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The theoretical predictions described in part I of this study are compared with in vivo data from anesthetized dogs. It is shown that the observed attenuation of the pressure and axial waves cannot be accounted for by fluid viscosity alone. For large values of the frequency parameter α = √ρωR20/μ, the analysis of part I is extended to include the effects of viscoelasticity of the vessel wall. The results indicate that the speeds of both types of waves are essentially not affected by a realistic viscoelasticity model while the attenuation per wavelength is significantly increased and becomes frequency independent. The application of this analysis to in vivo data from the carotid arteries of anesthetized dogs demonstrates partial agreement between theory and experiment and suggests that the carotid arteries are anisotropically viscoelastic.  相似文献   

The propagation of sounds and pulse waves within the cardiovascular system is subject to strong dissipative mechanisms. To investigate the effects of blood viscosity on dissipation as well as dispersion of small waves in arteries and veins, a parametric study has been carried out. A linearized analysis of axisymmetric waves in a cylindrical membrane that contains a viscous fluid indicates that there are two families of waves: a family of slow waves and one of fast waves. The faster waves are shown to be more sensitive to variations in the elastic properties of the medium surrounding the blood vessels and at high values of the frequency parameter α defined by α = √ρωR20/μ the blood viscosity attenuates them more strongly over a length than the slow waves. At low values of α, the effects of viscosity on attenuation are reversed; that is, the family of slow waves is much more attenuated than the family of fast waves. For the slow waves the radial displacement component generally exceeds the axial component except at very low frequencies. Conversely the axial displacements are much larger than the radial displacement for the faster waves. The presence of external constraints, however, can modify these results. In the case of the slow waves the phase angle between pressure and radial wall displacement is virtually negligible in the presence of mild external constraints, while the phase angles between pressure and fluid mass flow are at most 45°. The corresponding phase angles for the fast waves exhibit much larger variations with changes in the elastic properties of the surrounding medium.  相似文献   



Levosimendan is approved for left heart failure and is also used in right heart failure to reduce right ventricular afterload. Despite the fact that pulmonary arteries (PAs) and pulmonary veins (PVs) contribute to cardiac load, their responses to levosimendan are largely unknown.

Materials and Methods

Levosimendan-induced vasorelaxation of PAs and PVs was studied in precision-cut lung slices from guinea pigs by videomicroscopy; baseline luminal area was defined as 100%. Intracellular cAMP- and cGMP-levels were measured by ELISA and NO end products were determined by the Griess reaction.


Levosimendan relaxed control PVs (116%) and those pre-constricted with an endothelinA-receptor agonist (119%). PAs were only relaxed if pre-constricted (115%). Inhibition of KATP-channels (glibenclamide), adenyl cyclase (SQ 22536) and protein kinase G (KT 5823) largely attenuated the levosimendan-induced relaxation in control PVs, as well as in pre-constricted PAs and PVs. Inhibition of BKCa 2+-channels (iberiotoxin) and Kv-channels (4-aminopyridine) only contributed to the relaxant effect of levosimendan in pre-constricted PAs. In both PAs and PVs, levosimendan increased intracellular cAMP- and cGMP-levels, whereas NO end products remained unchanged. Notably, basal NO-levels were higher in PVs. The KATP-channel activator levcromakalim relaxed PAs dependent on cAMP/PKA/PKG and increased cAMP-levels in PAs.


Levosimendan initiates complex and divergent signaling pathways in PAs and PVs. Levosimendan relaxes PAs and PVs primarily via KATP-channels and cAMP/cGMP; in PAs, BKCa 2+- and Kv-channels are also involved. Our findings with levcromakalim do further suggest that in PAs the activation of KATP-channels leads to the production of cAMP/PKA/PKG. In conclusion, these results suggest that levosimendan might reduce right ventricular afterload by relaxation of PAs as well as pulmonary hydrostatic pressure and pulmonary edema by relaxation of PVs.  相似文献   

测量了兔动脉和静脉夺He-Cd激光的反射和透射传输特性。实验采用两积分球系统及波长为441.6nm的He-Cd激光器,并根据测量数据及采用Kubelka-Munk模型分析和计算了兔动脉和静脉组织对该波长激光的吸收系统、散射系数及总的光强I(x)及前向散射通量i(x)和后向散射通量j(x)随厚度的变化情况。结果表明,兔动脉和静脉的温反射率和透射率有明显差别,而且,动脉对激光的吸收系数明显较静脉的要小,耐动脉对激光的散射系数却明显较静脉的要大,在动脉和静脉组织中总的光强I(x)及前向散射通量i(x)和后向散射通量j(x)随厚度的变化情况也有明显的区别。  相似文献   



Antiangiogenic and anti-vascular therapies present intriguing alternatives to cancer therapy. However, despite promising preclinical results and significant delays in tumor progression, none have demonstrated long-term curative features to date. Here, we show that a single treatment session of Tookad-based vascular targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) promotes permanent arrest of tumor blood supply by rapid occlusion of the tumor feeding arteries (FA) and draining veins (DV), leading to tumor necrosis and eradication within 24–48 h.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A mouse earlobe MADB106 tumor model was subjected to Tookad-VTP and monitored by three complementary, non-invasive online imaging techniques: Fluorescent intravital microscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering Imaging and photosensitized MRI. Tookad-VTP led to prompt tumor FA vasodilatation (a mean volume increase of 70%) with a transient increase (60%) in blood-flow rate. Rapid vasoconstriction, simultaneous blood clotting, vessel permeabilization and a sharp decline in the flow rates then followed, culminating in FA occlusion at 63.2 sec±1.5SEM. This blockage was deemed irreversible after 10 minutes of VTP treatment. A decrease in DV blood flow was demonstrated, with a slight lag from FA response, accompanied by frequent changes in flow direction before reaching a complete standstill. In contrast, neighboring, healthy tissue vessels of similar sizes remained intact and functional after Tookad-VTP.


Tookad-VTP selectively targets the tumor feeding and draining vessels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first mono-therapeutic modality that primarily aims at the larger tumor vessels and leads to high cure rates, both in the preclinical and clinical arenas.  相似文献   

Vascular casting and dissection of fresh specimens had been used to investigate the arrangement of vessels before and after the gills in the head region of the eel. Arterial and venous morphology was found to be as reported in previous works, but the presence in the eel of a venous system that does not confom to the generalised teleost plan necessitated the use of a non-standard nomenclature. The gills are the site of the connection of the arterial system with a second vascular system and it is suggested that this system should be termed the veno-lymphatic system. The veno-lymphatic system connects dorsally to the systemic lymphatic system and so to the internal jugular vein. Ventrally the veno-lymphatic vessels from the first three gill arches are collected into a connective tissue sheath around the ventral aorta. The sheath is connected to a veno-lymphatic sinus posterior to it which also collects the veno-lymphatic of the fourth gill arch. This sinus then drains into the external jugular vein which at this point is the fusion of the left and right branches. These later separate and each branch contains a valve preventing flow towards the ventral aortic sheath. It is proposed that because of the form of this ventral route for veno-lymphatic drainage, and the ease and completeness of filling of this route compared with the dorsal route, that the ventral veno-lymphatic system is probably the primary route of drainage of veno-lymphatic outflow from the gills.  相似文献   

本文运用光生物学、基础医学以及物理学的基本理论 ,探讨了兔血管组织的激光传播特性 ,定量测定了兔血管组织的激光传输参量。采用标准积分球测量了兔血管组织样品在 632 .8nmHe Ne激光照射下的透射率 (T)和反射率 (R) ,推算吸收率 (A)。并把分光仪改装为光散射测量装置 ,测量了 632 .8nmHe Ne激光照射下 ,- 90°~ 90°散射角范围内的散射相函数S(θ) ,计算平均散射余弦 μ。结果表明 :兔动脉对He Ne激光的漫反射率比静脉的大 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,而透射率却明显比静脉小 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,而动脉的吸收系数明显地比静脉要小 ,He Ne激光对静脉的穿透深度明显比动脉的要大。兔动脉和静脉对He Ne激光有较强的反向散射 (μa<0 .5 ,μν<0 .5) ,且静脉的反向散射明显较动脉的要强 ,其相应的散射相函数S(θ)有着明显的差别。兔动脉和静脉对He Ne激光的反射、透射、吸收系数及散射相函数等光学性质的明显不同提示在应用He Ne激光进行血管疾病的治疗时应加以考虑。  相似文献   

Obese persons are at increased cardiovascular risk and exhibit increased arterial stiffness and impaired endothelial function of large‐ and medium‐size arteries. We hypothesized that normotensive subjects suffering from severe obesity would also present remodeling and endothelial dysfunction of small resistance arteries. A total of 16 lean (age: 49.6 ± 2.9 years, BMI: 22.9 ± 0.3 kg/m2, mean ± s.e.m.) and 17 age‐matched severely obese (BMI: 41.1 ± 2.3 kg/m2) normotensive subjects were investigated. None had glucose or lipid metabolic abnormalities except for insulin resistance. Resistance arteries, dissected from abdominal subcutaneous tissue, were assessed on a pressurized myograph. For superimposable blood pressure, the media thickness, media cross‐sectional area (CSA), and media‐to‐lumen ratio values of resistance arteries were markedly and significantly greater in obese compared to lean subjects (media thickness 26.3 ± 0.6 vs. 16.2 ± 0.6 µm, CSA 22,272 ± 1,339 vs. 15,183 ± 1,186 µm2, and media‐to‐lumen ratio 0.113 ± 0.006 vs. 0.059 ± 0.001, respectively, P < 0.01). Acetylcholine‐induced relaxation was impaired in vessels from obese subjects compared to the lean individuals (?40.4 ± 1.3%, P < 0.01), whereas endothelium‐independent vasorelaxation was similar in all groups. Stiffness of small arteries as assessed by the stress/strain relationship was similar in lean and severely obese subjects. We conclude that severe human obesity is associated with profound alterations in structural and functional characteristics of small arteries, which may be responsible for the presence of elevated cardiovascular risk and increased incidence of coronary, cerebrovascular and renal events reported in obesity.  相似文献   

Nematode population densities in field plots were estimated by collecting samples consisting of 12 soil cores. Plots encompassed a variety of plant hosts and sampling dates, and provided data on the population densities of seven species of plant-parasitic nematodes. Three separate samples were collected per plot on each sampling date to obtain estimates of the mean and variance of numbers for each species. For each nematode species, these estimates were used to derive the Taylor''s Power Law regression over plots having identical hosts and sampling dates. For some nematode species, comparisons of regression equations among different sampling dates on the same host revealed similarities in values of a and b from Taylor''s Power Law. Parameters of Taylor''s Power Law relationships were used to develop sampling plans and to obtain estimates of sample precision. Precision estimates from specific and general sampling plans are illustrated for Belonolaimus longicaudatus.  相似文献   

Although cellular mechanical properties are known to alter during stem cell differentiation, understanding of the functional relevance of such alterations is incomplete. Here, we show that during the course of differentiation of human myeloid precursor cells into three different lineages, the cells alter their viscoelastic properties, measured using an optical stretcher, to suit their ultimate fate and function. Myeloid cells circulating in blood have to be advected through constrictions in blood vessels, engendering the need for compliance at short time-scales (<seconds). Intriguingly, only the two circulating myeloid cell types have increased short time scale compliance and flow better through microfluidic constrictions. Moreover, all three differentiated cell types reduce their steady-state viscosity by more than 50% and show over 140% relative increase in their ability to migrate through tissue-like pores at long time-scales (>minutes), compared to undifferentiated cells. These findings suggest that reduction in steady-state viscosity is a physiological adaptation for enhanced migration through tissues. Our results indicate that the material properties of cells define their function, can be used as a cell differentiation marker and could serve as target for novel therapies.  相似文献   

The dispersion properties and field distribution of plasma waves in a periodic plasma-filled waveguide are correctly analyzed for the first time with allowance for all spatial harmonics. It is shown that the plasma wave spectrum has a zonal structure and a lower cutoff frequency. The widths of the forbidden bands and the lower cutoff frequency are determined by the waveguide corrugation depth. For a planar periodic plasma-filled waveguide, the allowed and forbidden frequency bands are evaluated analytically. The waveguide periodicity substantially influences the field of the plasma waves at frequencies close to the forbidden bands. This leads to the formation of regions in which the energy density of plasma waves exceeds the average level by more than one order of magnitude. This effect is related to the contribution from the higher spatial harmonics.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocyte phenotype changes significantly in 2D culture systems depending on the substrate composition and organization. Given the variety of substrates that are used both for basic cardiac cell culture studies and for regenerative medicine applications, there is a critical need to understand how the different matrices influence cardiac cell mechanics. In the current study, the mechanical properties of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes cultured in a subconfluent layer upon aligned and unaligned collagen and fibronectin matrices were assessed over a two week period using atomic force microscopy. The elastic modulus was estimated by fitting the Hertz model to force curve data and the percent relaxation was determined from stress relaxation curves. The Quasilinear Viscoelastic (QLV) and Standard Linear Solid (SLS) models were fit to the stress relaxation data. Cardiomyocyte cellular mechanical properties were found to be highly dependent on matrix composition and organization as well as time in culture. It was observed that the cells stiffened and relaxed less over the first 3 to 5 days in culture before reaching a plateau in their mechanical properties. After day 5, cells on aligned matrices were stiffer than cells on unaligned matrices and cells on fibronectin matrices were stiffer than cells on collagen matrices. No such significant trends in percent relaxation measurements were observed but the QLV model fit the data very well. These results were correlated with observed changes in cellular structure associated with culture on the different substrates and analyzed for cell-to-cell variability.  相似文献   

In this article, an approximate analytical solution of flow and heat transfer for a viscoelastic fluid in an axisymmetric channel with porous wall is presented. The solution is obtained through the use of a powerful method known as Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method (OHAM). We obtained the approximate analytical solution for dimensionless velocity and temperature for various parameters. The influence and effect of different parameters on dimensionless velocity, temperature, friction factor, and rate of heat transfer are presented graphically. We also compared our solution with those obtained by other methods and it is found that OHAM solution is better than the other methods considered. This shows that OHAM is reliable for use to solve strongly nonlinear problems in heat transfer phenomena.  相似文献   

Filamentous actin is one of the most important cytoskeletal elements. Not only is it responsible for the elastic properties of many cell types, but it also plays a vital role in cellular adhesion and motility. Understanding the bundling kinetics of actin filaments is important in the formation of various cytoskeletal structures, such as filopodia and stress fibers. Utilizing a unique pillar-structured microfluidic device, we investigated the time dependence of bundling kinetics of pillar supported free-standing actin filaments. Microparticles attached to the filaments allowed the measurement of thermal motion, and we found that bundling takes place at lower concentrations than previously found in 3-dimensional actin gels, i.e. actin filaments formed bundles in the presence of 5–12 mM of magnesium chloride in a time-dependent manner. The filaments also displayed long term stability for up to hours after removing the magnesium ions from the buffer, which suggests that there is an extensive hysteresis between cation induced crosslinking and decrosslinking.  相似文献   

We have extensively investigated the mechanical properties of passive eye muscles, in vivo, in anesthetized and paralyzed monkeys. The complexity inherent in rheological measurements makes it desirable to present the results in terms of a mathematical model. Because Fung''s quasi-linear viscoelastic (QLV) model has been particularly successful in capturing the viscoelastic properties of passive biological tissues, here we analyze this dataset within the framework of Fung''s theory.We found that the basic properties assumed under the QLV theory (separability and superposition) are not typical of passive eye muscles. We show that some recent extensions of Fung''s model can deal successfully with the lack of separability, but fail to reproduce the deviation from superposition.While appealing for their elegance, the QLV model and its descendants are not able to capture the complex mechanical properties of passive eye muscles. In particular, our measurements suggest that in a passive extraocular muscle the force does not depend on the entire length history, but to a great extent is only a function of the last elongation to which it has been subjected. It is currently unknown whether other passive biological tissues behave similarly.  相似文献   



Fabry disease is an X-linked recessive lysosomal storage disease resulting in the cellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide particularly globotriaosylceramide. The disease is characterized by a dilated vasculopathy with arterial ectasia in muscular arteries and arterioles. Previous venous plethysomographic studies suggest enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilation in Fabry disease indicating a functional abnormality of resistance vessels.  相似文献   

The high surface charge of small ceramic particles such as alumina particles prevents them from dispersing evenly in aqueous suspensions and forming high-density compacts. However, suspensions of 400-nm-diameter alumina particles treated with alginate from the bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii were well dispersed. The alginate bound firmly to the particle surface and could not be removed by repeated washing with distilled water (2.82 mg of the bacterial alginate adsorbed to 1 g of the alumina particles). Furthermore, A. vinelandii grew and produced alginate in the presence of up to 15% (vol/vol) alumina particles. These results suggest that an in situ process using this bacterium to coat ceramic particles with alginate might be developed. In in situ processing experiments, the particle-packing densities were significantly increased and the viscosities of 5 and 10% (vol/vol) suspensions were reduced 4- and 60-fold, respectively, over those of controls. The bacteria were readily removed from the alumina particles by washing.  相似文献   

Sultanova  G. G.  Kasumov  Kh. M. 《Biophysics》2021,66(2):255-263
Biophysics - Red blood cell hemolysis induced by ultrasound and alkyl derivatives of amphotericin B and levorin modified by the amine and carboxyl groups has been studied. A kinetic method has been...  相似文献   

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