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Ephrins are cell-surface tethered guidance cues that bind to Eph receptor tyrosine kinases in trans on opposing cells. In the developing nervous system, the Eph-ephrin signaling system controls a large variety of cellular responses including contact-mediated attraction or repulsion, adhesion or de-adhesion, and migration. Eph-ephrin signaling can be bidirectional, and is subject to modulation by ectodomain cleavage of ephrins and by Eph-ephrin endocytosis. Recent work has highlighted the importance of higher-order clustering of functional Eph-ephrin complexes and the requirement for Rho GTPases as signal transducers. Co-expression of Ephs and ephrins within the same cellular membrane can result in Eph-ephrin cis interaction or in lateral segregation into distinct domains from where they signal opposing effects on the axon.  相似文献   

Ephrin reverse signaling in axon guidance and synaptogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Axon-cell and axon-dendrite contact is a highly regulated process necessary for the formation of precise neural circuits and a functional neural network. Eph-ephrin interacting molecules on the membranes of axon nerve terminals and target dendrites act as bidirectional ligands/receptors to transduce signals into both the Eph-expressing and ephrin-expressing cells to regulate cytoskeletal dynamics. In particular, recent evidence indicates that ephrin reverse signal transduction events are important in controlling both axonal and dendritic elaborations of neurons in the developing nervous system. Here we review how ephrin reverse signals are transduced into neurons to control maturation of axonal pre-synaptic and dendritic post-synaptic structures.  相似文献   

Morphogens have been identified as guidance cues for postcrossing commissural axons in the spinal cord. Shh has a dual effect on postcrossing commissural axons: a direct repellent effect mediated by Hhip as a receptor, and an indirect effect by shaping a Wnt activity gradient. Wnts were shown to be attractants for postcrossing commissural axons in both chicken and mouse embryos. In mouse, the effects of Wnts on axon guidance were concluded to depend on the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Canonical Wnt signaling was excluded based on the absence of axon guidance defects in mice lacking Lrp6 which is an obligatory coreceptor for Fzd in canonical Wnt signaling. In the loss‐of‐function studies reported here, we confirmed a role for the PCP pathway in postcrossing commissural axon guidance also in the chicken embryo. However, taking advantage of the precise temporal control of gene silencing provided by in ovo RNAi, we demonstrate that canonical Wnt signaling is also required for proper guidance of postcrossing commissural axons in the developing spinal cord. Thus, axon guidance does not seem to depend on any one of the classical Wnt signaling pathways but rather involve a network of Wnt receptors and downstream components. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 190–208, 2016  相似文献   

Neuropilins, secreted semaphorin coreceptors, are expressed in discrete populations of spinal motor neurons, suggesting they provide critical guidance information for the establishment of functional motor circuitry. We show here that motor axon growth and guidance are impaired in the absence of Sema3A-Npn-1 signaling. Motor axons enter the limb precociously, showing that Sema3A controls the timing of motor axon in-growth to the limb. Lateral motor column (LMC) motor axons within spinal nerves are defasciculated as they grow toward the limb and converge in the plexus region. Medial and lateral LMC motor axons show dorso-ventral guidance defects in the forelimb. In contrast, Sema3F-Npn-2 signaling guides the axons of a medial subset of LMC neurons to the ventral limb, but plays no major role in regulating their fasciculation. Thus, Sema3A-Npn-1 and Sema3F-Npn-2 signaling control distinct steps of motor axon growth and guidance during the formation of spinal motor connections.  相似文献   

Microcontact printing (microCP) of proteins has been successfully used for patterning surfaces in various contexts. Here we describe a simple 'lift-off' method to print precise patterns of axon guidance molecules, which are used as substrate for growing chick retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons. Briefly, the etched pattern of a silicon master is transferred to a protein-coated silicone cuboid (made from polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS), which is then used as a stamp on a glass coverslip. RGC explants are placed adjacent to the pattern and cultured overnight. Fluorescent labeling of the printed proteins allows the quantitative analysis of the interaction of axons and growth cones with single protein dots and of the overall outgrowth and guidance rate in variously designed patterns. Patterned substrates can be produced in 3-4 h and are stable for up to one week at 4 degrees C; the entire protocol can be completed in 3 d.  相似文献   

Olfactory neurons project their axons to spatially invariant glomeruli in the olfactory bulb, forming an ordered pattern of innervation comprising the olfactory sensory map. A mirror symmetry exists within this map, such that neurons expressing a given receptor typically project to one glomerulus on the medial face and one glomerulus on the lateral face of the bulb. The mechanisms underlying an olfactory neuron's choice to project medially versus laterally remain largely unknown, however. Here we demonstrate that insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling is required for sensory innervation of the lateral olfactory bulb. Mutations that eliminate IGF signaling cause axons destined for targets in the lateral bulb to shift to ectopic sites on the ventral-medial surface. Using primary cultures of olfactory and cerebellar neurons, we further show that IGF is a chemoattractant for axon growth cones. Together these observations reveal a role of IGF signaling in sensory map formation and axon guidance.  相似文献   

Our knowledge about molecular mechanisms underlying axon guidance along the antero-posterior axis in contrast to the dorso-ventral axis of the developing nervous system is very limited. During the past two years in vitro and in vivo studies have indicated that morphogens have a role in longitudinal axon guidance. Morphogens are secreted proteins that act in a concentration-dependent manner on susceptible groups of precursor cells and induce their differentiation to a specific cell fate. Thus, gradients of morphogens are responsible for the appropriate patterning of the nervous system during early phases of neural development. Therefore, it was surprising to find that gradients of two of these morphogens, Wnt4 and Shh, can be re-used for longitudinal axon guidance during later stages of nervous system development.  相似文献   

Evidence is offered that the axons of developing sensory neurons in the wing of Drosophila are guided (given both location and polarity information) by the epithelium over which they grow. This guidance is effective in the absence of such potential additional cues as guidepost neurons and physical channels.  相似文献   

Slits, semaphorins and netrins are three families of proteins that can attract or repel growing axons and migrating neurons in the developing nervous system of vertebrates and invertebrates. Recent studies have shown that they are widely expressed outside the nervous system and that they may play important roles in cancers. Several of the genes encoding these proteins are localized on chromosomal region associated with frequent loss-of-heterozygosity in tumors and cancer cell lines and there is also significant hypermethylation of their promoter suggesting that they may act as tumor suppressors. In addition, proteins in all these families and their receptors appear to control the vascularization of the tumors. Last, many axon guidance molecules also regulate cell migration and apoptosis in normal and tumorigenic tissues. Overall, this suggests that molecules that could mimick or block the activity of axon guidance molecules may be used as therapeutic agents for the treatment of malignancy.  相似文献   

Translating axon guidance cues   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Steward O 《Cell》2002,109(5):537-540
Plant cells practice constant vigilance using resistance (R) proteins to monitor pathogenic processes. Three papers published recently in Cell and one in Science provide support for a model in which plant cells set up surveillance of signal transduction pathways, preparing to destroy the cell if any untoward fiddling with cellular physiology is detected. The demonstration of three separate examples of such a system suggests that it is broadly used and should provoke a reexamination of microbial pathogenesis in animal cells to look for similar mechanisms.  相似文献   

During nervous system development, axons that grow out simultaneously in the same extracellular environment are often sorted to different target destinations. As there is only a restricted set of guidance cues known, regulatory mechanisms are likely to play a crucial role in controlling cell migration and axonal pathfinding. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) carry long chains of differentially modified sugar residues that have been proposed to encode specific information for nervous system development. Here, we show that the cell surface proteoglycan syndecan SDN-1 functions autonomously in neurons to control the neural migration and guidance choices of outgrowing axons. Epistasis analysis suggests that heparan sulfate (HS) attached to SDN-1 can regulate guidance signaling by the Slit/Robo pathway. Furthermore, SDN-1 acts in parallel with other HSPG core proteins whose HS side chains are modified by the C5-epimerase HSE-5, and/or the 2O-sulfotransferase HST-2, depending on the cellular context. Taken together, our experiments show that distinct HS modification patterns on SDN-1 are involved in regulating axon guidance and cell migration in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The olfactory system presents a practical model for investigating basic mechanisms involved in patterning connections between peripheral sensory neurons and central targets. Our understanding of olfactory map formation was advanced greatly by the discovery of cAMP signaling as an important determinant of glomerular positioning in the olfactory bulb. Additionally, several cell adhesion molecules have been identified recently that are proposed to regulate homotypic interactions among projecting axons. From these studies a model has emerged to partially explain the wiring of axons from widely dispersed neuron populations in the nasal cavity to relatively stereotyped glomerular positions. These advances have revitalized interest in axon guidance molecules in establishing olfactory topography, but also open new questions regarding how these patterns of guidance cues are established and function, and what other pathways, such as glycosylation, might be involved. This review summarizes the current state of this field and the important molecules that impact on cAMP-dependent mechanism in olfactory axon guidance.  相似文献   

It has been shown in vivo that Wnt5a gradients surround the corpus callosum and guide callosal axons after the midline (postcrossing) by Wnt5a-induced repulsion via Ryk receptors. In dissociated cortical cultures we showed that Wnt5a simultaneously promotes axon outgrowth and repulsion by calcium signaling. Here to test the role of Wnt5a/calcium signaling in a complex in vivo environment we used sensorimotor cortical slices containing the developing corpus callosum. Plasmids encoding the cytoplasmic marker DsRed and the genetically encoded calcium indicator GCaMP2 were electroporated into one cortical hemisphere. Postcrossing callosal axons grew 50% faster than pre-crossing axons and higher frequencies of calcium transients in axons and growth cones correlated well with outgrowth. Application of pharmacological inhibitors to the slices showed that signaling pathways involving calcium release through IP3 receptors and calcium entry through TRP channels regulate post-crossing axon outgrowth and guidance. Co-electroporation of Ryk siRNA and DsRed revealed that knock down of the Ryk receptor reduced outgrowth rates of postcrossing but not precrossing axons by 50% and caused axon misrouting. Guidance errors in axons with Ryk knockdown resulted from reduced calcium activity. In the corpus callosum CaMKII inhibition reduced the outgrowth rate of postcrossing (but not precrossing) axons and caused severe guidance errors which resulted from reduced CaMKII-dependent repulsion downstream of Wnt/calcium. We show for the first time that Wnt/Ryk calcium signaling mechanisms regulating axon outgrowth and repulsion in cortical cultures are also essential for the proper growth and guidance of postcrossing callosal axons which involve axon repulsion through CaMKII.  相似文献   

Kao TJ  Kania A 《Neuron》2011,71(1):76-91
Axon guidance receptors guide neuronal growth cones by binding in trans to axon guidance ligands in the developing nervous system. Some ligands are coexpressed in cis with their receptors, raising the question of the relative contribution of cis and trans interactions to axon guidance. Spinal motor axons use Eph receptors to select a limb trajectory in response to trans ephrins, while expressing ephrins in cis. We show that changes in motor neuron ephrin expression result in trajectory selection defects mirrored by changes in growth cone sensitivity to ephrins in vitro, arguing for ephrin cis-attenuation of Eph function. Furthermore, the relative contribution of trans-signaling and cis-attenuation is influenced by the subcellular distribution of ephrins to membrane patches containing Eph receptors. Thus, growth cone ephrins are essential for axon guidance in vivo and the balance between cis and trans modes of axon guidance ligand-receptor interaction contributes to the diversity of axon guidance signaling responses.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that axons are guided by repulsion in several regions of the developing nervous system, although this has yet to be confirmed directly in vivo. As more candidate repulsion molecules are identified, it is becoming clear that collapse of the growth cone in vitro may be mediated by more than one intracellular mechanism. The present emphasis on molecular cloning of the ligands and their receptors should enable a proper definition of their function during development.  相似文献   

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