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The quantity and activities of membrane-bound and free polysomes in livers from chick embryos at successive stages of development were compared in cell-free protein-synthesizing systems. Membrane-bound polysomes increased 2-fold between 8 and 18 days of development, while total ribosome content remained constant. Free polysome activity also remained constant during this period, while that of membrane-bound (total--free) polysomes decreased, possibly because of an increase in ribonuclease activity in this fraction. Serum albumin biosynthesis occurred primarily on membrane-bound polysomes. With liver development, increased secretion of serum proteins may be correlated with synthesis of serum albumin on increasing numbers of membrane bound polyribosomes.  相似文献   

The synthesis of serum albumin in an in vitro protein-synthesizing system from wheat germ stimulated with rat liver polysomal RNA is demonstrated by immunoprecipitation. The newly synthesized albumin has the same electrophoretic mobility as rat serum albumin. There is a linear increase in precursor incorporation into total protein and albumin with increasing RNA concentration. Potassium and magnesium optima for albumin synthesis are different from those for total protein synthesis.  相似文献   

A method has been described for the study of tissue sulfate-conjugating systems in vitro. Liver slices from embryonic chicks were maintained in vitro in a medium containing labeled inorganic sulfate and phenol. It was found that more of the sulfate was esterified at 20 °C. than at 37 °C. due to the longer continued activity at the lower temperature. All sulfate-esterifying activity was lost in liver slices maintained at 37 °C. for 30 hr. while those cultures maintained at 20 °C. continued to esterify sulfate for 70 hr.On the basis of our data there would appear to be a change in the thermal stability of the sulfate-esterifying enzyme system of the chick liver upon its transition from the embryonic stage to the stage of the fully developed chick. Data were presented for the chick 4 months ex ovo. We have been unable to detect any analogous temperature effects upon the sulfate-esterifying system in the livers of embryonic and adult rats.  相似文献   

1. Conditions are described for the isolation of polysomes from the liver of Xenopus laevis. The method involves homogenization of liver in 0.2 M Tris-HCl pH 8.5, treatment with 2% Triton X-100 and subsequent sucrose density gradient fractionation of polysomes from a 10000 X g supernatant. 2. Vitellogenin synthesis was induced in male Xenopus liver by oestradiol treatment. Polysomes were isolated and vitellogenin-synthesizing polysomes characterized by their association with monospecific 125 I-labelled rabbit anti-vitellogenin antibody and by reaction with rabbit anti-vitellogenin immunoglobulins followed by indirect immunoprecipitation with goat anti-rabbit antibody. 3. Changes in liver polysome content following oestrogen treatment of male Xenopus are correlated with the appearance of vitellogenin synthesis using an organ culture assay. 4. RNA extracted from livers of oestradiol-treated male Xenopus and from purified polysomes is shown to code for the synthesis of vitellogenin-specific immunoprecipitable polypeptides in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free protein-synthesizing system, a major component having a molecular weight of 210000. Xanopus liver RNA is also shown to code for the synthesis of an albumin-specific immunoprecipitable polypeptide of 74000 molecular-weight which coelectrophoresed with Xenopus albumin.  相似文献   

A single administration of a low dose of cortisone acetate (0.2 mg/100 g) into adrenalectomized rats reduces the cell-free protein synthesizing activity of isolated total liver polysomes by 60 % after 90 min. DBcAMP also inhibits markedly the protein synthesizing activity but its effect is due to an inactivation of soluble fraction. Combined administration of both drugs yields polysomes active more than twice than those of untreated control. Inhibition by the glucocorticoid was restricted only to the membrane-bound polysomes.  相似文献   

Summary Pre-natal changes in the physiological development of the porcine conceptus indexed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and total protein content of the fetal brain and amniotic fluid were determined from 4 to 12 weeks of gestation at intervals of two weeks. Marked brain and body development was observed between four and six weeks of gestation. AChE activity in the amniotic fluid declined non-significantly with gestation length while fetal brain AChE activity increased with advancing gestation. Total protein levels in both the amniotic fluid and fetal brain were relatively steady and no significant changes were observed. Changes in AChE activity of the fetal brain may therefore be related to growth changes in the fetus.  相似文献   

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