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Pratylenchoides camachoi n. sp. from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) in Sierra De Cazorla in southeastern Spain is described and illustrated. Pratylenchoides camachoi n. sp. is a bisexual species characterized by a cylindroid, sometimes clavate-shaped, male tail with a uniquely shaped smooth, rounded terminus. Females are characterized by a short esophageal overlap and six lines in the lateral field, which reduce to four in the tail region; not areolated except outer bands in the esophageal and tail regions.  相似文献   

Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nemata) was extracted from sediment collected off the coast of Brazil at a depth of approximately 1,000 m. Although the food of this new nematode is unknown, the reduction of the stoma and esophagus and presence of a trophosome indicate that it is parasitic in its juvenile stages. Thalassomermis megaraphis n. gen., n. sp. is assigned to Mermithidae because of its similarity to that family in the appearance of the cephalic sensory receptors, the long and tubular vagina, and copulatory muscles of the male extending posteriorly throughout most of the length of the tail. Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. differs from all other members of Mermithidae by the large, lenticular, intracuticular amphidial fovea with coiled, emergent terminal filaments as well as the small amphidial aperture situated over the center of the fovea.  相似文献   

Bakernema dauniense n. sp., a bisexual species from the rhizosphere of Pinus halepensis Mill. in Italy, is described and illustrated. Primary differentiating characteristics of the female are body annules bearing short, membranous projections 1.4-2.2 μm long, an anterior vulval lip slightly overlapping the posterior, and a linearly arcuate vagina. The juvenile differs markedly from adults by having annules with a beaded margin, which lack membranous projections. Generic and specific relationships of B. dauniense n. sp. are discussed. This occurrence is the first for a species of Bakernema in Europe.  相似文献   

Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. from Bothnian Bay, northern Baltic Sea, is described and illustrated. Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. has a strongly sclerotized luminal lining of the terminal esophageal bulb and esophagus. The most characteristic feature is a lateral series of large concentric, sclerotized rings with a fine, internal longitudinal oval sclerotization. In addition, E. hailuotoensis n. sp. is distinguished from other Ethmolaimus species by its smaller body size, fewer number of precloacal supplements (7-8), conical tail, and the position of amphid posterior to the buccal cavity. Females of E. hailuotoensis n. sp. studied were hermaphroditic. Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. coexisted with E. pratensis. Ethmolaimus pratensis from Bothnian Bay has a characteristic row of sublateral hypodermal glands, a character not before seen in Ethmolaimidae.  相似文献   

Steinernema neocurtillis n. sp. isolated from the mole cricket Neocurtilla hexadactyla Perty can be distinguished from other members of the genus by characteristics of the first-generation male and the third-stage infective juvenile (IJ). In the male, the distance from the anterior end to the excretory pore (DAE) is less than the body width at the excretory pore; D% (DAE divided by length of esophagus x 100) is low at 19. The gubernaculum legth is greater than three-fourths the spicule length. Range of the ratio gubernaculum length divided by spicule length is 0.82-0.93 in the first-generation male and 0.92-1.00 in the second-generation male. In the IJ, the distance from the anterior end to the excretory pore is extremely short (18 μm), causing the D% and E% (DAE divided by tail length x 100) to be low (D% = 23 and E% = 12). Average body length of the IJ is 885 μm.  相似文献   

Steinernema scapterisci n. sp., isolated in Uruguay from the mole cricket Scapteriscus vicinus, can be distinguished from other members in the genus by the presence of prominent cheilorhabdions, an elliptically shaped structure associated with the excretory duct, and a double-flapped epitygma in the first-generation female. The spicules of the male are pointed, tapering smoothly to a small terminus, and the shaft (calomus) is long, bearing a sheath. The gubernaculum has a long, upward-bent anterior part. The ratio of head to excretory pore divided by tail length of the third-stage juvenile is greater for S. scapterisci n. sp. than for S. carpocapsae. Steinernema scapterisci n. sp. did not hybridize with S. carpocapsae strain Breton. In laboratory tests, S. scapterisci n. sp. killed 10% or less of non-orthopteran insects, including the wax moth larva, a universal host for other species of Steinernema.  相似文献   

A new Parasitorhabditis species with males and females was discovered from the southern pine beetle Dendroctonus frontalis and its galleries in loblolly pine, Pinus taeda, growing in Mississippi. Females of the new species have a cupola-shaped tail with a small spike; males possess a 2 + (3+2) + 3 ray pattern on the tail fan with ray 10 reaching the margin, and a distinctive stomatal tooth. Parasitorhabditis frontali n. sp. has some similarities to P. hylurgi Massey, 1974 from Hylurgops pinifex in New York, USA, P. terebranus Massey, 1974 from D. terebrans (Olivier, 1795) in Texas USA, P. ligniperdae Fuchs, 1915 from Hylergops ligniperda (Fabricius, 1787) and P. dendroctoni Rühm, 1956 from D. micans (Kugelann, 1794) in Europe, P. ateri Fuchs, 1915 isolated from the beetle Hylastes ater (Paykull, 1800) in Germany, and P. malii Devdariani and Kakulia,1970 from Scolytus mali (Bechstein, 1805) within the republic of Georgia. Morphometrics for 44 species of Parasitorhabditis are provided to update older keys. Parasitorhabditis frontali n. sp. was initially grown on Malt Extract (ME) agar with its own microbial contaminants that included a bacterium and fungus. The nematode also grew and reproduced after slices of ME agar with nematodes and microbial contaminants were transferred to water agar. It was killed by E. coli on NGM agar plates commonly used to raise other Rhabditida. Drawings of diagnostic anatomy and low-temperature SEM images of bodies, heads, and tails are provided for cultured specimens from pine beetle frass.  相似文献   

Parasitodiplogaster comprises a potentially large radiation of nematode species that appear to be parasitically bound to their Agaonid fig wasp hosts, which are mutualistically associated in the syconia (figs) of the diverse plant genus Ficus. Parasitodiplogaster laevigata n. sp. is described and illustrated as an associate of the fig wasp, Pegoscapus sp. from Ficus laevigata from southern Florida. It is the first species of Parasitodiplogaster reported from North America and is closest to P. trigonema from F. trigonata from Panama. Parasitodiplogaster laevigata n. sp. can be differentiated from all described species of Parasitodiplogaster based on stomatal morphology (presence of a large dorsal and a right subventral tooth) in the adults of both sexes, molecular comparisons of two expansion segments (D2,D3) of the large subunit (LSU) rRNAgene, and fig-fig wasp host affinities. The ultrastructure of P. laevigata n. sp. was elucidated using TEM and SEM for comparisons with other species of Parasitodiplogaster. The stoma of P. laevigata n. sp. possesses a nonsegmented cheilostomal ring that connects to the longitudinal body musculature per- and interradially, a claw-like dorsal tooth, a right subventral tooth, and telostegostomatal apodemes arising from the dorsal side of each subventral sector. The unification of the pro-, meso-, and metastegostom with the gymnostom in P. laevigata n. sp. and further simplification in other described species may be due to derived adaptations associated with the internal parasitism of fig wasps.  相似文献   

A nematode isolated from the termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Koller) was identified and described as a new genus and species, Neosteinernema longicurvicauda. Primary distinguishing characters, by contrast to members of the genus Steinernema, were females having prominent phasmids, a curved tail longer than the body width at the anus, a spiral shape in juvenile-bearing females, and juveniles becoming infective-stage juveniles before emerging from the female; males having prominent phasmids, a digitate tail tip, a characteristic shape of the spicules (foot-shaped with a hump on the dorsal side), and 13-14 pairs of genital papillae, with eight pairs preanal; and infective juveniles having prominent phasmids and a filiform curved tail as long as the esophagus. Adult nematodes are found outside the termite cadaver. Diagnosis of the family Steinernematidae was emended to accommodate the new species.  相似文献   

Rhabditis (Oscheius) pheropsophi n. sp., associated with cadavers of the bombardier beetle, Pheropsophus aequinoctialis, is described from material collected in Brazil. Mean body length of the female is 1,217 μm, of the male 872 μm, and of the dauer juvenile 568 μm. The female has six lips with one papilla on each lateral lip and two on each sublateral lip; stoma wall thickened dorsally, metarhabdions with warts, excretory pore near base of esophagus, tail long (c = 8), and phasmids prominent, protruding on scanning electron microscope preparations. The male has 10 pairs of bursal ribs, with the terminal pair considerably smaller than the others; spicules fused distally two-thirds of their length. The new species can be distinguished from other members of the Dolichura-group by its fused spicules.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new and two known species of Paroigolaimella collected from India. Paroigolaimella helalii n. sp. is characterized by having conspicuous sexual dimorphism in the stoma and pharynx, ovaries with a sphincter separating the mature oocyte from developing ones, a vagina leading to a strong ovijector, a pore-like vulva with cuticular flap; males with slender strongly arcuate spicules with dilated capitula; the gubernaculum slender with expanded plate-like distal end and nine pairs of genital papillae, and four to five pairs of copulatory muscle bands. P. coprophila (Sudhaus and Rehfeld, 1990) Sudhaus and Fürst von Lieven, 2003 collected from leaf litter from a farmyard has been redescribed with reassessment of its distinguishing characters from P. bernensis. P. bodamica (Micoletzky, 1922) n. comb. has been described and its status has been discussed with context to P. bernensis.  相似文献   

Subterranean termites are major global pests of wood structures and wood products. Among the most economically important subterranean termite species in the US are Heterotermes aureus, Reticulitermes flavipes, and Coptotermes formosanus. In prior studies, the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema riobrave strain 355, exhibited a high level of virulence to H. aureus compared with other nematode species. However, S. riobrave 355 was reported to be poorly or only moderately virulent to R. flavipes and C. formosanus, respectively. We hypothesized that other strains of S. riobrave may possess a high level of virulence to all three termite species. Under laboratory conditions we compared three novel strains of S. riobrave (3-8b, 7-12, and TP) with the 355 strain for virulence to H. aureus, R. flavipes, and C. formosanus workers. H. aureus was very susceptible to all the S. riobrave strains, and termites in all nematode treatments were dead after 4 d. The TP strain of S. riobrave caused greater mortality in R. flavipes and C. formosanus compared to the other nematode strains. Specifically, the TP strain caused 75% and 91% mortality in R. flavipes and C. formosanus, respectively, which was more than 300% and 70% higher than the mortality caused by other strains. Additional studies are warranted to determine the ability of S. riobrave (TP) to control the targeted termite species under field conditions.  相似文献   

Two new parthenogenetic species of Longidorus were found in Arkansas. Longidorus grandis n. sp. is characterized by its body (5.80-8.24 mm), slightly offset head, head width 20-27 µm, odontostyle 86-100 µm, guide ring 26-35 µm posterior to the anterior end, short conoid to mammiliform tail. Longidorus grandis n. sp. is similar to L. vineacola Sturhan &Weischer, 1964; L. lusitanicus Macara, 1985; L. edmundsi Hunt &Siddiqi, 1977; L. kuiperi Brinkman, Loof &Barbez, 1987; L. balticus Brzeski, Peneva &Brown, 2000; L. closelongatus Stoyanov, 1964; and L. seinhorsti Peneva, Loof &Brown, 1998. Longidorus paralongicaudatus n. sp. is characterized by its body length (2.60-5.00 µm), anteriorly flattened and offset head region 13-18 µm wide, odontostyle length 92-127 µm, guide ring 21-30 µm posterior to the anterior end, tail elongate-conical, and c'' = 1.2-2.6. Longidorus paralongicaudatus n. sp. most closely resembles L. longicaudatus Siddiqi, 1962; L. socialis Singh &Khan, 1996; L. juvenilis Dalmasso, 1969; and L. curvatus Khan, 1986.  相似文献   

Three new Longidorus species, L. alaskaensis n. sp., L. paralaskaensis n. sp., and L. bernardi n. sp., are described from specimens collected near Fairbanks, Alaska. Longidorus alaskaensis differs from all species of Longidorus by the presence of a caecum-like structure situated at the reflex of the oviduct. Longidorus paralaskaensis most closely resembles L. alaskaensis n. sp., L. crassus Thorne, L. picenus Roca, Lamberti &Agostinelli, and L. silvae Roca, differing from the last three of these species by having a parallel vs. a tapered lip region, and from all four by having a more narrowly rounded tail tip. Longidorus paralaskaensis differs from L. alaskaensis by having a longer odontostyle (119-128 vs. 110-118 μm) and by lacking the caecum-like structure found at the reflex of the oviduct. Longidorus bernardi n. sp. most closely resembles L. mirus Khan, Chawla &Seshadri, from which it differs by having a longer tail with a more acutely rounded tip, a longer body length (3.5-4.6 vs. 3.0-3.6 μm), and a larger c'' value (1.6-1.8 vs. 1.3-1.6). Longidorus bernardi differs from L. sylphus Thorne, L. africanus Merny, L. auratus Jacobs &Heyns, and L. conicaudatus Khan by having a slightly expanded lip region vs. a lip region with parallel body walls and a more finely rounded tail tip.  相似文献   

Cellulose digestion in lower termites, mediated by carbohydrases originating from both termite and endosymbionts, is well characterized. In contrast, limited information exists on gut proteases of lower termites, their origins and roles in termite nutrition. The objective of this study was to characterize gut proteases of the Formosan subterranean termite (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). The protease activity of extracts from gut tissues (fore-, mid- and hindgut) and protozoa isolated from hindguts of termite workers was quantified using hide powder azure as a substrate and further characterized by zymography with gelatin SDS-PAGE. Midgut extracts showed the highest protease activity followed by the protozoa extracts. High level of protease activity was also detected in protozoa culture supernatants after 24 h incubation. Incubation of gut and protozoa extracts with class-specific protease inhibitors revealed that most of the proteases were serine proteases. All proteolytic bands identified after gelatin SDS-PAGE were also inhibited by serine protease inhibitors. Finally, incubation with chromogenic substrates indicated that extracts from fore- and hindgut tissues possessed proteases with almost exclusively trypsin-like activity while both midgut and protozoa extracts possessed proteases with trypsin-like and subtilisin/chymotrypsin-like activities. However, protozoa proteases were distinct from midgut proteases (with different molecular mass). Our results suggest that the Formosan subterranean termite not only produces endogenous proteases in its gut tissues, but also possesses proteases originating from its protozoan symbionts.  相似文献   

A novel entomopathogenic nematode species, Heterorhabditidoides rugaoensis n. sp. RG081015, collected from Rugao, China, is described. The new species is morphologically very similar to H. chongmingensis but can be distinguished from it on the basis of some morphological characteristics, combined with molecular data and a cross-hybridization test. Males of the new species can be recognized on the basis of body length averaging 1396.2 μm; lateral field with one ridge; metastome isoglottoid with one hemispherical swellings comprised of two to three well-developed warts; asymmetric spicules; peloderan bursa. In IJs, EP = 134.5 μm; ES = 149.3 μm; tail length = 82.5 μm; and a = 20.5. Hermaphroditic females have four to five lateral ridges. The 18S rDNA and ITS sequences of the two nematodes share 99% and 98% identity, respectively. Phylogenetic trees of 18S rDNA and ITS indicate that the new species is most closely related to H. chongmingensis; thus, the two nematodes belong to the same genus. Failure of cross-hybridization between them indicates that nematode strain RG081015 is a novel species and is described herein as H. rugaoensis n. sp. The LC50 of the novel species against Galleria mellonella were 24.35 IJs / ml within 48 hours of infection. Morphological characteristics, genetic similarity analyses, and phylogenetic relationships provide strong evidence that some species of Oscheius/Insectivora-group should be reassigned to the genus Heterorhabditidoides.  相似文献   

Afenestrata koreana n. sp. collected from roots of bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) in Gyeongnam Province in the southern part of the Korean peninsula is described and illustrated. Its primary differentiating characteristics are a globose to subspherical body in adults with a prominent neck and terminal cone, thick cuticle, terminal vulva, and deep vagina. Fenestra, bullae, and underbridge are absent. The anus is on the immediate posterior side of the cone. Superficial small tubercules cover all the terminal cone area. The new species differs markedly from the other two known species in the genus, specifically in having three incisures in the lateral field of juveniles and a shorter stylet length in juveniles and adults. The male is unknown.  相似文献   

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