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It is clear that male hamsters discriminate between the odors of individual, conspecific females, as shown by using habituation-dishabituation methods. However, it is not clear from past research whether male hamsters are able to discriminate between the odors of estrous and non-estrous females. A series of habituation-dishabituation experiments was conducted to determine whether males discriminated between different estrous cycle states using two female secretions, those from flank-glands and vaginal secretions. We found that, when habituated to a female flank-gland secretion, males discriminated between this female and a second female on the test trial, whether both were in estrus, both were in diestrus, or one was in estrus and the other in diestrus. There was no difference, however, in the magnitude of their dishabituation response toward flank-gland odors of females in estrus and diestrus. These results suggest that males use flank-gland odors to gain information primarily about individuals. When tested with vaginal secretions in habituation-dishabituation tests, males only showed differences in investigation when the second female was in estrus, indicating that males use vaginal secretions to gain information primarily about reproductive state.  相似文献   

In most species of small mammals, males are exposed to higher levels of risk than females because they compete for mates, travel greater distances to find and procure mates, and/or defend a territory. This suggests that males and females might have different responses to risky situations, such as the presence of a predator. We tested responses to a visual predator cue (an owl silhouette) in male and female golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). In a laboratory arena, there was no significant sex difference in the latency to enter the burrow or time spent in the burrow immediately after exposure to the owl silhouette. Males, however, were less likely to be active during the 3-min period following the animal’s exposure to the silhouette, indicating that male golden hamsters are more wary after exposure to an aerial predator cue than females. Most studies of responses to predators or predator cues have not considered sex differences, but our results show that males and females may have quite different responses to predator cues. Further work should be done to characterize and quantify sex differences in response to predators or predator cues.  相似文献   

Examining the relevance of ‘animal personality’ involves linking consistent among- and within-individual behavioural variation to fitness in the wild. Studies aiming to do this typically assay personality in captivity and rely on the assumption that measures of traits in the laboratory reflect their expression in nature. We examined this rarely tested assumption by comparing laboratory and field measurements of the behaviour of wild field crickets (Gryllus campestris) by continuously monitoring individual behaviour in nature, and repeatedly capturing the same individuals and measuring their behaviour in captivity. We focused on three traits that are frequently examined in personality studies: shyness, activity and exploration. All of them showed repeatability in the laboratory. Laboratory activity and exploration predicted the expression of their equivalent behaviours in the wild, but shyness did not. Traits in the wild were predictably influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and sunlight, but only activity showed appreciable within-individual repeatability. This suggests that some behaviours typically studied as personality traits can be accurately assayed in captivity, but the expression of others may be highly context-specific. Our results highlight the importance of validating the relevance of laboratory behavioural assays to analogous traits measured in the wild.  相似文献   

Serum leptin concentrations were obtained from male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) and golden hamsters (a.k.a. Syrian, Mesocricetus auratus) housed on long [light:dark (LD) 16:8] and short (LD 6:18) photoperiods for 10-11 weeks. Blood samples were collected at 45-min intervals for 24 h from individual animals using an in-dwelling atrial catheter. In Siberian hamsters, exposure to short photoperiods as compared to long photoperiods reduced body weight (32.5 +/- 1.5 vs 47.7 +/- 1.1 g) and leptin (24-h mean: 5.3 +/- 0.4 ng/ml vs 18.6 +/- 2.1 ng/ml). Although photoperiod influenced the temporal distribution of leptin in golden hamsters, the main effect of photoperiod on leptin levels in golden hamsters did not reach significance (24-h mean: 7.1 +/- 1.0 ng/ml vs 5.1 +/- 0.8 ng/ml.). Body weights of golden hamsters did not vary significantly following exposure to short photoperiod for 11 weeks (178.3 +/- 3.6 g in LD 6:18 vs 177.8 +/- 7.3 g in LD 16:8). There was no nocturnal increase in serum leptin in either species. Marked interindividual differences were apparent in individual leptin profiles. Periodogram analysis revealed that only a few animals exhibited 24-h periodicities; the presence of a significant 24-h periodicity was more common in hamsters exposed to short days. Photoperiod-associated differences in the 24-hour profile of leptin secretion may be the result of photoperiod-associated changes in feeding behavior or metabolism. A full understanding of the regulation of leptin secretion in multiple time domains may enhance our understanding of the function of leptin.  相似文献   

From the results of chronobiological studies in 11 Aotus lemurinus (trivirgatus) griseimembra, 3 Galago garnettii, 5 Galago senegalensis, and 6 Microcebus murinus, inferences can be made on the most suitable lighting conditions for nocturnal primates kept in captivity. In each species studied light controls the daily periodic course of activity in a dual way. First, the light-dark (LD) cycle acts as the main Zeitgeber, entraining the endogenous circadian timing system (CTS) to the environmental periodicity. Second, the prevailing light intensity has a direct species-specific inhibiting or enhancing effect, masking the level of activity predetermined by the CTS. Marked inhibition of activity is caused especially by low light intensities during dark-time (D-time), which can also lead to drastically reduced food intake (e.g., in Aotus). Therefore, high-amplitude LD cycles should be applied which guarantee a stable external and internal synchronization of the various circadian rhythms of the organism, with a D-illumination intensity high enough to prevent light-induced impairments of the behavior of the animals. Up to now LD cycles of 12:12 h (100–1,000:0.5–0.01 lx; ≥5,000°K) have proved to be most suitable. Only in Microcebus should the D-illumination be reduced to about 10?4 lx. Moreover, it must be considered that species with a photoperiodically controlled reproduction cycle require specific alterations of the L-time:D-time ratio.  相似文献   

We characterized atherosclerotic lesions in Syrian F1B hamsters fed a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Total cholesterol, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides were significantly higher for treated animals than for low fat controls. After 4, 12, 18, 26, 32 and 44 weeks on either diet, the vasculature was fixed in situ and the aortic arch prepared for light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Fatty streak lesions comprised of foam cells were noted at 4 weeks along the inner curvature of the aortic arch. Fibromuscular lesions became evident at 26 weeks with excess connective tissue and a thickened media. Lesion size increased as foam cells accumulated in the subendothelial space and collagen was deposited in the upper media beneath an intact internal elastic lamina. By 44 weeks an advanced lesion had developed that consisted of a smooth muscle and extracellular matrix cap with an intact endothelium over a lipid rich core. The core consisted of foam cells, extracellular lipid, necrotic debris, cholesterol clefts, calcium deposits, and extracellular proteins. Oxidized LDL was only detected in the treated hamsters and localized to foam cells in early lesions, spread to extracellular matrix in fibrofatty lesions, and further involved medial smooth muscle cells in advanced lesions. Cyclooxygenases-1 and -2 were observed at low levels in both groups; however, cyclooxygenase-2 was noticeably upregulated in the early lesions of treated animals. Atherosclerotic lesions similar to each major stage of pathology in humans developed at a predictable site in the hamster aorta in a relatively short period.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida (ZP) is an extracellular coat that surrounds the mammalian oocyte and the early embryo until implantation. This coat mediates several critical aspects of fertilization, including species-selective sperm recognition, the blocking of polyspermy and protection of the oocyte and the preimplantation embryo. Depending on the species, the ZP is composed of three to four different glycoproteins encoded by three or four genes. These genes have been cloned and sequenced for different species. However, controversy exists about the cell type specificity of the ZP glycoproteins, for which several models have been proposed. Different groups have reported that ZP is produced only by the oocytes, by the granulosa cells or by both cell types, depending on the species under study. We recently described the expression of four ZP proteins in the hamster ovary. By means of the complete set of the hamster ZP cDNAs, we undertook the study of the origin and expression pattern of the four ZP genes. In the present work, the expression of ZP1, ZP2, ZP3 and ZP4 is carefully analyzed by in situ hybridization (ISH) in hamster ovaries. Our data suggest that the four hamster ZP genes are expressed in a coordinate and oocyte-specific manner during folliculogenesis. Furthermore, this expression is maximal during the first stages of the oocyte development and declines in oocytes from later development stages, particularly within large antral follicles.  相似文献   

Summary The secretory pathways of atrial natriuretic factor have been investigated in atrial and ventricular cardiocytes of control and cardiomyopathic Syrian hamsters in severe congestive heart failure with four antibodies: a monoclonal antibody (2H2) against rat synthetic atrial natriuretic factor (101–126), which is directed against region 101–103 of rat atrial natriuretic factor (99–126), and polyclonal, affinity-purified antibodies produced in rabbits against synthetic C-terminal atrial natriuretic factor (101–126), synthetic N-terminal atrial natriuretic factor (11–37) or the putative cleavage site of atrial natriuretic factor (98–99): atrial natriuretic factor (94–103). Application of the immunogold technique on thin frozen sections (immunocryoultramicrotomy) revealed an identical picture with the four antibodies. In atria of both control and cardiomyopathic hamsters where atrial natriuretic factor secretion is regulated, the atrial natriuretic factor propeptide travels, uncleaved, from the Golgi complex to immature and mature secretory granules. In ventricles of control hamsters, where secretion is constitutive, the atrial natriuretic factor propeptide travels from the Golgi complex to secretory vesicles. In the ventricles of hamsters with severe congestive heart failure, the Golgi complex is larger, secretory vesicles more abundant and a few secretory granules are present in 20% of cardiocytes. Here again, the peptide travels uncleaved in all these pathways. These results reveal the pathways of secretion of atrial natriuretic factor in atrial and ventricular cardiocytes and indicate that the propeptide is not cleaved intracellularly.Supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada to the Multidisciplinary Research Group on Hypertension, by the Canadian Heart Foundation and the Pfizer Company (England)  相似文献   

Mammalian species can be defined as diurnal or nocturnal, depending on the temporal niche during which they are active. Even if general activity occurs during nighttime in nocturnal rodents, there is a patchwork of general activity patterns in diurnal rodents, including frequent bimodality (so-called crepuscular pattern, i.e., dawn and dusk peaks of activity) and a switch to a nocturnal pattern under certain circumstances. This raises the question of whether crepuscular species have a bimodal or diurnal - as opposed to nocturnal - physiology. To this end, we investigated several daily behavioral, hormonal and neurochemical rhythms in the diurnal Sudanian grass rat (Arvicanthis ansorgei) and the nocturnal Long-Evans rat (Rattus norvegicus). Daily rhythms of general activity, wheel-running activity and body temperature, with or without blocked wheel, were diurnal and bimodal for A. ansorgei, and nocturnal and unimodal for Long-Evans rats. Moreover, A. ansorgei and Long-Evans rats exposed to light-dark cycles were respectively more and less active, compared to conditions of constant darkness. In contrast to other diurnal rodents, wheel availability in A. ansorgei did not switch their general activity pattern. Daily, unimodal rhythm of plasma leptin was in phase-opposition between the two rodent species. In the hippocampus, a daily, unimodal rhythm of serotonin in A. ansorgei occurred 7 h earlier than that in Long-Evans rats, whereas a daily, unimodal rhythm of dopamine was unexpectedly concomitant in both species. Multiparameter analysis demonstrates that in spite of bimodal rhythms linked with locomotor activity, A. ansorgei have a diurnally oriented physiology.  相似文献   

Golden hamsters and thirteen-lined ground squirrels were maintained individually in a thermal gradient (14°C to 33°C) for several weeks under a 14L: 10D light-dark cycle. Animals of both species showed robust daily rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity with acrophases consistent with the habits of the species (diurnal acrophases in the diurnal squirrels and nocturnal acrophases in the nocturnal hamsters). Hamsters showed a robust daily rhythm of temperature selection 180° out of phase with the rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity. Squirrels did not show a daily rhythm of temperature selection. These results raise the hypothesis that a daily rhythm of temperature selection is exhibited by nocturnal but not by diurnal endotherms.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously demonstrated that estrogen can exert inhibitory or atretogenic effects on the ovaries of both rats and rhesus monkeys in vivo. This study was designed to test whether the hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) is an appropriate model in which to test the effects of estrogens (diethylstilbestrol and estradiol-17) on steroid accumulation by ovarian granulosa cells in vitro, and whether the effects are similar to those demonstrated for other species in vivo. Immature female hamsters were injected with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin at 28 to 30 days of age. Animals were sacrificed and follicular contents aspirated three days later. Granulosa cells were either left untreated or treated with diethylstilbestrol or estradiol (1×10-7 M) in vitro for 72 h in the presence of androstenedione (1×10-7 M), and in the presence or absence of serum (10%) or human follicle-stimulating hormone (20 ng/ml), and long-term accumulation of estrogen and progesterone was determined. Diethylstilbestrol inhibited accumulation of estrogen regardless of the presence or absence of follicle-stimulating hormone. In contrast, only estradiol plus follicle-stimulating hormone augmented accumulation of progesterone by granulosa cells. These findings that estrogen can be non-stimulatory or inhibitory to function of granulosa cells in vitro parallel those shown in vivo. Our experimental approach may therefore represent an appropriate model for study of the direct effects of estradiol on the function of granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Few genes in the divergent eukaryote Trichomonas vaginalis have introns, despite the unusually large gene repertoire of this human-infective parasite. These introns are characterized by extended conserved regulatory motifs at the 5' and 3' boundaries, a feature shared with another divergent eukaryote, Giardia lamblia, but not with metazoan introns. This unusual characteristic of T. vaginalis introns led us to examine spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) predicted to mediate splicing reactions via interaction with intron motifs. Here we identify T. vaginalis U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6 snRNAs, present predictions of their secondary structures, and provide evidence for interaction between the U2/U6 snRNA complex and a T. vaginalis intron. Structural models predict that T. vaginalis snRNAs contain conserved sequences and motifs similar to those found in other examined eukaryotes. These data indicate that mechanisms of intron recognition as well as coordination of the two catalytic steps of splicing have been conserved throughout eukaryotic evolution. Unexpectedly, we found that T. vaginalis spliceosomal snRNAs lack the 5' trimethylguanosine cap typical of snRNAs and appear to possess unmodified 5' ends. Despite the lack of a cap structure, U1, U2, U4, and U5 genes are transcribed by RNA polymerase II, whereas the U6 gene is transcribed by RNA polymerase III.  相似文献   

Extracts from the plants Plantago lanceolata and P. rugelii were evaluated for toxicity to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, the beneficial microbes Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma virens, and the plant-pathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli, Phytophthora capsici, Pythium ultimum, and Rhizoctonia solani. Wild plants were collected, roots were excised from shoots, and the plant parts were dried and ground to a powder. One set of extracts (10% w/v) was prepared in water and another in methanol. Treatments included extract concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%, and water controls. Meloidogyne incognita egg hatch was recorded after 7-day exposure to the treatments, and second-stage juvenile (J2) activity after 48 hours. All extracts were toxic to eggs and J2, with P. lanceolata shoot extract tending to have the most activity against M. incognita. Numbers of active J2 remained the same or decreased in a 24-hour water rinse following the 48-hour extract treatment, indicating that the extracts were lethal. When data from water- and methanol-extracted roots and shoots of both plant species were combined for analysis, J2 tended to be more sensitive than eggs to the toxic compounds at lower concentrations, while the higher concentrations (75% and 100%) were equally toxic to both life stages. The effective concentrations causing 50% reduction (EC50) in egg hatch and in J2 viability were 44.4% and 43.7%, respectively. No extract was toxic to any of the bacteria or fungi in our assays.  相似文献   

Red deer populations in the Iberian glacial refugium were the main source for postglacial recolonization and subspecific radiation in north‐western Europe. However, the phylogenetic history of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) and its relationships with northern European populations remain uncertain. Here, we study DNA sequences at the mitochondrial control region along with STR markers for over 680 specimens from all the main red deer populations in Spain and other west European areas. Our results from mitochondrial and genomic DNA show contrasting patterns, likely related to the nature of these types of DNA markers and their specific processes of change over time. The results, taken together, bring support to two distinct, cryptic maternal lineages for Iberian red deer that predated the last glacial maximum and that have maintained geographically well differentiated until present. Haplotype relationships show that only one of them contributed to the northern postglacial recolonization. However, allele frequencies of nuclear markers evidenced one main differentiation between Iberian and northern European subspecies although also supported the structure of both matrilines within Iberia. Thus, our findings reveal a paraphyletic nature for Iberian red deer but also its genetic identity and differentiation with respect to northern subspecies. Finally, we suggest that maintaining the singularity of Iberian red deer requires preventing not only restocking practices with red deer specimens belonging to other European populations but also translocations between both Iberian lineages.  相似文献   

Methods to mitigate the impacts of emerging infectious diseases affecting wildlife are urgently needed to combat loss of biodiversity. However, the successful mitigation of wildlife pathogens in situ has rarely occurred. Indeed, most strategies for combating wildlife diseases remain theoretical, despite the wealth of information available for combating infections in livestock and crops. Here, we report the outcome of a 5-year effort to eliminate infection with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis affecting an island system with a single amphibian host. Our initial efforts to eliminate infection in the larval reservoir using a direct application of an antifungal were successful ex situ but infection returned to previous levels when tadpoles with cleared infections were returned to their natal sites. We subsequently combined antifungal treatment of tadpoles with environmental chemical disinfection. Infection at four of the five pools where infection had previously been recorded was eradicated, and remained so for 2 years post-application.  相似文献   

Summary We used immunohistochemistry to identify cells present in pituitary allografts in the hamster. Hypophyses removed from neonatal hamsters or adenohypophyses removed from adult females were placed beneath renal capsules of hypophysectomized adult females. Serum PRL, LH, and GH concentrations were measured at two, five, and eight weeks after placement of allografts. Allografts were removed after eight weeks and stained for cells containing PRL, LH, FSH, GH, or ACTH. Allografts did not release LH or GH. Those of adult adenohypophyseal tissue released significantly more PRL. The morphology of allografts of neonatal hypophyseal tissue resembled that of the adult adenohypophysis in situ. Lactotrophs, corticotrophs, somatotrophs and LH-cells were observed; very few FSH-cells were present. Allografts of adult adenohypophyseal tissue contained pituitary cells, numerous cavities, often enclosing lymphoid cells, and fibrous tissue. Atypical lactotrophs were the numerically dominant cells in these allografts; all other cells were present. The LH-cells outnumbered FSH-cells. These observations suggest that: (a) development of normal adenohypophyseal morphology can occur in an ectopic position; (b) intracellular hormones are present in cells in an ectopic site; (c) development and retention of intracellular FSH is more dependent on occupation of the normal position of the adenohypophysis than is retention of intracellular LH; and (d) release of PRL occurs from atypical cells in allografts of adult adenohypophyseal tissue.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plant populations experiencing divergent pollination environments may be under selection to modify floral traits in ways that increase both attractiveness to and efficiency of novel pollinators. These changes may come at the cost of reducing overall effectiveness of other pollinators. The goal of this study was to examine differences in attractiveness and efficiency between Clarkia concinna and C. breweri, sister species of annual plants with parapatric distributions.


An assessment was made as to whether observed differences in visitors between natural populations are driven by differences in floral traits or differences in the local pollination environment. Differences in floral attractiveness were quantified by setting out arrays of both species in the geographical range of each species and exposing both species to nocturnal hawkmoths (Hyles lineata) in flight cages. Differences in visitor efficiency were estimated by measuring stigma–visitor contact frequency and pollen loads for diurnal visitors, and pollen deposition on stigmas for hawkmoths.

Key Results

The composition of visitors to arrayed plants was similar between plant species at any particular site, but highly divergent among sites, and reflected differences in visitors to natural populations. Diurnal insects visited both species, but were more common at C. concinna populations. Hummingbirds and hawkmoths were only observed visiting within the range of C. breweri. Despite attracting similar species when artificially presented together, C. concinna and C. breweri showed large differences in pollinator efficiency. All visitors except hawkmoths pollinated C. concinna more efficiently.


Differences in the available pollinator community may play a larger role than differences in floral traits in determining visitors to natural populations of C. concinna and C. breweri. However, floral traits mediate differences in pollinator efficiency. Increased effectiveness of the novel hawkmoth pollinator on C. breweri comes at relatively little cost in attractiveness to other visitors, but at large cost in their efficiency as pollinators.  相似文献   

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