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Summary The permeation of water molccules across single-component lecithin or lecithin-cholesterol bilayers is studied by a new technique. The new technique makes use of the different fluorescence quantum yields of appropriate molecules in D2O and H2O. Water-soluble indole derivatives which by experimental manipulation reside almost entirely within the aqueous (H2O) intravesicular compartment thus can monitor D2O molecules permeating the bilayer by virtue of an increased quantum yield of the fluorescence. In a stopped-flow instrument, a vesicle solution containing the fluorescent chromophore in the intravesicular space is rapidly mixed with the deuterated solvent. The approach to the steady state, where the intra- and extravesicular D2O and H2O concentrations are equal, proceeds in a single-exponential manner. Consequently, the exchange relaxation time for the D2O molecules passing the bilayer can be deduced from the time-dependent increase of the fluorescence intensity. The method and results on lecithin and lecithin-cholesterol bilayer vesicles are discussed. The exchange relaxation times of temperature-dependent studies are interpreted within the framework of the solubility-diffusion theory. Below the crystalline to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature and for cholesterol-free vesicles, the rate-limiting step for the D2O permeation is attributed to the intracore diffusion. Above the phase transition and for cholesterol-containing vesicles, the intracore diffusion seems not to be rate-limiting. Deviations from the linearity below the phase transition in the Arrhenius-type presentation of the data are related to changes of the partition coefficient of water between the solvent and the lipid phase at the premelting temperature.  相似文献   

Glycerol substitutes for water in multilamellar phosphatidylcholine liposomes in that the fluid spaces between bilayers, as well as their main transition temperatures, heat capacities, and ethalpies are very similar in water and in pure glycerol. One major difference is that the gel state phase of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) in glycerol consists of bilayers with fully interdigitated hydrocarbon chains. Interdigitated DPPC phases are also formed in ethylene glycol or in methanol (at low methanol content). In solutions of glycerol and water, the fluid spacing between bilayers is a function of mole fraction of glycerol Xg, reaching maximum values at Xg ≌ 0.1 for lipid in the liquid crystalline phase and at Xg ≌ 0.3 for the gel phase. These changes are explained in terms of a modification of the long-range Van der Waals attractive forces by glycerol.  相似文献   

Recently measured water permeability through bilayers of different lipids is most strongly correlated with the area per lipid A rather than with other structural quantities such as the thickness. This paper presents a simple three-layer theory that incorporates the area dependence in a physically realistic way and also includes the thickness as a secondary modulating parameter. The theory also includes the well-known strong correlation of permeability upon the partition coefficients of general solutes in hydrocarbon environments (Overton's rule). Two mathematical treatments of the theory are given; one model uses discrete chemical kinetics and one model uses the Nernst-Planck continuum equation. The theory is fit to the recent experiments on water permeability in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

The permeability of liposomes to water, glucose, Ca2+ and alkaline cations was monitored by recording the change in absorbance at 450 nm using a rapid reaction stopped-flow spectrophotometer. Liposomes were prepared with egg phosphatidylcholine and concentrations of dolichol ranging from 0.1% to 9% (w/w). Net permeability of phosphatidylcholine bilayers to alkaline cations was induced by the incorporation of dolichol. This effect was not observed in the case of non-charged solutes like glucose or in that of alkaline earth cations such as calcium. Permeation of K+ was significantly increased above the phase transition temperature. These results suggest that dolichols may play a role in biological membranes, besides the well-known glycosyl carrier function in the biosynthesis of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The continuous decrease of the quadrupolar splitting of deuterated water interacting with phosphocholine lipid bilayers with growing water concentration is analyzed as a function of the water activity. From the apparent linear dependence on water activity a measure for hydration forces is obtained. The forces calculated are in the range of published data using sorption isotherms and osmotic stress technique in combination with SAXS. A simple interaction potential which includes orientational order of water adsorbed on surfaces gives a physical base for these findings. Therefore, deuterium NMR may become a powerful tool for hydration force analysis complementing well-known methods.  相似文献   

Micropipette aspiration was used to test mechanical strength and water permeability of giant-fluid bilayer vesicles composed of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine PC lipids. Eight synthetic-diacyl PCs were chosen with 18 carbon chains and degrees of unsaturation that ranged from one double bond (C18:0/1, C18:1/0) to six double bonds per PC molecule (diC18:3). Produced by increasing pipette pressurization, membrane tensions for lysis of single vesicles at 21 degrees C ranged from approximately 9 to 10 mN/m for mono- and dimono-unsaturated PCs (18:0/1, 18:1/0, and diC18:1) but dropped abruptly to approximately 5 mN/m when one or both PC chains contained two cis-double bonds (C18:0/2 and diC18:2) and even lower approximately 3 mN/m for diC18:3. Driven by osmotic filtration following transfer of individual vesicles to a hypertonic environment, the apparent coefficient for water permeability at 21 degrees C varied modestly in a range from approximately 30 to 40 microm/s for mono- and dimono-unsaturated PCs. However, with two or more cis-double bonds in a chain, the apparent permeability rose to approximately 50 microm/s for C18:0/2, then strikingly to approximately 90 microm/s for diC18:2 and approximately 150 microm/s for diC18:3. The measurements of water permeability were found to scale exponentially with the reduced temperatures reported for these lipids in the literature. The correlation supports the concept that increase in free volume acquired in thermal expansion above the main gel-liquid crystal transition of a bilayer is a major factor in water transport. Taken together, the prominent changes in lysis tension and water permeability indicate that major changes occur in chain packing and cohesive interactions when two or more cis-double bonds alternate with saturated bonds along a chain.  相似文献   

The permeability barrier properties of lipid bilayers are usually determined by the rate of swelling of multilamellar liposomes or by the exchange of radioactively labeled molecules in sonicated vesicles. The values reported in the literature for the permeability of water and non electrolytes differ according to which method is applied in their determination. In addition, drastic assumptions (i.e. homogeneity of the membrane) are commonly introduced for the interpretation of the phenomenological permeability coefficients. This paper discusses the permeability coefficient considering the departures from the ideality of the membrane system. The non ideal terms can be put in function of measurable quantities such as the excluded volume of the membrane and the hydration degree of the lipid molecules. By means of this formalism it is possible to explain quantitatively the experimental values found for the permeability coefficient of water in sonicated vesicles below and above the phase transition temperature. In addition, different magnitudes of the energies of activation for the permeation of non electrolytes have been found depending on if the liposomes are dispersed in isotonic or hipertonic solutions of a permeant. The formalism described allows to explain such differences in terms of the influence of the solute concentration on the density of the lipid membrane. The reasons for which the simple formalism for homogeneous membranes can not be applied to lipid membranes are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The interaction of three polylysines, Lys(5) (N = 5), Lys(30) (N = 30), and Lys(100) (N = 100), where N is the number of lysine residues per chain, with phosphatidylserine-containing lipid bilayer membranes was investigated using 2H NMR spectroscopy. Lys(30) and Lys(100) added to multilamellar vesicles composed of (70:30) (mol:mol) mixtures of choline-deuterated 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) + 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine (POPS) produced two resolvable 2H NMR spectral components under conditions of low ionic strength and for cases where the global anionic lipid charge was in excess over the global cationic polypeptide charge. The intensities and quadrupolar splittings of the two spectral components were consistent with the existence of polylysine-bound domains enriched in POPS, in coexistence with polylysine-free domains depleted in POPS. Lys(5), however, yielded no 2H NMR resolvable domains. Increasing ionic strength caused domains to become diffuse and eventually dissipate entirely. At physiological salt concentrations, only Lys(100) yielded 2H NMR-resolvable domains. Therefore, under physiological conditions of ionic strength, pH, and anionic lipid bilayer content, and in the absence of other, e.g., hydrophobic, contributions to the binding free energy, the minimum number of lysine residues sufficient to produce spectroscopically resolvable POPS-enriched domains on the 2H NMR millisecond timescale may be fewer than 100, but is certainly greater than 30.  相似文献   

An expanded polyglutamine (Q) tract (>37Q) in huntingtin (htt) causes Huntington disease. Htt associates with membranes and polyglutamine expansion in htt may alter membrane function in Huntington disease through a mechanism that is not known. Here we used differential scanning calorimetry to examine the effects of polyQ expansion in htt on its insertion into lipid bilayers. We prepared synthetic lipid vesicles composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine and tested interactions of htt amino acids 1-89 with 20Q, 32Q or 53Q with the vesicles. GST-htt1-89 with 53Q inserted into synthetic lipid vesicles significantly more than GST-htt1-89 with 20Q or 32Q. We speculate that by inserting more into cell membranes, mutant huntingtin could increase disorder within the lipid bilayer and thereby disturb cellular membrane function.  相似文献   

Steric repulsion between phosphatidylcholine bilayers   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
T J McIntosh  A D Magid  S A Simon 《Biochemistry》1987,26(23):7325-7332
The change in pressure needed to bring egg phosphatidylcholine bilayers into contact from their equilibrium separation in excess water has been determined as a function of both distance between the bilayers and water content. A distinct upward break in the pressure-distance relation appears at an interbilayer separation of about 5 A, whereas no such deviation is present in the pressure-water content relation. Thus, this break is not a property of the dehydration process per se, but instead is attributed to steric repulsion between the mobile lipid head groups that extend 2-3 A into the fluid space between bilayers. That is, electron density profiles of these bilayers indicate that the observed break in the pressure-spacing relation occurs at a bilayer separation where extended head groups from apposing bilayers come into steric hindrance. The pressure-spacing data are used to separate steric pressure from the repulsive hydration pressure, as well as to quantitate the range and magnitude of the steric interaction. An appreciable fraction of the measured steric energy can be ascribed to a decrease in configurational entropy due to restricted head-group motion as adjacent bilayers come together.  相似文献   

G W Feigenson 《Biochemistry》1989,28(3):1270-1278
Ca2+ binding between lamellae of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) gives rise to a rigid phase of Ca(PS)2. When aqueous Ca2+, hydrated PS/PC, and Ca(PS)2 coexist at equilibrium, the aqueous Ca2+ concentration is invariant and is characteristic of the PS/PC ratio. This characteristic Ca2+ concentration is 0.040 microM for palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylserine without PC and increases as the inverse square of the PS mole fraction at high PS concentration (Raoult's law) and as the inverse square of the PS mole fraction multiplied by a constant at low PS concentration (Henry's law). For example, for palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylserine/palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholi ne = 0.6/0.4 or 0.2/0.8, this characteristic Ca2+ concentration is about 0.1 or about 6 microM, respectively. These observations at constant temperature are summarized in a quaternary phase diagram for the four-component system CaCl2/PS/PC/water.  相似文献   

V Schram  H N Lin    T E Thompson 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(4):1811-1822
The influence of the lipid mixing properties on the lateral organization in a two-component, two-phase phosphatidylcholine bilayer was investigated using both an experimental (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)) and a simulated (Monte Carlo) approach. With the FRAP technique, we have examined binary mixtures of 1-stearoyl-2-capryl-phosphatidylcholine/1,2-distearoyl-phosphat idylcholine (C18C10PC/DSPC), and 1-stearoyl-2-capryl-phosphatidylcholine/1,2-dipalmitoyl-phospha tid ylcholine (C18C10PC/DPPC). Comparison with the 1,2-dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine/1,2-distearoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC/DSPC) previously investigated by FRAP by Vaz and co-workers (Biophys. J., 1989, 56:869-876) shows that the gel phase domains become more effective in restricting the diffusion coefficient when the ideality of the mixture increases (i.e., in the order C18C10PC/DSPC-->C18C10PC/DPPC-->DMPC/DSPC). However, an increased lipid miscibility is accompanied by an increasing compositional dependence: the higher the proportion of the high-temperature melting component, the less efficient the gel phase is in compartmentalizing the diffusion plane, a trend that is best accounted for by a variation of the gel phase domain shape rather than size. Computer-simulated fluorescence recoveries obtained in a matrix obstructed with obstacle aggregates of various fractal dimension demonstrate that: 1) for a given obstacle size and area fraction, the relative diffusion coefficient increases linearly with the obstacle fractal dimension and 2) aggregates with a lower fractal dimension are more efficient in compartmentalizing the diffusion plane. Comparison of the simulated with the experimental mobile fractions strongly suggests that the fractal dimension of the gel phase domains increases with the proportion of high-temperature melting component in DMPC/DSPC and (slightly) in C18C10PC/DPPC.  相似文献   

Sodium and glucose effluxes were measured in liposomes formed from a series of saturated phosphatidylcholines (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamines (PE). Vesicles composed of a saturated PC display a local permeability maximum in the region of the lipid transition temperature. The height of this maximum is predominantly a function of the thickness of the hydrocarbon chain region. Liposomes formed from a saturated PE do not display such a permeability maximum and in these vesicles the permeability process appears to be controlled by the head group region. It is postulated that the control exerted by the ethanolamine group is due to the reorganization of water structure it induces at the bilayer surface.  相似文献   

The passive sodium permeability of pure lipid vesicles and dispersions has a large peak at the bilayer phase transition temperature. We discuss this anomaly in terms of density fluctuations, which can open up cavities in the headgroup region into which small ions can enter, and which may be large if bilayer conditions at the melting point are similar to those near the critical point which seems to exist in monolayers. We present two arguments, one thermodynamic and one microscopic, which suggest that the permeability is proportional to the lateral compressibility. We then calculate the lateral compressibility for two previously published theoretical models and compare the results with experiment.  相似文献   

Five sesquiterpene alcohol esters of the carotane series, from plants of the genus Ferula, were investigated with regard to their capacity to modify the ion permeability of both planar lipid bilayers and mitochondria. These compounds are subdivided into two structural groups that differ in their effects on membrane permeability. Complex esters of sesquiterpene alcohols with aliphatic acids, which constituted the first group (lapidin and lapiferin), do not possess ionophoric properties. The second group comprised complex esters of sesquiterpene alcohols with aromatic acids (ferutinin, tenuferidin and ferutidin), all of which increase cation permeability of lipid bilayers and mitochondria in a dose-dependent manner. A pronounced selectivity of the terpenoid-modified membranes for divalent cations versus monovalent cations was found. Evidence of a carrier mechanism for terpenoid-induced ion transport is demonstrated. A tentative complex composed of a divalent cation with two molecules of membrane-active terpenoid is proposed.  相似文献   

Permeability of lipid bilayers to water and ionic solutes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The lipid bilayer moiety of biological membranes is considered to be the primary barrier to free diffusion of water and solutes. This conclusion arises from observations of lipid bilayer model membrane systems, which are generally less permeable than biological membranes. However, the nature of the permeability barrier remains unclear, particularly with respect to ionic solutes. For instance, anion permeability is significantly greater than cation permeability, and permeability to proton-hydroxide is orders of magnitude greater than other monovalent inorganic ions. In this review, we first consider bilayer permeability to water and discuss proposed permeation mechanisms which involve transient defects arising from thermal fluctuations. We next consider whether such defects can account for ion permeation, including proton-hydroxide flux. We conclude that at least two varieties of transient defects are required to explain permeation of water and ionic solutes.  相似文献   

To understand the biological action of surfactin from Bacillus subtilis we investigated its effects on the phase transition of L-alpha-dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC)-vesicles from the crystalline to the fluid state using differential scanning calorimetry; light scattering; small angle neutron scattering and cryo-electron microscopy. DSC-thermograms revealed two phase transition peaks. Light scattering profiles showed two branches with characteristic hysteresis phenomena. With both techniques the same values of the phase transition temperatures T(m1) and T(m2) of 23.5 and 23 degrees C were obtained indicating two forms of DMPC-surfactin aggregates which could be visualized by cryo-electron microscopy. Until 4 mol% surfactin the vesicular form predominated, but was accompanied by bilayered membrane fragments by increasing the biosurfactant concentrations. At surfactin concentrations higher than 15 mol% smaller DMPC-surfactin micelles of ellipsoidal conformation were formed, as demonstrated by small angle neutron scattering. In addition, by "Poor Man's" temperature-jump-relaxation spectroscopy slow transients in the phase transition of vesicular DMPC-surfactin aggregates with relaxation times of 20-30 s were detected which presumably indicate the slow dissipation of intermediate lipid-and surfactin domains formed after the main phase transition on the way to the fluid state. This process is accelerated by surfactin.  相似文献   

Interactions of hypelcin A, an alpha-aminoisobutyric acid containing antibiotic peptide, with phosphatidylcholine vesicles were investigated to obtain information on its bioactive mechanism. The peptide induced the leakage of a fluorescent dye, calcein, entrapped in sonicated vesicles. The leakage rate depended on both the peptide and the lipid concentrations. Analysis of this dependency indicated that the leakage was due to the monomeric peptide and that the membrane-perturbing activity of the monomer was higher for solid distearoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles than for fluid egg yolk phosphatidylcholine vesicles. Hypelcin A also affected the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine multilamellar vesicles. The transition was broadened with a reduced transition enthalpy, suggesting the peptide strongly binds the surrounding lipids to perturb the bilayer lipid packing. A circular dichroism study revealed that the helical content of hypelcin A increases upon membrane binding. We concluded that the monomeric peptide with an increased helical content, complexed with the lipids, perturbs the lipid organization and induces the increased permeability.  相似文献   

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