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Four new eimerian species are described from red-backed voles, Clethrionomys gapperi in Pennsylvania. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria clethrionomyis sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 18.8 (16.5-21.5) x 14.9 (14.0-16.5) with elongate, ovoid sporocysts, 10.6 (9.5-12.0) x6.1 (5.5-7.0). The oocyst wall is smooth, with 2 layers, and thins, with terminal cap at one or both ends. Polar granules, dark Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. The oocyst residuum is absent. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria gallatii sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 27.7 (21-32) x 19.3 (17-24) with ovoid sporocysts, 13.5 (12-15) x 8.8 (8-10). The oocyst wall is smooth, 2-layered, with a micropyle and thin wall at the end opposite the micropyle. Polar granules, Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. The oocyst residuum is atypical, of cobwebby material. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria pileata sp. n. are subspherical to spherical, 25.2 (20.5-29.5) x 22.5 (19.5-25.5) with ellipsoidal sporocysts, 13.4(10.5-15.0) x 8.4 (7.5-9.5). The oocyst wall is rough, pitted, striated, 2-layered, with no micropyle. Polar granules, oocyst and sporocyst residuum, Stieda body and stiedal cap are present. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria marconii sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 13.0 (10.5-15-0) x 10.6 (9.5-12.0) with elongate, ovoid sporocysts, 7.7 (7.0-8.5) x 4.2 (3.0-4.5). The oocyst wall is smooth, single-layered, with no micropyle. Polar granules, dark Stiedal body and sporocyst residuum are present. There is no oocyst residuum.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Four new eimerian species are described from red-backed voles. Clethrionomys gapperi in Pennsylvania. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria clethrionomyis sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 18.8 (16.5–21.5) × 14.9 (14.0–16.5) with elongate, ovoid sporocysts, 10.6 (9.5–12.0) × 6.1 (5.5–7.0). The oocyst wall is smooth, with 2 layers, and thins, with terminal cap at one or both ends. Polar granules, dark Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. The occyst residuum is absent. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria gallatii sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 27.7 (21–32) × 19.3 (17–24) with ovoid sporocysts, 13.5 (12–15) × 8.8 (8–10). The oocyst wall is smooth, 2-layered, with a micropyle and thin wall at the end opposite the micropyle. Polar granules. Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. The oocyst residuum is atypical, of cobwebby material. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria pileata sp. n. are subspherical to spherical, 25.2 (20.5–29.5) × 22.5(19.5–25.5) with ellipsoidal sporocysts, 13.4(10.5–15.0) × 8.4 (7.5–9.5). The oocyst wall is rough, pitted, striated, 2-layered, with no micropyle. Polar granules, oocyst and sporocyst residuum. Stieda body and stiedal cap are present. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria marconii sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 13.0 (10.5–15.0) × 10.6 (9.5–12.0) with elongate, ovoid sporocysts, 7.7 (7.0–8.5) × 4.2 (3.0–4.5). The oocyst wall is smooth, single-layered, with no micropyle. Polar granules, dark Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. There is no oocyst residuum.  相似文献   

The diet of the brackish water tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron is studied in various riverine and lacustrine systems of the Bia River basin (Côte d'Ivoire). Comparison of the diet between sampling sites (upper course, lower course and man-made Lake Ayame) shows significant differences. In the man-made lake, prey described as preferential include Asterionella (Bacillariophyceae) and Bosmina(Cladocera). In the lower course, the preferential preys are represented by Lyngbya(Cyanophyceae) while in the upper course Lyngbya and chironomid larvae are preferential. These differences are related to the altered environmental conditions generated by the construction of the dam on the Bia river main stream. In the man-made lake, there is no shift in diet either with the seasons (dry and rainy seasons) or with size.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The oocysts of 2 new species of Eimeria are described from heteromyid rodents. The subspherical to ellipsoidal cocysts of Eimeria reedi from Perognathus formosus averaged 22.6 by 20.8 μ. An ellipsoidal polar granule was present. The oocyst residuum was a single globule about 8 μ in diameter. The ovoid sporocysts averaged 10.9 by 7.7 μ and had a residuum of 6-12 granules. A Stieda body and substiedal body were present in the sporocysts. Eimeria chobotari oocysts, from Dipodomys merriami and D. microps , were ellipsoidal to ovoid and averaged 47.7 by 35.2 μ. No polar granule was seen. The large oocyst residuum consisted of several granules of various sizes. The ovoid sporocysts averaged 15.8 by 11.3 μ and had a residuum of many small granules. A Stieda body and substiedal body were present in the sporocysts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Eimeria galateai sp. n. from the paradise kingfisher ( Tanysiptera galatea Gray) and Eimeria duncani sp. n. from the sacred kingfisher ( Halcyon sancta Vigors & Horsfield) have been described from Papua New Guinea. Four of 11 paradise kingfishers were infected with E. galateai oocysts, measuring 13 (11–16) × 9 (8–11) μm. The oocysts were ovoid with nipple-like protrusion at one pole. Micropyle and polar granule were absent, while oocyst residuum (5 × 4 μm) was present. Sporocysts, measuring 5 (4–6) × 2 μm, were elongate-ovoid, and had a distinct convex Stieda body; the sporocyst residuum was absent. Two of 9 sacred kingfishers were infected with ovoid-truncated, 22 (19–25) × 16 (12–18) μm oocysts of E. duncani . Polar granule (5 × 2) was present in the oocysts, but there was no micropyle or oocyst residuum. Sporocysts were ovoid, measuring 9 (8–10) × 5 (4–6) μm, with a prominent Stieda body, and granular sporocyst residuum. Eimeria galateai and E. duncani are the first species of this genus to be described from birds of the order Coraciiformes.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species within the avian family Alcidae are capable of wing-propelled flight in the air and underwater. Alcids have been viewed as Northern Hemisphere parallels to penguins, and have often been studied to see if their underwater flight comes at a cost, compromising their aerial flying ability. We examined the anatomy and histochemistry of select wing muscles (Mm. pectoralis, supracoracoideus, latissimus dorsi caudalis, coracobrachialis caudalis, triceps scapularis, and scapulohumeralis caudalis) from Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) to assess if the muscle fiber types reveal the existence of a compromise associated with "dual-medium" flight. Pectoralis was found to be proportional in size with that of nondiving species, although the supracoracoideus was proportionally larger in puffins. Muscle fiber types were largely aerobic in both muscles, with two distinct fast-twitch types demonstrable: a smaller, aerobic, moderately glycolytic population (FOg), and a larger, moderately aerobic, glycolytic population (FoG). The presence of these two fiber types in the primary flight muscles of puffins suggests that aerial and underwater flight necessitate a largely aerobic fiber complement. We suggest that alcids do not represent an adaptive compromise, but a stable adaptation for wing-propelled locomotion both in the air and underwater.  相似文献   

A new coccidia species Eimeria stizostedioni from the pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca (Perciformes) is described. Localities: Neva river. Prevalence: 20% (1/5). Intensity of infection weak. Oocysts 7.5-8.0 x 10.0-12.5 microns. The form varies from oval up to ovoid; a wall is sleek, colourless, single-layer two-planimetric, micropyle, the polar granules and residual body are absent. Sporocysts 3.5 x 6.5 microns, with Stieda body and residual body represented by few small granules. Sporogony is endogenous.  相似文献   

The unusual diplograptidUndulograptus dicellograptoides n. sp. from the late ArenigUndulograptus dentatus Zone of western Newfoundland is described from isolated material. The species bears two reclined stipes and resembles a species of the stratigraphically younger genusDicellograptus. The dicellograptid to dicranograptid rhabdosome form appeared several times independently in the Diplograptina.  相似文献   

A new Eimeria sp. is described as the cause of an outbreak of renal coccidiosis in double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) in Georgia. Sporulated oocysts were spherical to subspherical and measured 16.1 x 16.5 (13.8-18 x 14-19) microm, with an average length-width ratio of 1:1. Oocyst wall was thin (1 microm), greenish, and pitted on the outer surface. Micropyle, micropylar cap, Stieda body, and polar bodies were absent. Small oocyst residuum (4-8 granules) was usually absent but occasionally present. Sporocysts were oval and measured 6.6 x 9.3 (6-7 x 8-10.5) microm, with an average length-width ratio of 1:1.4. A sporocyst residuum was present, located in between sporozoites, and was composed of numerous granules of unequal size. A small refractile body was present in each sporozoite. Collecting duct and distal renal tubular epithelial cells were distended by large oocysts in their cytoplasm, and many oocysts were present in the lumen of dilated tubules. Various stages of meronts, gamonts, and developing oocysts were present in other renal tubular epithelial cells. Multiple infections of parasitized cells were frequently observed, with cells containing up to 12 gamonts or developing oocysts. The importance of this Eimeria sp. on double-crested cormorant populations is not known. But in this case, significant lesions and mortality were associated with infection.  相似文献   

Warén, A. (Department of Zoology, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.) Cingula globuloides sp.n. (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) from northern Atlantic. Zool. Scripta 1(3–4): 191–192, 1972. –Cingula globuloides sp.n. is described from the northern Atlantic. This species has earlier been confused with Cingula globulus (Möller, 1842). The distinctive characteristics and distribution of C. globulus are given.  相似文献   

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