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The finding reported in the preceding paper that colipase is able to bind one sodium taurodeoxycholate micelle per molecule was confirmed by dialysis and spectrophotometry. Dialysis in the presence of labelled sodium taurodeoxycholate provided a direct qualitative proof of taurodeoxycholate binding to colipase. This binding was found to occur only above the critical micelle concentration. But, dialysis did not give any information about the composition of the associations, because equilibrium was not attained at the end of the assays. Addition of sodium taurodeoxycholate above the critical micelle concentration was also observed to induce a strong perturbation of the ultraviolet spectrum of one or several of the three tyrosines of colipase. The variation of the perturbation as a function of sodium taurodeoxycholate concentration was consistent with the binding of a single micelle to colipase. The dissociation constant calculated in "micelle molarity" was approximately 1 X 10(-4) M. The colipase-bile salt micelle association can fix one molecule of lipase to form a ternary complex which represents an interesting model of a protein-protein interaction mediated by an organized lipid structure. The ternary complex is probably also a model for lipase-substrate interactions in the presence of an amphipath.  相似文献   

Colipase is a key element in the lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of dietary lipids. Although devoid of enzymatic activity, colipase promotes the pancreatic lipase activity in physiological intestinal conditions by anchoring the enzyme at the surface of lipid droplets. Analysis of structures of NMR colipase models and simulations of their interactions with various lipid aggregates, lipid droplet, and bile salt micelle, were carried out to determine and to map the lipid binding sites on colipase. We show that the micelle and the oil droplet bind to the same side of colipase 3D structure, mainly the hydrophobic fingers. Moreover, it appears that, although colipase has a single direction of interaction with a lipid interface, it does not bind in a specific way but rather oscillates between different positions. Indeed, different NMR models of colipase insert different fragments of sequence in the interface, either simultaneously or independently. This supports the idea that colipase finger plasticity may be crucial to adapt the lipase activity to different lipid aggregates.  相似文献   

The interaction of bile salt micelles with the tyrosines of pancreatic colipase was assessed by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence techniques. Dansyltyrosine fluorescence showed that Tyr-55 was located in the proposed interface recognition site. In support of this claim was a 70 nm blue shift and 4.3-fold quantum yield increase in emission spectrum due to taurodeoxycholate (TDOC) micelle-complex formation. Complex formation also caused a shift in the center of the major lifetime distribution from 11.7 to 15.1 ns, and more than doubled the polarization and anisotropy decay parameters. These data supported an earlier model of colipase-micelle binding that suggested that Tyr-55 was inserted into the interior of the TDOC micelle upon binding (J.C. McIntyre, P. Hundley and W.D. Behnke, Biochem. J. 245 (1987) 821). Identical experiments on a DNS-Tyr-59 derivative of colipase showed that Tyr-59 did not specifically interact with micelles. Moreover, acrylamide quenching data suggest an alteration in the protein environment surrounding DNS-Tyr-59 such that during complex formation, the efficiency of quenching of DNS-Tyr-59 increases.  相似文献   

The effects of bile salts and colipase on the adsorption of lipase at an interface were studied by hydrophobic affinity chromatography on phenyl- and octyl-Sepharose. In the absence of bile salts, lipase or colipase binds separately to the gel. This is unchanged in the presence of adsorbed bile salts, when one bile salt molecule is associated per hydrophobic ligand. The same data are obtained in the presence of monomeric bile salt solutions. In contrast, lipase adsorption is totally prevented in a micellar bile salt solution. These results favor the idea that the formation of a lipase-bile salt complex in solution is responsible for the lack of interfacial lipase adsorption.  相似文献   

Previous structure-activity studies of the active ileal bile salt transport system have demonstrated that a single negative charge on the side chain is essential for active transport. Furthermore, mutual inhibition studies between different pairs of bile salt substrates indicated that dihydroxy bile salts had a greater apparent affinity for the transport system than the trihydroxylated compounds and triketo bile salts had the least such affinity. In this study, a series of cationic bile salt derivatives (cholamine conjugates) were prepared with one, two, and three alpha-hydroxyl groups on the steroid moiety. Based on the previous observations one would expect (1) no active transport of any of the cholamine conjugates by the ileal transport system; (2) interaction of these compounds with the transport system in such a way as to inhibit the transport of bile salts, with inhibition potency of the transport of any single bile salt inversely related to the number of hydroxyl groups present on the cholamine conjugate; and (3) transport of triketo anionic bile salts to be most readily inhibited, trihydroxy compounds less readily inhibited, and dihydroxy bile salts least inhibited. Using everted gut sac preparations it was demonstrated that all three aforementioned expectations did occur. Furthermore, reversible inhibition of ileal absorption of taurocholate and the bile salt derivative taurodehydrocholate could be demonstrated in vivo. The dihydroxy cholamine conjugates were better inhibitors than the trihydroxy compound. Relative specificity for the bile salt system of these cationic bile salt derivatives was demonstrated in the in vivo preparation by comparing its inhibition of taurodehydrocholate absorption with their lesser capacity to inhibit glucose transport.  相似文献   

Mixed micelles of deoxycholate (DOC) and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) have been prepared in which the POPC was specifically deuterated in the 2-, 6-, 10-, or 16-position of the palmitoyl chain or in the N-methyl position of the choline head group. The deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H NMR) spectrum of each of these specifically deuterated mixed micelles consists of a singlet whose line width depends upon the position of deuteration. Spin-spin relaxation times indicate a gradient of mobility along the POPC palmitoyl chain in the mixed micelle, with a large increase in mobility on going from the 10- to the 16-position. Spin-lattice relaxation times (T1's) demonstrate a similar gradient of mobility. Both trends in NMR relaxation behavior are consistent with a bilayer arrangement for the solubilized POPC. 2H T1 times for DOC/POPC micelles are significantly shorter than those measured in other bilayer systems, indicating unusually tight phospholipid acyl chain packing in the mixed micelle.  相似文献   

J Rathelot  R Julien  P Canioni  C Coeroli  L Sarda 《Biochimie》1975,57(10):1117-1122
The rate of hydrolysis of long chain triglycerides by pure bovine pancreatic lipase has been determined in the presence of variable amounts of bile salts and colipase. Cofactor-free lipase is strongly inhibited by sodium taurodesoxycholate and by mixed bovine bile salts at concentrations higher than the critical micellar concentration. Bile salt inhibited lipase is reactivated by the addition of bovine colipase. Gel filtration of pancreatic juice from several species (Cow, dog, pig) on Sephadex G 100 allows the separation of lipase from colipase. It is found that the enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of long chain triglycerides by pancreatic lipase from one species is activated by the addition of colipase from other species. Studies on the activation of pancreatic lipase by colipase in the presence of bile salts allowed the re-evaluation of optimal conditions for the determination of lipase and the development of a procedure to assay colipase.  相似文献   

1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra at 500 MHz have been obtained for taurocholate/egg phosphatidylcholine mixtures of varying composition. The excellent chemical shift dispersion permits identification of most resonances for each component. This high-resolution character of the NMR spectra is retained until the phosphatidylcholine (PC) mole fraction exceeds 60–70% (the exact limit depends on ionic strength). 1H linewidths have been monitored as a function of solute composition in order to evaluate trends in local molecular mobility of each component as the distribution of aggregate particles is varied, and to examine the effects of added NaCl in altering micellar size and shape. Although prior light scattering studies (Mazer, N.A., Benedek, G.B. and Carey, M.C. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 601–615) and our own work indicate a 6-fold increase in particle hydrodynamic radius from pure taurocholate micelles to 1 : 1 taurocholate/PC mixtures containing 150 mM NaCl, both lipid components retain substantial motional freedom and exhibit narrow NMR signals in this compositional region. As the solubilization limit for PC is approached (approx. 2:1 PC:taurocholate), differential behavior is observed for the two components: the motion of taurocholate becomes preferentially restricted, while polar portions of the PC remain mobile until large multilayers predominate.  相似文献   

Deuterium NMR of 3alpha,12alpha-dihydroxy-7,7dideutero-5beta-cholanic acid was studied. Molcular sizes obtained from deuterium spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) data of 3alpha,12alpha-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5beta-cholanoic acid in methanol and in water are in accordance with monometic and tetrameric structures in the two media, respectively. The deuterium T1 and intensity of 3alpha,12alpha-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5beta-cholanoic acid in aqueous solution at pH 8.0--8.8 were studied as functions of NcC1 and lecithin concentrations. The results indicated that tetramers are in equilibrium with larger aggregates when secondary micelles are formed in the precense of NaC1, and that 3alpha,12alpha-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5beta-cholanoic acid forms mixed micelles with lecithin with a molecular ratio of 2 : 3.  相似文献   

Micellar cholesterol solubilities in bile salt-monoolein-oleic acid systems have been determined. Whatever the bile salt/oleyl compounds ratio, taurochenodeoxycholate solubilizes more cholesterol than taurocholate and much more than tauroursodeoxycholate. At pH 6.7, the cholesterol solubility limit is about the same with either oleate or monoolein. Cholesterol solubility falls in oleate-bile acid mixtures as the pH is raised. The capacity for supersaturation with cholesterol is greater for bile salt-monoolein than for bile salt-oleate micelles. For the latter it decreases as pH increases.  相似文献   

The binding of conjugated bile salts to pancreatic colipase and lipase has been studied by equilibrium dialysis and gel filtration. The results indicate that at physiological ionic strength and pH, conjugated bile salts bind as micelles to colipase: 12-15 moles/mole of colipase for the dihydroxy conjugates and 2-4 for the trihydroxy conjugates. No binding of bile salt takes place from monomeric solutions. Under the same experimental conditions, only 1-2 moles of conjugated dihydroxy bile salts bind to pancreatic lipase.  相似文献   

Deuterium NMR of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid was studied. Molecular sizes obtained from deuterium spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) data of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid in methanol and in water are in accordance with monomeric and tetrameric structures in the two media, respectively. The deuterium T1 and intensity of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid in aqueous solution at pH 8.0–8.8 were studied as functions of NaCl and lecithin concentrations. The results indicated that tetramers are in equilibrium with larger aggregates when secondary micelles are formed in the precense of NaCl, and that 3α, 12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid forms mixed micelles with lecithin with a molecular ratio of 2 : 3.  相似文献   

We examined, by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of cholesterol and 12 non-cholesterol sterols and related this property to their equilibrium micellar solubilities in sodium taurocholate and sodium glycodeoxycholate solutions. Sterols investigated exhibited structural variations in the polar function (3 alpha-OH, 3 beta-OH, 3 beta-SH), nuclear double bonds (none, delta 5, or delta 7), side chain length (C27, C28, C29) and side chain double bonds (none, delta 22, or delta 24). In general, a sterol's hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance became progressively more hydrophobic (as exemplified by increasing HPLC retention values, k') with additions of side chain methyl (C28) and ethyl (C29) groups and with 3 beta-SH substitution of the 3-OH polar function. Side chain delta 22 and especially delta 24 double bonds rendered the sterols appreciably more hydrophilic, whereas a single nuclear double bond had little influence. Sterol solubilities (24 degrees C, 0.15 M Na+) were uniformly greater in 50 mM solutions of sodium glycodeoxycholate (range 0.15 to 2.5 mM) than in equimolar solutions of the more hydrophilic bile salt, sodium taurocholate (range 0.07 to 0.67 mM). For each bile salt system, a strong inverse correlation existed between micellar solubilities of sterols and their HPLC k' values, indicating that more hydrophilic sterols had greater micellar solubilities than the more hydrophobic ones. Based upon the aqueous monomeric solubilities of cholesterol (C27) and beta-sitosterol (C29) at 24 degrees C, we derived free energy changes associated with micellar binding and found that solubilization of both sterols was more energetically favored in glycodeoxycholate solutions. Although cholesterol exhibited a higher binding affinity than beta-sitosterol in glycodeoxycholate micelles, solubilization of beta-sitosterol in taurocholate micelles was more energetically favored than cholesterol by -0.6 kcal/mol. Based upon these results we offer a thermodynamic explanation for the greater micellar solubilities of more hydrophilic sterols and suggest that the high affinity, but low capacity, of a typical phytosterol for binding to trihydroxy bile salt micelles may provide a physical-chemical basis for its inhibition of intestinal cholesterol absorption.  相似文献   

Comparison of the primary structures of pancreatic colipases from man, pig, horse and rat shows a high degree of homology between proteins. Fifty-two out of the 95 residues of the polypeptide are identical. All colipases contain 10 half-cystines which are located at invariant positions. The secondary structure of colipases has been predicted from the sequence using the statistical method of Chou and Fasman and the method of Gibrat, Garnier and Robson based on information theory. Predictions indicate that colipases have a low content of alpha-helix and beta-strand structure. The two segments at positions 7-10 and 56-59, assumed to be part of the lipid binding domain, have predicted beta-sheet conformation and should be in close spatial vicinity to each other in the proteins. Four beta-turns are predicted in all colipases at positions 3-6, 46-49, 61-64, and 81-84. They might contribute, with the five disulfide bridges, to a tight packing of the protein molecule. Surface residues and major sequential antigenic determinants of mammalian colipases have been predicted using methods based either on hydrophilicity/hydropathy scales or amino acid mutability. From these studies, it appears that colipases exhibit large conformational homologies. In the absence of data on the tertiary structure of colipase, predictive methods, together with physico-chemical and immunological studies, provide valuable information on the conformation of the protein in relation to the topology of residues involved in the functional and antigenic sites.  相似文献   

1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra at 500 MHz have been obtained for taurocholate/egg phosphatidylcholine mixtures of varying composition. The excellent chemical shift dispersion permits identification of most resonances for each component. This high-resolution character of the NMR spectra is retained until the phosphatidylcholine (PC) mole fraction exceeds 60–70% (the exact limit depends on ionic strength). 1H linewidths have been monitored as a function of solute composition in order to evaluate trends in local molecular mobility of each component as the distribution of aggregate particles is varied, and to examine the effects of added NaCl in altering micellar size and shape. Although prior light scattering studies (Mazer, N.A., Benedek, G.B. and Carey, M.C. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 601–615) and our own work indicate a 6-fold increase in particle hydrodynamic radius from pure taurocholate micelles to 1 : 1 taurocholate/PC mixtures containing 150 mM NaCl, both lipid components retain substantial motional freedom and exhibit narrow NMR signals in this compositional region. As the solubilization limit for PC is approached (approx. 2:1 PC:taurocholate), differential behavior is observed for the two components: the motion of taurocholate becomes preferentially restricted, while polar portions of the PC remain mobile until large multilayers predominate.  相似文献   

During the transformation of fibrinogen to fibrin, excess fibrinogen suppresses further polymerization of fibrin, thereby enabling the nascent fibrin to be transported in a soluble form in blood. The question of possible complex formation between fibrin and fibrinogen was addressed by analyzing fibrin/fibrinogen (1:20, mol/mol) mixtures in the presence of calcium ions in stable linear sucrose density gradients by ultracentrifugation at 37 degrees C. During the period of ultracentrifugation in independent experiments, 40% of desAA-fibrin and 30% of desAABB-fibrin, respectively, precipitated without the participation of fibrinogen. The desAABB-fibrin, recovered in the gradient fractions, appeared as high-molecular-weight polymers (22 S), whereas the recovered desAA-fibrin exhibited only a slight increase in molecular weight (9 S) compared to fibrinogen (8 S). In contrast to this finding, both types of fibrin were totally recovered in gradient fractions provided that fibrinogen was present in the gradient at a uniform concentration of 2 mg/ml. In addition, the presence of fibrinogen but not human serum albumin reduced the size of desAABB-fibrin polymers (17 S). However, stable fibrin-fibrinogen complexes could not be demonstrated, since cosedimentation of differently labelled desAABB-fibrin and fibrinogen was not detectable. These studies suggest a specific but weak interaction of the solubilizing fibrinogen with the soluble fibrin polymers as demonstrated by a rapid exchange of both macromolecules.  相似文献   

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