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Dispersion relations are derived for the eigenfrequency spectrum of a spatially periodic nonlinear plasma resonators created in the solar atmosphere due to the development of thermal instability. The eigenfrequency spectra of such resonators are calculated, and it is shown that they are capable of generating tens of discrete stripes (a so-called zebra structure) the number of which is independent of the ratio of the plasma frequency to the gyrofrequency in the source. This may help to overcome all difficulties in explaining the large number of stripes in the zebra structure, as well as the small magnitude of the magnetic field. The spatially periodic plasma resonators under consideration act as a filter with numerous transparency windows separated from one another by opaque regions. The number of stripes and their frequencies in the zebra structure depend on the spatial period of plasma nonuniformity, which is equal to meters or decameters for conditions typical of the solar atmosphere. The high brightness temperature of radio emission in the zebra structure is attributed to coherent emission from a large number of identical small-scale plasma sources. Some regular properties of the observed zebra structure are explained.  相似文献   

The mechanism of pore formation of lytic peptides, such as melittin from bee venom, is thought to involve binding to the membrane surface, followed by insertion at threshold levels of bound peptide. We show that in membranes composed of zwitterionic lipids, i.e. phosphatidylcholine, melittin not only forms pores but also inhibits pore formation. We propose that these two modes of action are the result of two competing reactions: direct insertion into the membrane and binding parallel to the membrane surface. The direct insertion of melittin leads to pore formation, whereas the parallel conformation is inactive and prevents other melittin molecules from inserting, hence preventing pore formation.  相似文献   

The mechanism for the formation of high-temperature (plasma) vortices and low-temperature vortex rings produced by ejecting pulsed subsonic plasma/gas jets into air was investigated experimentally. A toroidal vortex forms due to the interaction between a pulsed jet with the flow induced by this jet in the ambient medium. By analyzing the experimental data and conservation laws, an equation is derived that allows one to determine the initial propagation velocity of the vortex as a function of the characteristics of the vortex generator and the ambient medium. The results obtained by solving this equation agree well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The livers of mice maintained on a diet containing 1% cuprizone for periods up to 18 days formed giant (mega) mitochondria equaling of exceeding the size of the nucleus. The megamitochondria were isolated from the liver and shown to be competent in respect to oxidative phosphorylation, although the P/O ratio and respiratory control index were somewhat reduced. When cuprizone was deleted from the diet, the size and function of the liver mitochondria returned to normal. Electron microscopic studies have made it possible to demonstrate the intermediate steps by which the membranes of paired mitochondria fuse and defuse to form megamitochondria, and from these studies a general mechanism may now be proposed for processes in which one continuous membrane splits into two separate membranes or by which two separated membranes fuse to form one continuous membrane.  相似文献   

Arterenone (2-amino-3′,4′-dihydroxy acetophenone) is an important hydrolytic product generated from lightly colored sclerotized cuticle that use N-acyldopamine derivatives for crosslinking reactions. It seems to arise from 1,2-dehydro-N-acetyldopamine (dehydro NADA) that has been crosslinked to the cuticular components. However, the mechanism of generation of arterenone, which has two protons on the α-carbon and no proton on the β-carbon atom from dehydro NADA crosslinks that have one proton each on these two side chain carbons, remained elusive and undetermined. To investigate the mechanism of this transformation, we synthesized specifically labeled β-deuterated dehydro NADA and incubated with Sarcophaga bullata cuticle undergoing larval puparial transformation. We also isolated the dimeric products formed during the tyrosinase-mediated oxidation of dehydro NADA. Hydrolysis of both β-deuterated dehydro NADA treated cuticle and β-deuterated dehydro NADA dimer generated arterenone as the major hydrolytic product. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of this arterenone revealed the retention of deuterium from the β-position of dehydro NADA at the α-carbon atom of arterenone. Hydrolysis of β-deuterated dehydro NADA also generated the labeled arterenone under oxidative conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. These results indicate the unique hydride shift from β-carbon to α-carbon during acid hydrolysis and reveal the mechanism of liberation of arterenone and related compounds from dehydro NADA linked cuticle.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the forming principle of Taiji Diagram from the perspective of the 24 Solar Terms, and then analyses the trend of Taiji Curves, the Polar Point of Taiji Diagram and the meaning of Yin-Yang fishes’ eyes. This paper argues that the Taiji Diagram is originated from the S-style solar term model, or model of S-style Taiji Diagram combining solar term and Yin-yang fish. According to methods provided in this essay, the drawing work of Taiji Diagram could be simplified. This paper also further integrates the model diagram with the Chinese traditional medicine, especially with main and collateral channels, Zang-Fu organs and hours of daily time, and directly reveals the relationship among them and sets up two model figures: one is the S-style Taiji Yin-Yang Fishes and Main and Collateral Channels Model Figure, the other is S-style Taiji Yin-Yang Fish and Main and Collateral Channels Hours Model Figure. The Taiji Diagram described in this essay looks like that one black fish (symbolizing Yin) hugs with the other white fish (symbolizing Yang), which contains universal laws and rules of constraints between the Yin-Yang opposites, mutual usages with each other, balance of the ebb and flow, reciprocal transformation, etc. By analyzing the shift and transformation between Yin and Yang of the 24 solar terms in a year, it could not only explain the naming of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms, but also help preserve people’s health with the combination between medicine and Yi science. The advantages of preventive medicine of traditional Chinese medicine will be high lighted.  相似文献   

The mechanism of formation of quinone methide from the sclerotizing precursor N-acetyldopamine (NADA) was studied using three different cuticular enzyme systems viz. Sarcophaga bullata larval cuticle, Manduca sexta pharate pupae, and Periplaneta americana presclerotized adult cuticle. All three cuticular samples readily oxidized NADA. During the enzyme-catalyzed oxidation, the majority of NADA oxidized became bound covalently to the cuticle through the side chain with the retention of o-diphenolic function, while a minor amount was recovered as N-acetylnorepinephrine (NANE). Cuticle treated with NADA readily released 2-hydroxy-3′,4′-dihydroxyacetophenone on mild acid hydrolysis confirming the operation of quinone methide sclerotization. Attempts to demonstrate the direct formation of NADA-quinone methide by trapping experiments with N-acetylcysteine surprisingly yielded NADA-quinone-N-acetylcysteine adduct rather than the expected NADA-quinone methide-N-acetylcysteine adduct. These results are indicative of NADA oxidation to NADA-quinone and its subsequent isomerization to NADA-quinone methide. Accordingly, all three cuticular samples exhibited the presence of an isomerase, which catalyzed the conversion of NADA-quinone to NADA-quinone methide as evidenced by the formation of NANE—the water adduct of quinone methide. Thus, in association with phenoloxidase, newly discovered quinone methide isomerase seems to generate quinone methides and provide them for quinone methide sclerotization.  相似文献   

Endogenous arachidonic acid was converted to lipoxins A4, B4 and (6S)-lipoxin A4, in ionophore-A23187-stimulated mixtures of human platelets and granulocytes, while no lipoxins were formed when these cells were incubated separately. However, pure platelet suspensions transformed exogenous leukotriene A4 to lipoxins, including lipoxin A4 and (6S)-lipoxin A4, but not lipoxin B4. This compound was produced exclusively in the presence of granulocytes. A common unstable tetraene intermediate in lipoxin formation, 15-hydroxy-leukotriene A4 [5(6)-epoxy-15-hydroxy-7,9,13-trans-11-cis-eicosatetraenoic acid], was indicated by trapping experiments with methanol. Thus, identical profiles of less polar tetraene-containing derivatives were formed from leukotriene A4 in platelet suspensions, from exogenous 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid in granulocyte suspensions and from endogenous substrate in mixed platelet/granulocyte suspensions. Evidence for the involvement of 12-lipoxygenase in platelet-dependent lipoxin formation was obtained. Thus, lipoxin synthesis from leukotriene A4 and 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid production from arachidonic acid by human platelets was equally inhibited by 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid with 50% inhibition obtained at 7.0 microM and 8.2 microM, respectively. In experiments with subcellular preparations from platelets, lipoxin synthesis was observed in both the particulate and soluble fraction and was paralleled by the 12-lipoxygenase activity. Furthermore, lipoxin formation from leukotriene A4 in platelet sonicates was dose-dependently inhibited by exogenous arachidonic acid. Finally, 12-lipoxygenase-deficient platelets from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia were totally unable to produce lipoxins from exogenous or granulocyte-derived leukotriene A4. It is concluded that the transcellular lipoxin synthesis is dependent on the platelet 12-lipoxygenase and proceeds via the unstable intermediate, 15-hydroxy-leukotriene A4. This tetraene epoxide is transformed to lipoxin B4 by a granulocyte epoxide hydrolase activity or to lipoxin A4 and lipoxins A4/B4 isomers by enzymatic or nonenzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Summary This study provides information on the rates of DNA synthesis, sites of DNA synthesis, and DNA content of the avian salt gland during the osmoticstressing (plasma membrane synthesis) and destressing (plasma membrane turnover) cycle, in an effort to better understand the relationship of cell turnover to the initial events in plasma membrane amplification, differentiation, and turnover. The rate of DNA synthesis increases 12–24 h after the onset of osmotic stress, is maximal at about 24 h of osmotic stress, and decreases thereafter in fully stressed and destressed glands. The maximum DNA and protein content, and the maximum protein/DNA ratio are obtained after about 3 days of stress. Autoradiograms show that at 24 h of stress 70–80% of DNA synthesis occurs in connective tissue cells and 20–30% in parenchymal cells, but by 6 days of stress, synthesis occurs about equally in these cell groups. Because destressing is characterized by a large decrease in plasma membrane and in glandular protein, but by little DNA turnover or loss, the loss of plasma membrane is likely due to some type of cell dedifferentiation rather than cell turnover.  相似文献   

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