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A new genus and species of gobiid fish,Siphonogobius nue, based on 15 specimens, is described from temperate Pacific coasts of Japan. It is unique amongst gobioids in having a simple tube-like infraorbital canal extending below the eye and the oculoscapular canal between pores A' and L' without openings, except for the terminal pores and pore D. Although well-developed infraorbital canals occur in two other gobioid genera, the rhyacichthyidRhyacichthys and the gobiidLophiogobius, such are distinct from that ofSiphonogobius in having several branches and openings. Furthermore, the new taxon is distinguished from all other gobioids by the following combination of characters: first dorsal-fin spines 7–9 (usually 8); pectoral-fin rays 24–26, the upper 7–9 rays free from the fin membrane; pelvic frenum thick, robust and slightly emarginate posteriorly; scales small and cycloid, 87–96 in longitudinal series; vertebrae 14–15+19–20=33–34 (usually 14+20=34); P-V usually 3/I II II I I I 0/11; anal-fin pterygiophores anterior to the first haemal spine 3–4 (usually 3); a row of short fleshy flaps on the ventral surface of the head, extending from the lower edge of the preopercle to the chin; anterior nostril with a minute skin flap. Axial skeletal features indicated thatSiphonogobius is closely related to a group which includesAcanthogobius and its relatives.  相似文献   

A new gobiid fish, Vanderhorstia papilio, is described based on a single specimen (40.9mm SL) captured from a sandy-mud bottom at a depth of 45m in a protected bay of Iriomote-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. It is distinguished from congeners in having the following combination of characters: 11 segmented dorsal-fin rays; 11 segmented anal-fin rays; 27 longitudinal scales; 11 predorsal scales; third spine of first dorsal fin elongate, filamentous, and longer than preceding spine; fifth and ninth branched caudal-fin rays elongate, filamentous, and forming bifurcated caudal fin; fifth and ninth branched caudal-fin rays with a single branch in each; cephalic sensory-papillae row a comprises three widely-spaced papillae; when live or fresh, numerous small yellow spots scattered on head, body, and dorsal fins; dusky yellowish-brown vertical bar below eye; four dark gray-brown saddles on body, in addition to a similarly colored large blotch at midlateral caudal-fin base. The limits and diagnosis of the genus Vanderhorstia are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new shrimp-associated gobies,Amblyeleotris yanoi sp. nov. andA. masuii sp. nov. are described on the basis of specimens from Iriomote-jima Island and Okinawa-jima Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.A. yanoi is distinguished from other members of the genus by the combination of the following characters: 14 anal fin soft rays, 19 pectoral fin rays, 97–103 longitudinal scales, a candle flame-shaped marking on the caudal fin, a very low membrane connecting the pelvic fins and absence of a ventral frenum.A. masuii differs from all other congeners by having 92–97 longitudinal scales, the length of the interpelvic connecting membrane relative to the longest pelvic fin ray (0.43–0.66), black blotches on the sides of the chin, and blue spots on the opercle and preopercle.  相似文献   

Tomiko Ito 《Limnology》2006,7(3):205-211
A new species of molannid caddisfly, Molanna yaeyamensis sp. nov., is described based on adult and immature stages from the Yaeyama Islands, the Ryukyu Archipelago, the southernmost part of Japan.  相似文献   

Niisato T  Han CD 《ZooKeys》2011,(118):19-52
The clytine genus Amamiclytus Ohbayashi, 1964, from Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands is revised. Seven species and one subspecies are recognized as follows: Amamiclytus nobuoi nobuoi Ohbayashi, 1964, (Amami Islands); Amamiclytus nobuoi akusekianus Niisato, 2005, (Tokara Islands); Amamiclytus subnitidus Holzschuh, 1984, (Taiwan); Amamiclytus setigersp. n. (Taiwan), Amamiclytus nubilussp. n. (Taiwan), Amamiclytus junisp. n. (Taiwan), Amamiclytus yulongisp. n. (Taiwan) and Amamiclytus hirtipes (Matsushita, 1940), comb. n. (Taiwan). All of them are described or redescribed and a key to species is presented. The generic features of Amamiclytus, including male and female genitalia from these taxa, are presented. The systematic position of Amamiclytus within the tribe Clytini is discussed.  相似文献   

A new anthiine fish,Holanthias kingyo sp, nov., is described on the basis of two specimens (male and female) from the Ryukyu Is., Japan. The new species is most similar toH. natalensis (Fowler, 1925), known only from South Africa, in having the following characters: dorsal fin soft rays 16 or 17, anal fin soft rays 9, pored lateral line scales 46 or 47, scale rows above lateral line to origin of dorsal fin 9 1/2 or 10 1/2, and gill rakers 10 or 11 +24 or 25=34–36. It differs from the latter in having more scales below the lateral line to the origin of the anal fin (27 1/2 vs. 18–24), a U-shaped caudal fin with paddle-like lobes (vs. deeply forked caudal fin with each lobe ending in a long slender filament), the outer margin of the soft anal fin vertical (vs. gently convex) and brown spots on the body in female (vs. spots absent in females).  相似文献   

Cabillus atripelvicus is described from three specimens, 26.1–40.6 mm in standard length, collected from depth 17–29 m in the Ogasawara Islands. In addition, two small specimens taken by dredge in 50–55 m from Sagami Bay, Honshu, and one from Tachibana Bay, Kyushu, are identified as this species but not designated as paratypes. Cabillus atripelvicus is distinguished from the four other described species of the genus by its high count of 18–20 pectoral rays, presence of median predorsal scales, longer pectoral fins, and distinctive color pattern, including black pelvic fins. The range of C. lacertops Smith, 1959 is extended east to the Marshall Islands and that of C. tongarevae (Fowler, 1927) east to American Samoa. More species remain to be described in the genus. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at  相似文献   

 A new terapontid fish, Mesopristes iravi, is described based on 13 specimens collected on Iriomote Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. This species closely resembles M. argenteus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829) in having dark stripes on the body, but differs from that species in retaining the stripes even in adults (vs. stripes disappearing ontogenetically in the latter species), having the median stripe passing through the eye interrupted on the postorbital region (vs. continuous when the stripe present), a shorter fifth (longest) dorsal spine (14.6–19.7% SL vs. 18.0–22.2% SL), and a longer postorbital length (40.0–43.0% HL vs. 37.8–40.7% HL). Mesopristes iravi has been confused with M. argenteus in previous reports, and on the basis of the literature it may extend from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, southward to Borneo, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Received: August 6, 2001 / Revised: February 24, 2002 / Accepted: March 7, 2002  相似文献   

A new shrimp-associated goby,Amblyeleotris melanocephala, is described on the basis of specimens from Okinoshima Island. Kochi Prefecture, and Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The species is distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: head dark brown, a few yellow spots on pectoral fin base and opercular margin, 13 second dorsal and 13 anal fin soft rays, 20 pectoral fin rays, longitudinal scales 92–101, proportional length of interpelvic connecting membrane relative to longest pelvic fin ray (CM-value) 0.46–0.55, presence of a ventral frenum, midline of nape naked, sides scaled above midpoint between preopercle and opercle.  相似文献   

A new species of the fish genus Grammonus (Ophidiiformes: Bythitidae) is described based on a ripe female, 98 mm in standard length (SL). It was caught at the bottom of a cave at a depth of 20 m under lightless conditions in Ie-shima Island, one of the Ryukyu Islands. A comparison to the seven described species of Grammonus shows the greatest similarity to the widely distributed G. robustus, but G. yunokawai n. sp. differs from it by having fewer vertebrae (41 vs. 44–47), a greater predorsal length (41.5 vs. 32.0–39.0% SL), higher posterior margin of maxilla (8.4 vs. 5.6–7.3% SL), and greater interorbital width (10.5 vs. 5.9–7.6% SL). Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at  相似文献   

We describe Hedgpethia spinosasp. n. based on a single male specimen obtained from 197-207 m depth, south of Yaku Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Among 15 previously known congeners, the new species resembles Hedgpethia bicornis (Losina-Losinsky & Turpaeva, 1958), Hedgpethia chitinosa (Hilton, 1943), and probably Hedgpethia brevitarsis (Losina-Losinsky & Turpaeva, 1958), in having a mid-dorsal tubercle on the posterior rim on each trunk segment. The new species, however, is distinguishable from those by a pair of horns on the anterior margin of the cephalic segment, spines on the first coxae, and denticulate spines on the strigilis. The new species represents the fifth member of the genus so far known from Japanese waters, in addition to Hedgpethia brevitarsis (Losina-Losinsky & Turpaeva, 1958), Hedgpethia chitinosa (Hilton, 1943), Hedgpethia dofleini (Loman, 1911), and Hedgpethia elongata Takahashi, Dick & Mawatari, 2007.  相似文献   

A new shrimp-associated goby, Stonogobiops yasha sp. nov., is described on the basis of nine specimens collected from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. This species is easily distinguished from other congeneric species in having reddish-orange stripes on a white body and only two median cephalic sensory pores on the head. Received: July 21, 1999 / Revised: July 10, 2001 / Accepted: July 26, 2001  相似文献   

Floral morphology and breeding system were examined in natural populations of Psychotria rubra (Rubiaceae) occurring in the Ryukyu Islands in southwest Japan. This species is morphologically dimorphic with long‐ and short‐styled morphs; however, these morphs are functionally dioecious. All long‐styled morphs set fruits, but their short anthers completely lack pollen grains; thus, they function as pistillate flowers. Alternately, short‐styled morphs usually have fertile pollen and never set fruit, whether after open or obligate pollinations; thus, they function as staminate flowers. However, some short‐styled morphs in Mounts Katsuu‐dake and Oppa‐dake populations have no fertile pollens. No fruit was obtained from bagging experiments, indicating that P. rubra requires pollinators for its reproduction. In our pollinator observations, flies and short‐tongued wasps were the main visitors of the flowers of P. rubra. Thus, these insects are probably effective pollinators for P. rubra in the Ryukyu Islands. Considering the morphological features, the dioecy found in P. rubra is probably derived from distyly; however, no sufficient evidence is available showing that dioecy has evolved “directly” from distyly.  相似文献   

报道了桦木科(Betulaceae)鹅耳枥属(Carpinus L.)一新种——香港鹅耳枥(C.insularis N.H.Xia,K.S.PangY.H.Tong)。香港鹅耳枥与太鲁阁鹅耳枥(C.hebestroma Yamamoto)及多脉鹅耳枥(C.polyneura Franch.)相似,但习性灌木状,叶具13~16对侧脉,先端锐尖,边缘锯齿的芒尖较短,果苞宽半卵形或半卵形,长8~14 mm,小坚果顶端密被长柔毛且疏具树脂状腺体,与后两者易于区别。  相似文献   

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