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Incremental lines in dental cementum of museum specimens of 11 free-ranging great apes were compared to the respective structures in 5 captive specimens of known age-at-death, and with many known life-history parameters. While the dental cementum of the free-ranging apes was regularly structured into alternating dark and light bands, 4 out of 5 captive animals showed marked irregularities in terms of hypomineralized bands which could all be dated to the year 1963. Cementum preservation was insufficient in the fifth specimen and did not permit such a differentiation. All 4 captive apes had been kept in a zoo located in the northern hemisphere, where 1963 was characterized by an extremely cold winter. Since cold stress is a calcium-consuming process, the lack of available calcium in newly forming cementum could be responsible for the observed hypomineralization. The appositional growth characteristics of dental cementum serve as a record for such life-history events.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of counting incremental lines of dental root cementum for biological age determination, and to compare it with alternative methods. Two samples were taken: 51 teeth from 49 individuals of known age obtained at the Stomatological Clinic, Vilnius University, as well as the canine teeth from the remains of 48 individuals from the mass graves of Tuskulenai in Vilnius (inhumed 1944-47). In the latter sample, the chronological age of 43 individuals was known through personal identification. Undecalcified teeth were sectioned with the Leica SP 1600 microtome diamond saw, and incremental line count as a blind test was made on sections of 35 to 100 microns thickness. Incremental line count was possible in 82-86 percent of cases. The results of three independent counts showed that intra-observer bias has no significant impact. Biological age was estimated by adding incremental line number to the average age of tooth eruption. It was found that mean absolute error was 6.46 years for the 1st sample, 6.27 years for the 2nd sample, and in some cases exceeded 10 years. For the 2nd sample, the results were compared to those of other methods such as endocranial suture ossification, pubic symphysis morphology and the "combined" method of Nemeskéri. All four methods yield a similar correlation in regard to an individual's chronological age. The highest correlation was found for the combined method, and the lowest one for public symphysis morphology. All correlations had a similar standard error. Thus our assessment is less enthusiastic than in some past studies; it is suggested that the incremental lines rather have a similar use as other methods.  相似文献   

Histological analysis of 91 roots from 80 freshly extracted teeth from patients with known calendar age and life-history parameters revealed that the validity of a chronological age-at-death diagnosis based on the count of incremental lines in human dental cementum is essentially dependent from two parameters: method of analysis, and pathological state of the investigated tooth. In this paper, we want to contribute to the establishment of a methodological standard procedure by comparison of our own results with otherwise published research designs. We conclude that as long as the necessary prerequisites are met, the quantitative analysis of cementum annulli will lead to a rather precise chronological age-at-death diagnosis. In addition, a qualitative analysis permits the ontogenetic dating of certain individual life-history parameters (e.g. previous pregnancies).  相似文献   

Age determination of European hares based on periosteal growth lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B. FRYLESTAM  T. von  SCHANTZ 《Mammal Review》1977,7(3-4):151-154

Nucleic acid quantification is a relevant issue for the characterization of mammalian recombinant cell lines and also for the registration of producer clones. Quantitative real-time PCR is a powerful tool to investigate nucleic acid levels but numerous different quantification strategies exist, which sometimes lead to misinterpretation of obtained qPCR data. In contrast to absolute quantification using amplicon- or plasmid standard curves, relative quantification strategies relate the gene of interest to an endogenous reference gene. The relative quantification methods also consider the amplification efficiency for the calculation of the gene copy number and thus more accurate results compared to absolute quantification methods are generated. In this study two recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cell lines were analysed for their transgene copy number using different relative quantification strategies. The individual calculation methods resulted in differences of relative gene copy numbers because efficiency calculations have strong impact on gene copy numbers. However, in context of comparing transgene copy numbers of two individual clones the influence of the calculation method is marginal. Therefore especially for the comparison of two cell lines with the identical transgene any of the relative qPCR methods was proven as powerful tool.  相似文献   

Dark stained layers were observed in the cementum of the teeth ofSaguinus monkeys living in South America. Since the number of layers correlated with the degree of attrition in the incisor, the dark layers probably showed the growth lines. The teeth of the monkeys captured at the beginning of the wet season showed the incremental dark line around most of the exterior of the cementum.  相似文献   

The correlation of series of two darkly-staining lines in the tooth cementum of tropical African mammals from areas of bimodal equatorial rainfall is briefly reviewed, and contrasted with the findings in southern Africa where bi-annual lines are claimed for areas of unimodal rainfall. A sample of African buffalo teeth from a unimodal rainfall area in southern Tanzania was examined and the conclusion reached that, in general, one dark line per year was formed. A miscellaneous selection of mainly known age animals was also examined with varied results. Anomalies in the apparent formation of cementum lines are discussed.  相似文献   

The teeth of 14 Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) were examined to establish an exact method of determining age by histological observation of dental cementum. The cementum showed annual growth layers, which were especially remarkable in the incisor root and in the molar cementum deposited at the junction of the roots. The layer of cementum formed in winter appears as a dark layer in stained sections and as a translucent layer in unstained ground sections. In the incisor the first dark and light layers are formed at the age of three years, whereas in the molar they do not appear at a definite age. The layers are thick and clear in the upper medial incisor. As a result, the age of a Japanese monkey can be determined by adding two to the number of dark layers and an outer light layer. It is interesting that the formation of the cementum of the first molar begins a few years after its eruption. The relation between this fact and the pressure of occlusion is discussed.  相似文献   



Information extraction from microarrays has not yet been widely used in diagnostic or prognostic decision-support systems, due to the diversity of results produced by the available techniques, their instability on different data sets and the inability to relate statistical significance with biological relevance. Thus, there is an urgent need to address the statistical framework of microarray analysis and identify its drawbacks and limitations, which will enable us to thoroughly compare methodologies under the same experimental set-up and associate results with confidence intervals meaningful to clinicians. In this study we consider gene-selection algorithms with the aim to reveal inefficiencies in performance evaluation and address aspects that can reduce uncertainty in algorithmic validation.  相似文献   

The crypts outside St Bride's Church, London, contain a documented collection of skeletal remains dating from the mid-18th century. Some of these remains became mixed during post-war restoration work on the church. The worst example of such mixing involves ten infants that were boxed all together with their corresponding coffin plates. All the infants were aged between 1 and 4 years at death. Recognized skeletal aging criteria proved unsuccessful in identifying the bodies. A more precise method of age estimation was utilized in order to separate these individuals. Age was determined using the incremental markers found in dental microstructure which are thought to be formed in circadian and circaseptan rhythms. The resulting age estimates were compared with the real ages obtained from the coffin plates and death certificates. Confident identification was achieved in eight out of ten cases. This study illustrates the potential value of a little-known aging method in circumstances where commonly used methods have proved unsuccessful. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The chromatographic quantitation of very low amounts of an enantiomer in the presence of its antipode can be an extraordinary challenge. If resolution of the peaks is not complete even at extreme mass ratios an integrator will yield inaccurate results due to geometric effects. A given resolution can be adequate for peaks of similar size but result in severe overlap if one of the signals is markedly smaller. If tailing occurs, which is more the rule than the exception, the problem is especially severe for last eluted small peaks. Additional obstacles are detector nonlinearity and other sources of unsatisfactory calibration curves, overloading phenomena, and the possible lack of standards of highest optical purity. These problems have been studied by computer simulations and the liquid chromatographic separation of (R,S)-phenylethyl naphthoic acid amide on a chiral stationary phase. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The immune system furnishes the organism with the utmost effective defence mechanisms against foreign and changes in self without doing self-harm. However, optimized efficacy in the defence against the immense variety of foreign antigens generates a higher risk for inadvertent self challenge. Such inherent short-comings are the inevitable burden traded for the benefits of an optimally organized defence system. The central molecules involved in specific immune reactions include antigen receptors of B and T lymphocytes, and antigen-presenting proteins encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC; in man HLA). The genetics and evolution of these multigene families is discussed here with respect to their potential contributions to disturbances of self recognition. Simple molecular biological tools and procedures for efficiently screening the immunologically relevant genes are described.Dedicated to Professor Dr. U. Wolf on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The dentine and cementum of the mammals exhibit incremental lines (IL) that may be seen as dark and light rings in properly prepared sections of teeth. Counting of IL provides a potential method to evaluate the absolute age of many wild species. The aim of the present study was to evaluate IL in small bat species and to test whether the number of IL is associated with the absolute age of bat when its minimal age was known based on ringing data. Teeth of 26 specimens of the following species were examined:Myotis daubentonii (n = 12),Barbastella barbastellus (n = 4),M. brandtii (n = 2),M. nattereri (n = 2),Pipistrellus nathusii (n = 2),Plecotus auritus (n = 2),M. dasycneme (n = 1),Vespertilio murinus (n = 1). Transverse morphological sections of canines, incisors and postcanine teeth were analysed by a light microscopy. In 4 cases, the minimal age of animals examined in this study was known. The IL were revealed in the dentine of 14 bats examined. The cementum of all animals was devoid of IL. The mean distance between the first and second juxtaposed IL ofM. daubentonii was 3.2 ± 0.2 mm, but it was significantly fewer among the subsequent adjacent lines. Due to a thinness of the IL, an accurate counting was considerably difficult in the canines containing more than 10 IL, as well as in the incisors and postcanine teeth with more than 3-6 IL. The IL of roots showed the most contrast, but they were almost obscured from view at the cingulum and crown. In bats of known-age, the numbers of IL were significantly lower than minimal age of those animals examined, and IL were either revealed only in certain teeth or absent entirely in all teeth. The present findings suggest that the number of the IL varies in different teeth and is strongly dependent on section level. Consequently, age determination in small bats using dental IL is doubtful and requires a reevaluation.  相似文献   

Dentine root transparency (RDT) has been measured on 70 histological sections of teeth from 46 individuals of known sex and age. In order to obtain the estimates of individual chronological age, Bang & Ramm (1970) equations have been applied to the value obtained by the measurements. Using the percentage ratio hx100/H (after Lemendin & Cambray 1981)--were h is the extension of the root transparency zone (in mm) and H is the total root length (in mm), some regression functions have been elaborated. The error of the age estimates obtained following Bang & Ramm was quite high in percentage, being comprised between +/- 5 years only in 21.13% of the cases.  相似文献   

Bromage and Dean originally outlined a nondestructive method for the study of enamel formation and concluded that early hominids resembled the extant apes more closely than they did modern humans in their rates of growth and maturation. The method used assumed that an enamel circadian rhythmicity was referable to a longer near-weekly period represented by perikymata (periodic surface growth features). This assumption became a matter of debate and discussion. In this study, developing teeth in Macaca nemestrina were labeled with polychrome fluorescent dyes. Examination of the distribution of these dyes in two sectioned teeth provides experimental confirmation of enamel circadian periodicity.  相似文献   

Among 246 adult subjects persistent transverse radiopaque lines at the distal aspect of the tibia were observed in 30% of women and 14% of men aged 25 to 50, and 14% of women and 8% of men aged 51 to 86. Measured from the distal end of the tibia, it was clear that the persistent transverse lines had been laid down in infancy and childhood rather than during puberty. There was evidence that the age-associated decrease in transverse lines was due to cortical remodeling both endosteally and subperiosteally.  相似文献   

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