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A plasma-membrane fraction was isolated from the alga Hydrodictyon africanum by micro-dissection and its phospholipid components were analysed. Phosphatidylcholine was the major phospholipid of the preparation. Both phosphatidylserine and diphosphatidylglycerol were enriched in the fraction compared with the whole cell, but the relative amount of phosphatidylglycerol present was less than that in the whole cell. Phosphatidylinositol was absent from the plasma-membrane preparation.  相似文献   

Polysomal and nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA of normal rat liver and Novikoff hepatoma cells have been compared by cDNA.RNA hybridization kinetics. Homologous hybridization reactions revealed at total kinetic complexity of about 1.6 X 10(10) and 1.38 X 10(10) daltons for liver and Novikoff mRNA respectively. The high abundance component present in liver cannot be detected in Novikoff. It was found from heterologous reactions that about 30% by weight of mRNA sequences are specific to liver. Determination of the nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA complexities revealed that about 5.5% and 4% of the haploid genome is expressed in the liver and Novikoff respectively. In a heterologous reaction, up to 30% of the liver cDNA failed to form hybrids with Novikoff nuclear RNA. Cross hybridizations have further revealed abundance shifts in both nuclear and polysomal RNA populations. Some sequences abundant in liver are less abundant in Novikoff and some rare liver sequences are relatively abundant in Novikoff.  相似文献   

The cyclic nucleotide-independent protein kinase which is separated from poly(A) polymerase during its purification from nuclei of rat liver and Morris hepatoma 3924A was purified essentially to homogeneity. Liver nuclear poly(A) polymerase was dissociated from protein kinase by phosphocellulose column chromatography. In contrast, protein kinase copurified with the hepatoma poly(A) polymerase on the phosphocellulose column. Neither liver nor hepatoma kinase was stimulated by spermine or inhibited by heparin. These enzymes did not utilize GTP as phosphoryl donor, or histones or tyrosine-containing [Val5]-angiotensin II as phosphoryl acceptors. The apparent Km with respect to ATP was similar for the liver (4.7 microM) and hepatoma (11 microM) kinases, and the apparent Km with respect to casein was identical (0.6 microgram/microliter) for these enzymes. Both enzymes were capable of phosphorylating poly(A) polymerase and stimulating both tumor and liver poly(A) polymerase activity. However, in addition to their different chromatographic properties, the two kinases differed in molecular weight (liver, 37,000; hepatoma, 56,000), in their response to various divalent metal ions, and in their ability to phosphorylate hepatoma poly(A) polymerase (Km 7.9 and 30 microgram/microliter for liver and hepatoma enzymes, respectively). These latter characteristics distinguished the liver and hepatoma protein kinases from each other as well as from the previously described NI protein kinase.  相似文献   

K M Rose  H P Morris  S T Jacob 《Biochemistry》1975,14(5):1025-1032
Poly(A) polymerase (EC solubilized from mitochondria of a poorly differentiated rat tumor, Morris hepatoma 3924A, was purified more than 1000-fold by successive column chromatography on phosphocellulose, DEAE-Sephadex, and hydroxylapatite. Purified enzyme catalyzed the incorporation of ATP into poly(A) only upon addition of an exogenous primer. Of several primers tested, synthetic poly(A) was the most effective. The enzyme utilized mitochondrial RNA as a primer at least five times as efficiently as nuclear RNA. The enzyme required Mn2+, and had a pH optimum of 7.8-8.2. The enzyme utilized ATP exclusively as a substrate; the calculated K-m for ATP was 28 muM. The polymerization reaction was not inhibited by RNase, ethidium bromide, distamycin, or alpha-amanitin. The reaction was sensitive to O-n-octyloxime of 3-formylrifamycin SV (AF/013). As estimated from glycerol gradient centrifugation and acrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, the molecular weight of the enzyme was 60,000. The product was covalently linked to the polynucleotide primer and the average length of the poly(A) formed was 600 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Poly(adenylic acid) polymerase was extracted from liver nuclei and mitochondria of rats either fed ad libitum, starved overnight or starved and then re-fed with a complete amino acid mixture for 1-3 h. The enzymes were partially purified and assayed by using exogenous primers. Starvation resulted in an 80% decrease in the total activity of the purified nuclear enzyme, and the mitochondrial enzyme activity diminished to almost zero after overnight starvation. Measurements of the protein content of whole nuclei or mitochondria and of the enzyme extracts from these organelles indicated that the decrease in enzyme activity on starvation was not caused by incomplete extraction of the enzyme from the starved animals. Re-feeding the animals with the complete amino acid mixture increased the total activity of poly(A) polymerase from the nuclei and mitochondria by 1.9-fold and 63-fold respectively. Under these conditions, the total protein content of the nuclei and mitochondria increased by only 13 and 32% respectively. These data indicate that poly(A) polymerase is one of the cellular proteins specifically regulated by amino acid supply.  相似文献   

D A Stetler  S T Jacob 《Biochemistry》1985,24(19):5163-5169
Poly(A) polymerases were purified from the cytosol fraction of rat liver and Morris hepatoma 3924A and compared to previously purified nuclear poly(A) polymerases. Chromatographic fractionation of the hepatoma cytosol on a DEAE-Sephadex column yielded approximately 5 times as much poly(A) polymerase as was obtained from fractionation of the liver cytosol. Hepatoma cytosol contained a single poly(A) polymerase species [48 kilodaltons (kDa)] which was indistinguishable from the hepatoma nuclear enzyme (48 kDa) on the basis of CNBr cleavage maps. Liver cytosol contained two poly(A) polymerase species (40 and 48 kDa). The CNBr cleavage patterns of these two enzymes were distinct from each other. However, the cleavage pattern of the 40-kDa enzyme was similar to that of the major liver nuclear poly(A) polymerase (36 kDa), and approximately three-fourths of the peptide fragments derived from the 48-kDa species were identical with those from the hepatoma enzymes (48 kDa). NI-type protein kinases from liver or hepatoma stimulated hepatoma nuclear and cytosolic poly(A) polymerases 4-6-fold. In contrast, the liver cytosolic 40- and 48-kDa poly(A) polymerases were stimulated only slightly or inhibited by similar units of the protein kinases. Antibodies produced in rabbits against purified hepatoma nuclear poly(A) polymerase reacted equally well with hepatoma nuclear and cytosolic enzyme but only 80% as well with the liver cytosolic 48-kDa poly(A) polymerase and not at all with liver cytosolic 40-kDa or nuclear 36-kDa enzymes. Anti-poly(A) polymerase antibodies present in the serum of a hepatoma-bearing rat reacted with hepatoma nuclear and cytosolic poly(A) polymerases to the same extent but only 40% as well with the liver cytosolic 48-kDa enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A protein with poly(A) polymerase activity has been identified and isolated from hepatic nuclear envelopes of rats to near homogeneity. The ability of the enzyme to bind to concanavalin A-agarose and to be eluted from the column with methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (0.2 M) as well as the inhibitory effects of alpha-mannosidase suggested that it was a glycoprotein. Poly(A) polymerase has an absolute requirement for a divalent cation, ATP, and an oligonucleotide primer. The enzyme activity with Mn2+ was about 20-fold higher than that with Mg2+. Several known inhibitors adversely affected poly(A) polymerase activity. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 64,000 when analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions and has a sedimentation coefficient of 4.5 S. Immunohistochemical studies using polyclonal antibodies raised against the purified enzyme revealed that the antigen was localized in the nuclear membranes.  相似文献   

Data on molecular weights, sedimentation coefficients, other molecular parameters and amino acids compositions of many hemoproteins were collected from the literature and studied. The results of the survey gave a general view of the molecular characteristics of hemoproteins and also revealed the presence of various statistical correlations among the molecular parameters and amino acid compositions. Some of the correlations were found to be practically useful for the estimation of number of heme per molecule, molecular weight or partial specific volume. Discussions were made on the possible structural basis of the molecular characteristics of hemoproteins.  相似文献   

A high molecular weight DNA polymerase has been purified from the cytosol of a fast growing hepatoma: LF hepatoma. This enzyme sediments at 11.3 S under polymerization reaction conditions (6 mM KCl) and at 8.3 S in higher salt concentrations (200 mM KCl). In either case, no activity is seen in the 3 to 4 S region where low molecular weight DNA polymerase is found. The purified enzyme has a neutral pH optimum and requires a divalent cation, all four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates and an initiated DNA template for maximal activity. The synthetic template specificity of LF DNA polymerase has been studied. Although this enzyme cannot copy a polyribonucleotide template, the ribostrand of a synthetic hybrid can be used with low efficiency as an initiator for the synthesis of the complementary deoxyribonucleotide strand. The activity of the purified enzyme is strongly inhibited by thiol-blocking agents. The general properties of LF DNA polymerase are similar to those of high molecular weight mammalian DNA polymerases. In our experimental conditions, the error frequency of this tumoral DNA polymerase was no greater than that made by the purified high molecular weight DNA polymerase of regenerating rat liver.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of ornithine decarboxylase isolated from Morris hepatoma 7777, thioacetamide-treated rat liver and androgen-stimulated mouse kidney. The enzymes from each source were purified in parallel and their size, isoelectric point, interaction with a monoclonal antibody or a monospecific rabbit antiserum to ornithine decarboxylase, and rates of inactivation in vitro, were studied. Mouse kidney, which is a particularly rich source of ornithine decarboxylase after androgen induction, contained two distinct forms of the enzyme which differed slightly in isoelectric point, but not in Mr. Both forms had a rapid rate of turnover, and virtually all immunoreactive ornithine decarboxylase protein was lost within 4h after protein synthesis was inhibited. Only one form of ornithine decarboxylase was found in thioacetamide-treated rat liver and Morris hepatoma 7777. No differences between the rat liver and hepatoma ornithine decarboxylase protein were found, but the rat ornithine decarboxylase could be separated from the mouse kidney ornithine decarboxylase by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The rat protein was slightly smaller and had a slightly more acid isoelectric point. Studies of the inactivation of ornithine decarboxylase in vitro in a microsomal system [Zuretti & Gravela (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 742, 269-277] showed that the enzymes from rat liver and hepatoma 7777 and mouse kidney were inactivated at the same rate. This inactivation was not due to degradation of the enzyme protein, but was probably related to the formation of inactive forms owing to the absence of thiol-reducing agents. Treatment with 1,3-diaminopropane, which is known to cause an increase in the rate of degradation of ornithine decarboxylase in vivo [Seely & Pegg (1983) Biochem. J. 216, 701-717] did not stimulate inactivation by microsomal extracts, indicating that this system does not correspond to the rate-limiting step of enzyme breakdown in vivo.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase-beta (EC FROM THE Novikoff hepatoma has been purified over 200 000-fold (based on the increase in specific activity), by ammonium sulfate fractionation and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, phosphocellulose, hydroxylapatite, and DNA-cellulose. The enzyme is remarkably stable through all stages of purification until DNA-cellulose chromatography when it must be kept in buffers containing 0.5 M NaCl and 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin for stability. The enzyme appears to be homogeneous as evidenced by a single stainable band when subjected to electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels of different porosity. The stainable band corresponds to the DNA polymerase as determined by slicing sister gels and assaying for enzyme activity. The specific activity of the homogeneous preparation is about 60 000 units/mg. The enzyme lacks detectable exonuclease or endonuclease activity. It has a molecular weight of 32 000 as determined by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In sucrose gradients, the molecular weight is estimated at 31 000. The isoelectric point of the hydroxylapatite fraction enzyme is 8.5. The Novikoff beta-polymerase requires all four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, primer-template, and a divalent cation for maximal activity. The apparent Km for total deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate is 7-8 muM and for DNA 125 mug/ml. Activated DNA, rendered 7% acid soluble by DNase I, is the preferred primer-template, although a number of synthetic polynucleotides can by efficiently utilized, particularly in the presence of Mm2+ optimum is 7 mM; the Mn2+ optimum is 1 mM. The pH optimum is 8.4 in Tris-HCl or 9.2 in glycine buffer. The beta-polymerase is sstimulated about twofold by NaCl or KCl at an optimum of 50-100 MM, and the enzyme maintains considerable activity at high ionic strengths. The DNA polymerase is inhibited by ethanol, acetone, and a variety of known polymerase inhibitors. Glycols stimulate the enzyme as does spermine or spermidine. Unlike most beta-polymerases, the Novikoff enzyme is moderately sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   

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