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<正>双片苣苔[Didymostigma obtusum(C.B.Clarke)W.T.Wang]为苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)双片苣苔属一年生草本植物,茎渐升或近直立,高12~20 cm,有3~5节,多少密被柔毛。叶对生;叶片草质,卵形,长2~10 cm,宽1.5~7 cm,顶端微尖或微钝,基部稍斜,宽楔形或斜圆形,边缘具钝锯齿,两面被柔毛,下面毛稀疏,并常带紫红色,叶脉每侧5~8条;叶柄被柔毛,长0.8~4.0 cm。花序腋生,不分枝或2~4回分枝,有2~10朵花;花序梗被柔毛,长4~15 cm;苞片披针状线形,被柔毛,长3~6 mm,宽0.5~1 mm。  相似文献   

茎高17~50 cm,被毡毛,常在近顶端着叶,下部具残存的叶基。叶对生,长圆形或长椭圆形,稀卵形,长4.5~29 mm,宽2.5~10cm,顶端急尖,基部宽楔形或圆形,边缘具锯齿,上面密被白色小糙伏毛和脱落的蛛丝状毛,下面密被灰褐色毡毛,侧脉每边11~14  相似文献   

云南唇柱苣苔属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一年生草本。茎高 10~30 cm,有 1~3节,不分枝,稀分枝,无毛或稀被微柔毛。基生叶l~2片,在花期腐烂,稀不腐烂,茎牛叶对伞;叶什薄草质,卵形或椭圆形,长1.7~  相似文献   

正裸茎碎米荠(Cardamine scaposa Franch.)隶属于十字花科(Brassicaceae)碎米荠属。多年生草本,高4~18cm,花葶状,全株无毛。根状茎纤细,匍匐生长。茎单一直立,无叶。基生叶单一;叶柄长1~12cm;叶近于圆形或肾状圆形,长0.3~2.0cm,宽0.5~3.0cm,基部心形,边缘波状或全缘。无茎生叶。总状花序顶生,具2~10朵花。果期花梗直立或上升,长1~4cm,基部的最长。萼片卵圆形或椭圆形,长3~4mm,  相似文献   

正裸茎碎米荠(Cardamine scaposa Franch.)隶属于十字花科(Brassicaceae)碎米荠属。多年生草本,高4~18cm,花葶状,全株无毛。根状茎纤细,匍匐生长。茎单一直立,无叶。基生叶单一;叶柄长1~12cm;叶近于圆形或肾状圆形,长0.3~2.0cm,宽0.5~3.0cm,基部心形,边缘波状或全缘。无茎生叶。总状花序顶生,具2~10朵花。果期花梗直立或上升,长1~4cm,基部的最长。萼片卵圆形或椭圆形,长3~4mm,  相似文献   

太白美花草(Callianthemum taipaicum W.T.Wang)又名重叶莲,隶属于毛茛科美花草属。为多年生草本,高8~10cm,全株无毛。基生叶3~6片,花期不完全展开;叶柄长2~10cm,基部抱茎;叶片深裂,小叶2~3对,再2~3裂。茎生叶1~2片,长1~2.5cm。花直径2.2~2.8cm。萼片5,蓝紫色。花瓣9~13,基部褐色,狭倒卵形或倒披针形,长11~14mm,宽3.5~6mm,先端截形。雄蕊长4~5mm;花丝狭线形;花药长圆形,长约0.8mm。心皮18~22个。花期6月。  相似文献   

正裸茎碎米荠(Cardamine scaposa Franch.)隶属于十字花科(Brassicaceae)碎米荠属。多年生草本,高4~18cm,花葶状,全株无毛。根状茎纤细,匍匐生长。茎单一直立,无叶。基生叶单一;叶柄长1~12cm;叶近于圆形或肾状圆形,长0.3~2.0cm,宽0.5~3.0cm,基部心形,边缘波状或全缘。无茎生叶。总状花序  相似文献   

正裸茎碎米荠(Cardamine scaposa Franch.)隶属于十字花科(Brassicaceae)碎米荠属。多年生草本,高4~18cm,花葶状,全株无毛。根状茎纤细,匍匐生长。茎单一直立,无叶。基生叶单一;叶柄长1~12cm;叶近于圆形或肾状圆形,长0.3~2.0cm,宽0.5~3.0cm,基部心形,边缘波状或全缘。无茎生叶。总状花序顶生,具2~10朵花。果期花梗直立或上升,长1~4cm,基部的最长。萼片卵圆形或椭圆形,长3~4mm,宽1.5~2.2mm,边缘膜质,白色透明。花瓣白色,倒卵形,长8~13mm,宽5~7mm,顶端圆或微凹,基部  相似文献   

正裸茎碎米荠(Cardamine scaposa Franch.)隶属于十字花科(Brassicaceae)碎米荠属。多年生草本,高4~18cm,花葶状,全株无毛。根状茎纤细,匍匐生长。茎单一直立,无叶。基生叶单一;叶柄长1~12cm;叶近于圆形或肾状圆形,长0.3~2.0cm,宽0.5~3.0cm,基部心形,边缘波状或全缘。无茎生叶。总状花序顶生,具2~10朵花。果期花梗直立或上升,长1~4cm,基部的最长。萼片卵圆形或椭圆形,长3~4mm,宽1.5~2.2mm,边缘膜质,白色透明。花瓣白色,倒卵形,长8~13mm,宽5~7mm,顶端圆或微凹,基部  相似文献   

正裸茎碎米荠(Cardamine scaposa Franch.)隶属于十字花科(Brassicaceae)碎米荠属。多年生草本,高4~18cm,花葶状,全株无毛。根状茎纤细,匍匐生长。茎单一直立,无叶。基生叶单一;叶柄长1~12cm;叶近于圆形或肾状圆形,长0.3~2.0cm,宽0.5~3.0cm,基部心形,边缘波状或全缘。无茎生叶。总状花序顶生,具2~10朵花。果期花梗直立或上升,长1~4cm,基部的最长。萼片卵圆形或椭圆形,长3~4mm,宽1.5~2.2mm,边缘膜质,白色透明。花瓣白色,倒卵形,长8~13mm,宽5~7mm,顶端圆或微凹,基部  相似文献   

Kryptolebias marmoratus is an important experimental fish, and is considered to represent the only vertebrate species comprising self‐fertilizing hermaphroditic individuals. Subsequent to the discovery of this unusual mode of reproduction, approximately 50 years ago, K. marmoratus has been the focus of a series of studies. However, little is known about the evolution of this rare reproduction mode, and data on the biology of closely related species are still unavailable. The present study aimed to histologically analyse the gonads of three K. marmoratus congeners (i.e. Kryptolebias ocellatus, Kryptolebias caudomarginatus, and Kryptolebias brasiliensis) to check the distribution of features related to hermaphroditism that are useful for forming hypotheses about the origin and evolution of the self‐fertilization mode of reproduction through the available phylogenies. The data obtained demonstrate that populations of K. caudomarginatus consist of males and hermaphrodites, which supports the hypothesis that hermaphroditism arose at the base of the clade containing K. caudomarginatus, K. marmoratus, and K. ocellatus as a first step towards a more advanced condition, uniquely shared by both K. marmoratus and K. ocellatus, in which males are rare or absent in natural populations, with the subsequent occurrence of self‐fertilization. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 344–349.  相似文献   

In the present paper the karyotypes of Keteleeria calcarea Cheng et L. K. Fu and K. oblonga Cheng et L. K. Fu are reported, and they are compared with those of K. cyclolepis Flous and K. formosana Mast. The karyotype formula of K. calcarea Cheng et L. K. Fu is K(2n)=24=16m+8sm, and K. oblonga Cheng et L. K. Fu is K(2n)=24=18m+6sm. They both belong to “2A” type of karyotype symmetry. There are secondary constrictions on the short arms of 1th, 3th, 6th chromosome pairs in K. calcarea Cheng et L. K. Fu and 2th, 4th, 6th in K. oblonga Cheng et L. K. Fu. K. oblonga Cheng et L. K. Fu is more advanced than K. cyclolepis Flous, but more primitive than K. calcarea Cheng et L. K. Fu, and K. formosana Mast is the most advanced among the four species in karyotype.  相似文献   

在野外考察和室内标本研究的基础上,对薄鳞蕨属(中国蕨科)的分类进行了研究。 将2种 (华西薄鳞蕨和察隅薄鳞蕨) 和2变种(大叶薄鳞蕨和宽叶薄鳞蕨)进行了归并处理, 承认该属有4种1变种。  相似文献   

测量了林下与全光下地枫皮的叶片形态和光合-光响应曲线,探讨光强对地枫皮的形态和生理特性的影响。结果表明:林下与全光下地枫皮叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(WUE)对光强的响应趋势均基本一致,但全光下的Pn、Gs和Tr值较高,林下WUE值较高。全光下地枫皮的最大净光合速率、光饱和点和光补偿点均极显著高于林下,但弱光下的量子效率无显著差异;林下地枫皮的叶长、叶宽、干物质重、叶面积和比叶面积等叶片形态参数均极显著大于全光。推断地枫皮为耐阴性较弱的阳生植物,其光合能力和光饱和点较低,是对干旱环境的适应性反应;全光下地枫皮叶片狭小降低了吸光面积,有利于避免过高光强对叶光合器官的损伤。  相似文献   

10-8mol/L的DON毒素加入小麦根质膜制剂中可促进K+刺激的ATP酶活力,10-6mol/L开始呈抑制效应,抑制程度随DON浓度加大而提高。根尖(5cm)离体根段于0.5mmol/L的KCl中,10-8mol/L的DON能促进根段K+吸收,10-6mol/L以上浓度则K+吸收呈抑制,10-2mol/L浓度下根段的净吸收为负值,表明组织中K+大量外渗。根段置蒸馏水中6h,4mmol/L的DON即导致振段K+渗漏。用DON处理整株小麦根,浓度在0.25mmol/L以上可促进K+从植株其它部位向根运输,而浓度在8mmol/L时即抑制K+向根富集,且根内K+明显渗漏。  相似文献   

The fruits of the genus Knautia differ from those of all other Dipsacaceae by the possession of a white, ± hemispherical basal appendage (elaiosome). In a series of field experiments Sernander (1906) demonstrated that, due to this elaiosome, the fruits of Knautia are dispersed by ants. Sernander (1906) assumed that the elaiosome is built from fused bracts (forming the epicalyx) whereas Bresinsky (1963) interpreted it as part of the perianth. In the present study the elaiosome development was investigated in four species of all three subgenera of Knautia: subg. Trichera (K. drymeia, K. dipsacifolia), subg. Tricheranthes (K. integrifolia) and subg. Knautia (K. orientalis). A comparison with early stages of the fruit development in other Dipsacaceae (e.g., Lomelosia graminifolia) indicates that the elaiosome is of epicalyx origin. In all species of Knautia the development of the elaiosome begins prior to anthesis and independently of fertilization. The growth of the elaiosome tissue in K. orientalis is mainly caused by periclinal cell divisions in the subepidermal layers of the epicalyx base. In K. dipsacifolia and K. drymeia a meristem around the base of the central bundle, which supplies epicalyx and flower, becomes active and develops cells in cascade-like rows. The elaiosome cells of ripe fruits are filled with numerous oil droplets. Moreover the central bundle increases by the formation of additional phloem cells. In addition, other important morphological adaptations to ant dispersal are demonstrated: the hair-cover of the fruit and strongly lignified horizontal vascular bundles between elaiosome and seed prevent the seed from being eaten; a lignified cramp anchors the elaiosome to the fruit; and thickened and strongly cutinized walls of the epidermis protect the elaiosome during dispersal. In regard to germination, a correlation between the removal of the elaiosome and germination speed and rate was found; fruits with dissected elaiosomes germinate faster and with a higher germination rate than fruits with elaiosomes.  相似文献   

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