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IL 2 receptor induction on human T lymphocytes: role for IL 2 and monocytes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In this report we studied the requirements for the activation and proliferation of highly purified human T lymphocytes. Purified T cells incubated for 3 days with PHA neither proliferate nor express IL 2 receptors as detected by FACS analysis with the use of anti-Tac antibodies. However, purified T cells incubated with Con A or anti-T3 moAb do not proliferate, albeit 30 to 35% T cells express Tac epitopes. The addition of IL 2, either natural purified or recombinant, resulted in both the appearance of Tac antigen and the proliferation of PHA-activated T cells. Much to our surprise, IL 2 did not induce proliferation of Tac-positive T cells activated by Con A or soluble anti-T3 unless monocytes were added to the cultures. These data suggested that two classes of IL 2 receptors might exist on T cells, one of which was not functionally involved in T cell proliferation. In keeping with this interpretation, we have been able to demonstrate, using a radiolabeled IL 2 binding assay, that anti-T3 moAb induced almost exclusively IL 2 receptors of low affinity (Kd = 30 to 70 X 10(-9) M) and that additional signals, provided by monocytes, are required for the acquisition of high affinity receptors. IL 2 itself can induce high affinity receptors on PHA-stimulated T cells but not on cells activated by Con A or anti-T3. In this latter case the physical presence of monocytes is required and cannot be substituted by IL 1, thus indicating a previously unreported role for monocytes. It is postulated that the contact of monocytes with T cells induces a switch from an inactive low affinity conformation of the IL 2 receptor to a functional high affinity one.  相似文献   

We have assessed the inhibitory effects of various monoclonal antibodies on the expression of the IL 2 receptor. Anti-LFA-1, but not anti-Ly-2, markedly inhibited the induction of the IL 2 receptor on the Ly-2+ subset. T-depleted spleen cells, L cells, and B lymphoma cells all functioned as potent accessory cells (AC) for the induction of the IL 2 receptor on L3T4+ T cells. Anti-LFA-1 inhibited the induction of the IL 2 receptor irrespective of the type of AC used. Anti-L3T4 only inhibited the induction of IL 2 receptor expression when L cells were the source of AC. The inhibitory capacity of anti-L3T4 was not related to the expression of Ia on the AC population, because the magnitude of inhibition was comparable in cultures containing either Ia+ or Ia- L cells, whereas no inhibition was seen with either Ia+ or Ia-B lymphoma cells. We conclude from these studies that LFA-1 plays a critical role in mitogen-induced activation of both T cell subsets by promoting both T-AC and T-T interactions. Although anti-L3T4 can inhibit T cell activation in the absence of the recognition of Ia, the mechanism of inhibition and the proposed target molecule for L3T4 on the AC or the T cell have not been determined in our studies. A number of different models for the function of this cell surface antigen are discussed.  相似文献   

T cell activation is widely believed to depend on interleukin 1 (IL 1) provided by antigen (Ag)-presenting cells (APC). Because IL 1 is not a constitutive product of APC, we examined the features of its production during the interaction of murine T cell clones and APC. We observed that IL 1 was detectable in supernatants of most myoglobin-specific T cell clones grown with APC and Ag. Two of these T cell clones induced exceptionally high levels of IL 1 in their supernatants, and these same clones demonstrated the unusual restriction to I-Ek, which is a low responder type for sperm whale myoglobin. One of these clones was characterized additionally as to the mechanism of IL 1 induction. This clone rapidly stimulated IL 1 production in the APC population (detectable at 4 hr of co-culture) or in macrophages (M phi) or a M phi-like cell line. IL 1 induction was Ag dependent and H-2 restricted. Induction was radioresistant, both on the part of the T cell and of the IL 1 producer. The IL 1-induction process was attributable to a lymphokine produced by the T cell clone. This lymphokine was distinct from IFN-gamma, TNF and CSF-1 and may account for a principal mechanism of T----APC signalling. The induced IL 1 was the same in size, co-mitogenicity, and pyrogenicity as lipopolysaccharide-induced IL 1.  相似文献   

Desferoxamine blocks IL 2 receptor expression on human T lymphocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Thymidine uptake by PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes is reduced in the presence of 100 microM or greater concentrations of the iron-chelating agent desferoxamine (DF). We assessed expression of IL 2 receptor, 4F2 and Ia antigens, IL 2 production, and cell cycle progression by blood mononuclear cells (MNC) stimulated by PHA in the presence or absence of DF to determine whether the lack of T cell proliferation was a manifestation of inhibition of an earlier activation event. Tac antigen expression on PHA-stimulated MNC was inhibited by DF throughout 8 days of culture, and those cells which were positive had a low density of Tac antigen as compared with controls without DF. Expression of other activation antigens, 4F2 and Ia, was not impaired by DF. The supernatants of the DF-containing and control cultures contained equivalent IL 2 activity, as measured on the HT-2 cell line. Cell cycle analysis of these cultures shows that the addition of DF at the beginning of culture blocks most cells from undergoing G0 to G1 transition, whereas later addition of DF arrests the progression of the T cell blasts through the cell cycle. Separation of cells cultured with PHA and DF into Tac+ and Tac- subsets showed that progression from G0 to G1 was restricted to the former subset. These results suggest that interference with IL 2 receptor expression might contribute to the block in mitogen-induced proliferation caused by DF.  相似文献   

Alloantigen stimulation leads, within 48 to 72 hr, to the expression of IL 2 receptors (IL 2R) on the surface of most of the helper T cells with specificity for the stimulating antigens. The IL 2R-bearing cells, separated by flow cytometry from 3-day human or mouse mixed lymphocyte cultures, were found by limiting dilution methods to be enriched 10- to 20-fold (compared to IL 2R- cells) for antigen-specific helper T cells detected by IL 2 production. Although these cells have been activated to an IL 2R+ stage, most of them are unable to produce detectable IL 2 unless they are cultured together with the original, activating antigen. Even when IL 2 is supplied, and lymphokine production measured by assay of a second factor, IL 3, the large majority of individual activated helper T cells remain dependent on further antigenic exposure for their continued maturation into lymphokine-secreting effectors. Helper T cells at this early stage of activation can therefore proliferate when given IL 2 alone, but lymphokine secretion involves a second antigen-dependent step.  相似文献   

C Romeo  M Amiot  B Seed 《Cell》1992,68(5):889-897
The zeta chain of the T cell antigen receptor is a dimeric transmembrane protein with a very short extracellular domain and an extended cytoplasmic tail that triggers T cell effector function when aggregated by extracellular stimuli. We have reduced the active site of zeta to an 18 residue motif that can be appended to the intracellular domain of other transmembrane proteins to endow them with receptor-like activity. The compact size of the motif appears to eliminate zeta mechanisms based on enzymatic activity and suggests that one or at most a few cellular proteins interact with the zeta intracellular domain to initiate signal transduction. Analysis of individual amino acids within the 18 residue element reveals two phylogenetically conserved tyrosines that are absolutely required for activity and other residues that are less essential but contribute to the efficacy of receptor-directed cytolysis.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood T cells were purified by a four-step procedure which included depletion of plastic-adherent cells, rosetting with sheep red blood cells, nylon wool passage, and treatment with mouse monoclonal antibodies to human Ia antigens plus complement. The purified T cells completely failed to proliferate to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Bacterially derived recombinant human interleukin 2 (IL 2) reconstituted the proliferative response of resting T cells to PHA. The optimal concentration of IL 2 required was 100 to 200 U/ml. IL 2 alone caused no T cell proliferation. Both PHA and IL 2 needed to be present together for the proliferation of T cells to occur. Incubation of T cells with either PHA or IL 2 alone for up to 18 hr, followed by washing, then by the addition of the reciprocal reagent, resulted in no T cell proliferation. Expression of IL 2 receptors and of Ia antigens, as assessed by indirect immunofluorescent staining, revealed that both PHA and IL 2 needed to be present for Tac and Ia antigen expression by T cells. T cells incubated with PHA and IL 2 for 18 to 42 hr acquired responsiveness to IL 2. These T cells remained absolutely dependent on IL 2 for proliferation to occur. In contrast to T cells stimulated with PHA in the presence of monocytes, T cells stimulated with PHA and IL 2 released no detectable IL 2. The failure of IL 2 secretion was not caused by down-regulation of IL 2 production by IL 2 itself, because the addition of IL 2 to cultures of T cells stimulated with PHA in the presence of monocytes did not interfere with IL 2 production. These results indicate that IL 2 is a sufficient signal to induce the expression of its receptor in PHA-stimulated T cells and subsequent proliferation but is not sufficient to cause endogenous IL 2 release.  相似文献   

T cell induction of membrane IL 1 on macrophages   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have studied the role of T cells in the induction of a membrane-associated form of interleukin 1 (mIL 1) in murine macrophages. T helper cell clones and a T cell hybridoma induced macrophages to express mIL 1 after an antigen-specific, Ia-restricted interaction. Induction of mIL 1 was proportional to antigen concentration and was increased in the early course of the response in macrophages pretreated in culture with interferon-gamma. mIL 1 activity was detectable 4 hr after interaction with T cells. mIL 1 induction was inhibited by antibodies to either class II molecules or the T cell receptor. Two pathways of T cell-mediated mIL 1 induction could be defined. In the first, T cells, whose protein synthesizing capacity was completely eliminated by pretreatment with the irreversible protein synthesis inhibitor emetine, induced levels of mIL 1 expression indistinguishable from controls. In the second, T cells stimulated by paraformaldehyde-fixed macrophages in the presence of concanavalin A or antigen secreted a soluble factor that induced macrophage mIL 1 expression. Thus, it appears that T cells may induce macrophages to express mIL 1 both by direct cell-cell contact mediated through binding of T cell receptor to the Ia/antigen complex, and through the release of a lymphokine after activation. This lymphokine does not appear to be IL 2, IFN-gamma, BSF-1, or CSF-1.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated a two-signal requirement for the activation of the human T cell lines Jurkat and HUT 78. Interleukin 2 (IL 2) production by these lines can be induced by phytohemagglutinin (PHA), T3 antibodies, or calcium ionophores, but only in combination with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). To obtain further information about surface structures involved in T cell activation, we produced a monoclonal antibody that could substitute for PMA in the activation of HUT 78. This antibody, designated J64, induced IL 2 secretion by HUT 78 in combination with PHA, T3 antibodies, or calcium ionophores, however not by itself. J64 also had other PMA-like effects on HUT 78, such as an increase in IL 2 receptor expression and an inhibition of cell growth. J64 was shown to immunoprecipitate the transferrin receptor (TfR). However, it bound to an epitope different from those recognized by other TfR antibodies and different from the transferrin-binding site. In addition, other previously described TfR antibodies did not, like J64, function as activating stimuli for HUT 78. Possible mechanisms for activation signaling in T cells involving the TfR are discussed.  相似文献   

Congenital deficiency of the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) leads to severe combined immunodeficiency. 2'Deoxycoformycin (dCF), a tightly binding inhibitor of ADA, can induce the metabolic state of ADA deficiency. In vivo, the drug causes specific impairment of lymphocyte function and shows strong immunosuppressive properties. However, to decide whether inhibition of the enzyme ADA offers an attractive approach for immunosuppressive therapy, more information is needed about the immunologic mechanisms affected. In human T cells, we investigated the effect of dCF and deoxyadenosine (AdR) on cell activation, interleukin 2 (IL 2) production, and IL 2 receptor induction after allogeneic and lectin-induced stimulation. After allogeneic stimulation, dCF and AdR affected several events in T cellular immune response. Early events in T cell activation showed to be most sensitive to the drugs. Primary MLC was completely inhibited by concentrations as low as 1 microM dCF and 1 microM AdR. The addition of human recombinant IL 2 (rIL 2) could not abrogate the inhibitory effect of the drugs. Apart from activation of T cells, the drugs interfered with proliferation of activated T cells. Two events in activated T cells were affected: IL 2 production and IL 2 receptor expression. In secondary MLC, IL 2 production was markedly reduced in the presence of 9 microM dCF and 60 microM AdR. These concentrations appeared also to affect IL 2 receptor expression in 12-day primary MLC cells stimulated with rIL 2. Lectin stimulation was also affected by the drugs. In phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated cultures, 9 microM dCF and 60 microM AdR resulted in inhibition of proliferation and IL 2 receptor expression, whereas IL 2 production was normal. It is concluded that dCF and AdR interfere with several events in T cellular immune response such as cell activation, IL 2 production, and IL 2 receptor expression. According to these results, inhibition of the enzyme ADA seems an attractive approach to immunosuppressive therapy.  相似文献   

We reported previously in vitro induction of endogenous C-type viruses from normal mouse spleen cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as well as by combination treatment with concanabalin A and 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (Con A/BrdU). To identify the cell types sensitive to virus induction and to study the relationship of mitogenicity to virus induction we have compared T cell populations (BALB/c thymus cells and cortisone-resistant thymus cells), B cell populations (nu/nu spleen cells and lymph node cells), adherent BALB/c peritoneal cells and mixed populations (BALB/c spleen cells, macrophage-depleted BALB/c spleen cells, and lymph node cells). LPS-induction occurred only in B cell-containing populations. In contrast, induction by Con A/BrdU depended on the presence of both T and B cells. In both instances, neither macrophages nor hemopoietic cells appeared to be a major source of virus. Treatment with anti-Ig serum and complement reduced virus induction by LPS/BrdU but not by Con A/BrdU suggesting that different cell populations produce virus after stimulation with these two different mitogens.  相似文献   

Phorbol esters cause an apparent differentiation of human T leukemic cell lines. It was shown previously that TPA induces the expression of the interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor and the T3 complex on some T cell lines, including CCRF-CEM. We demonstrate that expression of the IL 2 receptor correlated with an induction of the 3.5 and 1.5 kb IL 2 receptor mRNA. In addition, the TPA-induced expression of the T3 polypeptides was found to be accompanied by induction of a putative T cell antigen receptor heterodimer on CEM cells. This was demonstrated by the co-precipitation of the T cell receptor with T3 from digitonin-solubilized cells. The cells expressed high levels of T3 delta- and T cell receptor beta-chain mRNA in the absence of TPA. The effect of TPA was to cause a rapid accumulation of T cell receptor alpha-chain mRNA. This suggested that the alpha-chain gene was rearranged before TPA induction and that expression of the T cell receptor/T3 complex on the cell surface was regulated by the level of alpha-chain expression. It was also shown that cloned sublines of CEM cells which expressed different T cell antigen phenotypes differed in their response to TPA.  相似文献   

In testing the recently discovered tumor promoter teleocidin (TCD), we found that like phorbol esters, TCD was mitogenic to human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and preferentially stimulated sheep erythrocyte-rosetted (ER) T cell-enriched populations. Stimulation of PBL with TCD induced synthesis and expression of receptors for interleukin 2 (IL 2), as shown by dot-blot analysis with the use of a synthetic oligonucleotide probe, cell surface staining with anti-Tac antibody followed by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis, and a functional proliferation assay in which TCD-stimulated cells were washed free of TCD and were recultured with human recombinant IL 2 (rIL 2). Increased expression of cell surface markers after TCD stimulation of PBL is not general, because TCD did not affect the expression of Leu-2a antigen, and it also reduced the density of Leu-3a and Leu-4 antigens. Stimulation of cultured, IL 2 receptor-positive PBL with rIL 2, but not TCD, was blocked by anti-rIL 2 antibodies. Furthermore, IL 2-specific mRNA was not detected in TCD-stimulated PBL, demonstrating that IL 2 was not required for TCD-induced T cell proliferation. In addition, TCD replaced IL 2 in inducing short-term proliferation of IL 2-dependent murine cytotoxic T cell lines. The findings that TCD induced IL 2-independent proliferation of T cells, and TCD and IL 2 synergized in inducing T cell proliferation, suggest that they initiate T cell proliferation via different mechanisms. The IL 2-independent activation of T cells, and the induction of IL 2 receptor expression by TCD, may be related to its ability to activate protein kinase C in cell membrane.  相似文献   

Consistent with the surface display of IgG1, antigen-primed B cells are sensitive to functional elimination by anti-Ig and C. This depletion of IgG1 responses, assayed in adoptive transfer, is accompanied by increased responses of other isotypes, a phenomenon termed compensation. An analysis of the tertiary response reveals that cells sensitive to functional elimination are precursors to memory cells as well as plaque-forming cells. To investigate control mechanisms governing preferential expression of IgG1, and the compensation active after elimination of IgG1, increased numbers of carrier-primed cells were transferred and antigen dose was increased to adoptive recipients. Doses of carrier-primed cells or antigen were found which allowed maximal expression of both IgG1 and non-IgG1 isotypes. In recipients of anti-Ig and C-treated B cells, increased numbers of carrier-primed cells did not further increase the compensatory expression of non-IgG1 isotypes. A discussion is presented of compensation as a result of limiting inductive signals to B cells.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that influenza virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones require antigen and exogenous growth factors for continued proliferation in culture. In this report we show that after stimulation with specific antigen, cloned CTL are capable of limited proliferation in response to interleukin 2 (IL 2) alone but with time these large blast-like cells revert to smaller, quiescent cells that are no longer responsive to IL 2. The IL 2-unresponsive CTL can not be driven to proliferate by supra-optimal concentrations of IL 2, and unresponsiveness correlates with decreased ability to absorb IL 2 from conditioned medium at 0 degrees C, suggesting that unresponsiveness is due to diminished IL 2 receptors. Stimulation of the unresponsive CTL with antigen leads to re-expression of the IL 2 receptor. Decreased absorbing capacity of the unresponsive cells could not be accounted for by their smaller surface area, and the IL 2-unresponsive cells seemed not to down-regulate all their immune functions, as they remained cytotoxic. These results provide a basis for the role of specific antigen in maintaining CTL clones in vitro. Furthermore, these results suggest that antigen-dependent CTL lines can be regulated and that antigen and IL 2 both play a role in their regulation.  相似文献   

The ability to express the growth hormone IL-2 upon stimulation gives T lymphocytes one of their major effector functions in the immune system. IL-2 is apparently synthesized only by T cells, and only by a subset of T cells which constitutes a "helper" class. It remains unknown how and when the IL-2-producing lineage becomes distinct from other functional effector lineages. We have therefore examined immature T cell precursors to determine when IL-2 inducibility is acquired in relation to other maturation events, such as expression of an Ag-binding TCR, which is suspected to play an influential role in the determination of subclass commitment. In mature T cells, IL-2 is inducible via agonists of the phosphoinositide pathway, a network of signaling mediators shared by a wide variety of metazoan cell types. The universality of this activation pathway makes it seem less likely, a priori, to be a target of developmental change than the intrinsic susceptibility to induction of the IL-2 locus. However, our results presented here refute this expectation. In this report, we show that both TCR+ cells and pre-T cells too immature to express TCR can be induced to express IL-2 at high levels. The induction requirements for IL-2 expression, however, are different in TCR- and TCR+ cells. Even by using Ca2+ ionophore and phorbol ester to bypass the requirement for the TCR in cell activation, the TCR- cells also require the presence of the polypeptide hormone IL-1. By contrast, TCR+ mature cells not only can express IL-2 without IL-1, but also show no response to IL-1 when Ca2+ ionophore and phorbol ester are present. IL-1-dependent IL-2 producers appear in the thymus of repopulating radiation chimeras before "mature" (TCR+) T cells, whereas IL-1-independent IL-2 production is found only afterward. Thus, IL-2 inducibility per se apparently precedes TCR expression and all TCR-associated fate determination events. However, developmental alteration of signal transduction pathways may play a vital regulatory role in the later allocation of particular functional responses to appropriate lineages of T cells.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in our understanding of T cell antigen receptor structure, relatively little is known about the role of this receptor in MHC-restricted antigen recognition. To study this problem, we have developed a panel of ABA-Tyr-reactive, I-Ak-restricted T cell clones that differ in their ability to recognize structural analogs of ABA-Tyr. Three fine specificity groups have been defined. In each group, ABA-Tyr elicited the strongest response of any of the antigens tested. Group I clones responded to ABA-conjugated hydroxyphenyl-ethanol (ABA-HPE). Group II clones responded to ABA-conjugated hydroxyphenyl-methanol (ABA-HPM) but not to ABA-HPE, and group III clones responded only to ABA-Tyr. These studies show that differences as small as a single methylene group can dramatically affect fine specificity. Because these clones are all I-Ak-restricted, it was possible to correlate receptor serology with fine specificity. To this end, monoclonal anti-clonotypes were made against clone 16-F2 from group I and used to study the relationship between fine specificity and clonotype expression. A panel of 15 T cell clones studied with four anti-clonotype antibodies showed a strict correlation between clonotype expression and fine specificity. Taken together, these data suggest that the structure recognized by the anti-clonotype antibodies is a determinant of receptor fine specificity.  相似文献   

Raf-1 is required for T cell IL2 production.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

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