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We document anatomic, molecular and developmental relationships between endothelial and myogenic cells within human skeletal muscle. Cells coexpressing myogenic and endothelial cell markers (CD56, CD34, CD144) were identified by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. These myoendothelial cells regenerate myofibers in the injured skeletal muscle of severe combined immunodeficiency mice more effectively than CD56+ myogenic progenitors. They proliferate long term, retain a normal karyotype, are not tumorigenic and survive better under oxidative stress than CD56+ myogenic cells. Clonally derived myoendothelial cells differentiate into myogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic cells in culture. Myoendothelial cells are amenable to biotechnological handling, including purification by flow cytometry and long-term expansion in vitro, and may have potential for the treatment of human muscle disease.  相似文献   

Excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation has been implicated as one of main agents in ouabain-induced anticancer effect. Unfortunately, the signaling pathways under it are not very clarified. In the present study, we investigated the molecular mechanism involved in ouabain-induced ROS generation and cell apoptosis on human U373MG and U87MG glioma cells. Ouabain-induced glioblastoma cells apoptosis and increased ROS generation. Clearance ROS by three different ROS scavenger partly, but not totally, reversed ouabain’s effect on cell apoptosis. Ouabain-induced ROS generation was not regulated by calcium overload, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidation, but by p66Shc phosphorylation. Ouabain treatment increased p66Shc Ser36 phosphorylation. Knockdown of p66Shc by siRNA significantly inhibited ROS generations in response to ouabain. Ouabain-induced p66Shc phosphorylation through Src/Ras/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signal pathway. Our results uncovered a novel signaling pathway with p66Shc, ouabain-induced ROS generation, and glioblastoma cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

Hirschprung’s disease (HD), a very common congenital abnormality in children, occurs mainly due to the congenital developmental defect of the enteric nervous system. The absence of enteric ganglia from the distal gut due to deletion in gut colonization by neural crest progenitor cells may lead to HD. The capacity to identify and isolate the enteric neuronal precursor cells from developing and mature tissues would enable the development of cell replacement therapies for HD. However, a mature method to culture these cells is a challenge. The present study aimed to propose a method to culture enteric neural stem cells (ENSCs) from the DsRed transgenic fetal rat gut. The culture medium used contained 15 % chicken embryo extract, basic fibroblast growth factor, and epidermal growth factor. ENSCs were cultured from embryonic day 18 in DsRed transgenic rat. Under inverted microscope and fluorescence staining, ENSCs proliferated to form small cell clusters on the second day of culture. The neurospheres-like structure were suspended in the medium, and there were some filaments between the adherent cells from day 3 to day 6 of the culture. The neurospheres were formed by ENSCs on day 8 of the culture. Network-like connections were formed between the adherent cells and differentiated cells after adding 10 % FBS. The differentiated cells were positive for neurofilament and glial fibrillary acidic protein antibodies. The present study established a method to isolate and culture ENSCs from E18 DsRed transgenic rats in the terminal stage of embryonic development. This study would offer a way to obtain plenty of cells for the future research on the transplantation of HD.  相似文献   

To better understand the role that reversible phosphorylation plays in woody plant ribosomal P-protein function, we initiated a phosphoproteomic investigation of P-proteins from Populus dormant terminal buds. Using gel-free (in-solution) protein digestion and phosphopeptide enrichment combined with a nanoUPLC–ESI–MS/MS strategy, we identified six phosphorylation sites on eight P-proteins from Populus dormant terminal buds. Among these, six Ser sites and one Thr site were identified in the highly conserved C-terminal region of eight P-proteins of various P-protein subfamilies, including two P0, two P1, three P2 and one P3 protein. Among these, the Thr site was shown to be novel and has not been identified in any other organisms. Sequence analysis indicated that the phosphothreonine sites identified in the C-terminus of Ptr RPP2A exclusively occurred in woody species of Populus, etc. The identified phosphopeptides shared a common phosphorylation motif of (S/T)XX(D/E) and may be phosphorylated in vivo by casein kinase 2 as suggested by using Scansite analysis. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis suggested that divergence of P2 also occurred in Populus, including type I and type II. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic phosphoproteomic and phylogenetic analysis of P-proteins in woody plants, the results of which will provide a wealth of resources for future understanding and unraveling of the regulatory mechanisms of Populus P-protein phosphorylation during the maintenance of dormancy.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme is a severe form of cancer most likely arising from the transformation of stem or progenitor cells resident in the brain. Although the tumorigenic population in glioblastoma is defined as composed by cancer stem cells (CSCs), the cellular target of the transformation hit remains to be identified. Glioma stem cells (SCs) are thought to have a differentiation potential restricted to the neural lineage. However, using orthotopic versus heterotopic xenograft models and in vitro differentiation assays, we found that a subset of glioblastomas contained CSCs with both neural and mesenchymal potential. Subcutaneous injection of CSCs or single CSC clones from two of seven patients produced tumor xenografts containing osteo-chondrogenic areas in the context of glioblastoma-like tumor lesions. Moreover, CSC clones from four of seven cases generated both neural and chondrogenic cells in vitro. Interestingly, mesenchymal differentiation of the tumor xenografts was associated with reduction of both growth rate and mitotic index. These findings suggest that in a subclass of glioblastomas the tumorigenic hit occurs on a multipotent stem cell, which may reveal its plasticity under specific environmental stimuli. The discovery of such biological properties might provide considerable information to the development of new therapeutic strategies aimed at forcing glioblastoma stem cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Curcumin is a polyphenolic compound derived from Curcumin longa L. There are growing bodies of evidence revealing the antitumor effect of curcumin in different tumors; although the molecular mechanism behind this inhibition in glioblastoma multiform (GBM) still remains unclear. Here we investigated the antitumor activity of nano micelles curcumin compared with erlotinib in U-373 cells in monolayer cell cultures and spheroids models. Furthermore, we characterized affecting cell cycle perturbation, as well as apoptosis induction in GBM cells. The antiproliferative activity of nano micelles curcumin and erlotinib were assessed in monolayer and spheroid models. The influence of the cell cycle and expression levels of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and Wnt/β-catenin pathway was checked. Nano micelles curcumin suppressed cell growth in U-373 cells via modulation of Wnt and NF-κB pathways. Moreover, cells developed an early G2/M cell cycle arrest followed by sub-G1 apoptosis and apoptotic bodies formation posttreatment with nano micelles curcumin and erlotinib. In the core signaling pathways of GBM, nano micelles curcumin either significantly influences the NF-κB pathway by decreasing p-65 expression or significantly inhibits the Wnt/β-catenin pathway by declining cyclin D1 expression. In conclusion, we have shown that nano micelles curcumin effectively prevent proliferation, and invasion of GBM cells through perturbation of Wnt/β-catenin and NF-κB pathways, suggesting further investigations on the therapeutic application of this novel anticancer drug in in vivo models.  相似文献   

Dormant, non-replicating Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv strain cultured in hypoxic conditions was used to infect THP-1 cells. CFUs counting, Kinyoun staining and electron microscopy showed that dormant bacilli infected THP-1 cells at a rate similar to replicating M. tuberculosis, but failed to grow during the first 6 days of infection. The absence of growth was specific to the intracellular compartment, as demonstrated by efficient growth in liquid medium. Quantification of β-actin mRNA recovered from infected cells showed that, in contrast with log-phase bacteria, infection with dormant bacilli determined a reduced THP-1 cell death. Gene expression of intracellular non-replicating bacteria showed a pattern typical of a dormant state. Intracellular dormant bacteria induced the activation of genes associated to a proinflammatory response in THP-1 cells. Though, higher levels of TNFα, IL-1β and IL-8 mRNAs compared to aerobic H37Rv infected cells were not paralleled by increased cytokine accumulation in the supernatants. Moreover, dormant bacilli induced a higher expression of inducible cox-2 gene, accompanied by increased PGE2 secretion. Overall, our data describe a new model of in vitro infection using dormant M. tuberculosis that could provide the basis for understanding how non-replicating bacilli survive intracellularly and influence the maintenance of the hypoxic granuloma.  相似文献   

Myc is one of the original reprogramming factors used to produce induced pluripotent stem cells. However, it is not necessary, instead its main role is to increase the efficiency of the reprogramming. The article by Scognamiglio et al ( 2016 ) helps clarify how. The authors show that Myc depletion leads to a reversible dormant state consistent with diapause. In this state, the cell sees its proliferation potential diminished but its pluripotency unchanged. The ability to coordinate the induction of this state should have important implications in cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Ezrin connects the apical F-actin scaffold to membrane proteins in the apical brush border of intestinal epithelial cells. Yet, the mechanisms that recruit ezrin to the apical domain remain obscure. Using stable CACO-2 transfectants expressing keratin 8 (K8) antisense RNA under a tetracycline-responsive element, we showed that the actin-ezrin scaffold cannot assemble in the absence of intermediate filaments (IFs). Overexpression of ezrin partially rescued this phenotype. Overexpression of K8 in mice also disrupted the assembly of the brush border, but ezrin distributed away from the apical membrane in spots along supernumerary IFs. In cytochalasin D-treated cells ezrin localized to a subapical compartment and coimmunoprecipitated with IFs. Overexpression of ezrin in undifferentiated cells showed a Triton-insoluble ezrin compartment negative for phospho-T567 (dormant) ezrin visualized as spots along IFs. Pulse-chase analysis showed that Triton-insoluble, newly synthesized ezrin transiently coimmunoprecipitates with IFs during the first 30 min of the chase. Dormant, but not active (p-T567), ezrin bound in vitro to isolated denatured keratins in Far-Western analysis and to native IFs in pull-down assays. We conclude that a transient association to IFs is an early step in the polarized assembly of apical ezrin in intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Myoepithelial cells (MC) in mixed tumors of the mammary gland in dogs were identified with the Coons indirect method with the aid of monospecific antiserum to smooth muscle myosin. In 2 of 5 observations, anaplastic carcinoma and adenocarcinomas were detected in the presence of a mixed tumor. Immunochemical study of the myoepithelium demonstrated varying fluorescence intensity and ununiform pattern of MC distribution in tumor tissue of the mammary gland. MC were detected in lobular structures in the form of islet accumulations or diffuse vegetations from cells with a poorly fluorescent rim of the cytoplasm. In the ducts with papillary epimyoepithelial proliferations, MC occupied the peripheral position, showing bright fluorescence of the cytoplasm and hypertrophied processes. The fluorescence intensity decreased as MC displaced towards the stroma or lumen of the ducts. The changeability of specific staining of the myoepithelium may attest to different levels of cell differentiation. The presence of immature forms of MC in mixed tumors is likely to be due to the modulatory character of cell differentiation and is determined by the totality of factors that apparently play the triggerring part in derepression of the genes of specific synthesis of smooth muscle proteins in undifferentiated cells of the epithelium of the terminal ducts and alveoli.  相似文献   

The subpopulation of bacterial cells that survive myriad stress conditions (e.g., nutrient deprivation and antimicrobials) by ceasing metabolism, revive by activating ribosomes. These resuscitated cells can reconstitute infections; hence, it is imperative to discover compounds which eradicate persister cells. By screening 10,000 compounds directly for persister cell killing, we identified 5-nitro-3-phenyl-1H-indol-2-yl-methylamine hydrochloride (NPIMA) kills Escherichia coli persister cells more effectively than the best indigoid found to date, 5-iodoindole, and better than the DNA-crosslinker cisplatin. In addition, NPIMA eradicated Pseudomonas aeruginosa persister cells in a manner comparable to cisplatin. NPIMA also eradicated Staphylococcus aureus persister cells but was less effective than cisplatin. Critically, NPIMA kills Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria by damaging membranes and causing lysis as demonstrated by microscopy and release of extracellular DNA and protein. Furthermore, NPIMA was effective in reducing P. aeruginosa and S. aureus cell numbers in a wound model, and no resistance was found after 1 week. Hence, we identified a potent indigoid that kills persister cells by damaging their membranes.  相似文献   

Glioblastomas (GBMs) are the most lethal and common types of primary brain tumors. The hallmark of GBMs is their highly infiltrative nature. The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the aggressive cancer invasion in GBMs are poorly understood. GBM displays remarkable cellular heterogeneity and hierarchy containing self-renewing glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs). Whether GSCs are more invasive than non-stem tumor cells and contribute to the invasive phenotype in GBMs has not been determined. Here we provide experimental evidence supporting that GSCs derived from GBM surgical specimens or xenografts display greater invasive potential in vitro and in vivo than matched non-stem tumor cells. Furthermore, we identified several invasion-associated proteins that were differentially expressed in GSCs relative to non-stem tumor cells. One of such proteins is L1CAM, a cell surface molecule shown to be critical to maintain GSC tumorigenic potential in our previous study. Immunohistochemical staining showed that L1CAM is highly expressed in a population of cancer cells in the invasive fronts of primary GBMs. Collectively, these data demonstrate the invasive nature of GSCs, suggesting that disrupting GSCs through a specific target such as L1CAM may reduce GBM cancer invasion and tumor recurrence.  相似文献   

X-ray microanalysis showed that vegetative cells, viable resting forms, and nonviable forms (micromummies) of the bacteria Bacillus cereus and Micrococcus luteus and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae differ in the contents of bioelements S, P, Ca, and K and the Ca/K and P/S ratios. Viable resting forms (cystlike refractory cells and bacillar endospores) had more calcium and less phosphorus and potassium than vegetative cells, the difference being higher for bacilli than for micrococci and yeasts. The distinctive feature of all viable resting microbial forms was their low P/S ratios and high Ca/K ratios. The differences revealed in the cellular content and ratios of bioelements probably reflect changes in ionic homeostasis accompanying the transition of vegetative microbial cells to the dormant state. Relevant potassium parameters indicate that the membranes of viable resting forms retain their barrier function. At the same time, the nonviable forms, even morphologically intact, of B. cereus and S. cerevisiae exhibited an anomalously low content of potassium, while those of M. luteus had an anomalously high content of this element. This suggests that the cellular membranes of micromummies lose their barrier function, which results in a free diffusion of potassium ions across the membranes. The possibility of using the elemental composition parameters for quick analysis of the physiological state of microorganisms in natural environments is discussed.  相似文献   

Phage display empowered the development of proteins with new function and ligands for clinically relevant targets. In this report, we use next-generation sequencing to analyze phage-displayed libraries and uncover a strong bias induced by amplification preferences of phage in bacteria. This bias favors fast-growing sequences that collectively constitute <0.01% of the available diversity. Specifically, a library of 109 random 7-mer peptides (Ph.D.-7) includes a few thousand sequences that grow quickly (the ‘parasites’), which are the sequences that are typically identified in phage display screens published to date. A similar collapse was observed in other libraries. Using Illumina and Ion Torrent sequencing and multiple biological replicates of amplification of Ph.D.-7 library, we identified a focused population of 770 ‘parasites’. In all, 197 sequences from this population have been identified in literature reports that used Ph.D.-7 library. Many of these enriched sequences have confirmed function (e.g. target binding capacity). The bias in the literature, thus, can be viewed as a selection with two different selection pressures: (i) target-binding selection, and (ii) amplification-induced selection. Enrichment of parasitic sequences could be minimized if amplification bias is removed. Here, we demonstrate that emulsion amplification in libraries of ∼106 diverse clones prevents the biased selection of parasitic clones.  相似文献   

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