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There are striking differences in the behavioral response to social defeat between male and female Syrian hamsters. Whereas males exhibit a prolonged behavioral response to defeat (i.e., conditioned defeat), many females remain aggressive or show only a transient submissive response following defeat. The current study tested the hypothesis that sex steroids underlie this differential behavioral responsivity to social defeat. Female hamsters were ovariectomized and implanted with Silastic capsules containing estradiol (E(2)), testosterone (T), progesterone (P), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), or a blank capsule (no hormone replacement). After a 3-week recovery period, each subject was placed inside the home cage of a larger, more aggressive female for four 5-min defeat trials. The following day, each animal was tested for conditioned defeat by testing it in its own home cage in the presence of a smaller, non-aggressive intruder. Submissive, aggressive, social, and nonsocial behaviors were subsequently scored. Hamsters receiving E(2) or T displayed significantly lower levels of submissive behavior than did animals receiving P, DHT, or no hormone replacement. There were no significant differences in aggressive behavior among groups. These data suggest that gonadal hormones can influence submissive behavior in female hamsters. Collectively, these results suggest that the sex differences observed in conditioned defeat may, in part, be explained by sex differences in circulating gonadal hormones.  相似文献   

The role of hypothalamic malonyl-CoA in energy homeostasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Energy balance is monitored by hypothalamic neurons that respond to peripheral hormonal and afferent neural signals that sense energy status. Recent physiologic, pharmacologic, and genetic evidence has implicated malonyl-CoA, an intermediate in fatty acid synthesis, as a regulatory component of this energy-sensing system. The level of malonyl-CoA in the hypothalamus is dynamically regulated by fasting and feeding, which alter subsequent feeding behavior. Fatty acid synthase (FAS) inhibitors, administered systemically or intracerebroventricularly to lean or obese mice, increase hypothalamic malonyl-CoA leading to the suppression of food intake. Conversely, lowering malonyl-CoA with an acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) inhibitor or by the ectopic expression of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase in the hypothalamus increases food intake and reverses inhibition by FAS inhibitors. Physiologically, the level of hypothalamic malonyl-CoA appears to be determined through phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of ACC by AMP kinase in response to changes in the AMP/ATP ratio, an indicator of energy status. Recent evidence suggests that the brain-specific carnitine:palmitoyl-CoA transferase-1 (CPT1c) may be a regulated target of malonyl-CoA that relays the "malonyl-CoA signal" in hypothalamic neurons that express the orexigenic and anorexigenic neuropeptides that regulate food intake and peripheral energy expenditure. Together these findings support a role for malonyl-CoA as an intermediary in the control of energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats (n = 18) were studied at the age of 120 days after social deprivation in the period from the 22nd to 70th days of postnatal development. They displayed significant lower activity in the open field, elevated plus-maze, and Porsolt test than control animals (n = 19). Decreased exploratory activity was found to be related with higher level of anxiety. This was confirmed by their avoidance of open arms of the elevated plusmaze and reactions to approaching hand. These animals had problems in the maze arm choice. They showed low time variability of choice-related actions (waiting in the center of the open field or elevated plus-maze and change in the movement direction along an open-field wall, including the movement per se, and arm choice and changing, i.e., alternative choice). Shorter time of choice-related actions was observed in situations of unequal alternatives.  相似文献   

The cellular level of malonyl-CoA, an intermediate in fatty acid biosynthesis, depends on its rate of synthesis catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase relative to its rate of utilization and degradation catalyzed by fatty acid synthase and malonyl-CoA decarboxylase, respectively. Recent evidence suggests that hypothalamic malonyl-CoA functions in the regulation of feeding behavior by altering the expression of key orexigenic and anorexigenic neuropeptides. Here we report that 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleoside (AICAR), a 5'-AMP kinase activator, rapidly lowers malonyl-CoA both in GT1-7 hypothalamic neurons and in the hypothalami of mice. These effects correlate closely with the phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, an established target of AMP kinase. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of AICAR rapidly lowers hypothalamic [malonyl-CoA] and increases food intake. Expression of an adenoviral cytosolic malonyl-CoA decarboxylase vector (Ad-cMCD) in hypothalamic GT1-7 cells decreases malonyl-CoA. When delivered by bilateral stereotaxic injection into the ventral hypothalamus (encompassing the arcuate nucleus) of mice, Ad-cMCD increases food intake and body weight. Ad-MCD delivered into the ventral hypothalamus also reverses the rapid suppression of food intake caused by i.c.v.-administered C75, a fatty acid synthase inhibitor that increases hypothalamic [malonyl-CoA]. Taken together these findings implicate malonyl-CoA in the hypothalamic regulation of feeding behavior.  相似文献   


The effects of fish oil for improving mental health have been reported. The present study was undertaken to compare the effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on anxiety-like behavior using a rat model. Experimental diets enriched in EPA or DHA as glycerides were prepared. Rats were exposed to social isolation stress and fed the experimental diet for 14 days. The results of behavioral tests revealed that rats fed the EPA-enriched diet exhibited less anxiety-like behavior than rats fed the control or DHA-enriched diets. Furthermore, EPA suppressed anxiety-like behavior only in socially isolated rats. The increase in EPA contents in the brain phospholipid fraction by feeding EPA-enriched diet was more significant than that of DHA by feeding DHA-enriched diet. These results suggest that dietary EPA is more anxiolytic than DHA in rats exposed to social isolation stress and is effective in increasing EPA content in brain membranes.  相似文献   

Two estrogen antagonists, CI-628 (CI) and tamoxifen (TX), were used to examine the relationship between estrogen priming of lordosis behavior and progestin receptor induction in the hypothalamus-preoptic area (HPOA) of ovariectomized female rats. Lordosis behavior was assessed by measuring lordosis quotients (LQ) in response to injection of 2 micrograms of estradiol benzoate (EB) followed 48 hr later by 500 micrograms of progesterone (P). Behavior testing began 4 hr after P injection. The effects of antiestrogens were assessed by injecting CI and TX (1-2 mg) from 0 to 48 hr prior to EB. Levels of cytosol progestin receptor in the HPOA were determined by quantifying the specific binding of 0.5 nM [3H]R5020 to cytosols from animals receiving the same EB and antiestrogen treatments used in behavioral testing. TX given concurrently with or CI given 2 hr before EB abolished both lordosis behavior and induction of HPOA progestin receptors. In contrast, CI given 12 hr prior to EB abolished lordosis but permitted a 95% elevation in the concentration of progestin binding sites in the HPOA. TX or CI given 48 hr before EB resulted in moderate levels of lordosis (mean LQs from 56 to 69) and induction of HPOA progestin receptors from 85 to 130% above noninjected controls. However, CI given 24 hr prior to EB produced less than a 40% increase in brain R5020 binding even though lordosis behavior was equivalent to that seen in the 48-hr animals (mean LQ = 53). These data indicate that the effects of antiestrogens on female sexual behavior and on the synthesis of brain progestin receptors depend on which antiestrogen is used and the time interval between administration of estrogen and antiestrogen. They also demonstrate that under some conditions estrogen induction of cytosol progestin receptors in the HPOA can be dissociated from estrogen priming of lordosis behavior in rats.  相似文献   

Insects are an essential component of squirrel monkey natural food. Eight of ten socially inexperienced infant squirrel monkeys, during their 2nd and 3rd month of age, directed their attention to living insects or film presentations of moving insects. They attempted to catch them with gradually improving success, and on at least two occasions consumed them. For comparison, group-living squirrel monkeys begin to eat solid food around their 2nd month of age, continuing with some nursing until about 11 or 13 months, and were only at this age seen to successfully catch and eat insects. Thus, as infant squirrel monkeys proved to be able to catch and eat insects before their first experience with conspecifics, an innate basis for this behavior can be assumed.  相似文献   

Intracisternal injections of ethanolamine-O-sulfate (EOS), an irreversible selective inhibitor of GABA-transaminase (GABA-T), resulted in relatively long lasting dose dependent decreases in food consumption and body weight of rats. The anorexic effects of EOS generally corresponded in both time course and magnitude to the elevation of GABA levels and associated decreases in GABA-T activity. Chronic treatment with very high intraperitoneal doses of EOS which were able to cross the blood-brain barrier elevated GABA levels and resulted in weight loss. Muscimol, a GABA receptor agonist also produced anorexia. These findings are consistent with the view that GABA may be involved in mediation of satiety in the rat.  相似文献   

Long-term ovariectomy reduces the ability of estradiol and progesterone treatment to induce sexual receptivity in female rats. Previous researchers suggested that this effect may be due to a decreased induction of neural progestin receptors by estradiol in the long-term ovariectomized rats. The present study was designed to replicate and extend this finding, and to search for neuroanatomical correlates by measuring the volume of the ventromedial nucleus (VMN) of the hypothalamus, a putative site of action of estradiol and progesterone for the induction of female sexual behavior. Long-term ovariectomy (5 to 6 weeks) as compared to short-term ovariectomy (1 week) reduced the ability of estradiol-17 beta and progesterone treatment to induce sexually receptive and proceptive behaviors. Consistent with previous reports, our data show that the reduced levels of cytosol progestin receptors after long-term ovariectomy and estradiol treatment are related to a reduced ability of estradiol to induce the receptors. Long-term ovariectomy did not affect the concentration of cytosol progestin receptors in the preoptic area, suggesting a neuroanatomical specificity to this effect. Contrary to our predictions, long-term ovariectomy did not affect the volume of the VMN. In fact, estradiol treatment, while blocking the effect of long-term ovariectomy on sexual behavior, decreased the volume of the VMN. Therefore, the measurement of the volume of the VMN is not a good predictor of the responsiveness to steroid hormone induction of sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Rates of ketogenesis in mitochondria from fed or starved rats were identical at optimal substrate concentrations, but responded differently to inhibition by malonyl-CoA. Kinetic data suggest that the K1 for malonyl-CoA is greater in the starved animal. These results indicate that, for the regulation of ketogenesis in the starved state, the lower sensitivity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase to inhibition by malonyl-CoA may be more important than the concentration of malonyl-CoA.  相似文献   

Apple maggot females, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), were maintained (with males) singly or in groups of 5 in laboratory cages without fruit from eclosion until 15 days of age (when males were removed). When hawthorn, apple or artificial fruit were introduced on Day 16, females caged in groups laid significantly more eggs per female, irrespective of fruit type, than females caged singly. A follow-up laboratory experiment revealed that the oviposition-enhancing effect of grouping was due largely or exclusively to caging regime on day of access to fruit and not to prior caging regime. Subsequent laboratory-cage tests indicated that none of the following factors contributed significantly to the oviposition-enhancing effect of grouping under laboratory cage conditions: odor of fruit punctures, odor of eggs, odor of marking pheromone, or presence of other females on fruit, all as potential stimuli eliciting female attraction to fruit; or presence of fruit punctures, eggs, or marking pheromone, all as potential oviposition-enhancing stimuli following alighting on a fruit. The only contributing factor of significance uncovered here was the enhanced propensity of an arriving female to bore into a fruit shortly after encounter with an occupying female engaged in ovipositional behavior. We consider such enhancement as suggestive of socially facilitated egglaying behavior, which we discuss.  相似文献   

Decreased parvalbumin expression is a hallmark of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and has been associated with abnormal cognitive processing and decreased network specificity. It is not known whether this decrease is due to reduced expression of the parvalbumin protein or degeneration of parvalbumin‐positive interneurons (PV+ interneurons). In this study, we examined PV+ expression in two rat models of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia: the environmental social isolation (SI) and pharmacological neonatal phencyclidine (neoPCP) models. Using a stereological method, the optical fractionator, we counted neurons, PV+ interneurons, and glial cells in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and hippocampus (HPC). In addition, we quantified the mRNA level of parvalbumin in the mPFC. There was a statistically significant reduction in the number of PV+ interneurons (= 0.021) and glial cells (= 0.024) in the mPFC of neonatal phencyclidine rats, but not in SI rats. We observed no alterations in the total number of neurons, hippocampal PV+ interneurons, parvalbumin mRNA expression or volume of the mPFC or HPC in the two models. Thus, as the total number of neurons remains unchanged following phencyclidine (PCP) treatment, we suggest that the decreased number of counted PV+ interneurons represents a reduced parvalbumin protein expression below immunohistochemical detection limit rather than a true cell loss. Furthermore, these results indicate that the effect of neonatal PCP treatment is not limited to neuronal populations.  相似文献   

The original conception of the hypothalamus controlling feeding by the activity of two specific and reciprocally inhibitory centers has now been largely abandoned. Detailed neural research using a wide variety of methods has demonstrated the complex morphological and functional organization of this part of the brain and has modified the earlier simplistic approach. However, examination of the feeding responses to a variety of stimuli that represent components of control of feeding indicates that much or even most feeding control is extrahypothalamic. As demonstrated by the obesity or aphagia resulting from hypothalamic damage or from reversible hypothalamic interference, the hypothalamus influences or modulates feeding control, possibly by an enabling action, but it does not itself substantially control food intake either in the short or the long term. In the cachaxia of cancer, which can tentatively be regarded as a negative obesity, and which is closely reproducible in a rat model, the decline of food intake can be attributed to failure of control components that are all extrahypothalamic, and the deterioration of control of feeding appears to be quite independent of the hypothalamus. The very detailed reconstruction of intrahypothalamic circuitry that has been developed in recent years has not yet had any real impact on the problem of where or how the active control of food intake is generated or the way in which the hypothalamus influences this control.  相似文献   

Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD) catalyzes the proton-consuming conversion of malonyl-CoA to acetyl-CoA and CO(2). Although defects in MCD activity are associated with malonyl-CoA decarboxylase deficiency, a lethal disorder characterized by cardiomyopathy and developmental delay, the metabolic role of this enzyme in mammals is unknown. A computer-based search for novel peroxisomal proteins led to the identification of a candidate gene for human MCD, which encodes a protein with a canonical type-1 peroxisomal targeting signal of serine-lysine-leucine(COOH). We observed that recombinant MCD protein has high intrinsic malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity and that a malonyl-CoA decarboxylase-deficient patient has a severe mutation in the MCD gene (c.947-948delTT), confirming that this gene encodes human MCD. Subcellular fractionation experiments revealed that MCD resides in both the cytoplasm and peroxisomes. Cytoplasmic MCD is positioned to play a role in the regulation of cytoplasmic malonyl-CoA abundance and, thus, of mitochondrial fatty acid uptake and oxidation. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that malonyl-CoA decarboxylase-deficient patients display a number of phenotypes that are reminiscent of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorders. Additional support for this hypothesis comes from our observation that MCD mRNA is most abundant in cardiac and skeletal muscles, tissues in which cytoplasmic malonyl-CoA is a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and which derive significant amounts of energy from fatty acid oxidation. As for the role of peroxisomal MCD, we propose that this enzyme may be involved in degrading intraperoxisomal malonyl-CoA, which is generated by the peroxisomal beta-oxidation of odd chain-length dicarboxylic fatty acids.  相似文献   

As the relationship between emotional behavior and electrocardiographic (ECG) change induced by hypothalamic stimulation is poorly understood, eighty-four points in various areas within the hypothalamus in conscious cats were stimulated electrically through chronically implanted electrodes, the objective being to clarify the behavior accompanying ECG changes, in particular poststimulus arrhythmias. Forty-one of 84 points elicited behavioral patterns such as defense reaction, pseudo-rage and restlessness (classified as group A), and in twenty-one (51%) of these 41 points arrhythmias occurred after cessation of stimulation. Forty-three of 84 points elicited behavioral patterns including predatory, exploratory and other behavioral responses (classified as group B), and in three (7%) of 43 points, poststimulus arrhythmias followed. Under light anesthesia, stimulations of twofold current intensity were applied at these points, and the incidences of the arrhythmias did not change in either group. The arrhythmia-inducing area in the cases of group A was found to lie dorsal and caudal to the optic chiasma and to extend caudally in the fornix. Three points in the cases of group B were located in the outer area of the aforementioned area. These studies showed that arrhythmias and group A behavior were observed mainly from stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus, whereas stimulation of other areas of the hypothalamus, including the lateral and the posterolateral hypothalamus, produced group B behavior and no arrhythmias.  相似文献   

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