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This review covers enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) infections, focusing on differences in their virulence factors and regulation. While Shiga-toxin expression from integrated bacteriophages sets EHEC apart from EPEC, EHEC infections often originate from asymptomatic carriage in ruminants whereas human EPEC are considered to be overt pathogens and more host-restricted. In part, these differences reflect variation in adhesin repertoire, type III-secreted effectors and the way in which these factors are regulated.  相似文献   

Abstract Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 secretes type II haemolysin and pleurotoxin activities. Here, the genes for type II haemolysin were cloned in Escherichia coli , but type II haemolysin antigen and haemolysin activity were only detected intracellularly and not exported to culture supernatant. It has been reported that the genes for type II haemolysin are not linked to functional secretion genes, while those for pleurotoxin are. In this report the means of secretion of type II haemolysis was examined by constructing a hybrid plasmid carrying the genes required for type II haemolysin expression, together with determinants which allow secretion of pleurotoxin and are linked to the pleurotoxin toxin genes. These genes facilitated the export of type II haemolysin from E. coli , and may perform this function in A. pleuropneumoniae .  相似文献   

De novo biosynthesis of pyridine nucleotide coenzymes in Escherichia coli is initiated by an enzyme complex (quinolinate synthetase) containing protein B which converts -aspartate into iminoaspartate protein A, which then generates quinolinate on the pathway to the coenzymes. This complex has been shown to be poisoned by hyperbaric oxygen. 7,8 We performed assays made dependent on both proteins B and A versus only protein A, using cell-free extracts of hyperbaric-oxygen poisoned and aerobically grown cells. The specific activities were produced by a similar amounts of 68% and 60%, respectively, when measured in assays made dependent on enzymes B and A versus only protein A that was derived from oxygen-poisoned extract. Thus, protein A is the oxygen-sensitive component.  相似文献   

Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are extracellular vesicles released from the surface of Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli. Several gene-deficient mutants relating to envelope stress (nlpI and degP) and phospholipid accumulation in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane (mlaA and mlaE) increase OMV production. This study examined the combinatorial deletion of these genes in E. coli and its effect on OMV production. The nlpI and mlaE double-gene-knockout mutant (ΔmlaEΔnlpI) showed the highest OMV production. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-based quantitative analysis showed that OMV production by strain ΔmlaEΔnlpI was ~30 times that by the wild-type (WT). In addition, to evaluate the protein secretion capacity of OMVs, a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused with outer membrane protein W (OmpW) was expressed in OMVs. Western blot analysis showed that GFP secretion through OMVs reached 3.3 mg/L in the culture medium of strain ΔmlaEΔnlpI/gfp, 500 times that for the WT. Our approach using OMVs for extracellular protein secretion in E. coli is an entirely new concept compared with existing secretion systems.  相似文献   

E. coli is one of the most commonly used host strains for recombinant protein production. However, recombinant proteins are usually found intracellularly, in either cytoplasm or periplasmic space. Inadequate secretion to the extracellular environment is one of its limitations. This study addresses the outer membrane barrier for the translocation of recombinant protein directed to the periplasmic space. Specifically, using recombinant maltose binding protein (MalE), xylanase, and cellulase as model proteins, we investigated whether the lpp deletion could render the outer membrane permeable enough to allow extracellular protein production. In each case, significantly higher excretion of recombinant protein was observed with the lpp deletion mutant. Up to 90% of the recombinant xylanase activity and 70% of recombinant cellulase activity were found in the culture medium with the deletion mutant, whereas only 40-50% of the xylanase and cellulase activities were extracellular for the control strain. Despite the weakened outer membrane in the mutant strain, cell lysis did not occur, and increased excretion of periplasmic protein was not due to cell lysis. The lpp deletion is a simple method to generate an E. coli strain to effect significant extracellular protein production. The phenotype of extracellular protein production without cell lysis is useful in many biotechnological applications, such as bioremediation and plant biomass conversion.  相似文献   

The penicillin-binding proteins of 11 pathogenic Escherichia coli strains, including enteropathogenic, enterotoxigenic, enteroinvasive, enteroaggregative, and enterohemorrhagic E. coli, were detected in gels following the labeling of isolated cell envelopes with [3H]benzylpenicillin. The electrophoretic profiles, sensitivities to and morphological changes induced by β-lactam antibiotics showed that the penicillin-binding proteins of most pathogenic E. coli possess structural and physiological functions similar to those of E. coli K12.  相似文献   

Globally, wheat is the most widely grown crop and one of the three most important crops for human and livestock feed. However, the complex nature of the wheat genome has, until recently, resulted in a lack of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐based molecular markers of practical use to wheat breeders. Recently, large numbers of SNP‐based wheat markers have been made available via the use of next‐generation sequencing combined with a variety of genotyping platforms. However, many of these markers and platforms have difficulty distinguishing between heterozygote and homozygote individuals and are therefore of limited use to wheat breeders carrying out commercial‐scale breeding programmes. To identify exome‐based co‐dominant SNP‐based assays, which are capable of distinguishing between heterozygotes and homozygotes, we have used targeted re‐sequencing of the wheat exome to generate large amounts of genomic sequences from eight varieties. Using a bioinformatics approach, these sequences have been used to identify 95 266 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms, of which 10 251 were classified as being putatively co‐dominant. Validation of a subset of these putative co‐dominant markers confirmed that 96% were true polymorphisms and 65% were co‐dominant SNP assays. The new co‐dominant markers described here are capable of genotypic classification of a segregating locus in polyploid wheat and can be used on a variety of genotyping platforms; as such, they represent a powerful tool for wheat breeders. These markers and related information have been made publically available on an interactive web‐based database to facilitate their use on genotyping programmes worldwide.  相似文献   

Restriction‐enzyme‐based sequencing methods enable the genotyping of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci in nonmodel organisms. However, in contrast to traditional genetic markers, genotyping error rates in SNPs derived from restriction‐enzyme‐based methods remain largely unknown. Here, we estimated genotyping error rates in SNPs genotyped with double digest RAD sequencing from Mendelian incompatibilities in known mother–offspring dyads of Hoffman's two‐toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) across a range of coverage and sequence quality criteria, for both reference‐aligned and de novo‐assembled data sets. Genotyping error rates were more sensitive to coverage than sequence quality and low coverage yielded high error rates, particularly in de novo‐assembled data sets. For example, coverage ≥5 yielded median genotyping error rates of ≥0.03 and ≥0.11 in reference‐aligned and de novo‐assembled data sets, respectively. Genotyping error rates declined to ≤0.01 in reference‐aligned data sets with a coverage ≥30, but remained ≥0.04 in the de novo‐assembled data sets. We observed approximately 10‐ and 13‐fold declines in the number of loci sampled in the reference‐aligned and de novo‐assembled data sets when coverage was increased from ≥5 to ≥30 at quality score ≥30, respectively. Finally, we assessed the effects of genotyping coverage on a common population genetic application, parentage assignments, and showed that the proportion of incorrectly assigned maternities was relatively high at low coverage. Overall, our results suggest that the trade‐off between sample size and genotyping error rates be considered prior to building sequencing libraries, reporting genotyping error rates become standard practice, and that effects of genotyping errors on inference be evaluated in restriction‐enzyme‐based SNP studies.  相似文献   

We describe a new computer program, SnpEff, for rapidly categorizing the effects of variants in genome sequences. Once a genome is sequenced, SnpEff annotates variants based on their genomic locations and predicts coding effects. Annotated genomic locations include intronic, untranslated region, upstream, downstream, splice site, or intergenic regions. Coding effects such as synonymous or non-synonymous amino acid replacement, start codon gains or losses, stop codon gains or losses, or frame shifts can be predicted.

Here the use of SnpEff is illustrated by annotating ~356,660 candidate SNPs in ~117 Mb unique sequences, representing a substitution rate of ~1/305 nucleotides, between the Drosophila melanogaster w1118; iso-2; iso-3 strain and the reference y1; cn1 bw1 sp1 strain. We show that ~15,842 SNPs are synonymous and ~4,467 SNPs are non-synonymous (N/S ~0.28). The remaining SNPs are in other categories, such as stop codon gains (38 SNPs), stop codon losses (8 SNPs), and start codon gains (297 SNPs) in the 5′UTR. We found, as expected, that the SNP frequency is proportional to the recombination frequency (i.e., highest in the middle of chromosome arms). We also found that start-gain or stop-lost SNPs in Drosophila melanogaster often result in additions of N-terminal or C-terminal amino acids that are conserved in other Drosophila species. It appears that the 5′ and 3′ UTRs are reservoirs for genetic variations that changes the termini of proteins during evolution of the Drosophila genus.

As genome sequencing is becoming inexpensive and routine, SnpEff enables rapid analyses of whole-genome sequencing data to be performed by an individual laboratory.  相似文献   

外源基因在大肠杆菌中的高效表达   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了提高外源蛋白在大杨杆菌中的表达量,人们对大肠杆菌表达系统进行了许多研究。作者综述了有关外源基因在大肠杆菌中高效表达的研究进展。  相似文献   

为考察组氨酸标签(His-tag)对Brevibacterium sp.DGCDC-82中胆固醇氧化酶基因(ChoAb)在大肠杆菌中表达的影响,将PCR扩增后得到的结构基因与pET28a(+)连接,构建重组质粒pETChoAb(不带His-tag),pETChoAbn(His-tag位于N端)和pETChoAbc(His-tag位于C端)并在大肠杆菌中进行表达.对重组酶进行酶活检测,结果表明His-tag位于ChoAb的C端和N端,COD单位体积酶活由未带标签时的1.72 U/mL分别提高到4.03 U/mL和11.36 U/mL.利用软件Quantity One对SDS-PAGE电泳条带进行灰度分析,结果显示与不带His-tag的COD相比,His-tag位于ChoAb的C端和N端,COD表达量由8.8%增加到16.4%与72.3%.同时菌体浓度分别提高了1.2倍和3.2倍.作为纯化标签,该研究结果对His-tag用于诊断用酶COD的分离纯化可以提供一定的理论指导.  相似文献   

尹磊  祁克宗  宋祥军  涂健 《微生物学通报》2017,44(12):3031-3037
许多革兰氏阴性菌借助Ⅲ型分泌系统黏附在宿主细胞表面,然后跨越胞膜将特异性蛋白注入宿主细胞内,破坏宿主细胞内的多种信号通路,从而有利于细菌的感染及定殖。在肠致病性大肠杆菌(Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli,EPEC)中,除了肠细胞脱落位点(Locus of entericyte effacement,LEE)毒力岛编码的Ⅲ型分泌系统(Type Ⅲ secretion system,T3SS)外,在分析肠出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7的基因组序列时发现一个新的Ⅲ型分泌系统,大肠杆菌Ⅲ型分泌系统2(Escherichia coli type Ⅲ secretion system 2,ETT2)毒力岛。研究显示,ETT2可能在大多数菌株中不具有完整的分泌系统功能,但是其对于细菌毒力的发挥具有重要作用。因此,本文简要综述了大肠杆菌ETT2的基因特征、ETT2的分布与流行、ETT2的功能与机制等方面的主要研究进展。  相似文献   

AIMS: To describe the occurrence and virulence gene pattern of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) in healthy goats of Jammu and Kashmir, India. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 220 E. coli strains belonging to 60 different 'O' serogroups was isolated from 206 local (nonmigratory) and 69 migratory goats. All the 220 strains were screened for the presence of stx(1), stx(2), eaeA and hlyA genes. Twenty-eight E. coli (75.6%) strains from local and nine (24.3%) strains from migratory goats belonging to 18 different serogroups showed at least presence of one virulence gene studied. Twenty-eight strains (16.47%) (belonging to 13 different serogroups) from local goats carried stx(1) gene alone or in combination with stx(2) gene, while as only one strain (2%) from migratory goats possessed stx(2) gene alone. Interestingly in the present study none of the STEC strains carried eaeA gene. Similarly, none of the strains from local goats possessed eaeA and none of the migratory goats possessed stx(1) gene. Eight strains (16%) (belonging to four different serogroups) from migratory goats carried eaeA gene. Twenty-five (14.7%) and seven (14%) strains from local and migratory goats harboured hlyA gene respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Healthy goats of Jammu and Kashmir state serve as a reservoir of STEC and EPEC. Further studies in this direction are needed to work out whether or not they are transmitted to humans in this part of world. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study is the first report of isolation of STEC and EPEC strains from healthy goats in Jammu and Kashmir State of India, which could be a source of infection to humans.  相似文献   

以Lactobacillus casei染色体基因组为模板,PCR扩增获得磷脂酶A2基因pla2,以pET-28a(+)为载体构建重组表达质粒pET-28a(+)-pla2。通过IPTG诱导实现磷脂酶A2在E.coli DE3中的重组表达。对诱导条件初步优化后,重组菌酶活最大可达2.8 U/mL。通过Ni-螯合柱对目的蛋白进行纯化,SDS-PAGE分析重组磷脂酶A2相对分子质量为1.7×104。通过酶学性质分析,最适温度为37℃,最适pH 8,比酶活为110 U/mg。  相似文献   

Abstract A multiple antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus , was found to possess three plasmid bands in agarose gel electrophoresis. A plasmid of approximately 4.3 kb (pMC790/2) was found to code for ampicillin and tetracycline resistance and to have one Eco RI site when transformed into S. aureus RN 4220. pMC790/2 in unmodified form was transformed into a recA E. coli at a frequency of 1.2×104 transformants/μg of plasmid DNA. Plasmid (pMC790/2) replicated, maintained itself stably and expressed far better in the E. coli host than in S. aureus .  相似文献   

抗菌肽GK1在大肠杆菌中的融合表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为高效表达抗菌肽GK1并避免GK1的高抗菌活性对大肠杆菌宿主菌的致命影响, 将经改造后的人胰岛素原(mhPI)与GK1的融合基因(mhPI-GK1)克隆到表达载体pET28a中, 构建出表达质粒pET28a-mhPI-GK1, 转化至大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中进行表达。融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中以包涵体形式表达, 表达量占菌体总蛋白的20%。经CNBr裂解、阳离子交换层析和RP-HPLC纯化后, 每升发酵液可获得5.7 mg纯度大于97%的重组GK1。质谱检测显示重组GK1的分子量为2794.0 D, 抑菌活性实验表明纯化后的重组GK1和化学合成GK1具有相同的抗菌活性。为利用基因工程方法大规模生产GK1奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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