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β-barrel membrane proteins in the mitochondrial outer membrane use the TOM40 complex to enter mitochondria and then the TOB/SAM complex to be assembled into the outer membrane. Tom7, a subunit of the TOM40 complex, regulates association of Mdm10 with the TOB complex. Here, we analyzed the role of Tom7 in assembly of β-barrel proteins, including Tom40, a central channel subunit of the TOM40 complex, and porin. Depletion of Tom7 decreased transient accumulation of Tom40 at the level of the TOB complex and retarded assembly of porin in vitro. On the other hand, overexpression of Tom7 resulted in enhanced accumulation of in vitro imported Tom40 in the TOB complex, yet it did not affect the in vitro assembly of porin. Site-specific photocross-linking in vivo revealed that Tom7 directly interacts with Tom40 through its transmembrane segment and with Mdm10. These results collectively show that Tom7 recruits Mdm10, enhancing its association with the MMM1 complex, to regulate timing of the release of Tom40 from the TOB complex for subsequent assembly into the TOM40 complex.  相似文献   

Among bacterial species demonstrated to have protein O-glycosylation systems, that of Bacteroides fragilis and related species is unique in that extracytoplasmic proteins are glycosylated at serine or threonine residues within the specific three-amino acid motif D(S/T)(A/I/L/M/T/V). This feature allows for computational analysis of the proteome to identify candidate glycoproteins. With the criteria of a signal peptidase I or II cleavage site or a predicted transmembrane-spanning region and the presence of at least one glycosylation motif, we identified 1021 candidate glycoproteins of B. fragilis. In addition to the eight glycoproteins identified previously, we confirmed that another 12 candidate glycoproteins are in fact glycosylated. These included four glycoproteins that are predicted to localize to the inner membrane, a compartment not previously shown to include glycosylated proteins. In addition, we show that four proteins involved in cell division and chromosomal segregation, two of which are encoded by candidate essential genes, are glycosylated. To date, we have not identified any extracytoplasmic proteins containing a glycosylation motif that are not glycosylated. Therefore, based on the list of 1021 candidate glycoproteins, it is likely that hundreds of proteins, comprising more than half of the extracytoplasmic proteins of B. fragilis, are glycosylated. Site-directed mutagenesis of several glycoproteins demonstrated that all are glycosylated at the identified glycosylation motif. By engineering glycosylation motifs into a naturally unglycosylated protein, we are able to bring about site-specific glycosylation at the engineered sites, suggesting that this glycosylation system may have applications for glycoengineering.  相似文献   

Protein glycosylation is a common post-translational modification, the effect of which on protein conformational and stability is incompletely understood. Here we have investigated the effects of glycosylation on the thermostability of Bacillus subtilis xylanase A (XynA) expressed in Pichia pastoris. Intact mass analysis of the heterologous wild-type XynA revealed two, three, or four Hex8–16GlcNAc2 modifications involving asparagine residues at positions 20, 25, 141, and 181. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the XynA modified with various combinations of branched Hex9GlcNAc2 at these positions indicated a significant contribution from protein-glycan interactions to the overall energy of the glycoproteins. The effect of glycan content and glycosylation position on protein stability was evaluated by combinatorial mutagenesis of all six potential N-glycosylation sites. The majority of glycosylated enzymes expressed in P. pastoris presented increased thermostability in comparison with their unglycosylated counterparts expressed in Escherichia coli. Steric effects of multiple glycosylation events were apparent, and glycosylation position rather than the number of glycosylation events determined increases in thermostability. The MD simulations also indicated that clustered glycan chains tended to favor less stabilizing glycan-glycan interactions, whereas more dispersed glycosylation patterns favored stabilizing protein-glycan interactions.  相似文献   

Human mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel 2 (hVDAC-2), the most predominant isoform seen in brain mitochondria, is not only crucial for cell survival but is also implicated in Alzheimer disease. The abundance of cysteines in this isoform is particularly fascinating, as hVDAC-1 cysteines have no associated functional role. We report a detailed biophysical examination of a Cys-less mutant of hVDAC-2, and its behavioral comparison with the wild type protein. Our findings suggest that cysteine mutation results in the formation of a better barrel at the expense of weakened protein-lipid interactions. The wild type protein displays stronger lipid association, despite being less structured. A reversal in behavior of both proteins is observed in the case of chemical denaturation, with the Cys-less mutant exhibiting lowered unfolding free energies. In bicellar systems comprising 14-C phosphocholines, we observe that protein-lipid interactions are weakened in both constructs, resulting in barrel structure destabilization. Our biochemical and biophysical studies together reveal key structural roles for the cysteine residues. We find that minor conformational variations in local residues are sufficient to define the membrane protein dynamics in hVDAC-2. Such subtle sequence variations contribute to differential stability of VDACs and may have implications in their in vivo regulation and recycling.  相似文献   

Steady exposure to environmental arsenic has led to the evolution of vital cellular detoxification mechanisms. Under aerobic conditions, a two-step process appears most common among microorganisms involving reduction of predominant, oxidized arsenate (H(2)As(V)O(4)(-)/HAs(V)O(4)(2-)) to arsenite (As(III)(OH)(3)) by a cytosolic enzyme (ArsC; Escherichia coli type arsenate reductase) and subsequent extrusion via ArsB (E. coli type arsenite transporter)/ACR3 (yeast type arsenite transporter). Here, we describe novel fusion proteins consisting of an aquaglyceroporin-derived arsenite channel with a C-terminal arsenate reductase domain of phosphotyrosine-phosphatase origin, providing transposable, single gene-encoded arsenate resistance. The fusion occurred in actinobacteria from soil, Frankia alni, and marine environments, Salinispora tropica; Mycobacterium tuberculosis encodes an analogous ACR3-ArsC fusion. Mutations rendered the aquaglyceroporin channel more polar resulting in lower glycerol permeability and enhanced arsenite selectivity. The arsenate reductase domain couples to thioredoxin and can complement arsenate-sensitive yeast strains. A second isoform with a nonfunctional channel may use the mycothiol/mycoredoxin cofactor pool. These channel enzymes constitute prototypes of a novel concept in metabolism in which a substrate is generated and compartmentalized by the same molecule. Immediate diffusion maintains the dynamic equilibrium and prevents toxic accumulation of metabolites in an energy-saving fashion.  相似文献   

Primary structural requirements both for N- and O-glycosylation have been studied using a series of synthetic peptides and a membrane fraction from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. N-Glycosylation: the tripeptide sequence Asn-Xaa-Thr/Ser was found to be necessary for the transfer of saccharide units from oligosaccharide-lipid to asparagine. Substitution of asparagine by aspartic acid or glutamine, or replacement of threonine by valine in the hexapeptide Tyr-Asn-Leu-Thr-Ser-Val prevents its glycosylation. Also, a proline residue in the position of Xaa makes the peptide unable to function as an acceptor. Transfer onto asparagine occurs only efficiently if both the α-amino group of asparagine and the α-carboxyl moiety of the hydroxy amino acid are blocked. Yield of glycosylation improves with increasing peptide chain length. With regard to the glycosyl donor dolichyl diphosphate-bound GlcNAc2Man9Glc3 is the preferred substrate. Non-glucosylated glycolipid Dol-PP-GlcNAc2Man9 is a poor donor, whereas smaller precursors Dol-PP-GlcNAc2 and Dol-PP-GlcNAc2Man1 allow reasonable transfer. O-Glycosylation: no marker sequence can be derived for the formation of an O-glycosidic linkage via Dol-P-Man. Introduction of a proline residue in vicinity to the hydroxy amino acid leads to a significant improvement of glycosyl transfer. It is postulated that accessibility of potential O-glycosylation sites rather than a specific sequence may be a prerequisite for O-glycosylation.  相似文献   

Glycosylation is a major form of post-translational modification of synaptic vesicle membrane proteins. For example, the three major synaptic vesicle glycoproteins, synaptotagmin 1, synaptophysin, and SV2, represent ∼30% of the total copy number of vesicle proteins. Previous studies suggested that glycosylation is required for the vesicular targeting of synaptotagmin 1, but the role of glycosylation of synaptophysin and SV2 has not been explored in detail. In this study, we analyzed all glycosylation sites on synaptotagmin 1, synaptophysin, and SV2A via mutagenesis and optical imaging of pHluorin-tagged proteins in cultured neurons from knock-out mice lacking each protein. Surprisingly, these experiments revealed that glycosylation is completely dispensable for the sorting of synaptotagmin 1 to SVs whereas the N-glycans on SV2A are only partially dispensable. In contrast, N-glycan addition is essential for the synaptic localization and function of synaptophysin. Thus, glycosylation plays distinct roles in the trafficking of each of the three major synaptic vesicle glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The redesign of biological nanopores is focused on bacterial outer membrane proteins and pore-forming toxins, because their robust β-barrel structure makes them the best choice for developing stochastic biosensing elements. Using membrane protein engineering and single-channel electrical recordings, we explored the ferric hydroxamate uptake component A (FhuA), a monomeric 22-stranded β-barrel protein from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. FhuA has a luminal cross-section of 3.1 × 4.4 nm and is filled by a globular N-terminal cork domain. Various redesigned FhuA proteins were investigated, including single, double, and multiple deletions of the large extracellular loops and the cork domain. We identified four large extracellular loops that partially occlude the lumen when the cork domain is removed. The newly engineered protein, FhuAΔC/Δ4L, was the result of a removal of almost one-third of the total number of amino acids of the wild-type FhuA (WT-FhuA) protein. This extensive protein engineering encompassed the entire cork domain and four extracellular loops. Remarkably, FhuAΔC/Δ4L forms a functional open pore in planar lipid bilayers, with a measured unitary conductance of ~4.8 nanosiemens, which is much greater than the values recorded previously with other engineered FhuA protein channels. There are numerous advantages and prospects of using such an engineered outer membrane protein not only in fundamental studies of membrane protein folding and design, and the mechanisms of ion conductance and gating, but also in more applicative areas of stochastic single-molecule sensing of proteins and nucleic acids.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic endomembrane systems, Qabc-SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) on one membrane and R-SNARE on the opposing membrane assemble into a trans-QabcR-SNARE complex to drive membrane fusion. However, it remains ambiguous whether pairing of Qabc- and R-SNAREs mediates membrane fusion specificity. Here, we explored the fusion specificity of reconstituted proteoliposomes bearing purified SNAREs in yeast vacuoles and other organelles. We found that not only vacuolar R-SNARE Nyv1p but also the non-cognate R-SNAREs, endosomal Snc2p, and endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi Sec22p caused efficient fusion with vacuolar Qabc-SNAREs. In contrast, their fusion is blocked completely by replacing vacuolar Qc-SNARE Vam7p with the non-cognate endosomal Tlg1p and Syn8p, although these endosomal Qc-SNAREs fully retained the ability to form cis-SNARE complexes with vacuolar SNAREs in solution and on membranes. Thus, our current study establishes that an appropriate assembly of Qabc-SNAREs is crucial for regulating fusion specificity, whereas R-SNARE itself has little contribution to specificity.  相似文献   

Protein O-mannosylation is an essential modification in fungi and mammals. It is initiated at the endoplasmic reticulum by a conserved family of dolichyl phosphate mannose-dependent protein O-mannosyltransferases (PMTs). PMTs are integral membrane proteins with two hydrophilic loops (loops 1 and 5) facing the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. Formation of dimeric PMT complexes is crucial for mannosyltransferase activity, but the direct cause is not known to date. In bakers' yeast, O-mannosylation is catalyzed largely by heterodimeric Pmt1p-Pmt2p and homodimeric Pmt4p complexes. To further characterize Pmt1p-Pmt2p complexes, we developed a photoaffinity probe based on the artificial mannosyl acceptor substrate Tyr-Ala-Thr-Ala-Val. The photoreactive probe was preferentially cross-linked to Pmt1p, and deletion of the loop 1 (but not loop 5) region abolished this interaction. Analysis of Pmt1p loop 1 mutants revealed that especially Glu-78 is crucial for binding of the photoreactive probe. Glu-78 belongs to an Asp-Glu motif that is highly conserved among PMTs. We further demonstrate that single amino acid substitutions in this motif completely abolish activity of Pmt4p complexes. In contrast, both acidic residues need to be exchanged to eliminate activity of Pmt1p-Pmt2p complexes. On the basis of our data, we propose that the loop 1 regions of dimeric complexes form part of the catalytic site.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control factor EDEM1 associates with a number of ER proteins and ER-associated degradation (ERAD) substrates; however, an understanding of its role in ERAD is unclear. The early maturation events for EDEM1 including signal sequence cleavage and glycosylation were analyzed, and their relationship to the function of EDEM1 was determined. EDEM1 has five N-linked glycosylation sites with the most C-terminal site recognized poorly cotranslationally, resulting in the accumulation of EDEM1 containing four or five glycans. The fifth site was modified post-translationally when bypassed cotranslationally. Signal sequence cleavage of EDEM1 was found to be a slow and inefficient process. Signal sequence cleavage produced a soluble form of EDEM1 that efficiently associated with the oxidoreductase ERdj5 and most effectively accelerated the turnover of a soluble ERAD substrate. In contrast, a type-II membrane form of EDEM1 was generated when the signal sequence was uncleaved, creating an N-terminal transmembrane segment. The membrane form of EDEM1 efficiently associated with the ER membrane protein SEL1L and accelerated the turnover of a membrane-associated ERAD substrate. Together, these results demonstrated that signal sequence cleavage functionally regulated the association of EDEM1-soluble and membrane-integrated isoforms with distinct ERAD machinery and substrates.  相似文献   

Human cannabinoid type 2 (CB(2)) receptor expressed in Escherichia coli was purified and successfully reconstituted in the functional form into lipid bilayers composed of POPC, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (POPS), and cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHS). Reconstitution was performed by detergent removal from the protein/lipid/detergent mixed micelles either on an adsorbent column, or by rapid dilution to below the critical micelle concentration of detergent followed by removal of detergent monomers on a concentrator. Proteoliposomes prepared at a protein/phospholipid/CHS molar ratio of 1/620-650/210-220 are free of detergent as shown by (1)H NMR, have a homogeneous protein/lipid ratio shown by isopycnic gradient ultracentrifugation, and are small in size with a mean diameter of 150-200 nm as measured by dynamic light scattering. Functional integrity of the reconstituted receptor was confirmed by quantitative binding of (2)H-labeled agonist CP-55,940-d(6) measured by (2)H magic angle spinning NMR, as well as by activation of G protein. The efficiency of G protein activation by agonist-bound CB(2) receptor was affected by negative electric surface potentials of proteoliposomes controlled by the content of anionic CHS or POPS. The activation was highest at an anionic lipid content of about 50 mol %. There was no correlation between the efficiency of G protein activation and an increase of hydrocarbon chain order induced by CHS or cholesterol. The results suggest the importance of anionic lipids in regulating signal transduction by CB(2) receptor and other class A GPCR. The successful reconstitution of milligram quantities of pure, functional CB(2) receptor enables a wide variety of structural studies.  相似文献   

Transmembrane stretch M2C from the bacterial K+-translocating protein KtrB is unusually long. In its middle part, termed M2C2, it contains several small and polar amino acids. This region is flanked by the two α-helices M2C1 and M2C3 and may form a flexible gate at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane controlling K+ translocation. In this study, we provide experimental evidence for this notion by using continuous wave and pulse EPR measurements of single and double spin-labeled cysteine variants of KtrB. Most of the spin-labeled residues in M2C2 were shown to be immobile, pointing to a compact structure. However, the high polarity revealed for the microenvironment of residue positions 317, 318, and 327 indicated the existence of a water-accessible cavity. Upon the addition of K+ ions, M2C2 residue Thr-318R1 (R1 indicates the bound spin label) moved with respect to M2B residue Asp-222R1 and M2C3 residue Val-331R1 but not with respect to M2C1 residue Met-311R1. Based on distances determined between spin-labeled residues of double-labeled variants of KtrB in the presence and absence of K+ ions, structural models of the open and closed conformations were developed.  相似文献   

Human phospholipid scramblase 1 (hPLSCR1), a type II integral class membrane protein, is known to mediate bidirectional scrambling of phospholipids in a Ca2+-dependent manner. hPLSCR2, a homolog of hPLSCR1 that lacks N-terminal proline-rich domain (PRD), did not show scramblase activity. We attribute this absence of scramblase activity of hPLSCR2 to the lack of N-terminal PRD. Hence to investigate the above hypothesis, we added the PRD of hPLSCR1 to hPLSCR2 (PRD-hPLSCR2) and checked whether scramblase activity was restored. Functional assays showed that the addition of PRD to hPLSCR2 restored scrambling activity, and deletion of PRD in hPLSCR1 (ΔPRD-hPLSCR1) resulted in a lack of activity. These results suggest that PRD is crucial for the function of the protein. The effects of the PRD deletion in hPLSCR1 and the addition of PRD to hPLSCR2 were characterized using various spectroscopic techniques. Our results clearly showed that hPLSCR1 and PRD-hPLSCR2 showed Ca2+-dependent aggregation and scrambling activity, whereas hPLSCR2 and ΔPRD-hPLSCR1 did not show aggregation and activity. Thus we conclude that scramblases exhibit Ca2+-dependent scrambling activity by aggregation of protein. Our results provide a possible mechanism for phospholipid scrambling mediated by PLSCRs and the importance of PRD in its function and cellular localization.  相似文献   

The di-tripeptide transport system (DtpT) of Lactococcus lactis was purified to apparent homogeneity by pre-extraction of crude membrane vesicles with octaethylene glycol monodecyl ether (C10E8), followed by solubilization with n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside (DDM) and chromatography on a Ni-NTA resin. The DtpT protein was reconstituted into detergent-destabilized preformed liposomes prepared from E. coli phospholipid/ phosphatidylcholine. A variety of detergents were tested for their ability to mediate the membrane reconstitution of DtpT and their effectiveness to yield proteoliposomes with a high transport activity. The highest activities were obtained with TX100, C12E8 and DM, whereas DDM yielded relatively poor activities, in particular when this detergent was used at concentrations beyond the onset of solubilization of the preformed liposomes. Parallel with the low activity, significant losses of lipid were observed when the reconstitution was performed at high DDM concentrations. This explained at least part of the reduced transport activity as the DtpT protein was highly dependent on the final lipid-to-protein ratios in the proteoliposomes. Consistent with the difference in mechanism of DDM- and TX100-mediated membrane protein reconstitution, the orientation of the DtpT protein in the membrane was random with DDM and inside-in when T100 was used. The methodology to determine the orientation of membrane-reconstituted proteins from the accessibility of cysteines for thiol-specific reagents is critically evaluated.  相似文献   

To compare folding/assembly processes of heptameric co-chaperonin proteins 10 (cpn10) from different species and search for the origin of thermostability in hyper-thermostable Aquifex aeolicus cpn10 (Aacpn10), we have studied two bacterial variants-Aacpn10 and Escherichia coli cpn10 (GroES)-and compared the results to data on Homo sapiens cpn10 (hmcpn10). Equilibrium denaturation of GroES by urea, guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) and temperature results in coupled heptamer-to-monomer transitions in all cases. This is similar to the behavior of Aacpn10 but differs from hmcpn10 denaturation in urea. Time-resolved experiments reveal that GroES unfolds before heptamer dissociation, whereas refolding/reassembly begins with folding of individual monomers; these assemble in a slower step. The sequential folding/assembly mechanism for GroES is rather similar to that observed for Aacpn10 but contradicts the parallel paths of hmcpn10. We reveal that Aacpn10's stability profile is shifted upwards, broadened, and also moved horizontally to higher temperatures, as compared to that of GroES.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-5 (AQP5), a major water channel in lung epithelial cells, plays an important role in maintaining water homeostasis in the lungs. Cell surface expression of AQP5 is regulated by not only mRNA and protein synthesis but also changes in subcellular distribution. We investigated the effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the subcellular distribution of AQP5 in a mouse lung epithelial cell line (MLE-12). LPS caused significant increases in AQP5 in the plasma membrane at 0.5-2 h. Immunofluorescence and Western blotting strongly suggested that LPS altered AQP5 subcellular distribution from an intracellular vesicular compartment to the plasma membrane. The specific p38 MAP kinase inhibitor SB 203580 apparently prevented LPS-induced changes in AQP5 distribution. Furthermore, LPS increased the osmotic water permeability of MLE-12 cells. These findings demonstrate that LPS increases cell surface AQP5 expression by changing its subcellular distribution and increases membrane osmotic water permeability through activation of p38 MAP kinase.  相似文献   

Palmitoylation at cysteine residues is the only known reversible form of lipidation and has been implicated in protein membrane association as well as function. Many palmitoylated proteins have regulatory roles in dynamic cellular processes, including membrane fusion. Recently, we identified Env7 as a conserved and palmitoylated protein kinase involved in negative regulation of membrane fusion at the lysosomal vacuole. Env7 contains a palmitoylation consensus sequence, and substitution of its three consecutive cysteines (Cys13–Cys15) results in a non-palmitoylated and cytoplasmic Env7. In this study, we further dissect and define the role(s) of individual cysteines of the consensus sequence in various properties of Env7 in vivo. Our results indicate that more than one of the cysteines serve as palmitoylation substrates, and any pairwise combination is essential and sufficient for near wild type levels of Env7 palmitoylation, membrane localization, and phosphorylation. Furthermore, individually, each cysteine can serve as a minimum requirement for distinct aspects of Env7 behavior and function in cells. Cys13 is sufficient for membrane association, Cys15 is essential for the fusion regulatory function of membrane-bound Env7, and Cys14 and Cys15 are redundantly essential for protection of membrane-bound Env7 from proteasomal degradation. A role for Cys14 and Cys15 in correct sorting at the membrane is also discussed. Thus, palmitoylation at the N-terminal cysteines of Env7 directs not only its membrane association but also its stability, phosphorylation, and cellular function.  相似文献   

Aquaporins are water channel proteins that facilitate the movement of water and other small solutes across biological membranes. Plants usually have large aquaporin families, providing them with many ways to regulate the water transport. Some aquaporins are regulated post-translationally by phosphorylation. We have previously shown that the water channel activity of SoPIP2;1, an aquaporin in the plasma membrane of spinach leaves, was enhanced by phosphorylation at Ser115 and Ser274. These two serine residues are highly conserved in all plasma membrane aquaporins of the PIP2 subgroup. In this study we have purified and characterized two protein kinases phosphorylating Ser115 and Ser274 in SoPIP2;1. By anion exchange chromatography, the Ser115 kinase was purified from the soluble protein fraction isolated from spinach leaves. The Ca2+-dependent Ser274 kinase was purified by peptide affinity chromatography using plasma membranes isolated from spinach leaves. When characterized, the Ser115 kinase was Mg2+-dependent, Ca2+-independent and had a pH-optimum at 6.5. In accordance with previous studies using the oocyte expression system, site-directed mutagenesis and kinase and phosphatase inhibitors, the phosphorylation of Ser274, but not of Ser115, was increased in the presence of phosphatase inhibitors while kinase inhibitors decreased the phosphorylation of both Ser274 and Ser115. The molecular weight of the Ser274 kinase was approximately 50 kDa. The identification and characterization of these two protein kinases is an important step towards elucidating the signal transduction pathway for gating of the aquaporin SoPIP2;1.  相似文献   

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