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In this paper we describe a modification to the lambda vector EMBL3 which greatly expedites the construction of restriction maps of cloned DNA sequences. In the modified vector, EMBL3cos, all the phage coding sequences are placed to the right of the cloning sites so that the left cohesive end is separated by only 200bp, rather than 20kb (as in conventional lambda vectors), from the inserted DNA fragment. We show that reliable restriction maps can be rapidly constructed from partial digests of clones made in this vector by labelling the left cohesive end with a complementary 32P-labelled oligonucleotide. In addition, we quantify the restriction of clones containing human DNA by the McrA and McrB systems of E. coli and show that the use of Mcr- plating strains can increase the yield of recombinant phage up to tenfold, to give cloning efficiencies of greater than or equal to 10(7) pfu/microgram of human DNA.  相似文献   

Gapped duplex DNA molecules of recombinant genomes of filamentous phage are constructed in vitro. Denatured restriction fragments covering (part of) the precisely constructed gap are hybridized to the gapped duplex DNA molecules to form ternary duplices. The two strands of the ternary duplex molecules carry different genetic markers within the region spanned by the restriction fragment leading to a one base pair mismatch or to an insertion loop of 93 nucleotides, respectively. The two strands also vary with respect to A-methylation in GATC sites. In cases of asymmetrical methylation, transfection of E. coli with these heteroduplex molecules leads to marker recoveries with a pronounced bias in favour of the marker encoded by the methylated strand. This effect at least partly explains the comparably low marker yields achieved in previous directed mutagenesis experiments using filamentous phage as the vector. The results suggest how these procedures can be optimized. Precise construction of a 93 bp insertion of 9.5% marker yield is described.  相似文献   

A Masny  A Plucienniczak 《BioTechniques》2001,31(4):930-4, 936
A method for generating limited representations of total bacterial DNA, without prior knowledge of the DNA sequence, has been developed. This method consists of three steps: digestion with two restriction enzymes, ligation of two oligonucleotide adapters corresponding to the restriction sites, and selective PCR amplification of the ligation products. The method relies on the use of two restriction enzymes with considerable differences in cleavage frequency of the investigated DNA and the ligation of two different oligonucleotides, each corresponding to one of the two cohesive ends of DNA fragments. Three subsets of DNA fragments are generated during digestion and subsequent ligation: terminated with the same oligonucleotide on both 5' ends of DNA fragments (two subsets) and terminated with two different oligonucleotides. Suppression PCR allows only the third subset of DNA fragments to be amplified exponentially. The method allows bacterial species strain differentiation on the basis of the different DNA band patterns obtained after electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels stained with ethidium bromide and visualized in UV light.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was isolated from lupine. Restriction analysis was used to estimate its size, which is about 180 kb. A BamHI bank of this mtDNA was constructed using plasmids pBR322 and pBR327 as vectors. Eight clones containing plasmids hybridizing to mitochondrial tRNA (mttRNA) were isolated. Restriction maps of these plasmids were determined. Six of these plasmids hybridized to unique fragments and two to two fragments of very similar size, all obtained by BamHI cleavage of mtDNA.  相似文献   

Poly-N-acryloyl-tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (NAT) gels were evaluated as a matrix for DNA electrophoresis. The resolution of DNA restriction fragments in three poly(NAT)-N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide (Bis) gels (4, 5, and 6%) was compared with the resolution in polyacrylamide (AA)-Bis gels of the same percentage. Poly(NAT) gels were found to give a substantially improved separation of DNA fragments larger than 200 bp. In contrast to poly(AA) gels, DNA fragments of up to 4 kbp were well resolved in the new matrix. By pulse-field electrophoresis the useful separation range of poly(NAT) gels was expanded to at least 23 kbp. For DNA fragments below 10 kbp, the resolution was better than that in a 0.7% agarose gel. Thus poly(NAT) gels are most suitable for the electrophoretic separation of DNA molecules whose size is out of the optimal fractionation range of poly(AA) or agarose gels.  相似文献   

Plyler TR  Vallejos CE 《BioTechniques》2000,28(5):1012-6, 1018
We have developed a method to isolate the termini of BAC clones. The method is based on the two unique NotI sites located approximately 300 bp on either side of the EcoRI cloning site of the BAC vector pECS-BAC4. Our strategy includes the following steps: (i) generation of Southern blots with BAC clones digested with NotI and a second restriction enzyme; (ii) identification of the termini attached to the NotI/EcoRI fragment of the BAC vector via hybridization with a probe derived from sequences located between one NotI site (left or right arm) and the cloning site; (iii) ligation of the doubly digested BAC clone (NotI and the selected second restriction enzyme) with an equally doubly digested cloning plasmid vector; and (iv) confirmation of the clone as a terminus. This strategy has allowed us to begin the construction of a contig near a common bean gene that controls resistance to a group of potyviruses.  相似文献   

Netropsin binds to DNA in caesium chloride density gradients and reduces the density of the DNA. The DNA is saturated at a netropsin/DNA weight ratio of about 6 and the change in density, deltarho, at saturation is given by deltarho = -109 (dA + dT content)1.87 mg/ml for the six DNAs tested covering dA + dT contents from 0.28 to 0.69. At lower netropsin/DNA ratios the observed density shifts are consistent with a two-site model for netropsin binding to DNA. Netropsin approximately doubles the resolution of Physarum polycephalum nucleolar satellite DNA from main-band DNA. The fragments of P. polycephalum nucleolar satellite DNA obtained with the restriction endonuclease HindIII do not separate on CsCl gradients, even in the presence of netropsin, which shows that the transcribed and non-transcribed sequences in this DNA have similar nucleotide compositions.  相似文献   

A new rapid method for the identification and cloning of DNA fragments containing specific protein-binding domains is based on the common bandshift assay. Cloned DNA is digested with a restriction endonuclease recognizing a particular 4-bp sequence, an aliquot of this digest is end-labelled and used in protein binding reactions with and without protein extract. The binding reactions are then loaded onto nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. The main portion of the digest is run in a parallel lane and serves as a source of fragments for cloning. Autoradiography of the wet gel reveals loss in intensity of some bands from the restriction digest incubated with the protein extract. DNA fragments corresponding to these bands are cut out from the gel; DNA is eluted and cloned in the M13 vector, thus allowing rapid and simple sequencing of the inserts.

The method, terned multiple bandshift assay, is especially useful when screening relatively long DNA fragments (of several kb) for potential protein-binding domains. The procedure was used to study interaction of HeLa-cell nuclear proteins with a 5.2-kb downstream region of pseudorabies virus immediate-early gene ( . Vl ek, Z. Kozmik, V. Pa es, S. Schirm and M. Schwyzer, unpublished).  相似文献   

Leslie KD  Fox KR 《Biochemistry》2002,41(10):3484-3497
We have examined the interaction of Hoechst 33258 and echinomycin with nucleosomal DNA fragments which contain isolated ligand binding sites. A 145 base pair fragment was prepared on the basis of the sequence of tyrT DNA, which contained no CpG or (A/T)(4) binding sites for these ligands. Isolated binding sites were introduced into this fragment at discrete locations where the minor groove is known to face toward or away from the protein core when reconstituted onto nucleosome core particles. The interaction of ligands with target sites on these nucleosomal DNA fragments was assessed by DNase I footprinting. We find that Hoechst 33258 can bind to single nucleosomal sites which face both toward and away from the protein core, without affecting the nucleosome structure. Hoechst binding is also observed on nucleosomal fragments which contain two or more drug binding sites, though in these cases the footprints are accompanied by the presence of new cleavage products in positions which suggest that the ligand has caused a proportion of the DNA molecules to adopt a new rotational positioning on the protein surface. Hoechst 33258 does not affect nucleosome reconstitution with any of these fragments. In contrast, the bifunctional intercalating antibiotic echinomycin is not able to bind to single nucleosomal CpG sites. Echinomycin footprints are observed on nucleosomal fragments containing two or more CpG sites, but there are no changes in the cleavage patterns in the remainder of the fragment. Echinomycin abolishes nucleosome reconstitution when included in the reconstitution mixture.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the NgoMIV restriction endonuclease in complex with cleaved DNA has been determined at 1.6 A resolution. The crystallographic asymmetric unit contains a protein tetramer and two DNA molecules cleaved at their recognition sites. This is the first structure of a tetrameric restriction enzyme-DNA complex. In the tetramer, two primary dimers are arranged back to back with two oligonucleotides bound in clefts on opposite sides of the tetramer. The DNA molecules retain a B-type conformation and have an enclosed angle between their helical axes of 60 degrees. Sequence-specific interactions occur in both the major and minor grooves. Two Mg2+ ions are located close to the cleaved phosphate at the active site of NgoMIV. Biochemical experiments show that interactions between the recognition sites within the tetramer greatly increase DNA cleavage efficiency.  相似文献   

The BAL 31 nuclease, an extracellular nuclease from A. espejiana, specifically recognizes and cleaves the salt induced conformational junction between B and Z-DNA. Short segments of (dC-dG) left-handed Z-helix, comprising approximately 1% of the total DNA, are specifically detected within two different recombinant plasmids. The BAL 31 enzyme is highly resistant to inactivation by the presence of high concentrations of a variety of electrolytes that stabilize left-handed helices, is active at physiological pH, and can be used to probe both linear and circular DNAs. Additionally, the nuclease cleaves left-handed (dC-dG)n only very poorly, if at all. Thus, the BAL 31 nuclease can be utilized as a probe for helical junctions and consequently for segments of left-handed DNA that might exist within predominantly right-handed naturally occurring genomes.  相似文献   

Rapid restriction mapping of DNA cloned in lambda phage vectors   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
A protocol for the rapid restriction mapping of phage λ clones has been developed. Partial digestion products are selectively labelled at the right or left cohesive λ DNA termini by hybridisation with [32P]oligonucleotides complementary to the single-stranded cos ends. After gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, the restriction map can be directly determined from the “ladder” of partial digestion products.  相似文献   

In the `shotgun' procedure for sequencing DNA, DNA fragments are cloned into a phage M13 vector and sequenced by using a flanking primer. In a variation of this procedure a longer DNA sequence is cloned into M13, the two single-stranded recombinants identified and sequenced by using a set of internal primers prepared by exonuclease III digestion of restriction fragments.  相似文献   

Cloning of long open reading frames (ORFs) into plant gene expression vectors and transfer of the chimeric expression cassettes into binary vectors is often hampered by the presence of restriction enzyme cleavage sites internal to the open reading frame (ORF) to be expressed. We therefore modified the commonly used expression vector pRT100 [7] and several pGPTV binary vectors [2] by replacing 6 bp restriction sites with 8 bp sequences recognized by rare-cutter restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

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