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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common rheumatic pathology. Because currently available diagnostic methods are limited and lack sensitivity, the identification of new specific biological markers for OA has become a focus. The purpose of this study was to identify novel protein biomarkers for moderate and severe OA in serum. Sera were obtained from 50 moderate OA patients, 50 severe OA patients, and 50 nonsymptomatic controls. Serum protein levels were analyzed using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. We identified 349 different proteins in the sera, 262 of which could be quantified by calculation of their iTRAQ ratios. Three sets of proteins were significantly (p < 0.05) changed in OA samples compared to controls. Of these, 6 were modulated only in moderate OA, 13 only in severe OA and 7 in both degrees. Although some of these proteins, such as cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, have a previously reported putative biomarker value for OA, most are novel biomarker candidates for the disease. These include some complement components, lipoproteins, von Willebrand factor, tetranectin, and lumican. The specificity and selectivity of these candidates need to be validated before new molecular diagnostic or prognostic tests for OA can be developed.  相似文献   

The identification of biomarkers from serum or plasma is often hindered by a few proteins present at high concentrations, which may obscure less abundant proteins. Ideal serum depletion strategies would be flexible as regards the proteins to be removed, and would feature the use of reagents with long shelf-lives. In this article, we describe a novel protein depletion methodology based on the incubation of serum samples with phage-derived recombinant antibody fragments, which are able to bind to staphylococcal Protein A, and which carry a C-terminal peptide tag capable of streptavidin binding. The resulting protein-antibody complexes can be removed by simultaneous capture on Protein A and/or streptavidin resin. The depletion methodology was exemplified by the isolation of recombinant human mAb fragments specific to abundant human serum Ags and by the simultaneous depletion of albumin, immunoglobulins, alpha2-macroglobulin, hemoglobin, transferrin and haptoglobin. The depleted serum samples were analyzed by 2-DE and by gel-free MS-based methodologies, confirming the efficiency and selectivity of the depletion process. The methodology presented is modular in nature, since several recombinant antibodies can be combined in a single depletion experiment. Furthermore, antibodies do not have to be covalently coupled to a solid support facilitating long-term storage.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(10):1713-1719
Cibacron Blue F3GA (CB) was covalently attached onto the bacterial cellulose (BC) nanofibers for human serum albumin (HSA) depletion from human serum. The BC nanofibers were produced by Acetobacter xylinum in the Hestrin–Schramm medium in a static condition for 14 days. The CB content of the BC nanofibers was 178 μmol/g. The specific surface area of the BC nanofibers was determined to be 914 m2/g. HSA adsorption experiments were performed by stirred-batch adsorption. The non-specific adsorption of HSA on the BC nanofibers was very low (1.4 mg/g polymer). CB attachment onto the BC nanofibers significantly increased the HSA adsorption (1800 mg/g). The maximum HSA adsorption was observed at pH 5.0. The HSA adsorption capacity decreased drastically with an increase of the aqueous phase concentration of sodium chloride. The elution studies were performed by adding 1 M NaCl to the HSA solutions in which adsorption equilibria had been reached. The elution results demonstrated that the binding of HSA to the adsorbent was reversible. The depletion efficiencies for HSA were above 96.5% for all studied concentrations. Proteins in the serum and eluted portion were analyzed by SDS-PAGE for testing the efficiency of HSA depletion from human serum. Eluted proteins include mainly HSA.  相似文献   

Significant technological advances in protein chemistry, physics and computer sciences in the last two decades have greatly improved protein separation methodologies, such as electrophoresis and chromatography, and have established mass spectrometry (MS) as an indispensable tool for protein study. The goal of this review is to provide a brief overview of the recent improvements in these methodologies and present examples from their application in proteome analysis and search for disease biomarkers.  相似文献   

The search and validation of novel disease biomarkers requires the complementary power of professional study planning and execution, modern profiling technologies and related bioinformatics tools for data analysis and interpretation. Biomarkers have considerable impact on the care of patients and are urgently needed for advancing diagnostics, prognostics and treatment of disease. This survey article highlights emerging bioinformatics methods for biomarker discovery in clinical metabolomics, focusing on the problem of data preprocessing and consolidation, the data-driven search, verification, prioritization and biological interpretation of putative metabolic candidate biomarkers in disease. In particular, data mining tools suitable for the application to omic data gathered from most frequently-used type of experimental designs, such as case-control or longitudinal biomarker cohort studies, are reviewed and case examples of selected discovery steps are delineated in more detail. This review demonstrates that clinical bioinformatics has evolved into an essential element of biomarker discovery, translating new innovations and successes in profiling technologies and bioinformatics to clinical application.  相似文献   

The individualization of radiotherapy treatment would be beneficial for cancer patients; however, there are no predictive biomarkers of radiotherapy resistance in routine clinical use. This article describes the body of work in this field where comparative proteomics methods have been used for the discovery of putative biomarkers associated with radiotherapy resistance. A large number of differentially expressed proteins have been reported, mostly from the study of novel radiotherapy-resistant cell lines. Here, we have assessed these putative biomarkers through the discovery, confirmation and validation phases of the biomarker pipeline, and inform the reader on the current status of proteomics-based findings. Suggested avenues for future work are discussed.  相似文献   

Blood serum is arguably the most analyzed biofluid for disease prediction and diagnosis. Herein, we benchmarked five different serum abundant protein depletion (SAPD) kits with regard to the identification of disease-specific biomarkers in human serum using bottom-up proteomics. As expected, the IgG removal efficiency among the SAPD kits is highly variable, ranging from 70% to 93%. A pairwise comparison of database search results showed a 10%–19% variation in protein identification among the kits. Immunocapturing-based SAPD kits against IgG and albumin outperformed the others in the removal of these two abundant proteins. Conversely, non-antibody-based methods (i.e., kits using ion exchange resins) and kits leveraging a multi-antibody approach were proven to be less efficient in depleting IgG/albumin from samples but led to the highest number of identified peptides. Notably, our results indicate that different cancer biomarkers could be enriched up to 10% depending on the utilized SAPD kit compared with the undepleted sample. Additionally, functional analysis of the bottom-up proteomic results revealed that different SAPD kits enrich distinct disease- and pathway-specific protein sets. Overall, our study emphasizes that a careful selection of the appropriate commercial SAPD kit is crucial for the analysis of disease biomarkers in serum by shotgun proteomics.  相似文献   

The storage time and storage temperature might affect stability of oxidative stress biomarkers, therefore, they have to be analyzed after long-term storage of serum samples. The stability of three biomarkers reflecting oxidative stress: reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) for hydroperoxides, total thiol levels (TTL) for the redox status and biological antioxidant potency (BAP) for the antioxidant status, was investigated at several time points during 60 months of storage at ?20 and ?80?°C. Biomarkers ROM and BAP showed a very good stability during storage for 60 months at both temperatures. In addition, the correlation of the data after 60 months of storage compared with the starting data was very good with correlation coefficients >0.9. The TTL assay showed good results in serum samples stored at ?80?°C, but not in samples stored at ?20?°C. Serum samples for analysis of the set of oxidative stress biomarkers ROM, BAP and TTL can be stored up to 60 months at ?80?°C. ROM and BAP can also be stored at ?20?°C during this period. The present results are very important for the biomarker-related epidemiological studies that make use of biobanks with samples stored for many years and for new project planning, including sample storage conditions.  相似文献   

Controversy exists regarding the proper mining of the human serum proteome. Because of the analytical challenges of accurately measuring samples containing a very large dynamic range of protein concentrations, current practices have employed depletion of the highly abundant housekeeping serum proteins, such as albumin and immunoglobins. There is question as to the selectivity of depletion, namely, is there loss of other non abundant serum proteins along with albumin, haptoglobin and other commonly depleted proteins. In this study, human serum was analyzed with and without immunoaffinity depletion of the six most abundant proteins by multidimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Two replicates of each experiment were conducted and compared against one another. In both depleted and nondepleted replicates there was a 73% and 72% overlap of identified peptides and a 64% and 78% overlap of identified proteins, respectively. Of 262 unique proteins identified in the four experiments, 82 were found in common to all four experiments, 142 unique to the depleted serum, and 38 unique to the nondepleted serum. Although serum depletion of highly abundant proteins significantly increased the number of proteins identified, both the degree of sample complexity and this depletion method resulted in a nonselective loss of other proteins.  相似文献   

Binding of tetrasulfophenylporphyn with human serum albumin was studied by spectral methods. The presence on the protein of one centre of porphyrin binding with high affinity was shown.  相似文献   

Although there are a number of causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI), the armed conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan has brought this disorder to the attention of the global community. A biomarker that would enable army medics to rapidly diagnose the severity of TBI on the battle-field would be a huge asset. Unfortunately, the study of TBI has not historically attracted the proteomic research community's interest as other disorders have, such as cancer. On the positive side, however, many of the analytical and technological challenges that were overcome in the development of biofluid proteomic methods are now being applied to the study of TBI. In this review, we discuss and highlight select examples of discovery-driven proteomic studies focused on finding effective biomarkers for TBI.  相似文献   

Although there are a number of causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI), the armed conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan has brought this disorder to the attention of the global community. A biomarker that would enable army medics to rapidly diagnose the severity of TBI on the battle-field would be a huge asset. Unfortunately, the study of TBI has not historically attracted the proteomic research community’s interest as other disorders have, such as cancer. On the positive side, however, many of the analytical and technological challenges that were overcome in the development of biofluid proteomic methods are now being applied to the study of TBI. In this review, we discuss and highlight select examples of discovery-driven proteomic studies focused on finding effective biomarkers for TBI.  相似文献   

Introduction: The clinical evaluation of neuromuscular symptoms often includes the assessment of altered blood proteins or changed enzyme activities. However, the blood concentration of many muscle-derived serum markers is not specific for different neuromuscular disorders and also shows alterations in the course of these diseases. Thus, the establishment of more reliable biomarker signatures for improved muscle diagnostics is required.

Areas covered: To address the lack of muscle disease-specific marker molecules, mass spectrometry-based proteomics was applied to the systematic identification and biochemical characterization of new serum biomarker candidates. This article outlines serum proteomics in relation to neuromuscular disorders and reviews the bioanalytical results from recent proteomic profiling studies of representative neuromuscular disorders, including motor neuron disease, muscular dystrophies and sarcopenia of old age. Pathophysiological changes in the skeletal muscle proteome are reflected by serum alterations in a variety of sarcomeric proteins, metabolic enzymes and signaling proteins.

Expert commentary: Based on the proteomic identification of actively secreted or passively released skeletal muscle proteins following pathophysiological insults, new biomarker candidates can now be used to develop liquid biopsy procedures for superior diagnostic approaches, design novel prognostic tools and establish more reliable methods for the systematic evaluation of experimental therapies to treat neuromuscular disease.  相似文献   


Objective: We performed comprehensive proteomic analyses of articular cartilage by using the isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) method, and searched for candidate biomarkers for osteoarthritis (OA).

Methods: Articular cartilage was collected from patients with OA or femoral neck fracture for the control group. Molecular variations were detected by the iTRAQ method, and quantitative analyses were performed by western blot.

Results: Using the iTRAQ method, we identified 76 proteins with different expression levels in OA patients and the control group. Among these proteins, we selected LECT2 (leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2), BAALC (brain and acute leukemia, cytoplasmic), and PRDX6 (peroxiredoxin-6), which had not been reported as biomarkers for OA.

Conclusions: Use of these proteins in combination with conventional OA biomarkers may better reflect the grade and prognosis of OA.  相似文献   


Context: The definitive standard for the diagnosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is clinico-pathological correlation, but frequently the only laboratory abnormality is an elevation of serum aminotransferases.

Objective: This has resulted in the search for more specific laboratory biomarkers.

Methods: The literature was searched for novel plasma/serum markers of NAFLD.

Results: Studies reviewed here included histologically-confirmed patients presenting some stage of NAFLD and monitored one or more novel serum/plasma biomarkers.

Conclusion: The most promising application of some of these novel biomarkers for the detection and quantification of NAFLD and particularly NASH appears to be in the combination of several into diagnostic panels.  相似文献   


Context: In epidemiological research, it is very important to test the stability of biomarkers as function of both storage time and temperature.

Objective: In this study, the stability of biomarkers of the iron status was tested up to 1 year of storage.

Materials and methods: The biomarkers include total iron, unsaturated iron binding capacity, ferritin, transferrin, soluble transferrin receptor, ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin.

Results: The concentrations of all biomarkers tested remain constant upon storage at ?20, ?70 and ?196?°C.

Conclusion: All biomarkers of the iron status were stable at the temperatures tested for 1 year.  相似文献   

Proteomic technologies are being used to discover and identify disease-associated biomarkers. The application of these technologies in the search for potential diagnostic/prognostic biomarkers in the serum of patients has been limited by the presence of highly abundant albumin and immunoglobulins that constitute approximately 60-97% of the total serum proteins. The purpose of the study was to evaluate whether treatment of human serum with Affi-Gel Blue alone or in combination with Protein A (Aurum serum protein mini kit, Bio-Rad) before two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) analysis removed high abundance proteins to allow the visualization of low abundant proteins. Serum samples were treated with either Affi-Gel Blue or Aurum kit and then subjected to 2-DE using 11 cm, pH 4-7 isoelectric focussing strips for the first dimension and 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for second dimension. Protein spots were visualized using a fluorescent protein dye (SYPRO Ruby, Bio-Rad). Comparison between treatment methods showed significant removal of albumin by both Affi-Gel Blue and Aurum kit and considerable differences in the protein profile of the gels after each treatment. Direct comparison between treatments revealed twenty-eight protein spots unique to Affi-Gel Blue while only two spots were unique after Aurum kit treatment. Unique spots in Affi-Gel Blue and Aurum kit treated serum were not visualized in untreated serum. Sixteen hours of Affi-Gel Blue treatment resulted in enhanced visualization of fifty-three protein spots by two-fold, thirty-one by five-fold, twelve by ten-fold and six by twenty-fold. In parallel after Aurum kit treatment two-, five-, ten- and twenty-fold enhancements of thirty, thirteen, eight and five protein spots, respectively, were observed. The pattern of increased visualization of protein spots with both treatment methods was similar. In conclusion, treatment of serum samples with Affi-Gel Blue or Aurum kit before 2-DE analysis can be used to remove high abundance proteins in order to increase the detection sensitivity of proteins present in low abundance.  相似文献   

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