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The production of mature spermatozoa requires a complex interaction between Sertoli cells and germ cells. Sertoli cells regulate aspects of germ cell division and differentiation while germ cells provide signals that modulate Sertoli cell functions. Germ cells can undergo some differentiation independent of Sertoli cells but at certain crucial points the interaction with Sertoli cells is required. There are several means by which this interaction may occur: (1) direct contact of components of the plasma membrane may act as a signal; (2) secondary messengers could be exchanged via gap junctions; (3) the secretion of paracrine factors may facilitate intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Study of the interaction between germ cells and Sertoli cells in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nature of membrane components involved in the binding between Sertoli cells and pachytene spermatocytes in culture and the metabolic requirements for the binding to occur have been studied. Mild proteolytic digestion of germ cells by trypsin completely inhibited adhesion of germ cells to somatic monolayer. Protein synthesis and glycosylation were required to restore the adhesive properties of trypsin-treated germ cells, showing that surface molecules involved in the binding are glycoproteins. Trypsinization of germ cells after labelling causes a great reduction of several bands which become detectable again after 12 h of recovery from trypsin digestion. Among these, two bands with apparent molecular weight (MW) of 78 000 and 51 000 could be candidate components in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Summary A cytochemical study of the Golgi apparatus in the developing oocyte of the golden hamster was carried out using the TPPase, AcPase and zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide (ZnOs) techniques. Tissue from both immature and sexually mature animals was investigated.Peak TPPase activity was found in pre-growth oocytes in ovaries from sexually mature adults. Some activity was also present in SER in the peripheral cytoplasm of growing oocytes. AcPase activity was found only after the onset of oocyte growth. It was present in Golgi cisternae and associated vesicles and in some profiles of peripheral SER. No structures corresponding to GERL were identified. Strong staining with ZnOs was seen, at all stages studied, in certain Golgi vesicles and short tubules but not in the cisternae unless the oocyte was atretic. Weaker ZnOs staining was characteristic of ER throughout the oocyte.With all techniques there was a falling off of reactivity as oocyte size increased. Within a single oocyte some Golgi bodies were negative while others were positive, with both TPPase and AcPase techniques. This suggests that two or more functional types of this organelle are present within the developing oocytes.We would like to thank Dr. K.N. Christie for his interest and helpful suggestions regarding the enzyme techniques  相似文献   

Progression of germ cells through meiosis is regulated by phosphorylation events. We previously showed the key role of cyclin dependent kinases in meiotic divisions of rat spermatocytes co-cultured with Sertoli cells (SC). In the present study, we used the same culture system to address the role of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in meiotic progression. Phosphorylated ERK1/2 were detected in vivo and in freshly isolated SC and in pachytene spermatocytes (PS) as early as 3 h after seeding on SC. The yield of the two meiotic divisions and the percentage of highly MPM-2-labeled pachytene and secondary spermatocytes (SII) were decreased in co-cultures treated with U0126, an inhibitor of the ERK-activating kinases, MEK1/2. Pre-incubation of PS with U0126 resulted in a reduced number of in vitro formed round spermatids without modifying the number of SII or the MPM-2 labeling of PS or SII. Conversely, pre-treatment of SC with U0126 led to a decrease in the percentage of highly MPM-2-labeled PS associated with a decreased number of SII and round spermatids. These results show that meiotic progression of spermatocytes is dependent on SC-activated MAPKs. In addition, high MPM-2 labeling was not acquired by PS cultured alone in Sertoli cell conditioned media, indicating a specific need for cell-cell contact between germ cells and SC.  相似文献   

Transabdominal X-rays are a risk factor for childhood leukemia, and X-ray exposure of mouse fetuses has led to increases in both mutations and initiated tumors in offspring. However, fetal sensitivity and dose-response characteristics with regard to transplacental mutagenesis by X-rays have never been quantified. In the current experiment, pregnant Syrian hamsters at day 12 of gestation were irradiated with 300-kV X-rays. Twenty-four hours later, the fetuses were removed and their cells were allowed a 5 day expression time in culture. They were then seeded for colony formation and also for mutation selection by 6-thioguanine (6-TG). Mutation frequency was linear over the entire dose range, 10-600 R. The average induced 6-TG mutant frequency was 4.7 x 10(-7) per R. These results suggest that fetal cells are highly sensitive to induction of mutations by X-rays, and that a no-effect threshold is not likely. The 10 R dose caused a 25-fold increase in mutation frequency over the historical control, 45 x 10(-7) versus 1.8 x 10(-7), an increase per R of 2.5-fold. Increased risk of childhood cancer related to obstetrical transabdominal X-ray has also been estimated at 2.5-fold per R. Thus, our results are consistent with mutation contributing to this effect.  相似文献   

Role of Sertoli cells in injury-associated testicular germ cell apoptosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This review examines experimental models of Sertoli cell injury resulting in germ cell apoptosis. Since germ cells exist in an environment created by Sertoli cells, paracrine signaling between these intimately associated cells must regulate the process of germ cell death. Germ cell apoptosis may be signaled by a decrease in Sertoli cell pro-survival factors, an increase in Sertoli cell pro-apoptotic factors, or both. The different models of Sertoli cell injury indicate that spermatogenesis is susceptible to disruption, and that targeting critical Sertoli cell functions can lead to rapid and massive germ cell death.  相似文献   

Summary Three types of subsurface cisterns were observed in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of the Syrian hamster. The type-1 cisterns are subsynaptic, related to axosomatic synapses, and are separated from the postsynaptic cell membranes with distances of 400–800 Å. These are probably modified rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. The type-2 cisterns are closely apposed to the surface membranes of Purkinje cells, and have very little intracisternal space except at the dilated lateral edges. The type-3 cisterns are similar in structure to the type-2 cisterns but in addition are closely associated with mitochondria. The type-2 and type-3 cisterns appear between one and two weeks after birth and are still present in adults, having almost the same frequency of occurrence. Thin cell processes opposite the type-2 and type-3 cisterns are considered to be glial cell processes. The morphological details of these types of subsurface cisterns are described here, and their possible functional significance is briefly discussed.This work was carried out at the Department of Anatomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, and was supported by grants from the China Medical Board of New York and Anatomical Training Grant GM114 from the USPHS.Dr. Takahashi wishes to express his sincere thanks to Dr. A. Lazarow and Dr. R. L. Wood of the Department of Anatomy, University of Minnesota, who enabled him to use facilities for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Isolated pachytene spermatocytes liver longer than round spermatids in vitro. Indigenous formation of oxygen-derived free radicals and hydrogen peroxide can cause damage to germ cells. The germ cell antioxidant capacity may play an important role in this respect. In view of this, we have examined the activity and cellular localization of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione S-transferases (GST) in rat testicular cells. We have found significant differences in the distribution of these enzymatic activities in the germ cells. In addition, this study shows that alpha-tocopherol is found in various amounts in rat testicular cells in the order of: Sertoli cells greater than pachytene spermatocytes greater than round spermatids, with a factor of 4 in the alpha-tocopherol content between Sertoli cells and round spermatids.  相似文献   

Male hamsters (105) received intratesticular injection of suspension of a live yeast phase culture ofParacoccidioides brasiliensis and were sacrificed weekly during 20 weeks. Humoral immunity was studied by the agar-gel immunodiffusion (ID) and indirect immunofluorescence (IF) tests. Cell-mediated immunity was determined by the macrophage migration inhibition test in the presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) andParacoccidioides brasiliensis soluble antigen (PbAg). The morphology of the lesions was studied in the inoculation site, lymph nodes, lung, liver, spleen and kidneys.Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis was observed in 100% of the animals after the first week. The lesions were initially made up of fungi surrounded by polymorphonuclear neutrophils and macrophages. Up to the 10th week the majority of the lesions appeared as compact confluent ephitelioid granulomas containing rare large fungi, some showing signs of degeneration. At this time, the specific antibody titers and the cellular immune response to PHA and PbAg were highest.From the 11th week on the granulomas became less compact, edematous with the epithelioid cells loosely arranged. This change was accompanied by an increase in the number of fungi showing reproductive activity and was associated with renal amyloidosis and progressive decline of cellular immune response both to PHA and PbAg. Contrariwise the titers of circulating antibodies were maintained.In the present model, disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis of the hamster was associated with depression of cellular immunity, change in the pattern of the granuloma, intense fungi proliferation and amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Sex determination in mammals is controlled by the Y chromosome located SRY gene. Despite recent advances towards understanding the mechanisms that regulate sex determination in mammals, the expression profile of the SRY protein in human tissues is unknown. To localize the SRY protein and determine its cellular distribution, we prepared monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against the recombinant SRY protein. One antibody, LSRY1.1, recognizes a SRY-specific epitope and was used to localize the protein in different cells and tissues. The mAb recognizes a protein of 27 kDa in total lysates of HeLa SRYB3 cells. Immunocytochemical staining showed a nuclear localization of the protein. Immunohistochemical studies performed on gonadal tissue of a fetus, a one month-old boy and an adult man, demonstrated the presence of SRY protein in the nucleus of Sertoli and germ cells. In addition two 46,XX SRY(+) males had the SRY protein in their gonadal tissues. All other samples were negative, including all female tissue studied and the testis of a 46,XX SRY(-) male. The presence of SRY protein in fetal and adult gonadal tissues including germ cells suggests that SRY may have other male-specific functions in addition to sex determinism.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is a meiosis-inducing factor. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the developing ovary are exposed to RA, resulting in entry into meiosis. In contrast, PGCs in the developing testis enter mitotic arrest to differentiate into prospermatogonia. Sertoli cells express CYP26B1, an RA-metabolizing enzyme, providing a simple explanation for why XY PGCs do not initiate meios/is. However, regulation of entry into mitotic arrest is likely more complex. To investigate the mechanisms that regulate male germ cell differentiation, we cultured XX and XY germ cells at 11.5 and 12.5 days postcoitus (dpc) with an RA receptor inhibitor. Expression of Stra8, a meiosis initiation gene, was suppressed in all groups. However, expression of Dnmt3l, a male-specific gene, during embryogenesis was elevated but only in 12.5-dpc XY germ cells. This suggests that inhibiting RA signaling is not sufficient for male germ cell differentiation but that the male gonadal environment also contributes to this pathway. To define the influence of Sertoli cells on male germ cell differentiation, Sertoli cells at 12.5, 15.5, and 18.5 dpc were aggregated with 11.5 dpc PGCs, respectively. After culture, PGCs aggregated with 12.5 dpc Sertoli cells increased Nanos2 and Dnmt3l expression. Furthermore, these PGCs established male-specific methylation imprints of the H19 differentially methylated domains. In contrast, PGCs aggregated with Sertoli cells at late embryonic ages did not commit to the male pathway. These findings suggest that male germ cell differentiation is induced both by inhibition of RA signaling and by molecule(s) production by embryonic age-specific Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

To better understand the molecular interactions between somatic and germ cells in the mammalian testis, we have begun to analyze with mRNA differential display changes in gene expression induced by coculturing rat Sertoli cells and germ cells. We have identified 10 cDNAs that are either down-regulated or up-regulated in cocultures of germ cells and Sertoli cells. Three genes expressed in Sertoli cells and three genes expressed in germ cells were down-regulated in Sertoli cell-germ cell cocultures, whereas four genes were up-regulated in the cocultures. Northern blot analysis was used to establish the expression pattern of the mRNAs encoded by the cDNAs and to define the sizes of the differentially expressed mRNAs. Sequence analysis of the cDNAs and computer searches against the GenBank and EMBL DNA databases were used to relate the ten cDNAs to known genes. Of the three Sertoli cell cDNAs, one appeared identical to transferrin, while the other two shared regions of similarity to an endoplasmic reticulum stress protein and to a pro-α2 XI collagen, respectively. The three germ cell cDNAs shared sequences with fibronectin, with a basic fibroblast growth factor receptor and with an IgG gamma 2b, respectively. The four cDNAs that were up-regulated in the Sertoli-germ cell cocultures showed similarity to an isoform of casein kinase 1δ, to an epidermal growth factor, to a statin-related protein, and to an integral membrane glycoprotein. These data demonstrate that a number of specific genes are up- and down-regulated when germ cells and Sertoli cells are cocultured, and suggest these genes are important in cell to cell communication during spermatogenesis. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:380–389, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The developmental fate of Syrian hamster yolk-sac (primitive) erythroid cells was examined in vitro. Highly purified yolk-sac erythroid cells at the polychromatophilic stage, obtained from the peripheral blood of embryos at day 10 of gestation, showed morphological and biochemical changes in our modified semi-solid culture system. Several morphological changes observed in the primitive erythroid cell cultures, such as nuclear condensation, approach of nuclei to the periphery of cells, development by cells of an extended pear-like shape, enucleation, and an increase in haemoglobin content, were quite similar to those of the terminal differentiation of fetal liver or adult bone marrow (definitive) erythroid cells. In addition, the transition of molecular species of haemoglobin from the embryonic to the fetal/adult pattern was also observed in our culture system. Thus we provide evidence, by the in vitro culture of yolk-sac erythroid cells, that primitive erythroid cells undergo terminal differentiation in a manner similar to that of definitive erythroid cells.  相似文献   

The polypeptide composition of Sertoli cell enriched cultures (SCEC) and Sertoli cell only cultures (SCOC) obtained after germ cell removal was investigated. Cells were labelled with [35S]methionine and analyzed by one and/or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The one-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of SCEC and SCOC particulate fraction did not show any appreciable difference between the two profiles. The more detailed two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis showed the appearance in SCOC of three polypeptides undetectable in SCEC. The molecular weight of these molecules ranged between 44 and 48 kDa. The effect of FSH on the Sertoli cell membrane composition was also investigated. No qualitative differences were detected, although the hormone increased many molecular species including the polypeptides appearing in SCOC. On the basis of these results, the hypothesis that germ cells influence Sertoli cell metabolic parameters is discussed.  相似文献   

In situ alterations of DNA methylation were studied between 14 d postcoitum and 4 d postpartum in Sertoli cells and germ cells from mouse testis, using anti-5-methylcytosine antibodies. Compared to cultured fibroblasts, Sertoli cells display strongly methylated juxtacentromeric heterochromatin, but hypomethylated chromatids. Germ cells always possess hypomethylated heterochromatin, whereas their euchromatin passes from a demethylated to a strongly methylated status between days 16 and 17 postcoitum. This hypermethylation occurs in the absence of DNA replication, germ cells being blocked in the G(0)-G(1) phase from day 15 postcoitum to birth. The DNA hypermethylation of germ cells is maintained until birth and could be visualized on both chromatids of metaphase chromosomes at the first postpartum cell division. Subsequently, the DNA hypermethylation is lost semiconservatively, being replaced by a methylation pattern recalling the typical fibroblast pattern. These alterations of DNA methylation follow a strict chronology, are chromosome structure and cell-type dependent, and may underlie profound changes of genome function.  相似文献   

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