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Age at menarche in Warsaw girls in 1965   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mean age at menarche in Icelandic girls and compare it with results from other Scandinavian populations as well as in other ethnic groups. The study was performed during the school year 1972-1973 on a cross-sectional sample of 682 girls (aged 8.5 to over 17 years), constituting 9.5% of the girls from the third to eleventh forms in all the primary and secondary schools of Reykjavik. The mean age at menarche in Iceland, elicited by the status quo method, proved to be 13.06 +/- 0.10 years (S.D. 1.17 years). According to the information given by the girls (recall method), the earliest time of menstruation was 9.83 years and the latest 15.17 years, at which age all but one of the girls were menstruating.  相似文献   

In 1982-1983 a total of 977 girls from Thessaloniki has been investigated for their menarcheal ages, using the retrospective and the status quo methods. 565 of these girls aged between 11 and 18.5 years (age classes 1964-1972) were found to menstruate. The mean menarcheal age amounts to 12.0 years. The results are compared with corresponding data from literature. They confirm a clear secular trend for the menarcheal age in Greek population.  相似文献   

Age at menarche was studied by the recollection method in two groups of Causasian Jewish high school girls, inhabitants of two towns in Israel, Safad and Elat. The two towns differ mainly in climatic conditions. The age at menarche was found to be significantly lower (P<0.02) in the hot town of Elat than in the temperate town of Safad: 13.30±1.21 and 13.58±0.9 years, respectively (mean ±SD). A significant association was found between the age at menarche and the town in which the girls lived. Accordingly, in the hot town of Elat, the percentage of girls who had their first menstrual cycle by the age of 12 years and earlier, was more than double that of the girls in Safad (17.9% and 7.1%, respectively). It is concluded that the environmental temperature, with or without any possible interaction of humidity, is probably responsible for the tendency for an earlier onset of menarche in girls living in the hot town of Elat.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin pulsatile secretion in girls with premature menarche   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five prepubertal girls (2.3-8.1 years old) were studied for isolated or recurrent vaginal bleeding in the absence of other signs of precocious puberty (premature menarche). Four of these girls with recurrent vaginal bleeding were studied for pulsatile gonadotropin secretory patterns. During sleep 3 girls showed luteinizing hormone (LH) pulses with low amplitude and a pubertal pattern of frequency whereas follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increased without demonstrable episodic secretion. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) tests demonstrated that FSH responses are greater than the LH responses, as in prepuberty. In 3 cases estradiol levels had augmented above normal prepubertal range. The menses spontaneously stopped during the follow-up. A reevaluation of the gonadotropin pattern, having the menses stopped for 6 months, in one of the girls with pulsatile LH secretion showed an apulsatile prepubertal LH pattern. Also estradiol levels returned to prepubertal range. A follow-up of 10-66 months of these patients did not show any growth and bone acceleration or signs of precocious puberty. Our data suggest that in premature menarche a partial and transient activation of hypothalamo-pituitary axis could be present. Premature menarche seems to be a benign and self-limiting condition and one of the girls had a normal onset of puberty during follow-up.  相似文献   



The metabolic syndrome is a major public health challenge and identifies persons at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to examine the association between age at menarche and the metabolic syndrome (IDF and NCEP ATP III classification) and its components.


1536 women aged 32 to 81 years of the German population based KORA F4 study were investigated. Data was collected by standardized interviews, physical examinations, and whole blood and serum measurements.


Young age at menarche was significantly associated with elevated body mass index (BMI), greater waist circumference, higher fasting glucose levels, and 2 hour glucose (oral glucose tolerance test), even after adjusting for the difference between current BMI and BMI at age 25. The significant effect on elevated triglycerides and systolic blood pressure was attenuated after adjustment for the BMI change. Age at menarche was inversely associated with the metabolic syndrome adjusting for age (p-values: <0.001 IDF, 0.003 NCEP classification) and additional potential confounders including lifestyle and reproductive history factors (p-values: 0.001, 0.005). Associations remain significant when additionally controlling for recollected BMI at age 25 (p-values: 0.008, 0.033) or the BMI change since age 25 (p-values: 0.005, 0.022).


Young age at menarche might play a role in the development of the metabolic syndrome. This association is only partially mediated by weight gain and increased BMI. A history of early menarche may help to identify women at risk for the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Data from an urban sample of American women of reproductive ages demonstrate that age at menarche is correlated with age at first intercourse, that age at first intercourse is correlated with age at first pregnancy, and that menarche is therefore correlated with age at first pregnancy. This applied to both blacks and whites when examined for the early years of the reproductive cycle. Girls with early menarche, compared to those with late menarche, are more than twice as likely to have had intercourse by age 16, and almost twice as likely to have given birth or had a pregnancy terminated by age 18. It is therefore useful to think of the timing of menarche as an indicator of the probability of early intercourse and early childbearing.  相似文献   

Heritability of age at menarche in girls from the Fels Longitudinal Study   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Menarche is the hallmark maturational event of female childhood. Many studies indicated a significant genetic contribution to the timing of the onset of menstruation, but most of these studies were limited by the use of retrospective data and by the use of data from only certain types of relatives (i.e., mothers and daughters, sisters, or twin sisters). The primary goal of this study was to use a modern maximum likelihood quantitative genetic method to estimate the heritability (h(2)) of age at menarche, using familial data collected over the course of the 74-year-old Fels Longitudinal Study. The secondary goal was to review earlier studies of the heritability of age at menarche. The study of the heritability of age at menarche presented here is unique for two reasons. First, because of the Fels Longitudinal Study's serial design, age-at-menarche data were collected prospectively from most participants. Second, because the Fels Longitudinal Study is a family study that has been conducted for decades, age-at-menarche data are available from many types of female relatives spanning multiple households and generations. The best-fitting and most parsimonious quantitative genetic model included provision for a secular decrease in age at menarche, and estimated the h(2) of age at menarche to be 0.49+/- 0.13 (95% confidence interval of h(2),=0.24-0.73). The results of this study are in general agreement with the findings of most previous studies of genetic influences on age at menarche, and suggest that it is reasonable to consider it well-established that approximately half the phenotypic variation among girls from developed nations in the timing of menarche is due to genetic factors.  相似文献   



Age at sexual debut is a key behavioural indicator used in HIV behavioural surveillance. Early age at menarche may precipitate early sex through perceived readiness for sex, or through school drop-out, but this is rarely studied. We investigated trends and circumstances of sexual debut in relation to schooling and age at menarche.

Methods and Findings

A cross-sectional sexual behaviour survey was conducted on all individuals age 15–59 within a demographic surveillance site in Karonga District, Malawi. Time trends were assessed using birth cohorts. Survival analysis was used to estimate the median age at menarche, sexual debut and first marriage. The 25th centile was used to define “early” sex, and analyses of risk factors for early sex were restricted to those who had reached that age, and were done using logistic regression. Of the 8232 women and 7338 men resident in the area, 88% and 78%, respectively, were seen, and, 94% and 92% of these were interviewed. The median reported age at first sex was 17.5 for women and 18.8 for men. For women, ages at menarche, sexual debut and first marriage did not differ by birth cohort. For men, age at sexual debut and first marriage decreased slightly in later birth cohorts. For both men and women increased schooling was associated with later sexual debut and a longer delay between sexual debut and first marriage, but the associations were stronger for women. Earlier age at menarche was strongly associated with earlier sexual debut and marriage and lower schooling levels. In women early sexual debut (<16 years) was less likely in those with menarche at age 14–15 (odds ratio (OR) 0.31, 95%CI 0.26–0.36), and ≥16 (OR 0.04, 95%CI 0.02–0.05) compared to those with menarche at <14. The proportion of women who completed primary school was 46% in those with menarche at <14, 60% in those with menarche at 14–15 and 70% in those with menarche at ≥16. The association between age at menarche and schooling was partly explained by age at sexual debut. The association between age at menarche and early sex was not altered by adjusting for schooling.


Women with early menarche start sex and marry early, leading to school drop-out. It is important to find ways to support those who reach menarche early to access the same opportunities as other young women.  相似文献   


This paper examines the relationship between age at menarche and fertility from two perspectives. Age at menarche is regarded as a crude indicator of the timing of fecundity that may affect the timing of conception among those sexually active; and age at menarche is regarded as a crude indicator of the timing of sexual maturation that may influence the timing of socio‐sexual behavior, namely dating and sexual intercourse. The data are drawn from a survey of New York City women who recently had their first child. The findings suggest that age at menarche as an indicator of fecundity is not a good predictor of the timing of the first birth, when controlling for age at first sexual intercourse. Looking only at initial noncontraceptors, however, we find the relationship is stronger. Age at menarche, viewed as an indicator of the timing of sexual maturation, does seem to have some influence on the timing of dating, but only for Blacks. For both races, age at first date is related to age at first sexual intercourse.  相似文献   

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