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Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) are involved in microtubule (MT) bundling and in crossbridges between MTs and other organelles. Previous studies have assigned the MT bundling function of MAPs to their MT-binding domain and its modulation by the projection domain. In the present work, we analyse the viscoelastic properties of MT suspensions in the presence or the absence of cAMP. The experimental data reveal the occurrence of interactions between MT polymers involving MAP2 and modulated by cAMP. Two distinct mechanisms of action of cAMP are identified, which involve on one hand the phosphorylation of MT proteins by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) bound to the end of the N-terminal projection of MAP2, and on the other hand the binding of cAMP to the RII subunit of the PKA affecting interactions between MTs in a phosphorylation-independent manner. These findings imply a role for the complex of PKA with the projection domain of MAP2 in MT–MT interactions and suggest that cAMP may influence directly the density and bundling of MT arrays in dendrites of neurons.  相似文献   

Summary Phosphocellulose-purified tubulin (PC tubulin) was analyzed for neutral and amino sugar content, which was found to be 8.3±0.11 and 0.8±0.02 mol/mol dimer, respectively. A histochemical-electron-microscopic investigation was undertaken to attempt to localize carbohydrate associated with polymerized microtubules (MT). Outer diameters of MT assembled in vitro from bovine brain MT protein (tubulin and microtubule associated proteins) were found to increase upon treatment with ruthenium red, Alcian blue, and lanthanum hydroxide, which have been reported to possess specificity for complex carbohydrates. Concanavalin A-reactive sites were detected on the surface and in the lumen of MT assembled from MT protein and from PC tubulin.This work was supported by grants from Statens Naturvetenskapliga. Forsknigsråd (No. B0294-020), Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne, Adlerbertska Forskningsfonden, Hierta-Retzius' Stipendiefond, Anna Ahrenbergs Fond, and Wilhelm och Martina Lundgrens Vetenskapsfond. Appreciation is extended to Inger Holmqvist for her excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

K Prus  A Mattisson 《Histochemistry》1979,61(3):281-289
Phosphocellulose-purified tubulin (PC tubulin) was analyzed for neutral and amino sugar content, which was found to be 8.3 +/- 0.11 and 0.8 +/- 0.02 mol/mol dimer, respectively. A histochemical-electron-microscopic investigation was undertaken to attempt to localize carbohydrate associated with polymerized microtubules (MT). Outer diameters of MT assembled in vitro from bovine brain MT protein (tubulin and microtubule associated proteins) were found to increase upon treatment with ruthenium red, Alcian blue, and lanthanum hydroxide, which have been reported to possess specificity for complex carbohydrates. Concanavalin A-reactive sites were detected on the surface and in the lumen of MT assembled from MT protein and from PC tubulin.  相似文献   

MAP3 is a novel microtubule-associated protein found in brain and a variety of other tissues (Huber, G., Alaimo-Beuret, D., and Matus, A. (1985) J. Cell Biol. 100, 496-507). In this study, monoclonal antibodies were used to assess its influence on the polymerization of brain tubulin. When added to unpolymerized brain microtubules, anti-MAP3 IgG produced a dose-related inhibition of subsequent assembly. Under the same circumstances, nonimmune mouse IgG did not influence either the rate or the extent of tubulin polymerization. We also used immobilized antibodies to deplete brain MAPs selectively in either MAP3 or MAP1. MAP3-depleted MAPs showed a reproducible decrease in activity compared to control preparations that had been exposed to immobilized nonimmune IgG. MAP1-depleted MAPs did not differ significantly in performance from the nonimmune treated controls. We conclude that MAP3 contributes to the net assembly of brain microtubules observed in vitro. This may be particularly relevant in neonatal animals where brain MAP3 is more abundant than in the adult.  相似文献   

MAP2 competes with MAP1 for binding to microtubules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A question whether MAP1 and MAP2 (the major microtubule associated proteins from mammalian brain) bind to common or distinct sites on the microtubule surface was studied. Microtubules were assembled from tubulin and MAP1 and then centrifuged through a layer of MAP2 solution under conditions where no repolymerization of tubulin with MAP2 could occur. During centrifugation, MAP2 displaced most of MAP1 on the microtubules. This implies that MAP1 is reversibly bound to microtubules and that MAP2 binding interferes with MAP1 binding. The latter means that binding sites for MAP1 and MAP2 are identical or overlap.  相似文献   

The classification of MAP 2 as a microtubule-associated protein is based on its affinity for microtubules in vitro and its filamentous distribution in cultured cells. We sought to determine whether MAP 2 is also able to bind in situ to organelles other than microtubules. For this purpose, primary cultures of rat brain cells were stained for immunofluorescence microscopy with a rabbit anti-MAP 2 antibody prepared in our laboratory, as well as with antibodies to vimentin, an intermediate filament protein, and to tubulin, the major subunit of microtubules. MAP 2 was present on cytoplasmic fibers in neurons and in a subpopulation of the flat cells present in the cultures. Our observations were concentrated on the flat cells because of their suitability for high-resolution immunofluorescence microscopy. Double antibody staining revealed co-localization of MAP 2 with both tubulin and vimentin in the flat cells. Pretreatment of the cultures with vinblastine resulted in the redistribution of MAP 2 into perinuclear cables that contained vimentin. Tubulin paracrystals were not stained by anti-MAP 2. In cells extracted with digitonin, the normal fibrillar distribution of MAP 2 was resistant to several treatments (PIPES buffer plus 10 mM Ca++, phosphate buffer at pH 7 or 9) that induced depolymerization of microtubules, but not intermediate filaments. Staining of the primary brain cells was not observed with preimmune serum nor with immune serum adsorbed prior to use with pure MAP 2. We detected MAP 2 on intermediate filaments not only with anti-MAP 2 serum, but also with affinity purified anti-MAP 2 and with a monoclonal anti-MAP 2 prepared in another laboratory. We conclude from these experiments that material recognized by anti-MAP 2 antibodies associates with both microtubules and intermediate filaments. We propose that one function of MAP 2 is to cross-link the two types of cellular filaments.  相似文献   

Brain high molecular weight (HMW) protein promoting microtubule assembly in vitro and identical to MAP 2 (one of the proteins which copurify with tubulin through microtubule assembly-disassembly cycles), is shown to be associated with microtubules in interphase and mitotic cells. This HMW protein was purified earlier (Kuznetsov et al., 1978), directly from bovine brain without previous obtaining total microtubule protein. Now we have obtained a monospecific antibody against it. Identity of the HMW protein with MAP 2 is inferred from SDS-electrophoresis and immunological tests; its intra-cellular localization is determined by indirect immunofluorescent staining of cultured bovine tracheal epithelium.The anti-MAP 2 antibody stains the same structures in the cells as the tubulin antibody: it stains the fibrillar network in interphase cells, mitotic spindle, and the stem body. No fibrillar structures in the cells treated with colchicine or vinblastine were stained with the antibody against MAP 2. Anti-MAP 2 also stains tubulin-containing paracrystals which have been formed in the vinblastine-treated cells. Therefore HMW protein MAP 2 which promotes tubulin polymerization in vitro is associated with microtubules in vivo.  相似文献   

The concentration of estramustine phosphate required to inhibit the assembly or to induce the disassembly of chick brain MAP2:tubulin microtubules is markedly dependent upon the microtubule protein concentration. Analysis of this relationship shows that estramustine phosphate and tubulin compete for common MAP2 sites, that MAP2 can bind 5-6 moles.mole-1 estramustine phosphate, and that the Kd of these sites is congruent to 20 microM estramustine phosphate. It is proposed that two molecules of estramustine phosphate interact with each of the three tubulin-binding sites of MAP2 and inhibit the MAP2:tubulin interaction by neutralising two highly conserved basic residues.  相似文献   

R L Margolis  C T Rauch  F Pirollet    D Job 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(12):4095-4102
STOP (Stable Tubule Only Polypeptide) is a neuronal microtubule associated protein of 145 kd that stabilizes microtubules indefinitely to in vitro disassembly induced by cold temperature, millimolar calcium or by drugs. We have produced monoclonal antibodies against STOP. Using an antibody affinity column, we have produced a homogeneously pure 145 kd protein which has STOP activity as defined by its ability to induce cold stability and resistance to dilution induced disassembly in microtubules in vitro. Western blot analysis, using a specific monoclonal antibody, demonstrates that STOP recycles quantitatively with microtubules through three assembly cycles in vitro. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrates that STOP is specifically associated with microtubules of mitotic spindles in neuronal cells. Further, and most interestingly, STOP at physiological temperature appears to be preferentially distributed on the distinct microtubule subpopulations that display cold stability; kinetochore-to-pole microtubules and telophase midbody microtubules. The observed distribution suggests that STOP induces the observed cold stability of these microtubule subpopulations in vivo.  相似文献   

A subcellular fraction containing fragments of endogenous microtubules stabilized in 50% glycerol was separated by diferential centrifugation of rat brain homogenates. The pellets were suspended in glycerol-deficient media, and microtubule depolymerization was monitored by measuring the decrease of sedimentable tubulin. Concomitantly, the number and size of microtubules in the suspensions were followed via electron microscopy. Depolymerization was accompanied by a proportional decrease in the number of microtubules, whereas the average size did not change significantly. After approximately 20 min, a subpopulation of microtubules became stable and did not suffer further depolymerization. These results indicate that upon dilution some microtubules completely depolymerize, whereas others remain stable in the glycerol-deficient medium. The degree of depolymerization depended on both the volume of the resuspension media and on the final glycerol concentration. The results suggest that the depolymerization of the remaining microtubules is prevented by stabilizing factors released from depolymerizing microtubules. Tubulin dimers are not one of these factors, since depolymerization was not altered by the addition of colchicine or by changing the concentration of free tubulin in the medium.  相似文献   

Adenovirus binds to rat brain microtubules in vitro.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have found by negative staining electron microscopy that when similar concentrations of adenovirus and reovirus (viruses of about the same diameter, 75 to 80 nm, and density, 1.34 to 1.36 g/cm3) were incubated with a carbon support film containing microtubules, 72% of adenovirus on the grid, but only 32% (equivalent to random association) of reovirus, were associated with microtubules. Similar concentrations of both larger and smaller particles, such as polystyrene latex spheres and coliphage f2, also exhibited a low degree of interaction, viz., 17 to 37%, with microtubules. Moreover, 90% of microtubule-associated adenovirus binds to within +/- 4 nm of the edge of microtubules, but lower fractions (again equivalent to a random association) of the other particles bind to the edge of the microtubules. The mechanism behind this phenomenon, which we denote as "edge binding," is presently obscure; however, it provides us with a second, albeit empirical, method to distinguish between the microtubular association of adenovirus and other particles. We found that edge binding of adenovirus also occurred when adenovirus was initially placed on the carbon support film and then incubated with microtubules and when adenovirus and microtubules were mixed prior to placement on the support. In contrast, reovirus or the other particles prepared by similar techniques exhibited a random amount of edge binding. The binding of adenovirus appears to involve the hexon capsomers of the virion since (i) high resolution electron micrographs showed that the edge of the virus was in contact with the edge of the microtubules, and (ii) adenovirions briefly treated with formamide to remove pentons and fibers bind as efficiently as intact virions. Core structures, which were obtained by further formamide degradation of the virion, do not associate with microtubules. These observations support the hypothesis of Dales and Chardonnet (1973) that the transport of adenovirions within infected cells is mediated by interaction with microtubules.  相似文献   

Utilizing negative-stain electron microscopy in which similar concentrations of reovirus types 1 and 3 are incubated with a carbon support film containing chick brain, rabbit brain, or HeLa cell microtubules, 81% of the type 1 and 56% of type 3 exhibited an association with the apparent "edge" of the microtubule. This implies that there is a high level of specific affinity for type 1 but not for type 3 to microtubules, since it has previously been determined that only 50% of randomly associated particles would be associated with the edge. The high edge binding of reovirus type 1 is virtually independent of the origin of microtubule, or of whether microtubules or virus has been initially adhered to the support film. On the other hand, reovirus type 1-specific antiserum reduced the edge binding or reovirus type 1 to 45%, whereas type 3 specific antiserum caused no less (within the variability of the assay) of the edge binding of reovirus type 1 to microtubules (76% edge bound). High edge binding of reovirus type 1 to microtubules is correlated with the presence of type 1 or sigma 1 polypeptide. This minor outer capsid polypeptide is encoded in the S1 double-stranded RNA segment and is the viral hemagglutinin and neutralization antigen. Recombinant reovirus clones containing the S1 double-stranded RNA segment of type 1 (80 and 802) show about 85% edge binding, as compared to a value of 42% for clones and the S1 gene of type 3 (204. Electron microscopy of purified reovirus types 1 and 3 by negative staining reveals that type 1 and 802 capsomers are distinctly visualized, whereas those of type 3 and 204 appear diffuse. Thus, the greater in vitro binding of type 1 to microtubules may reflect an increased accessibility of certain of its outer capsomers, and thereby, sigma 1 polypeptides to microtubules. Examination of its outer sections of reovirus type 1- and 3-infected cells at 24 to 48 h postinfection at 31 degrees C showed that about eight times as many viral factoris in type 1-infected cells exhibited an extensive association of virus particles with microtubules, as compared to viral factories of type 3-infected cells. Thus, both in vivo and in vitro there appears to be a greater specificity for the association of reovirus type 1 particles with microtubules, as compared to reovirus type 3 particles.  相似文献   

Tubulin carboxypeptidase, the enzyme which releases the COOH terminal tyrosine from the a-chain of tubulin, remains associated with microtubules through several cycles of assembly/disassembly (Arce CA, Barra HS: FEBS Lett 157: 75–78, 1983). Here, we present evidence indicating that in rat brain extract the carboxypeptidase/microtubules association is regulated by the relative activities of endogenous protein kinase(s) and phosphatase(s) which seem to determine the phosphorylation state of the enzyme (or another entity) and in some way the affinity of the enzyme for microtubules. The presence of 2.5 mM ATP during the in vitro microtubule formation resulted in a low recovery of carboxypeptidase activity in the microtubule fraction. This ATP-induced effect was not due to alteration of the enzyme activity or to inhibition of microtubule assembly but to a decrease of the association of the enzyme with microtubules. We found that the ATP-induced effect was not mediated by modifications on the microtubules but, presumably, on the enzyme molecule. The non-hydrolyzable ATP analogue, AMP-PCP, did not reproduce the effect of ATP. The inclusion of phosphatase inhibitors in the homogenization buffer also led to a decrease in the amount of tubulin carboxypeptidase associated with microtubules. Finally, we found that, in concordance with the mechanism hypothesized, the magnitude of the carboxypeptidase/microtubule association correlated well with the different incubation conditions created to favor maximal, minimal or intermediate protein phosphorylation states.  相似文献   

Estramustine phosphate, an estradiol nitrogen-mustard derivative is a microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-binding microtubule inhibitor, used in the therapy of prostatic carcinoma. It was found to inhibit assembly and to induce disassembly of microtubules reconstituted from phosphocellulose-purified tubulin with either tau, microtubule-associated protein 2, or chymotrypsin-digested microtubule-associated protein 2. Estramustine phosphate also inhibited assembly of trypsin-treated microtubules, completely depleted of high-molecular-weight microtubule-associated proteins, but with their microtubule-binding fragment present. In all cases estramustine phosphate induced disassembly to about 50%, at a concentration of approximately 100 microM, at similar protein concentrations. However, estramustine phosphate did not affect dimethyl sulfoxide-induced assembly of phosphocellulose-purified tubulin. Estramustine phosphate is a reversible inhibitor, as the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 was found to counteract the inhibition in a concentration-dependent manner. The reversibility was nondisruptive, as Triton X-100 itself did not affect microtubule assembly, microtubule protein composition, or morphology. This new reversible MAPs-dependent inhibitor estramustine phosphate affects the tubulin assembly, induced by tau, as well as by the small tubulin-binding part of MAP2 with the same concentration dependency. This indicates that tau and the tubulin-binding part of MAP2, in addition to their assembly promoting functions also have binding site(s) for estramustine phosphate in common.  相似文献   

Mammalian brain microtubules are sensitive to cyclic AMP in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microtubules assembled in vitro with ATP were depolymerized by the addition of cyclic AMP, which correlates with a stimulation of the endogeneous phosphorylation reaction. When assembled with GTP, however, microtubules were only sensitive to cyclic AMP when ATP was present. This nucleoside triphosphate induced the disassembly of microtubules in a concentration-dependent, cyclic nucleotide-stimulated manner. Since UTP, CTP and the nonhydrolyzable ATP analog adenosine-5'-(beta, gamma-methylene)triphosphate were without comparable effect, it was assumed that phosphorylation of the microtubule-associated proteins may represent a physiological mechanism by which microtubules in the living cell respond to external stimuli.  相似文献   

The heterotrimeric GTP-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) play an important role in the regulation of membrane signal transduction. Recently, we identified the association of Go protein with mitotic spindles. Here we have investigated the relationship between Go protein and microtubules. We used temperature-dependent reversible assembly and taxol methods to purify microtubules from bovine brains. Goalpha and Gbeta proteins were identified in the microtubular fraction by both methods. The Goalpha subunit in the microtubular fraction could be ADP ribosylated by pertussis toxin. Co-immunoprecipitation data also revealed that Go protein can interact with microtubules. Exogenous Go protein could be incorporated into the assembled microtubular fraction, and 5 microg/ml (60 nM) of Go protein inhibited 40% of microtubule assembly. Western blot analysis of Goalpha-1 and Goalpha-2 in microtubular fractions showed that only Goalpha-1 is associated with microtubules. We conclude that the Goalpha-1betagamma proteins are associated with microtubules and may play some role in regulating the assembly and disassembly of microtubules.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(3):1273-1282
We observe that one of the high molecular mass microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) from brain exhibits nucleotide-dependent binding to microtubules. We identify the protein as MAP IC, which was previously described in this laboratory as a minor component of standard microtubule preparations (Bloom, G.S., T. Schoenfeld, and R.B. Vallee, 1984, J. Cell Biol., 98:320-330). We find that MAP 1C is enriched in microtubules prepared in the absence of nucleotide. Kinesin is also found in these preparations, but can be specifically extracted with GTP. A fraction highly enriched in MAP 1C can be prepared by subsequent extraction of the microtubules with ATP. Two activities cofractionate with MAP 1C upon further purification, a microtubule-activated ATPase activity and a microtubule-translocating activity. These activities indicate a role for the protein in cytoplasmic motility. MAP 1C coelectrophoreses with the beta heavy chain of Chlamydomonas flagellar dynein, and has a sedimentation coefficient of 20S. Exposure to ultraviolet light in the presence of vanadate and ATP results in the production of two large fragments of MAP 1C. These characteristics suggest that MAP 1C may be a cytoplasmic analogue of axonemal dynein.  相似文献   

Microtubules serve as transport tracks in molecular mechanisms governing cellular shape and polarity. Rapid transitions between stable and dynamic microtubules are regulated by several factors, including microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). We have shown that MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinases (MARK) can phosphorylate the microtubule-associated-proteins MAP4, MAP2c, and tau on their microtubule-binding domain in vitro. This leads to their detachment from microtubules (MT) and an increased dynamic instability of MT. Here we show that MARK protein kinases phosphorylate MAP2 and MAP4 on their microtubule-binding domain in transfected CHO cells. In CHO cells expressing MARK1 or MARK2 under control of an inducible promoter, MARK2 phosphorylates an endogenous MAP4-related protein. Prolonged expression of MARK2 results in microtubule-disruption, detachment of cells from the substratum, and cell death. Concomitant with microtubule disruption, we also observed a breakdown of the vimentin network, whereas actin fibers remained unaffected. Thus, MARK seems to play an important role in controlling cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   

Association of ribosomes with in vitro assembled microtubules   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Microtubules were purified from unfertilized eggs of the sea urchins Arbacia punctulata, Lytechinus pictus, Lytechinus variegatus, and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Numerous densely stained particles (24 x 26 nm) are associated with microtubules isolated from each of these sea urchins. The most striking aspect of this structure is an extended, slightly curved arm that appears to attach the particles to the microtubule. Morphologically similar particles are associated with microtubules of the isolated first cleavage mitotic apparatus. The particles are attached to the microtubules by ionic interactions and contain large amounts of extractable RNA. Based upon their size and density, RNA and protein composition, and sedimentation in sucrose gradients, the microtubule-associated particles are identified as ribosomes.  相似文献   

At low concentrations, vinblastine binds rapidly and reversibly to a very limited number of high affinity sites on steady-state bovine brain microtubules (mean Kd, 1.9 × 10?6m; 16.8 ± 4.3 vinblastine binding sites per microtubule) which appear to be located at one or both ends of the microtubules. At high concentrations, vinblastine binds to a high binding capacity class of sites of undetermined affinity, located on helical strands of protofilaments which form at the ends of depolymerizing microtubules, and/or along the surface of the microtubules. Substoichiometric inhibition of microtubule assembly, which occurs at low vinblastine concentrations, appears to be due to the binding of vinblastine to the high affinity class of sites. Fifty per cent inhibition of tubulin addition to the net assembly ends of steady-state microtubules occurred at 1.38 × 10?7m-drug, and at this concentration, 1.16 ± 0.27 molecules of vinblastine were bound to the high affinity class of sites. Vinblastine appeared to bind directly to the microtubule ends, and our results indicate that vinblastine inhibits the assembly of steady-state bovine brain microtubules by binding rapidly and with high affinity to one or two molecules of tubulin at the net assembly ends. Splaying and peeling of protofilaments at microtubule ends and the active depolymerization of microtubules occurred only at vinblastine concentrations greater than 1 × 10?6 to 2 × 10?6m. This action of vinblastine is associated with and may be due to the binding of vinblastine to the high capacity class of sites. Both actions of vinblastine may be due to the binding of vinblastine to the same binding sites on the tubulin molecule, with the sites exhibiting either a high or low affinity depending upon the location in the microtubule.  相似文献   

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