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Fluensulfone is a new nematicide in the flouroalkenyl chemical group. A field experiment was conducted in 2012 and 2013 to evaluate the efficacy of various application methods of fluensulfone for control of Meloidogyne spp. in cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Treatments of fluensulfone (3.0 kg a.i./ha) were applied either as preplant incorporation (PPI) or via different drip irrigation methods: drip without pulse irrigation (Drip NP), pulse irrigation 1 hr after treatment (Drip +1P), and treatment at the same time as pulse irrigation (Drip =P). The experiment had eight replications per treatment and also included a PPI treatment of oxamyl (22.5 kg a.i./ha) and a nontreated control. Compared to the control, neither the oxamyl nor the fluensulfone PPI treatments reduced root galling by Meloidogyne spp. in cucumber. Among the drip treatments, Drip NP and Drip +1P reduced root galling compared to the control. Cucumber yield was greater in all fluensulfone treatments than in the control. In a growth-chamber experiment, the systemic activity and phytotoxicity of fluensulfone were also evaluated on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), eggplant (Solanum melongena), cucumber, and squash (Curcurbita pepo). At the seedling stage, foliage of each crop was sprayed with fluensulfone at 3, 6, and 12 g a.i./liter, oxamyl at 4.8 g a.i./liter, or water (nontreated control). Each plant was inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita juveniles 2 d after treatment. There were six replications per treatment and the experiment was conducted twice. Foliar applications of fluensulfone reduced plant vigor and dry weight of eggplant and tomato, but not cucumber or squash; application of oxamyl had no effect on the vigor or weight of any of the crops. Typically, only the highest rate of fluensulfone was phytotoxic to eggplant and tomato. Tomato was the only crop tested in which there was a reduction in the number of nematodes or galls when fluensulfone or oxamyl was applied to the foliage compared to the nontreated control. This study demonstrates that control of Meloidogyne spp. may be obtained by drip and foliar applications of fluensulfone; however, the systemic activity of fluensulfone is crop specific and there is a risk of phytotoxicity with foliar applications.  相似文献   

The survival of eggs of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica was studied in a series of experiments comparing the infectivity of egg masses (EM) to that of separated eggs (SE). The EM or SE were placed in the centers of pots containing citrus orchard soil and incubated for 24 hours, 10 days, or 20 days. Following each incubation time, 10-day-old tomato plants were planted in each pot, and 3 to 4 weeks later the plants were harvested and the galling indices determined. In the EM treatments, galling indices of ca. 4.0 to 5.0 were recorded after all three incubation periods; in the SE treatments, the infectivity gradually declined to trace amounts by 20 days. Incubating EM and SE for 2 weeks in four different soil types showed the same pattern in all the soil types: EM caused heavy infection of the test plants while the infection rate from the SE was extremely low. Incubating EM and SE in soil disinfested with formaldehyde resulted in comparable galling indices in most treatments. In petri dish experiments, 100 mg of natural soil was spread at the perimeter of a Phytagel surface and EM or SE of M. incognita were placed in the center. Light microscopy revealed that within 5 to 10 days the SE were attacked by a broad spectrum of microorganisms and were obliterated while the eggs within the EM remained intact. Separated eggs placed within sections of gelatinous matrix (GM) were not attacked by the soil microorganisms. When selected microbes were placed on Phytagel surfaces with EM of M. incognita, electron microscopy demonstrated that at least some microbes colonized the GM. As the major difference between the EM and the SE was the presence of the GM, the GM may serve as a barrier to the invasion of some microorganisms.  相似文献   

Distribution of Xiphinema americanum and four Meloidogyne spp, was studied in a vineyard over a 13-mo. period. The X. arnericanum population was concd in the upper 60-cm of undisturbed soil in the vine row, whereas the Meloidogyne species were distributed both in and between rows and to greater depths, similar to the distribution of the root system. Samples for assessment of X. americanum densities had least variation when taken in the vine row from the upper 60-cm of soil. Sampling error is reduced in Meloidogyne populations by sampling within 40 cm of the vine both within and/or between rows.  相似文献   

Plant protoplast technology is being investigated as a means of transferring root-knot nematode resistance factors from Solanum sisymbriifolium into the susceptible S. melongena. Solanum sisymbriifolium plants regenerated from callus lost resistance to Meloidogyne javanica but retained resistance to M. incognita. Tomato plants cloned from leaf discs of the root-knot nematode resistant ''Patriot'' were completely susceptible to M. incognita, while sections of stems and leaves rooted in sand in the absence of growth hormones retained resistance. Changes in resistance persisted for three generations. It is postulated that the exogenous hormonal constituents of the culture medium are modifying the expression of genetic resistance.  相似文献   

The development of Russian hematology is considered from the late nineteenth century to 1970. The dominant influences of I. N. Filipjev and A. A. Paramonov are discussed in the context of the persons whom they influenced and their conceptual approach to the problems posed hy nematodes. The advantages and disadvantages of the framework of Russian scientific administration are compared to those in the West.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA techniques have been used to introduce agronomically valuable traits, including resistance to viruses, herbicides, and insects, into crop plants. Introduction of these genes into plants frequently involves Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. The potential exists for applying this technology to nematode control by introducing genes conferring resistance to nematodes. Transferred genes could include those encoding products detrimental to nematode development or reproduction as well as cloned host resistance genes. Host genes that confer resistance to cyst or root-knot nematode species have been identified in many plants. The best characterized is Mi, a gene that confers resistance to root-knot nematodes in tomato. A map-based cloning approach is being used to isolate the gene. For development of a detailed map of the region of the genome surrounding Mi, DNA markers genetically linked to Mi have been identified and analyzed in tomato lines that have undergone a recombination event near Mi. The molecular map will be used to identify DNA corresponding to Mi. We estimate that a clone of Mi will be obtained in 2-5 years. An exciting prospect is that introduction of this gene will confer resistance in plant species without currently available sources of resistance.  相似文献   

Algal extracts were ineffective against Meloidogyne spp., Panagrellus redivivus, and Neoaplectana carpocapsae at 1.0% aqueous concentrations, with the exception of Spatoglossum schroederi. S. schroederi killed Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, M. acrita, and Hoplolaimus galeatus at concentrations of 1.0, 0.75, and 0.50%. Extracts from S. schroederi at a concentration of 1.0% were ineffective against Hirschmanniella caudacrena and Belonolaimus longicaudatus. Spatoglossum schroederi, Botryocladia occidentalis, and Bryothamnion triquestrum when used as soil amendments at 0.5-1.0% concentrations (by weight) produced significant reduction of root gall development in tomato plants infected with M. incognita. Tomato plant growth was significantly improved by these algae, as well as by Caulerpa prolifera. Soil amendments of S. schroederi at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0% significantly reduced root galling of tomato infected with M. incognita, M. arenaria, and M. javanica. Tomatoes grown in algal-soil mixture produced significantly heavier shoots and roots than plants raised in autoclaved soil. No significant differences in root-knot indices, nor in fresh and dry weights of tomato, were noted between the two concentrations of algal-soil mixture.  相似文献   

Research was initiated to physically characterize the mitochondrial genomes of several Meloidogyne spp. and host-races, to address questions regarding their systematics and dispersal, and to assess the possibility of developing molecular diagnostics for these nematodes. Techniques were developed for purification and rapid detection of mitochondrial DNA from root-knot nematodes. Mitochondrial DNAs among Meloidogyne spp. were demonstrated to exhibit extensive divergence. The potential for using the rapidly diverging mitochondrial genomes as a diagnostic assay for M. incognita, M. hapla, M. arenaria, and M. javanica is discussed.  相似文献   

Granular and liquid commercial humates, with micronutrients, and a microbial fermentation product were compared in several combinations with nematicides for their effects on cotton lint yield and root-knot nematode suppression. Fumigant nematicides effectively reduced cotton root galling caused by root-knot nematodes, and cotton lint yields increased. Organophosphates and carbamates were not effective. Occasionally, cotton lint yields were increased or maintained with combination treatments o f humates, micronutrients, and a microbial fermentation product, but galling o f cotton roots by root-knot nematodes was usually not reduced by these treatments.  相似文献   

Vegetable crops in the southeastern United States are commonly grown on plastic mulch with two crop cycles produced on a single mulch application. Field trials were conducted in 2013 and 2014 in two locations to evaluate the efficacy of fluensulfone for controlling Meloidogyne spp. when applied through drip irrigation to cucumber in a tomato–cucumber double-cropping system. In the spring tomato crop, 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D), fluensulfone, and a resistant cultivar significantly decreased root galling by 91%, 73%, and 97%, respectively, compared to the untreated control. Tomato plots from the spring were divided into split plots for the fall where the main plots were the spring treatment and the subplots were cucumber either treated with fluensulfone (3.0 kg a.i./ha. via drip irrigation) or left untreated. The fall application of fluensulfone improved cucumber vigor and reduced gall ratings compared to untreated subplots. Fluensulfone reduced damage from root-knot nematodes when applied to the first crop as well as provided additional protection to the second crop when it was applied through a drip system.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid hybridization among root-knot nematode mitochondrial DNAs can be used to identify several Meloidogyne species. Research was initiated to optimize mitochondrial DNA-based molecular diagnostics for the demanding environments likely to be encountered in field isolates. DNA hybridization using reconstituted DNA-soil mixtures revealed a loss of assay sensitivity ranging from 34% to 92% with four agronomic soils tested. This problem was alleviated by the addition of exogenously added DNA. Variation in nematode egg lysis procedures also affected hybridization efficiency, with NaOC1 treatment most effective at disrupting Meloidogyne eggs. These optimized conditions permit detection of mtDNA released from one to five Meloidogyne eggs using standard nucleic acid hybridization procedures.  相似文献   

The development of Meloidogyne platani on sycamore was followed for 40 days (22-28 C). Juveniles penetrated the feeder roots behind the root cap and invaded the vascular cylinder within 3 days after inoculation. All subsequent development of the nematodes and host effects occurred only within the stele. The second juvenile molt and sex differentiation occurred by the 17th day. Young females were observed by the 26th day. Eggs were observed inside the roots by the 35th day and were exposed to the surface of galls by the 40th day. In pathogenicity studies, a significant negative correlation was shown to exist between fresh shoot and root weights and inoculum density. Besides sycamore, white ash was the only hardwood species tested to become infected. Of the herbacious plants tested, tobacco was heavily galled, tomato and watermelon moderately galled, and pepper only slightly galled. Egg production was moderate on tobacco, slight on tomato and watermelon, and absent on pepper.  相似文献   

Root knot (Meloidogyne spp.) and cyst (Heterodera and Globodera spp.) nematodes infect all important crop species, and the annual economic loss due to these pathogens exceeds $90 billion. We screened the worldwide accession collection with the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria and M. hapla, soybean cyst nematode (SCN-Heterodera glycines), sugar beet cyst nematode (SBCN-Heterodera schachtii) and clover cyst nematode (CLCN-Heterodera trifolii), revealing resistant and susceptible accessions. In the over 100 accessions evaluated, we observed a range of responses to the root-knot nematode species, and a non-host response was observed for SCN and SBCN infection. However, variation was observed with respect to infection by CLCN. While many cultivars including Jemalong A17 were resistant to H. trifolii, cultivar Paraggio was highly susceptible. Identification of M. truncatula as a host for root-knot nematodes and H. trifolii and the differential host response to both RKN and CLCN provide the opportunity to genetically and molecularly characterize genes involved in plant-nematode interaction. Accession DZA045, obtained from an Algerian population, was resistant to all three root-knot nematode species and was used for further studies. The mechanism of resistance in DZA045 appears different from Mi-mediated root-knot nematode resistance in tomato. Temporal analysis of nematode infection showed that there is no difference in nematode penetration between the resistant and susceptible accessions, and no hypersensitive response was observed in the resistant accession even several days after infection. However, less than 5% of the nematode population completed the life cycle as females in the resistant accession. The remainder emigrated from the roots, developed as males, or died inside the roots as undeveloped larvae. Genetic analyses carried out by crossing DZA045 with a susceptible French accession, F83005, suggest that one gene controls resistance in DZA045.  相似文献   

Restriction fragments from purified mitochondrial DNA can be readily detected following rapid end-labeling with [α-³²]nucleoside triphosphates and separation by gel electrophoresis. Mitochondrial DNA from 12 populations of Meloidogyne species was digested with 12 restriction enzymes producing more than 60 restriction fragments for each species. The mitochondrial genome of M. arenaria is the most genetically distinct of the four species compared. M. arenaria shows approximately 2.1-3.1% nucleotide sequence divergence from the mitochondrial genomes of M. javanica, M. incognita, and M. hapla. Among the latter three species, interspecific estimates of sequence divergence range from 0.7 to 2.3%. Relatively high intraspecific variation in mitochondrial restriction fragment patterns was observed in M. hapla. Intraspecific variation in M. incognita resulted in sequence divergence estimates of 0.5-1.0%. Such polymorphisms can serve as genetic markers for discerning mitochondrial DNA genotypes in nematode populations in the same way that allozymes have been used to discern nuclear DNA genotypes.  相似文献   

Ninety-six isolates of Meloidogyne species collected from banana fields from Martinique, Guadeloupe, and French Guiana, were examined using esterase (Est) and malate dehydrogenase (Mdh) phenotypes. Adult females identified as M. arenaria, M. incognita, M. javanica, M. cruciani, M. hispanica, and Meloidogyne sp. showed species-specific phenotypes only for the esterase enzymes. Intraspecific variability among isolates of M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica was detected using Est and Mdh. Perineal patterns were used as a complementary tool together with enzyme characterization and were essential for checking the morphological consistency of the identification. The major species of M. arenaria and M. incognita were detected at 61.9% and 34.3% of the total number of isolates, respectively, and the other minor species at 3.8%. The mixed Meloidogyne species were detected in 45.1% of the samples. Genetic analysis was conducted using RAPD markers, which alone or in combination provided reliable polymorphisms both between and within species. RAPD analysis of the data resulted in clustering of species and isolates congruent with esterase phenotype characterization. The intraspecific variability in M. incognita and in M. arenaria represented 14.9% and 61.6% of the amplified polymorphic fragments, respectively. This high level of variation in M. arenaria isolates may indicate multiple origins for populations classified as M. arenaria or more than one species inside the same group, but more detailed morphological and DNA studies will be necessary to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Although marigold (Tagetes patula) is known to produce allelopathic compounds toxic to plant-parasitic nematodes, suppression of Meloidogyne incognita can be inconsistent. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to test whether marigold is more effective in suppressing Meloidogyne spp. when it is active rather than dormant. Soils infested with Meloidogyne spp. were collected and conditioned in the greenhouse either by 1) keeping the soil dry (DRY), 2) irrigating with water (IRR), or 3) drenching with cucumber (Cucumis sativus) leachate (CL) for 5 wk. These soils were then either planted with cucumber, marigold or remained bare for 10 wk. Suppression of nematode by marigold was then assayed using cucumber. DRY conditioning resulted in the highest number of inactive nematodes, whereas CL and IRR had higher numbers of active nematodes than DRY. At the end of the cucumber bioassay, marigold suppressed the numbers of Meloidogyne females in cucumber roots if the soil was conditioned in IRR or CL, but not in DRY. However, in separate laboratory assays, marigold root leachate slightly reduced M. incognita J2 activity but did not reduce egg hatch (P > 0.05). These finding suggest that marigold can only suppress Meloidogyne spp. when marigold is actively growing. This further suggests that marigold will more efficiently suppress Meloidogyne spp. if planted when these nematodes are in active stage.  相似文献   

We have adapted the Sherlock® Microbial Identification system for identification of plant parasitic nematodes based on their fatty acid profiles. Fatty acid profiles of 12 separate plant parasitic nematode species have been determined using this system. Additionally, separate profiles have been developed for Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita based on their host plant, four species and three races within the Meloidogyne genus, and three life stages of Heterodera glycines. Statistically, 85% of these profiles can be delimited from one another; the specific comparisons between the cyst and vermiform stages of H. glycines, M. hapla and M. arenaria, and M. arenaria and M. javanica cannot be segregated using canonical analysis. By incorporating each of these fatty acid profiles into the Sherlock® Analysis Software, 20 library entries were created. While there was some similarity among profiles, all entries correctly identified the proper organism to genus, species, race, life stage, and host at greater than 86% accuracy. The remaining 14% were correctly identified to genus, although species and race may not be correct due to the underlying variables of host or life stage. These results are promising and indicate that this library could be used for diagnostics labs to increase response time.  相似文献   

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