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A contraceptive vaccine made of porcine zonae pellucidae (PZP) was tested in three Przewalski's mares and five banteng cows. The vaccine antigen consisted of the complete family of glycoproteins of the porcine zona pellucida, including the sperm receptor ZP3. All mares and three of five banteng were inoculated with 2 or 3 i.m. injections of approximately 65 μg of antigen given over a 6 week period. Two other banteng received inoculations of only 35 μg of antigen on the same schedule. Two of the three mares and three of five banteng cows were pregnant at the time of inoculation. No new pregnancies, as a result of postinoculation breedings, occurred among either the mares 36 months after 65 μg antigen inoculations or among the banteng for 24 months after 65 μg inoculations. One postinoculation pregnancy resulted among the two banteng receiving only 35 μg of antigen. Differences in fertility between treated and control mares and between preinoculation and postinoculation reproductive performance of the banteng were significant (P < 0.05). Urinary ovarian steroid metabolites and behavioral observations indicated follicular development and ovulations were occurring among treated mares during the year following PZP inoculations. PZP immunization produced progressively elevated anti-PZP antibodies in both species, which provided contraceptive protection. PZP immunization appears to be an effective form of contraception in both species. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, training horses within round-pens has increased in popularity. Practitioners often maintain that the responses they elicit from horses are similar to signals used with senior conspecifics. To audit the responses of horses to conspecifics, 6 mare-young-horse dyads, this study introduced them to each other in a round-pen and videoed them for 8 min. These dyads spent significantly more time farther than 10 m apart than they did less than 1 m apart (p < .001). The time they spent less than 1 m apart decreased over the 8-min test period (p = .018). Mares occupied the center of the round-pen and chased youngsters for 0.73% of the test period (p < .001). Mares made all agonistic approaches (p < .001), and youngsters (p = .018) made all investigative approaches. Head lowering and licking-and-chewing were exhibited most when the youngsters were facing away from the mares (p < .001). The frequency of head lowering increased during the test period (p = .027), whereas the frequency of licking-and-chewing did not change. The results bring into question the popular interpretation and ethological relevance of equine responses commonly described in round-pen training and show that mares did not condition young horses to remain in close proximity to them.  相似文献   

Eighteen families with X-linked mental retardation (MR) with or without macroorchidism, fragile-X positive at Xq27 (Martin-Bell syndrome) have been studied clinically and cytogenetically. All 58 affected males presented variable degrees of MR, fra(X) (q27) of their peripheral lymphocytes, macroorchidism in all adult patients with the exceptions of one with microorchidism as 47,XXY sex chromosome complement and the other with borderline testes, and characteristic facial appearance. The expression of the marker X in the heterozygotes seems to be more related to the mental development rather than the age of the individual. In two families the transmission of the syndrome through unaffected males seems probable.  相似文献   

The blood protein polymorphism of five local populations of Indonesian crab-eating macaques (cynos) was examined by gel electrophoresis. The measured genetic variability was compared with previous research results for Asian macaques. It was found that the level of genetic variability was mostly lower than that of Asian mainland macaques but higher than that of local troops of Japanese macaques. A remarkable genetic differentiation in Bali cynos from South Sumatra/West Java cynos was demonstrated. This result was inconsistent with the subspecies classification of cynos in Indonesia.  相似文献   

Successful management of captive populations of wild animals requires effective control of reproduction. Contraception is one tool for controlling reproduction of animals in zoos; however, the options available to the animal manager are limited. Contraceptives vary in efficacy, reversibility, and side effects, and thus may not be suitable for widespread use. One consideration when selecting a contraceptive is its potential for side effects on behavior, especially given the fact that reproduction plays such a prominent role in the biology of any species. To date, there have been few evaluations of contraceptives for behavioral effects, and those that have been conducted have focused on hormone-based contraceptives. This study sought to evaluate a novel method of population control, immunocontraception, for behavioral effects in a population of feral horses. Porcine zona pellucida (PZP) immunocontraception prevents fertilization of ova and does not alter normal hormone secretion patterns. It therefore should leave the animal behaviorally intact in terms of reproductive behavior. The study examined the behavior of 43 sexually mature mares on Assateague Island during the 1997 breeding season and, with help from Earthwatch volunteers, collected observations over a 3-month period. The study found no significant differences between treated and untreated mares in general activity budget, aggression given or received, and spatial relationships relative to the stallion. These preliminary findings indicate that PZP contraception seems to have no acute behavioral effects on the behavior of individuals. The study findings also suggest that PZP could be a desirable and effective management tool for captive species in which social behavior plays an integral role in group dynamics. Analyses of group level effects and population level effects are continuing.  相似文献   

Preliminary report on the Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) of West Florida   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A wide range of habitats, both terrestrial and marine littoral, were sampled in an area between Pensacola and Tallahassee. Enchytraeids were present in all moist or wet soils and in marine habitats enriched by organic matter but were absent or rare in very dry soils, saturated or flooded substrates and clean intertidal sand. Between 70 and 75 species were distinguished of which 50–55 are new to North America and about 25 are probably new to science. The genera represented are the same as those occurring in Western Europe but their relative importance differs and there are some tropical elements. The number of species occurring in terrestrial sites was greater than recorded in similar surveys in southwestern France and Ireland (approximately the same-sized area, number of sites and size of sample), but the number of species per sample was lower than in either of the other countries. It is concluded that species distribution in western Florida is very patchy. Possible reasons for this patchiness are discussed.  相似文献   

Ring chromosome 14. I. A case report on homogeneous r(14)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A ring chromosome derived from a no. 14 was observed, without mosaicism, in a 2-month-old male with craniofacial dysmorphism, retarded psychomotor development, seizures and retinal anomalies. Serum immunoglobulins concentrations were normal.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage between the equine loci for phosphohexose isomerase (PHI) and serum Xk protein was demonstrated by means of segregation data from three sire families. The recombination frequency was estimated from pooled data to be 0.23 ± 0.02; a significant heterogeneity between sires for estimates of the recombination frequency was observed. No indication of linkage was detected between Xk and 14 other blood marker loci. Linkage between the Xk locus and the locus for soluble malic enzyme ( ME1 ) has recently been reported in horses. An equine linkage group designated LG IV comprising the three loci ME1, PH1 , and Xk has thus been established. The possibility that the linkage between PH1 and Xk is homologous to the linkage between the loci for PHI and a serum postalbumin (PO-2) in pigs was discussed.  相似文献   

Serological studies of Hantaan virus infections among--blood donors (control group)--patients: chronic dialysed, leptospirosis suspected, hospitalised for various diseases,--risk group population: farmers, laboratory staff (contact with laboratory animals), as well as laboratory and wild animals (rodents) were carried out. Surveys were done by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) procedure with 5 Hantaan virus strains as antigens.  相似文献   

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