrated that samples from north-east Asia form a tight group distinct from samples from south Asia (Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia). Among countries from the latter region, considerable molecular diversity was observed. This was investigated further using additional DNA sequences (partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and the second internal transcribed spacer of the nuclear ribosomal gene repeat (ITS2)) from additional samples of P. westermani. Phylogenies inferred from these again found three or four groups within P. westermani, depending on the method of analysis. Populations of P. westermani from north-east Asia use snail hosts of the family Pleuroceridae and differ in other biological properties from populations in south Asia (that use snail hosts of the family Thiaridae). It is considered that the populations we sampled can be divided into two species, one in north-east Asia and the other in south Asia.  相似文献   

Comparative ultrastructural studies have been made of newly excysted metacercariae and worms recovered from abnormal (rats) and normal definitive hosts (dogs). Worms from rats survived for prolonged periods without any growth or development in muscles of the host. They appeared to resemble metacercariae in general features, although ultrastructural observations revealed differences in the composition of tegumental granules and the development of the excretory bladder and caeca. Worms from dogs showed well-developed morphology in association with active energy metabolism and biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Paragonimus westermani is a tissue-invading trematode parasite that causes inflammatory lung disease as well as systemic infections including cerebral invasion in carnivorous mammals. While aminopeptidases play important roles in trematodes in the catabolism of host hemoglobin, an essential source of nutrient for the parasite, little is known about aminopeptidase in Paragonimus. Presently, we isolated a cDNA encoding a 58 kDa P. westermani leucine aminopeptidase (PwLAP). Deduced amino acid sequence of PwLAP exhibited significant sequence homology with LAP from Schistosoma spp. and Fasciola hepatica. Biochemical analysis of the recombinant PwLAP protein demonstrated preferential substrate specificity for Leu-NHMec and inhibition by EDTA, 1,10-phenanthroline, and bestatin, which are conserved characteristics of the M17 family of leucine aminopeptidase. PwLAP exhibited relatively higher enzyme activity in the presence of Mn2+ compared to Schistosoma mansoni LAP. Based on the biochemical properties and immunohistochemical analysis, PwLAP is concluded to represent a leucine aminopeptidase. The enzyme is most likely responsible for the catabolism of host hemoglobin, and, hence, represents a potential target of Paragonimus chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions of hydrogen cyanide (0.004-0.1 M) were exposed to cobalt-60 gamma rays. Among the products formed on hydrolysis of the irradiated solution; glycine, alanine, valine, serine, threonine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid have been identified.  相似文献   

Production of circulating specific antibodies to the lung fluke (Paragonimus westermani) by its host is well known and used in various kinds of immunodiagnostic methods. However, it has not been well documented which compartments (or structures) of the lung fluke are most responsible for the production of specific antibodies. The present immunohistochemical study was undertaken to demonstrate the antigenicity of each body compartment of P. westermani such as suckers, tegument, spines, vitelline glands, intestine, reproductive organs (male and female), and eggs. Indirect immunoperoxidase (IP) stain technique was applied, using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lung tissues of P. westermani-infected cats sectioned in 4 microns thickness as the antigen and cat antisera (11-20 weeks of infection) as the primary antibody. Peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-cat IgG was used as the secondary antibody and diaminobenzidine (DAB) as the coloring agent. Strong yellow or yellowish brown staining was regarded positive. The primary and secondary antibody dilutions were made at 1:500-1:2,000 and 1:200-1:500 respectively, and IP stain was repeated 10 times for each dilution. A consistent result obtained was that the intestinal epithelial border, intestinal content, vitelline glands, and eggs scattered around the worm capsule showed strong positive staining, while uterine eggs and some parenchymal portions showed weak positive reaction. On the other hand, the suckers, tegument, spines, subtegumental cells, cytoplasm of intestinal epithelial cells, male reproductive organs, and ovary revealed negative staining. The body compartments showing higher antigenicity were, in the decreasing order, the intestinal epithelial border, intestinal content, eggs in the worm capsule, vitelline glands, uterine eggs, and parenchymatous portions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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