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In promiscuous mating systems, females often show a consistent preference to mate with one or a few males, presumably to acquire heritable genetic benefits for their offspring. However, strong directional selection should deplete additive genetic variation in fitness and consequently any benefit to expressing the preference by females (referred to as the lek paradox). Here, we provide a novel resolution that examines non-additive genetic benefits, such as overdominance or inbreeding, as a source of genetic variation. Focusing on the inbreeding coefficient f and overdominance effects, we use dynamic models to show that (1) f can be inherited from sire to offspring, (2) populations with females that express a mating preferences for outbred males (low f) maintain higher genetic variation than populations with females that mate randomly, and (3) preference alleles for outbred males can invade populations even when the alleles are associated with a fecundity cost. We show that non-additive genetic variation due to overdominance can be converted to additive genetic variation and becomes “heritable” when the frequencies of alternative homozygous genotypes at fitness loci deviate from equality. Unlike previous models that assume an infinite population size, we now show that genetic drift in finite populations can lead to the necessary deviations in the frequencies of homozygous genotypes. We also show that the “heritability of f,” and hence the benefit to a mating preference for non-additive genetic benefits, is highest in small populations and populations in which a smaller number of loci contribute to fitness via overdominance. Our model contributes to the solution of the lek paradox.  相似文献   

Nicotine has been found to produce dose-dependent increases in impulsive choice (preference for smaller, sooner reinforcers relative to larger, later reinforcers) in rats. Such increases could be produced by either of two behavioral mechanisms: (1) an increase in delay discounting (i.e., exacerbating the impact of differences in reinforcer delays) which would increase the value of a sooner reinforcer relative to a later one, or (2) a decrease in magnitude sensitivity (i.e., diminishing the impact of differences in reinforcer magnitudes) which would increase the value of a smaller reinforcer relative to a larger one. To isolate which of these two behavioral mechanisms was likely responsible for nicotine's effect on impulsive choice, we manipulated reinforcer delay and magnitude using a concurrent, variable interval (VI 30 s, VI 30 s) schedule of reinforcement with 2 groups of Long-Evans rats (n = 6 per group). For one group, choices were made between a 1-s delay and a 9-s delay to 2 food pellets. For a second group, choices were made between 1 pellet and 3 pellets. Nicotine (vehicle, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.56 and 0.74 mg/kg) produced dose-dependent decreases in preference for large versus small magnitude reinforcers and had no consistent effect on preference for short versus long delays. This suggests that nicotine decreases sensitivity to reinforcer magnitude.  相似文献   

The behavior of a female in search of a mate determines the likelihood that she encounters a high-quality male in the search process. The fixed sample (best-of-n) search strategy and the sequential search (fixed threshold) strategy are two prominent models of search behavior. The sequential search strategy dominates the former strategy—yields an equal or higher expected net fitness return to searchers—when search costs are nontrivial and the distribution of quality among prospective mates is uniform or truncated normal. In this paper our objective is to determine whether there are any search costs or distributions of male quality for which the sequential search strategy is inferior to the fixed sample search strategy. The two search strategies are derived under general conditions in which females evaluate encountered males by inspection of an indicator character that has some functional relationship to male quality. The solutions are identical to the original models when the inspected male attribute is itself male quality. The sequential search strategy is shown to dominate the fixed sample search strategy for all search costs and distributions of male quality. Low search costs have been implicated to explain empirical observations that are consistent with the use of a fixed sample search strategy, but under conditions in which the original models were derived there is no search cost or distribution of male quality that favors the fixed sample search strategy. Plausible alternative explanations for the apparent use of this search strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Eutrophication, often resulting from human activity, is a serious threat to aquatic communities. Theoretical analysis of this phenomenon, based on conceptual mathematical models, leads to controversial predictions known as Rosenzweig's paradox of enrichment. At the same time, field observations demonstrate that real plankton communities exhibit various mechanisms of self-regulation which can buffer negative effects of enrichment. In this paper, we study potential effects of zooplankton vertical migration on stability of plankton systems functioning. We consider an intrinsically unstable plankton model, which is characterized by an unlimited phytoplankton multiplication and population oscillations of increasing amplitude, and investigate whether vertical migrations of zooplankton can stabilize such a system at low plankton densities. By means of developing two different models accounting for different ecological situations, e.g. deep waters and shallow waters, we show that vertical migrations of zooplankton can result in stabilization of eutrophic plankton systems. Thus, we show that this mechanism, rarely taken into account in models of plankton dynamics, may be important for resolving the paradox of enrichment in plankton communities.  相似文献   

Predictions of mating patterns in animals have focused on males and how they compete for fertilizations by controlling females. With reference to the Odonata, a taxon in which mating requires cooperation of the female, the active role that females play in mating decisions is often ignored, leading to the premature conclusion that male coercion of females is common. A critical review of the outcome of sexual conflict among odonates leads me to alternative explanations of female mating patterns that need to be refuted before concluding that males coerce matings. Because Anisoptera males have greater control over tandem formation, they have a greater potential for coercion than Zygoptera males. However, Anisoptera females may simply be willing to remate more often if they receive insufficient sperm to fertilize an entire egg clutch. Contrary to prior assumptions, in both suborders, male defence of oviposition sites does not preclude females from choosing among sites or among males. I find that the evolution of non-aggressive sexual signals by males is a reliable indication that sexual conflict has been resolved in favour of female interests. Although I predict that the benefits to females of choice of male phenotype should rarely exceed the cost of such discrimination in Odonata, female choice is most likely to evolve in territorial species whose males must endure high physiological stress in order to mate, and when site quality is not a reliable predictor of the genetic quality of a potential mate.  相似文献   

We show that the paradox of enrichment can be theoretically resolved in a flexible predator–prey system in which the predator practices imperfect optimal foraging. A previous study showed that perfect optimal foraging can mitigate increases in the amplitude of population oscillations associated with enrichment, but it did not show a stabilization pattern. Our results show that imperfect optimal foraging can stabilize the system and resolve the paradox of enrichment under nonequilibrium dynamics. Furthermore, the degree of stabilization with enrichment was stronger when the imperfection of optimal foraging was larger.  相似文献   

Observed phenotypic responses to selection in the wild often differ from predictions based on measurements of selection and genetic variance. An overlooked hypothesis to explain this paradox of stasis is that a skewed phenotypic distribution affects natural selection and evolution. We show through mathematical modeling that, when a trait selected for an optimum phenotype has a skewed distribution, directional selection is detected even at evolutionary equilibrium, where it causes no change in the mean phenotype. When environmental effects are skewed, Lande and Arnold's (1983) directional gradient is in the direction opposite to the skew. In contrast, skewed breeding values can displace the mean phenotype from the optimum, causing directional selection in the direction of the skew. These effects can be partitioned out using alternative selection estimates based on average derivatives of individual relative fitness, or additive genetic covariances between relative fitness and trait (Robertson–Price identity). We assess the validity of these predictions using simulations of selection estimation under moderate sample sizes. Ecologically relevant traits may commonly have skewed distributions, as we here exemplify with avian laying date — repeatedly described as more evolutionarily stable than expected — so this skewness should be accounted for when investigating evolutionary dynamics in the wild.  相似文献   

In several fish species with paternal care, females prefer malesguarding many eggs in their nest. This preference might be advantageousbecause the presence of many other eggs dilutes the risk ofnewly laid eggs being eaten by the father. To evaluate thishypothesis quantitatively, we constructed a simulation modelthat mimics the breeding biology of the blenny Aidablenniussphynx. In contrast to earlier verbal models, the costs of choiceare explicitly taken into account We systematically varied factorssuch as the stringency of choosiness and the level and natureof the costs of choice. For realistic parameter values femalechoosiness may result in a fitness advantage of more than 50%.The optimal choice strategy created a distribution of eggs overthe nests which resembles that found in the field for A. sphynx.Our model shows that the relative fitness of a choice strategyis not constant but frequency dependent in a complicated way.If most females are choosy, a bimodal distribution of eggs overthe nests results, with many nests containing few and some nestscontaining many eggs. In such a situation choosiness is profitable,since randomly laying females will often lay their eggs in nestswith few eggs, producing a high mortality per egg due to filialcannibalism. If, on the other hand, only few choosers are present,their influence on the egg distribution is limited. A unimodaldistribution results which is profitable for nonchoosers, sincethe average egg mortality is low and nonchoosers do not bearthe costs of choice. The positive relation between chooser frequencyand chooser fitness makes it easy to understand why choosinessis evolutionarily stable. However, it is not obvious how thetrait is established by selection in the first place.[BehavEcol 7: 353–361 (1996)  相似文献   

Males of the green-veined white butterfly (Pieris napi L.) transfer large ejaculates that represent on average 15% of their body mass when mating for a first time. Shortly after mating a male is able to transfer only a small ejaculate when mating a second time. Male ejaculate production plays a crucial role in the mating system ofP. napi because females use male-derived nutrients for egg production and somatic maintenance. Here we study how timing of female rematings and copulation duration are influenced by the mating history of their mates and, also, study if females exert mate choice to minimize their mating costs. Mating with a recently mated male increased female mating costs by increasing time in copula and mating frequency. Virgin females that mated with virgin males remated after an average of 6 days, whereas virgin females that mated with recently mated males remated after an average of 2 days. Moreover, copulations involving recently mated males lasted on average almost 7 h, whereas copulations involving virgin males lasted on average 2 h. Recently mated males were eager to remate, in spite of the fact that the size of the ejaculate they transfer is small and that they remain in copula for a long time. Hence it seems that males are more successful in the sexual conflict over mating decisions and that females do not minimize mating costs by choosing to mate preferentially with virgin males.  相似文献   

When two species form a mutualistic association, the degree of control that each has over the interaction may be pivotal in determining the relative benefit each obtains. We incorporate the capacity for partner choice into a model of mutualism based on the exchange of goods and/or services, where one guild of mutualists plays the role of proposer (proposing a price at which the goods and/or services will be exchanged) and the other plays the role of responder (accepting or rejecting the deal). We show how the payoff structure in this scenario and other closely related ones correspond to the ultimatum and demand games of economics. In the model, there are both costs and benefits to a guild whose players have control over interactions. Control over interactions in the sense of being able to exercise partner choice can benefit a guild by selecting for mutualism in its partners, but is most effective in selecting against moderately exploitative partners, and so can give highly exploitative partners an advantage. This can generate dynamics similar to taxon cycles or those seen in models with competition-colonization tradeoffs, wherein increasingly more mutualistic partners (acting as superior competitors) are selected for up to a tipping point, at which highly exploitative strategies (akin to superior colonizers) gain an advantage. Control over interactions in the sense of being able to appropriate ‘surplus’ payoffs in each interaction, which is selected for within-guild and is equivalent to playing the role of responders, selects against high demands (and so for mutualism) in the guild with control. Combining the two mechanisms, a high degree of mutualism in both guilds and coexistence of more mutualistic and more exploitative strategies within each are both consistent with control over the interaction being highly skewed toward one side that does what is in its own short-term interests.  相似文献   

It takes time for individuals to move from place to place. This travel time can be incorporated into metapopulation models via a delay in the interpatch migration term. Such a term has been shown to stabilize the positive equilibrium of the classical Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system with one species (either the predator or the prey) dispersing. We study a more realistic, Rosenzweig-MacArthur, model that includes a carrying capacity for the prey, and saturating functional response for the predator. We show that dispersal delays can stabilize the predator-prey equilibrium point despite the presence of a Type II functional response that is known to be destabilizing. We also show that dispersal delays reduce the amplitude of oscillations when the equilibrium is unstable, and therefore may help resolve the paradox of enrichment.  相似文献   

Summary The non-random distribution of degenerate code words in Bacteriophage MS2 RNA can be explained partially by considerations of the stability of the codon-anticodon complex in prokaryotic systems. Supporting this hypothesis we note that wobble codons are positively selected in codons having G and/or C in the first two positions. In contrast, wobble codons are statitically less likely in codons composed of A and U in the first two positions. Analyses of nucleotides adjacent to 5 and 3 ends of codons indicate a nonrandom distribution as well. It is thus likely that some elements of RNA evolution are independent of the structural needs of the RNA itself and of the translated protein product.This work was supported by grants from the Belgian Government Actions concertées - Gekon-certéerde Acties, N.F.W.O. and F.K.F.O. as well as from le Ministère de l'éducation du Québec. A preliminary report of this work was given at the EMBO ribosome workshop, Brussels 1976  相似文献   

The enemy-release hypothesis for biological invasions supposes that invasive species may be more successful in their introduced ranges than in their native ranges owing to the absence of coevolved natural enemies. Recent studies supporting this hypothesis have found that introduced plants and animals are less parasitized in their introduced ranges than in their native ranges. Expanding on this theory, I hypothesize that the role of enemy release may differ among the introduction, establishment and spread phases of an invasion. I present a simple model indicating that parasite release is unlikely to greatly affect the chance of establishment in populations with and without an immune subpopulation. The specific numerical relationship between the number of individuals introduced and the chance of establishment depends on a relationship between virulence, here conceptualized as the chance for the extinction of a lineage, and the fraction of the population infected at introduction. These results support the idea of a 'filter effect' in which different biological processes regulate the different phases of an invasion.  相似文献   

Carson HL 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):383-393
Details of female choice of mate in Drosophila silvestris of Hawaii strikingly parallels epigamic behavioral systems in many other animals and may be common in other species of Drosophilidae. Females respond selectively to male circling, wing displays, songs and tactile stimulation with foreleg cilia, a quantitative character that is highly variable in some populations. I hypothesize that the female can exert choice based on these cues from individual males that differ genetically by quantitative trait loci. Laboratory tests show that one third of courting males are repeatedly rejected in favor of a minority of alpha males. This result imposes non-random mating at the local population level. Past multiple-choice lab tests, widely used to measure isolation between pairs of populations or species of Drosophila may be flawed, since random mating has been assumed in the interpretation of results. Pre-mating sexual selection is clearly a powerful intrapopulation force in population biology. This view creates difficulties for discerning any proposed simultaneous interpopulation selective events in the presence of strong female choice. The long-held theory assuming that there is significant selection for pre-mating isolation between groups is questionable.  相似文献   

The sequential choice model (SCM) proposes that latencies to accept options presented alone can be used to predict preferences between these options when they are presented simultaneously. SCM has been proposed and tested in experiments where only two alternatives were present. To further challenge the model, we trained and tested European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in an environment with a background of four alternatives differing in delay to reinforcement. Unexpected binary choices between the six possible pairs of alternatives were used to assess preference. The model's predictions of the strength of preference roughly corresponded to the bird's choices for each of the six choice situations. More importantly, a trial-by-trial test of the model correctly predicted 84% of all individual choice trials.  相似文献   

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