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Dynamical behavior of epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence rates   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence rates I pSqshow a much wider range of dynamical behaviors than do those with bilinear incidence rates IS. These behaviors are determined mainly by p and , and secondarily by q. For such models, there may exist multiple attractive basins in phase space; thus whether or not the disease will eventually die out may depend not only upon the parameters, but also upon the initial conditions. In some cases, periodic solutions may appear by Hopf bifurcation at critical parameter values.  相似文献   

Integral equation models for endemic infectious diseases   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Endemic infectious diseases for which infection confers permanent immunity are described by a system of nonlinear Volterra integral equations of convolution type. These constant-parameter models include vital dynamics (births and deaths), immunization and distributed infectious period. The models are shown to be well posed, the threshold criteria are determined and the asymptotic behavior is analysed. It is concluded that distributed delays do not change the thresholds and the asymptotic behaviors of the models.This work was partially supported by NIH Grant AI 13233.  相似文献   

Thresholds, equilibria, and their stability are found for SIQS and SIQR epidemiology models with three forms of the incidence. For most of these models, the endemic equilibrium is asymptotically stable, but for the SIQR model with the quarantine-adjusted incidence, the endemic equilibrium is an unstable spiral for some parameter values and periodic solutions arise by Hopf bifurcation. The Hopf bifurcation surface and stable periodic solutions are found numerically.  相似文献   

Epidemiological models for sexually transmitted diseases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The classical models for sexually transmitted infections assume homogeneous mixing either between all males and females or between certain subgroups of males and females with heterogeneous contact rates. This implies that everybody is all the time at risk of acquiring an infection. These models ignore the fact that the formation of a pair of two susceptibles renders them in a sense temporarily immune to infection as long as the partners do not separate and have no contacts with other partners. The present paper takes into account the phenomenon of pair formation by introducing explicitly a pairing rate and a separation rate. The infection transmission dynamics depends on the contact rate within a pair and the duration of a partnership. It turns out that endemic equilibria can only exist if the separation rate is sufficiently large in order to ensure the necessary number of sexual partners. The classical models are recovered if one lets the separation rate tend to infinity.This work has been supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Most contributions in the field of mathematical modelling of childhood infectious diseases transmission dynamics have focused on stationary or exponentially growing populations. In this paper an epidemiological model with realistic demography is used to investigate the impact of the non-equilibrium conditions typical of the transition to sustained below replacement fertility (BRF) recently observed in a number of western countries, upon the transmission dynamics of measles. The results depend on the manner we model the relation between the (changing) age distribution of the population and contacts. Under some circumstances the transitional ageing phase typical of BRF populations might complexly interact with epidemiological variables leading to (i) a substantial reduction in the amount of vaccination effort required for eliminating the disease; (ii) a significant magnification of the perverse impact of vaccination in terms of the burden of severe age related morbidity.  相似文献   

Some epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence rates can have very different dynamic behaviors than those with the usual bilinear incidence rate. The first model considered here includes vital dynamics and a disease process where susceptibles become exposed, then infectious, then removed with temporary immunity and then susceptible again. When the equilibria and stability are investigated, it is found that multiple equilibria exist for some parameter values and periodic solutions can arise by Hopf bifurcation from the larger endemic equilibrium. Many results analogous to those in the first model are obtained for the second model which has a delay in the removed class but no exposed class.Research supported in part by Centers for Disease Control Contract 200-87-0515. Support services provided at University House Research Center at the University of IowaResearch supported in part by NSERC A-8965 and the University of Victoria President's Committee on Faculty Research and Travel  相似文献   

A series of one-predator one-prey models are studied using two parameter Hopf bifurcation techniques which allow the determination of two periodic orbits. The biological implications of the results, in terms of domains of attraction and multiple stable states, are discussed.  相似文献   

Population size dependent incidence in models for diseases without immunity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Epidemiological models of SIS type are analyzed to determine the thresholds, equilibria, and stability. The incidence term in these models has a contact rate which depends on the total population size. The demographic structures considered are recruitment-death, generalized logistic, decay and growth. The persistence of the disease combined with disease-related deaths and reduced reproduction of infectives can greatly affect the population dynamics. For example, it can cause the population size to decrease to zero or to a new size below its carrying capacity or it can decrease the exponential growth rate constant of the population.  相似文献   

Stability analysis for models of diseases without immunity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A cyclic, constant parameter epidemiological model is described for a closed population divided into susceptible, exposed and infectious classes. Distributed delays are introduced and the model is formulated as two coupled Volterra integral equations. The delays do not change the general nature of thresholds or asymptotic stability; in all cases considered the disease either dies out, or approaches an endemic steady state.This work was partially supported by NIH Grant AI 13233 and NSERC Grant A-4645  相似文献   

Behaviour of simple population models under ecological processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two most popular and extensively-used discrete models of population growth display the generic bifurcation structure of a hierarchy of period-doubling sequence to chaos with increasing growth rates. In this paper we show that these two models, though they belong to a general class of one-dimensional maps, show very different dynamics when important ecological processes such as immigration and emigration/depletion, are considered. It is important that ecologists recognize the differences between these models before using them to describe their data—or develop optimization strategies—based on these models.  相似文献   

Populations of voles, and lemmings of the Northern hemisphere exhibit cyclic fluctuations with a cycle of three to four years. Krebs et al. presented evidence that the cycles are driven by changes in the genotypic structure of the population [9]. Incorporating some of their hypotheses we present a mathematical model of a one locus two allele population with density dependent selection and assuming a slow selection hypothesis, the existence of periodic solutions is proved. These solutions arise by Hopf bifurcation in 11¦, the ratio of the residual death and birth rates of the density sensitive homozygote.Partially supported by NSF Grant # MCS-8005777  相似文献   

An SIS epidemic model with variable population size and a delay   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The SIS epidemiological model has births, natural deaths, disease-related deaths and a delay corresponding to the infectious period. The thresholds for persistence, equilibria and stability are determined. The persistence of the disease combined with the disease-related deaths can cause the population size to decrease to zero, to remain finite, or to grow exponentially with a smaller growth rate constant. For some parameter values, the endemic infective-fraction equilibrium is asymptotically stable, but for other parameter values, it is unstable and a surrounding periodic solution appears by Hopf bifurcation.Research Supported in part by NSERC grant A-8965 and the University of Victoria Committee on Faculty Research & Travel  相似文献   

In this paper, on the basis of the simplified two-dimensional virus infection dynamics model, we propose two extended models that aim at incorporating the influence of activation-induced apoptosis which directly affects the population of uninfected cells. The theoretical analysis shows that increasing apoptosis plays a positive role in control of virus infection. However, after being included the third population of cytotoxic T lymphocytes immune response in HIV-infected patients, it shows that depending on intensity of the apoptosis of healthy cells, the apoptosis can either promote or comfort the long-term evolution of HIV infection. Further, the discrete-time delay of apoptosis is incorporated into the pervious model. Stability switching occurs as the time delay in apoptosis increases. Numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the theoretical results and display the different impacts of a delay in apoptosis.  相似文献   

The orientation of an animal moving in a plane towards a point-like mark is investigated. The control exerted by the optomotor (tracking) response on the motion of the animal is interpreted as an external force acting on the animal itself, which is modeled as a dipole or as a single point.The optomotor response is assumed as a rather general function of distance and angle. Differential equations governing the motion are derived and analyzed qualitatively and numerically. The role of distance-dependence and of the width of the visual field is investigated in detail and related to some typical kinds of paths in the plane, such as hitting the mark, coming close to the mark within a short distance, circular or undulating motion around the mark.A first version of this paper has been read at the Oberwolfach Conference on Mathematical Biology, June 1978  相似文献   

The Public Goods Game is one of the most popular models for studying the origin and maintenance of cooperation. In its simplest form, this evolutionary game has two regimes: defection goes to fixation if the multiplication factor r is smaller than the interaction group size N, whereas cooperation goes to fixation if the multiplication factor r is larger than the interaction group size N. Hauert et al. [Hauert, C., Holmes, M., Doebeli, M., 2006a. Evolutionary games and population dynamics: Maintenance of cooperation in public goods games. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 273, 2565-2570] have introduced the Ecological Public Goods Game by viewing the payoffs from the evolutionary game as birth rates in a population dynamic model. This results in a feedback between ecological and evolutionary dynamics: if defectors are prevalent, birth rates are low and population densities decline, which leads to smaller interaction groups for the Public Goods game, and hence to dominance of cooperators, with a concomitant increase in birth rates and population densities. This feedback can lead to stable co-existence between cooperators and defectors. Here we provide a detailed analysis of the dynamics of the Ecological Public Goods Game, showing that the model exhibits various types of bifurcations, including supercritical Hopf bifurcations, which result in stable limit cycles, and hence in oscillatory co-existence of cooperators and defectors. These results show that including population dynamics in evolutionary games can have important consequences for the evolutionary dynamics of cooperation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the influence of environmental noise on the dynamics of single species population models with hereditary effects. A detailed analysis is carried out for the logistic equation with discrete delay in the resource limitation term (Hutchinson's equation). When the system undergoes Hopf bifurcation, we find the stationary probability density distribution for the amplitude of the periodic solution by means of an averaged Fokker-Planck equation. Finally, we estimate the persistence time of the species when the population density has a lower bound beyond which it goes extinct.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the applications of nonlinear age-dependent dynamics to population genetics. Age-structured models are formulated for a single autosomal locus with an arbitrary number of alleles. The following cases are considered: a) haploid populations with selection and mutation; b) monoecious diploid populations with or without mutation reproducing by self-fertilization or by two types of random mating. The diploid models do not deal with selection. For these cases the genic and genotypic frequencies evolve towards time-persistent forms, whether the total population size tends towards exponential growth or not.  相似文献   

A disease transmission model in a nonconstant population   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A general SIRS disease transmission model is formulated under assumptions that the size of the population varies, the incidence rate is nonlinear, and the recovered (removed) class may also be directly reinfected. For a class of incidence functions it is shown that the model has no periodic solutions. By contrast, for a particular incidence function, a combination of analytical and numerical techniques are used to show that (for some parameters) periodic solutions can arise through homoclinic loops or saddle connections and disappear through Hopf bifurcations.Supported in part by NSERC grant A-8965, the University of Victoria Committee on Faculty Research & Travel, and the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, MN, with funds provided by NSF  相似文献   

Although single-species deterministic difference equations have long been used in modeling the dynamics of animal populations, little attention has been paid to how stochasticity should be incorporated into these models. By deriving stochastic analogues to difference equations from first principles, we show that the form of these models depends on whether noise in the population process is demographic or environmental. When noise is demographic, we argue that variance around the expectation is proportional to the expectation. When noise is environmental the variance depends in a non-trivial way on how variation enters into model parameters, but we argue that if the environment affects the population multiplicatively then variance is proportional to the square of the expectation. We compare various stochastic analogues of the Ricker map model by fitting them, using maximum likelihood estimation, to data generated from an individual-based model and the weevil data of Utida. Our demographic models are significantly better than our environmental models at fitting noise generated by population processes where noise is mainly demographic. However, the traditionally chosen stochastic analogues to deterministic models--additive normally distributed noise and multiplicative lognormally distributed noise--generally fit all data sets well. Thus, the form of the variance does play a role in the fitting of models to ecological time series, but may not be important in practice as first supposed.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases are controlled by reducing pathogen replication within or transmission between hosts. Models can reliably evaluate alternative strategies for curtailing transmission, but only if interpersonal mixing is represented realistically. Compartmental modelers commonly use convex combinations of contacts within and among groups of similarly aged individuals, respectively termed preferential and proportionate mixing. Recently published face-to-face conversation and time-use studies suggest that parents and children and co-workers also mix preferentially. As indirect effects arise from the off-diagonal elements of mixing matrices, these observations are exceedingly important. Accordingly, we refined the formula published by Jacquez et al. [19] to account for these newly-observed patterns and estimated age-specific fractions of contacts with each preferred group. As the ages of contemporaries need not be identical nor those of parents and children to differ by exactly the generation time, we also estimated the variances of the Gaussian distributions with which we replaced the Kronecker delta commonly used in theoretical studies. Our formulae reproduce observed patterns and can be used, given contacts, to estimate probabilities of infection on contact, infection rates, and reproduction numbers. As examples, we illustrate these calculations for influenza based on "attack rates" from a prospective household study during the 1957 pandemic and for varicella based on cumulative incidence estimated from a cross-sectional serological survey conducted from 1988-94, together with contact rates from the several face-to-face conversation and time-use studies. Susceptibility to infection on contact generally declines with age, but may be elevated among adolescents and adults with young children.  相似文献   

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