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Chlorination of indicator bacteria and viruses in primary sewage effluent   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wastewater disinfection is used in many countries for reducing fecal coliform levels in effluents. Disinfection is therefore frequently used to improve recreational bathing waters which do not comply with microbiological standards. It is unknown whether human enteric viruses (which are responsible for waterborne disease) are simultaneously inactivated alongside fecal coliforms. This laboratory study focused on the chlorination of primary treated effluent with three doses (8, 16, and 30 mg/liter) of free chlorine as sodium hypochlorite. Seeding experiments showed that inactivation (>5 log(10) units) of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis was rapid and complete but that there was poor inactivation (0.2 to 1.0 log(10) unit) of F(+)-specific RNA (FRNA) bacteriophage (MS2) (a potential virus indicator) at all three doses. However, seeded poliovirus was significantly more susceptible (2.8 log(10) units) to inactivation by chlorine than was the FRNA bacteriophage. To ensure that these results were not artifacts of the seeding process, comparisons were made between inactivation rates of laboratory-seeded organisms in sterilized sewage and inactivation rates of organisms occurring naturally in sewage. Multifactorial analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the inactivation rates for seeded and naturally occurring FRNA bacteriophage. However, laboratory-grown poliovirus was inactivated much more rapidly than were naturally occurring, indigenous enteroviruses (P < 0.001). This may reflect differences in the way indigenous virus is presented to the disinfectant. Inactivation rates for indigenous enteroviruses were quite similar to those seen for FRNA bacteriophage at lower doses of chlorine. These results have significance for the effectiveness of chlorination as a sewage treatment process, particularly where virus contamination is of concern, and suggest that FRNA bacteriophage would be an appropriate indicator of such viral inactivation under field conditions.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages and indicator bacteria in human and animal faeces   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In an attempt to explain the presence of F-specific (RNA) bacteriophages in waste-water, faecal material from humans and a variety of animals was examined. The phages were detected in appreciable numbers only in faeces from pigs, broiler chickens, sheep and calves but not from dogs, cows, horses and humans. Parallel examinations for somatic coliphages, thermotolerant coliforms, faecal streptococci and spores of sulphite-reducing clostridia revealed the consistent presence of these organisms in all types of samples, albeit in variable numbers. The number of F-specific bacteriophages was related to the total number of somatic coliphages, but phage counts were unrelated to bacterial counts. F-specific RNA phages were grouped by serotyping and all animal isolates were found to belong to either group I (MS2 subtype) or IV (four different subtypes). Among the group IV isolates, most belonged to well-known subtypes SP (24 isolates) or FI (18 isolates) but five isolates were related to phage ID2 and one isolate was a new subtype. In contrast with animal isolates, 19 isolates from hospital wastewater belonged to serogroups II or III.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages and indicator bacteria in human and animal faeces   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In an attempt to explain the presence of F-specific (RNA) bacteriophages in waste-water, faecal material from humans and a variety of animals was examined. The phages were detected in appreciable numbers only in faeces from pigs, broiler chickens, sheep and calves but not from dogs, cows, horses and humans. Parallel examinations for somatic coliphages, thermotolerant coliforms, faecal streptococci and spores of sulphite-reducing clostridia revealed the consistent presence of these organisms in all types of samples, albeit in variable numbers. The number of F-specific bacteriophages was related to the total number of somatic coliphages, but phage counts were unrelated to bacterial counts. F-specific RNA phages were grouped by serotyping and all animal isolates were found to belong to either group I (MS2 subtype) or IV (four different subtypes). Among the group IV isolates, most belonged to well-known subtypes SP (24 isolates) or FI (18 isolates) but five isolates were related to phage ID2 and one isolate was a new subtype. In contrast with animal isolates, 19 isolates from hospital wastewater belonged to serogroups II or III.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine host distribution patterns among fecal bacteria in the order Bacteroidales, with the goal of using endemic sequences as markers for fecal source identification in aquatic environments. We analyzed Bacteroidales 16S rRNA gene sequences from the feces of eight hosts: human, bovine, pig, horse, dog, cat, gull, and elk. Recovered sequences did not match database sequences, indicating high levels of uncultivated diversity. The analysis revealed both endemic and cosmopolitan distributions among the eight hosts. Ruminant, pig, and horse sequences tended to form host- or host group-specific clusters in a phylogenetic tree, while human, dog, cat, and gull sequences clustered together almost exclusively. Many of the human, dog, cat, and gull sequences fell within a large branch containing cultivated species from the genus Bacteroides. Most of the cultivated Bacteroides species had very close matches with multiple hosts and thus may not be useful targets for fecal source identification. A large branch containing cultivated members of the genus Prevotella included cloned sequences that were not closely related to cultivated Prevotella species. Most ruminant sequences formed clusters separate from the branches containing Bacteroides and Prevotella species. Host-specific sequences were identified for pigs and horses and were used to design PCR primers to identify pig and horse sources of fecal pollution in water. The primers successfully amplified fecal DNAs from their target hosts and did not amplify fecal DNAs from other species. Fecal bacteria endemic to the host species may result from evolution in different types of digestive systems.  相似文献   

Fecal coliforms and enterococci are indicator organisms used worldwide to monitor water quality. These bacteria are used in microbial source tracking (MST) studies, which attempt to assess the contribution of various host species to fecal pollution in water. Ideally, all strains of a given indicator organism (IO) would experience equal persistence (maintenance of culturable populations) in water; however, some strains may have comparatively extended persistence outside the host, while others may persist very poorly in environmental waters. Assessment of the relative contribution of host species to fecal pollution would be confounded by differential persistence of strains. Here, freshwater and saltwater mesocosms, including sediments, were inoculated with dog feces, sewage, or contaminated soil and were incubated under conditions that included natural stressors such as microbial predators, radiation, and temperature fluctuations. Persistence of IOs was measured by decay rates (change in culturable counts over time). Decay rates were influenced by IO, inoculum, water type, sediment versus water column location, and Escherichia coli strain. Fecal coliform decay rates were significantly lower than those of enterococci in freshwater but were not significantly different in saltwater. IO persistence according to mesocosm treatment followed the trend: contaminated soil > wastewater > dog feces. E. coli ribotyping demonstrated that certain strains were more persistent than others in freshwater mesocosms, and the distribution of ribotypes sampled from mesocosm waters was dissimilar from the distribution in fecal material. These results have implications for the accuracy of MST methods, modeling of microbial populations in water, and efficacy of regulatory standards for protection of water quality.  相似文献   

The survival of antibiotic-resistant and -sensitive strains of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Streptococcus equinus, and two environmental isolates, AP17 and AQ62, was examined in estuarine water. Each strain was rendered resistant to a combination of two antibiotics by serial passage in increasing concentrations of antibiotics. Cultures were incubated in filter-sterilized estuarine water for up to 7 days. Recovery was assessed by examining colony-forming ability on media with and without antibiotics. None of the antibiotic-resistant forms survived longer than its antibiotic-sensitive counterpart in estuarine water. Three of the resistant strains died off more rapidly than the antibiotic-sensitive wild type. Survival of the test bacteria in estuarine water was as follows: sensitive and resistant AQ62, resistant Escherichia coli less than sensitive Escherichia coli less than resistant AP17 less than resistant Enterococcus faecium less than sensitive AP17, sensitive and resistant S. equinus less than sensitive and resistant Enterococcus faecalis, sensitive Enterococcus faecium. The results supported the suggestion that fecal entercocci may serve as better indicators of fecal pollution than Escherichia coli in marine ecosystems. Moreover, the results indicated that the use of antibiotic-resistant mutants to follow the fate of bacteria in the environment is inappropriate without adequate studies to ensure that resistant and wild-type strains react similarly to environmental stressors.  相似文献   

Algae on freshwater beaches can serve as reservoirs for fecal indicator bacteria (FIB). Wrack (especially kelp) at marine beaches might sustain FIB as well. This study examines the relationship between beach wrack, FIB, and surrounding water and sediment at marine beaches along the California coast. Surveys of southern and central California beaches were conducted to observe environmental wrack-associated FIB concentrations. FIB concentrations normalized to dry weight were the highest in stranded dry wrack, followed by stranded wet and suspended 'surf' wrack. Laboratory microcosms were conducted to examine the effect of wrack on FIB persistence in seawater and sediment. Indigenous enterococci and Escherichia coli incubated in a seawater microcosm containing wrack showed increased persistence relative to those incubated in a microcosm without wrack. FIB concentrations in microcosms containing wrack-covered sand were significantly higher than those in uncovered sand after several days. These findings implicate beach wrack as an important FIB reservoir. The presence of wrack may increase water and sediment FIB levels, altering the relationship between FIB levels and actual health risk while possibly leading to beach closures. Further work will need to investigate the possibility of FIB growth on wrack and the potential for pathogen presence.  相似文献   

Monitoring microbiological water quality is important for protecting water resources and the health of swimmers. Routine monitoring relies on cultivating fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), frequently using defined substrate technology. Defined substrate technology is designed to specifically enrich for FIB, but a complete understanding of the assay microbiology requires culture-independent analysis of the enrichments. This study aimed to identify bacteria in positive wells of Colilert and Enterolert Quanti-Tray/2000 (IDEXX Laboratories) FIB assays in environmental water samples and to quantify the degree of false-positive results for samples from an urban creek by molecular methods. Pooled Escherichia coli- and Enterococcus-positive Quanti-Tray/2000 enrichments, either from urban creek dry weather flow or municipal sewage, harbored diverse bacterial populations based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses. Target taxa (coliforms or enterococci) and nontarget taxa (Vibrio spp., Shewanella spp., Bacteroidetes, and Clostridium spp.) were identified in pooled and individual positive Colilert and Enterolert wells based on terminal restriction fragments that were in common with those generated in silico from clone sequences. False-positive rates of between 4 and 23% occurred for the urban creek samples, based on the absence of target terminal restriction fragments in individual positive wells. This study suggests that increased selective inhibition of nontarget bacteria could improve the accuracy of the Colilert and Enterolert assays.  相似文献   

粪便污染指示菌(Fecal Indicator Bacteria,FIB),如大肠杆菌、肠球菌和耐热大肠菌等是用于指示水体中污染程度的微生物,但近年来的研究表明岸滩逐步成为FIB的重要储存库.微生物源示踪技术(Microbial Source Tracking,MST)等方法被广泛应用于溯源岸滩FIB污染,但FIB进入...  相似文献   

The fecal microbiome of cattle plays a critical role not only in animal health and productivity but also in food safety, pathogen shedding, and the performance of fecal pollution detection methods. Unfortunately, most published molecular surveys fail to provide adequate detail about variability in the community structures of fecal bacteria within and across cattle populations. Using massively parallel pyrosequencing of a hypervariable region of the rRNA coding region, we profiled the fecal microbial communities of cattle from six different feeding operations where cattle were subjected to consistent management practices for a minimum of 90 days. We obtained a total of 633,877 high-quality sequences from the fecal samples of 30 adult beef cattle (5 individuals per operation). Sequence-based clustering and taxonomic analyses indicate less variability within a population than between populations. Overall, bacterial community composition correlated significantly with fecal starch concentrations, largely reflected in changes in the Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Firmicutes populations. In addition, network analysis demonstrated that annotated sequences clustered by management practice and fecal starch concentration, suggesting that the structures of bovine fecal bacterial communities can be dramatically different in different animal feeding operations, even at the phylum and family taxonomic levels, and that the feeding operation is a more important determinant of the cattle microbiome than is the geographic location of the feedlot.  相似文献   

基于厌氧氨氧化的污水生物脱氮工艺近年来发展迅速,污水处理系统中厌氧氨氧化菌的分布和多样性成为了重要的研究方向。目前,在污水处理系统中曾检测出多种厌氧氨氧化(Anaerobic ammonium oxidation,Anammox)菌,最常被检测出的是待定布罗卡地菌Candidate Brocadia和待定斯图加特库氏菌Candidate Kuenenia的Anammox菌,并且研究发现单一生境下往往只存在一种类型的Anammox菌,但是影响Anammox菌分布和多样性的因素与机制目前仍不明确。系统总结了污水处理系统中,不同工艺形式和运行条件下的Anammox菌分布情况,归纳分析了关键因素对Anammox菌分布的影响,包括底物浓度和微生物比生长速率、污泥性质与微生物生境、多重因素的联合作用和影响等。在此基础上,阐述了Anammox菌分布机制研究的工程意义,并对该领域的研究方向和思路进行了展望。  相似文献   

Rhodococcus coprophilus and Clostridium perfringens survived in fresh water samples held at 5, 20, and 30 degrees C for over 17 weeks, whereas Escherichia coli and fecal streptococci disappeared after 5 weeks at all three temperatures. R. coprophilus survived for more than 8 months in sterilized sewage and deionized water at all three temperatures, whereas in normal sewage held at 20 degrees C, the survival time was 12 to 26 weeks. In samples held at 30 degrees C, survival times were shorter, probably because of interbacterial competition or protozoal predation. The results indicate that R. coprophilus may be a useful indicator of the presence of remote fecal pollution of farm animal origin, but not of recent pollution, when enumerated alone in polluted waters or wastewaters.  相似文献   

The impact of a sewage point source on the bacterial densities in an intertidal mud flat in Boston Harbor, Mass., was investigated. The area, Savin Hill Cove, acts as a receiving basin for a combined storm and sewage outlet (CSO). Preliminary examination of sediments and overlying water at high tide demonstrated that fecal coliforms were present in sediments at abundances 2 to 4 orders of magnitude higher than in the overlying water column. The following bacterial counts were determined from sediments along a sampling transect extending 460 m from the CSO: total bacteria by epifluorescent microscopy, heterotrophic bacteria by plate counts on nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor media, fecal coliforms and enterococci by membrane filtration, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus by a most-probable-number technique with a resuscitation step. Median sediment grain size, average tidal exposure, carbon/nitrogen ratio, and total organic carbon were also measured. All bacterial indices, except for V. parahaemolyticus, declined significantly with distance from the outfall. Multiple regression analysis indicated that tidal exposure (low tides) may affect densities of total bacteria. Fecal coliforms and enterococci were still present in appreciable numbers in sediments as far as 460 m away from the CSO. In contrast, V. parahaemolyticus densities did not correlate with the other bacterial counts nor with any of the environmental parameters examined. These results indicate that intertidal sediments which adjoin point sources of pollution are severely contaminated and should be considered as potentially hazardous reservoirs of sewage-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) in aquatic sediments and vegetation have prompted concern that environmental reservoirs of FIB disrupt the correlation between indicator organisms, pathogens and human health risks. FIB numbers, however, are typically normalized to volume of water or mass of substrate. Because these reservoirs tend to differ greatly in magnitude within and between water bodies, direct comparison between water column and benthic population sizes can be problematic. Normalization to a set volume of water or mass of substrate, e.g. cfu (100 ml)(-1) or cfu(100 g)(-1), can give a false picture of the relative contributions of various reservoirs to FIB numbers across the ecosystem, and of the potential for FIBs to trigger health advisories as they pass from one reservoir to another. Here, we normalized enterococci concentrations from water, sediment and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) to land surface area (m(2) ) to compare their relative importance in the entire system. SAV-associated enterococci comprised only 0-18% of the entire population, even though they displayed the highest concentrations of enterococci per unit mass. The largest proportion of the enterococci population was in the water column (4-77%) or sediments (20-95%), depending on the volume of each substrate available at a site and FIB concentrations within them. Models indicated that large shifts in the relative size of FIB populations in each substrate can result from changes in per cent SAV cover, water depth and depth of sediment colonization. It follows that high concentrations of FIB in sediments or SAV do not necessarily signify large environmental reservoirs of FIB that can affect the water column. Comprehensive analyses that include FIB measurements from water, SAV and sediment normalized to land surface area offer a more balanced perspective on total FIB numbers contained in various matrices of an aquatic system.  相似文献   

Two frequently applied genetic Bacteroidetes markers for total fecal pollution (AllBac and BacUni) were found in high numbers in pristine soil samples of two alpine catchment areas casting doubt on their value as fecal indicators. This finding underlines the necessity to evaluate assays locally and against non-intestinal samples before application.  相似文献   

Enterococci are used to evaluate recreational-water quality and health risks in marine environments. In addition to their occurrence in feces of warm blooded animals, they are also common epiphytes. We investigated the contribution of plankton- or particle-associated enterococci in estuarine and coastal water. Seven water and size-fractionated plankton samples were collected monthly between April 2008 and January 2009 in the tidal reaches of the Skidaway River (Georgia, USA). Each size fraction, along with filtered (<30 μm) and bulk estuarine water, was processed according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency method 1600. Presumptive enterococci were selected and species were identified using carbon substrate utilization patterns. The highest average densities occurred within the 30-, 63-, 105-, and 150-μm size fractions, which also represented the majority (>99%) of the particles within the sampled water. Particle-associated enterococci accounted for as little as 1% of enterococci in bulk water in April to as much as 95% in July. Enterococcus faecalis was the most commonly isolated species from both water and plankton and represented 31% (16/51) and 35% (6/17) of the identified Enterococcus species from water and plankton, respectively. Enterococcus casseliflavus represented 29% of the selected isolates from plankton and 16% from water. Both E. faecalis and E. casseliflavus were able to survive and grow in plankton suspensions significantly longer than in artificial seawater. Enterococcus spp. may be highly concentrated in plankton and associated particles, especially during summer and fall months. These findings could have implications for the effectiveness of enterococci as an indicator of coastal water quality, especially in particle-rich environments.  相似文献   

Lake Michigan surface waters impacted by fecal pollution were assessed to determine the occurrence of genetic markers for Bacteroides and Escherichia coli. Initial experiments with sewage treatment plant influent demonstrated that total Bacteroides spp. could be detected by PCR in a 25- to 125-fold-higher dilution series than E. coli and human-specific Bacteroides spp., which were both found in similar dilution ranges. The limit of detection for the human-specific genetic marker ranged from 0.2 CFU/100 ml to 82 CFU/100 ml culturable E. coli for four wastewater treatment plants in urban and rural areas. The spatial and temporal distributions of these markers were assessed following major rain events that introduced urban storm water, agricultural runoff, and sewage overflows into Lake Michigan. Bacteroides spp. were detected in all of these samples by PCR, including those with <1 CFU/100 ml E. coli. Human-specific Bacteroides spp. were detected as far as 2 km into Lake Michigan during sewage overflow events, with variable detection 1 to 9 days postoverflow, whereas the cow-specific Bacteroides spp. were detected in only highly contaminated samples near the river outflow. Lake Michigan beaches were also assessed throughout the summer season for the same markers. Bacteroides spp. were detected in all beach samples, including 28 of the 74 samples that did not exceed 235 CFU/100 ml of E. coli. Human-specific Bacteroides spp. were detected at three of the seven beaches; one of the sites demonstrating positive results was sampled during a reported sewage overflow, but E. coli levels were below 235 CFU/100 ml. This study demonstrates the usefulness of non-culture-based microbial-source tracking approaches and the prevalence of these genetic markers in the Great Lakes, including freshwater coastal beaches.  相似文献   

PCR procedures based on 16S rRNA gene sequences specific for 12 anaerobic bacteria that predominate in the human intestinal tract were developed and used for quantitative detection of these species in human (adult and baby) feces and animal (rat, mouse, cat, dog, monkey, and rabbit) feces. Fusobacterium prausnitzii, Peptostreptococcus productus, and Clostridium clostridiiforme had high PCR titers (the maximum dilutions for positive PCR results ranged from 10(-3) to 10(-8)) in all of the human and animal fecal samples tested. Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Bacteroides vulgatus, and Eubacterium limosum also showed higher PCR titers (10(-2) to 10(-6)) in adult human feces. The other bacteria tested, including Escherichia coli, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Eubacterium biforme, and Bacteroides distasonis, were either at low PCR titers (less than 10(-2)) or not detected by PCR. The reported PCR procedure including the fecal sample preparation method is simplified and rapid and eliminates the DNA isolation steps.  相似文献   

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