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Double minutes (dm) characteristically exhibit greater numerical heterogeneity among tumor cells than do chromosomes. The biological basis of this heterogeneity was studied in human carcinoma cell line S 18. Pulse labeling of asynchronous cells with [3H]dThd, continuous labeling of synchronized cells with BrdUrd and prematurely condensed chromosome (PCC) studies of G1 and G2 phase S 18 cells indicate that dm-DNA replicates only once during S phase of the cell cycle. No evidence was found for replication of dm-DNA at G1 phase, G2 phase or mitotis. Cells observed at anaphase show imprecise distribution of dm to daughter cells. These studies suggest numerical heterogeneity of dm results from anomalous mitotic segregation rather than anomalous replication of dmDNA.  相似文献   

The expression of the thymus leukemia antigen (TL) was studied on a murine leukemia cell line (ASL-1W) grown in vitro and separated into cell cycle phases by velocity sedimentation or growing synchronously in culture. The expression of TL was determined qualitatively by direct cytotoxicity and quantitatively by a modified inhibition of cytotoxicity assay. TL expression was found to vary with DNA synthesis. The hypothesis that expression is coordinately regulated with DNA synthesis, and the relationship of this to the restricted expression of TL on rapidly dividing cells is disucssed.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms are present in the cell nucleus in diverse cell lines and tissues. Since little is known about proteins interacting with PKC inside the cell nucleus, we used Neuro-2a neuroblastoma cells, in which PKCalpha is present in the nucleus, to screen for nuclear binding partners for PKC. Applying overlay assays, we detected several nuclear proteins which bind to PKCalpha. Specificity of binding was shown by its dependence on PKC activation by phorbol ester, calcium, and phosphatidylserine. The PKC-binding proteins were partially purified and analyzed by microsequencing and mass spectrometry. Four proteins could be identified: PTB-associated splicing factor (PSF), p68 RNA helicase, and the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) proteins A3 and L. In the case of PSF, binding to PKC could also be demonstrated in a GST-pull-down assay using GST-PKCalpha, expressed in insect cells. Phosphorylation experiments revealed that PSF is a weak in vitro substrate for PKCalpha.  相似文献   

Rac1 regulates a wide variety of cellular processes. The polybasic region of the Rac1 C terminus functions both as a plasma membrane-targeting motif and a nuclear localization sequence (NLS). We show that a triproline N-terminal to the polybasic region contributes to the NLS, which is cryptic in the sense that it is strongly inhibited by geranylgeranylation of the adjacent cysteine. Subcellular fractionation demonstrated endogenous Rac1 in the nucleus and Triton X-114 partition revealed that this pool is prenylated. Cell cycle-blocking agents, synchronization of cells stably expressing low levels of GFP-Rac1, and time-lapse microscopy of asynchronous cells revealed Rac1 accumulation in the nucleus in late G2 and exclusion in early G1. Although constitutively active Rac1 restricted to the cytoplasm inhibited cell division, activated Rac1 expressed constitutively in the nucleus increased the mitotic rate. These results show that Rac1 cycles in and out of the nucleus during the cell cycle and thereby plays a role in promoting cell division.  相似文献   

The fission yeast cdc21 protein belongs to the MCM family, implicated in the once per cell cycle regulation of chromosome replication. In budding yeast, proteins in this family are eliminated from the nucleus during S phase, which has led to the suggestion that they may serve to distinguish unreplicated from replicated DNA, as in the licensing factor model. We show here that, in contrast to the situation in budding yeast, cdc21 remains in the nucleus after S phase, as is found for related proteins in mammalian cells. We suggest that regulation of nuclear import of these proteins may not be an essential aspect of their function in chromosome replication. To determine the function of cdc21+, we have analysed the phenotype of a gene deletion. cdc21+ is required for entry into S phase and, unexpectedly, a proportion of cells depleted of the gene product are able to enter mitosis in the absence of DNA replication. These results are consistent with the view that individual proteins in the MCM family are required for all initiation events, and defective initiation may impair the coordination between mitosis and S phase.  相似文献   

To ascertain the activity and substrate specificity of nuclear protein kinases during various stages of the cell cycle of HeLa S3 cells, a nuclear phospho-protein-enriched sample was extracted from synchronised cells and assayed in vitro in the presence of homologous substrates. The nuclear protein kinases increased in activity during S and G2 phase to a level that was twice that of kinases from early S phase cells. The activity was reduced during mitosis but increased again in G1 phase. When the phosphoproteins were separated into five fractions by cellulose-phosphate chromatography each fraction, though not homogenous, exhibited differences in activity. Variations in the activity of the protein kinase fractions were observed during the cell cycle, similar to those observed for the unfractionated kinases. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of the proteins phosphorylated by each of the five kinase fractions demonstrated a substrate specificity. The fractions also exhibited some cell cycle stage-specific preference for substrates; kinases from G1 cells phosphorylated mainly high molecular weight polypeptides, whereas lower molecular weight species were phosphorylated by kinases from the S, G2 and mitotic stages of the cell cycle. Inhibition of DNA and histone synthesis by cytosine arabinoside had no effect on the activity or substrate specificity of S phase kinases. Some kinase fractions phosphorylated histones as well as non-histone chromosomal proteins and this phosphorylation was also cell cycle stage dependent. The presence of histones in the in vitro assay influenced the ability of some fractions to phosphorylate particular non-histone polypeptides; non-histone proteins also appeared to affect the in vitro phosphorylation of histones.  相似文献   

The cytoplasm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two major classes of protein-encapsulated double-stranded ribonucleic acids (dsRNA's), L and M. Replication of L and M dsRNA's was examined in cells arrested in the G1 phase by either alpha-factor, a yeast mating pheromone, or the restrictive temperature for a cell cycle mutant (cdc7). [3H]uracil was added during the arrest periods to cells prelabeled with [14C]uracil, and replication was monitored by determining the ratio of 3H/14C for purified dsRNA's. Like mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid, both L and M dsRNA's were synthesized in the G1 arrested cells. The replication of L dsRNA was also examined during the S phase, using cells synchronized in two different ways. Cells containing the cdc7 mutation, treated sequentially with alpha-factor and then the restrictive temperature, enter a synchronous S phase when transferred to permissive temperature. When cells entered the S phase, synthesis of L dsRNA ceased, and little or no synthesis was detected throughout the S phase. Synthesis of L dsRNA was also observed in G1 phase cells isolated from asynchronous cultures by velocity centrifugation. Again, synthesis ceased when cells entered the S phase. These results indicate that L dsRNA replication is under cell cycle control. The control differs from that of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid, which replicates in all phases of the cell cycle, and from that of 2-micron DNA, a multiple-copy plasmid whose replication is confined to the S phase.  相似文献   

The proteasome is involved in the progression of the meiotic cell cycle in fish oocytes. We reported that the alpha4 subunit of the 26S proteasome, which is a component of the outer rings of the 20S proteasome, is phosphorylated in immature oocytes and dephosphorylated in mature oocytes. To investigate the role of the phosphorylation, we purified the protein kinase from immature oocytes using a recombinant alpha4 subunit as substrate. A protein band which well corresponded to the kinase activity was identified as casein kinase Ialpha (CKIalpha). Two-dimensional (2D) PAGE analysis showed that part of the alpha4 subunit was phosphorylated by CKIalpha in vitro. This spot was detected in purified immature 26S proteasome but not in mature 26S proteasome, demonstrate that the alpha4 subunit is phosphorylated by CKIalpha meiotic cell cycle dependently.  相似文献   

Using a protocol for selecting cells on the basis of both size and age (with respect to the preceding mitosis), we isolated highly synchronous human G1 cells. With this procedure, we demonstrated that the p34 CDC2 kinase was activated at the start of S phase. Cyclin A synthesis began at the same time, and activation of the p34 CDC2 kinase at the start of S phase was, at least in part, due to its association with cyclin A. Furthermore, cells synchronized in late G1 by exposure to the drug mimosine contain active cyclin A/p34 CDC2 kinase, indicating that p34 CDC2 activation can occur before DNA synthesis begins. Thus, the cyclin A/CDC2 complex, which previously has been shown to be sufficient to start SV40 DNA synthesis in vitro, assembles and is activated at the start of S phase in vivo.  相似文献   

Nuclear and cytoplasmic protein kinases were measured during the traverse of synchronous CHO cultures through G1 into S phase. Cells were synchronized by selective detachment of cells blocked in metaphase using colcemid. Nuclei were isolated and the protein kinases extracted from the nuclear preparation with 0.6 M NaCl. This procedure solubilized greater than 90% of the total protein kinase activity present in the nuclear preparation. DEAE chromatography of this extract showed 5 apparently different ionic forms of nuclear protein kinases. The nuclear protein kinases preferred casein and phosvitin to histone as substrates and were cyclic AMP-independent. Nuclear protein kinase activities increased greater than two-fold, when expressed as units of activity per cell nucleus, during G1 phase traverse, concomitant with a 70% increase in nuclear non-histone proteins (those soluble in 0.6 M NaCl). This resulted in only a 40% increase in the specific activities (units/microgram protein in 0.6 M NaCl extractable nuclear fraction) of these enzymes as cells progressed through G1 into S phase. This was in contrast to cytoplasmic cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activities which also increased two-fold during progression through G1 phase while total cellular protein increased less than 20%. Activation of, as well as synthesis of, cyclic AMP-dependent cytoplasmic protein kinases during G1 phase suggests a regulatory mechanism for precise temporal phosphorylation, whereas the constant specific activity in nuclear kinases during cell cycle is more compatible with the maintenance of bulk phosphorylation processes in the nucleus.  相似文献   

The protein phosphorylation activities in extracts were assayed for 2-cell mouse embryos at three stages of the G2 phase of the cell cycle. The 2-cell embryos were unique in having a prolonged G2 phase and so easily staged at early G2 (EG2), middle G2 (MG2) and late G2 (LG2) by timing the embryo isolation from pregnant mice. The embryo extracts were used both as sources of protein kinases and their substrates. The phosphoproteins of the extracts were labelled with [gamma-32P]ATP and separated by electrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The present study revealed that protein phosphorylation increased 3-6-fold during the progression of 2-cell embryos from EG2 to LG2 and the level of protein phosphorylation at any stages was greatly decreased by the presence of cAMP. Thus, the protein phosphorylation system of 2-cell mouse embryos seems to differ from those reported systems in mammals in its negative dependence on cAMP.  相似文献   

HeLa cells grown in suspension culture were synchronized by amethopterin block and thymidine reversal. In some cases an additional Colcemid block was used to obtain mitotic cells. From the various phases of the cell cycle, cells were harvested and the plasma membranes isolated. The membrane proteins were solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulphate and separated by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sarcosinate. About 35 protein bands, five of which were stained with periodic acid-Schiff reagent, appeared. Most of the bands were identical in all membrane preparations, but a few minor bands seemed to be associated with limited periods of the cell cycle. In particular, the cells in mitosis apparently contained plasma membrane proteins which did not occur in other phases. Amino acid analyses of the plasma membranes revealed no significant cell cycle-dependent changes in the amino acid composition.  相似文献   

A methodology is developed that determines age-specific transition rates between cell cycle phases during balanced growth by utilizing age-structured population balance equations. Age-distributed models are the simplest way to account for varied behavior of individual cells. However, this simplicity is offset by difficulties in making observations of age distributions, so age-distributed models are difficult to fit to experimental data. Herein, the proposed methodology is implemented to identify an age-structured model for human leukemia cells (Jurkat) based only on measurements of the total number density after the addition of bromodeoxyuridine partitions the total cell population into two subpopulations. Each of the subpopulations will temporarily undergo a period of unbalanced growth, which provides sufficient information to extract age-dependent transition rates, while the total cell population remains in balanced growth. The stipulation of initial balanced growth permits the derivation of age densities based on only age-dependent transition rates. In fitting the experimental data, a flexible transition rate representation, utilizing a series of cubic spline nodes, finds a bimodal G(0)/G(1) transition age probability distribution best fits the experimental data. This resolution may be unnecessary as convex combinations of more restricted transition rates derived from normalized Gaussian, lognormal, or skewed lognormal transition-age probability distributions corroborate the spline predictions, but require fewer parameters. The fit of data with a single log normal distribution is somewhat inferior suggesting the bimodal result as more likely. Regardless of the choice of basis functions, this methodology can identify age distributions, age-specific transition rates, and transition-age distributions during balanced growth conditions.  相似文献   

A CAN1/can1Δ heterozygous allele that determines loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was used to study recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light at different points in the cell cycle. With this allele, recombination events can be detected as canavanine-resistant mutations after exposure of cells to UV radiation, since a significant fraction of LOH events appear to arise from recombination between homologous chromosomes. The radiation caused a higher level of LOH in cells that were in the S phase of the cell cycle relative to either cells at other points in the cell cycle or unsynchronized cells. In contrast, the inactivation of nucleotide excision repair abolished the cell cycle-specific induction by UV of LOH. We hypothesize that DNA lesions, if not repaired, were converted into double-strand breaks during stalled replication and these breaks could be repaired through recombination using a non-sister chromatid and probably also the sister chromatid. We argue that LOH may be an outcome used by yeast cells to recover from stalled replication at a lesion.  相似文献   

The work presents the results of the immunoelectron microscopical localization of mitotin in different phases of the cell cycle. The distribution of the protein was studied using its specific monoclonal antibody and immunogold labeling in synchronized WISH cells. In S phase the antigen was found in the nucleoplasm usually over the interchromatin granules. In G2 phase the amount of mitotin increases and it can be found also in the nucleolus. In mitosis the immunogold granules are always out of the condensed chromosomes.  相似文献   

The phagocytic capacity of macrophages in the S phase of the cell cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An inflammatory reaction was induced in the peritoneal cavity of mice. Two days later, the peritoneal macrophages, containing a proportion of S-phase (DNA-synthesizing) cells, were harvested and adhered to glass. Then the S-phase macrophages were labeled with [3H]thymidine (radioautography) and the macrophage monolayers were tested with regard to their ability to phagocytose immunoglobulincoated sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The percentages of S-phase macrophages which had phagocytosed SRBC were a little lower than those found for G-phase (G1 + G2) cells. Otherwise, the number of phagocytosed SRBC per macrophage was about equal for macrophages in both phases, and they both responded well by increasing the phagocytosis when the SRBC: macrophage ratio was increased. The S-phase macrophages also phagocytosed latex beads and zymosan particles efficiently.  相似文献   

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