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The specification of mammalian chromosomal replication origins is incompletely understood. To analyze the assembly and activation of prereplicative complexes (pre-RCs), we tested the effects of tethered binding of chromatin acetyltransferases and replication proteins on chromosomal c-myc origin deletion mutants containing a GAL4-binding cassette. GAL4DBD (DNA binding domain) fusions with Orc2, Cdt1, E2F1 or HBO1 coordinated the recruitment of the Mcm7 helicase subunit, the DNA unwinding element (DUE)-binding protein DUE-B and the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) helicase activator Cdc45 to the replicator, and restored origin activity. In contrast, replication protein binding and origin activity were not stimulated by fusion protein binding in the absence of flanking c-myc DNA. Substitution of the GAL4-binding site for the c-myc replicator DUE allowed Orc2 and Mcm7 binding, but eliminated origin activity, indicating that the DUE is essential for pre-RC activation. Additionally, tethering of DUE-B was not sufficient to recruit Cdc45 or activate pre-RCs formed in the absence of a DUE. These results show directly in a chromosomal background that chromatin acetylation, Orc2 or Cdt1 suffice to recruit all downstream replication initiation activities to a prospective origin, and that chromosomal origin activity requires singular DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Initiation of DNA synthesis is triggered by the binding of proteins to replication origins. However, little is known about the order in which specific proteins associate with origin sites during the cell cycle. We show that in cycling cells there are at least two different nucleoprotein complexes at oriC. A factor for inversion stimulation (FIS)-bound nucleoprotein complex, present throughout the majority of the cell cycle, switches to an integration host factor (IHF)-bound form as cells initiate DNA replication. Coincident with binding of IHF, initiator DnaA binds to its previously unoccupied R3 site. In stationary phase, a third nucleoprotein complex forms. FIS is absent and inactive oriC forms a nucleoprotein structure containing IHF that is not observed in cycling cells. We propose that interplay between FIS and IHF aids assembly of initiation nucleoprotein complexes during the cell cycle and blocks initiation at inappropriate times. This exchange of components at replication origins is reminiscent of switching between pre- and post-replicative chromatin states at yeast ARS1.  相似文献   

Densely methylated DNA sequence islands, designated DMIs, have been observed in two Chinese hamster cell chromosomal replication origins by using a PCR-based chemical method of detection. One of the origins, oriS14, is located within or adjacent to the coding sequence for ribosomal protein S14 on chromosome 2q, and the other, ori-beta, is approximately 17 kbp downstream of the dhfr (dihydrofolic acid reductase) locus on chromosome 2p. The DMI in oriS14 is 127 bp long, and the DMI in ori-beta is 516 bp long. Both DMIs are bilaterally methylated (i.e., all dCs are modified to 5-methyl dC) only in cells that are replicating their DNA. When cell growth and DNA replication are arrested, methylation of CpA, CpT, and CpC dinucleotides is lost and the sequence islands display only a subset of their originally methylated CpG dinucleotides. Several possible roles for DMI-mediated regulation of mammalian chromosomal origins are considered.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus cell division is asymmetric and yields distinct swarmer cell and stalked cell progeny. Only the stalked cell initiates chromosomal replication, and the swarmer cell must differentiate into a stalked cell before chromosomal DNA replication can occur. In an effort to understand this developmental control of replication, we employed pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to localize and to isolate the chromosomal origin of replication. The C. crescentus homologues of several Escherichia coli genes are adjacent to the origin in the physical order hemE, origin, dnaA and dnaK,J. Deletion analysis reveals that the minimal sequence requirement for autonomous replication is greater than 430 base-pairs, but less than 720 base-pairs. A plasmid, whose replication relies only on DNA from the C. crescentus origin of replication, has a distinct temporal pattern of DNA synthesis that resembles that of the bona fide C. crescentus chromosome. This implies that cis-acting replication control elements are closely linked to this origin of replication. This DNA contains sequence motifs that are common to other bacterial origins, such as five DnaA boxes, an E. coli-like 13-mer, and an exceptional A + T-rich region. Point mutations in one of the DnaA boxes abolish replication in C. crescentus. This origin also possesses three additional motifs that are unique to the C. crescentus origin of replication: seven 8-mer (GGCCTTCC) motifs, nine 8-mer (AAGCCCGG) motifs, and five 9-mer (GTTAA-n7-TTAA) motifs are present. The latter two motifs are implicated in essential C. crescentus replication functions, because they are contained within specific deletions that abolish replication.  相似文献   

Two hundred strains of Escherichia coli harboring Filv+ plasmids which carry a segment of the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome were isolated independently. Among them, two strains were found to harbor F' plasmids that are able to replicate in Hfr cells of E. coli; i.e., they carry a site designated poh (permissive on Hfr) of the S. typhimurium chromosome. The poh site is presumably identical with the replication origin (oriC) of the bacterial chromosome. These two plasmids carry the dnaA-uncA-rbs-ilv-cya-metE region of the chromosome of S. typhimurium. Other F' plasmids which only carried the ilv-cya-metE region were unable to be maintained in Hfr cells. The poh site (= oriC) of S. typhimurium thus is located in the uhp-ilv region of the chromosome. The two plasmids carrying the poh site of S. typhimurium can suppress the temperature-sensitive character of an E. coli mutant that carries the temperature-sensitive dnaA46 allele, when the plasmids exist in the mutant cells. This suggests that the dnaA chromosome in place of the dnaA gene product of E. coli itself. The ability of the plasmids carrying the poh site of S. typhimurium to replicate in Hfr cells of E. coli suggests that the replication system of E. coli can recognize the Salmonella replication origin.  相似文献   

A rearrangement of the c-H-ras locus was detected in a T-cell line (DA-2) established from a Moloney leukemia virus-induced tumor. This rearrangement was associated with the high-level expression of H-ras RNA and the H-ras gene product, p21. DNA from DA-2 cells transformed fibroblasts in DNA transfection experiments, and the transformed fibroblasts contained the rearranged H-ras locus. The rearrangement involved one allele and was present in tissue from the primary tumor from which the cell line was isolated. Cloning and sequencing of the rearranged allele and comparison with the normal allele demonstrated that the rearrangement was complex and probably resulted from the integration of a retrovirus in the H-ras locus between a 5' noncoding exon and the first coding exon and a subsequent homologous recombination between this provirus and another newly acquired provirus also located on chromosome 7. These events resulted in the translocation of the coding exons of the H-ras locus away from the 5' noncoding exon region to a new genomic site on chromosome 7. Sequencing of the coding regions of the gene failed to detect mutations in the 12th, 13th, 59th, or 61st codons. The possible reasons for the complexity of the rearrangement and the significance of the activation of the H-ras locus to T-cell transformation are discussed.  相似文献   

The chromosomal origin of replication (oriC) of Erwinia carotovora.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The chromosomal DNA replication origin (oriC) of the plant pathogen Erwinia carotovora has been isolated and sequenced. The minimal E. carotovora oriC regional functional in Escherichia coli is a 374 base pair region located on a 7.9 kilobase pair SalI fragment which also contains a functional asnA gene. Differences between the nucleotide sequence of the minimal origin regions of E. carotovora and those of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium are clustered nucleotide substitutions, with regions of complete homology, up to 19 base pairs long, between the three origins. Nine GATC sites are found in the minimal origin, and all are conserved. In contrast, the region toward asnA from the minimal origin shows little clustering and the differences occur mainly every third nucleotide, suggesting that this region is a protein coding region.  相似文献   

We compared the pattern of replication of two cell-type specific profilin genes in one developmental stage of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. Taking advantage of the natural synchrony of S-phase within the plasmodium, we established that the actively transcribed profilin P gene is tightly linked to a chromosomal replication origin and is replicated at the onset of S-phase. In contrast, the inactive profilin A gene is not associated with a replication origin and it is duplicated in mid S-phase. Mapping by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis defines a short DNA fragment in the proximal upstream region of the profilin P gene from which bidirectional replication is initiated. We further provide an estimate of the kinetics of elongation of the replicon and demonstrate that the 2 alleles of the profilin P gene are coordinately replicated. All these results were obtained on total DNA preparations extracted from untreated cells. They provide a strong evidence for site specific initiation of DNA replication in Physarum.  相似文献   

The precise regulation of DNA replication is fundamental to the preservation of intact genomes during cell proliferation. Our understanding of this process has been based traditionally on a combination of techniques including biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology. In this report we describe how the analysis of the S phase in mammalian cells using classical cell biology techniques has contributed to our understanding of the replication process. We describe traditional and state-of-the-art protocols for imaging sites of DNA synthesis in nuclei and the organisation of active replicons along DNA, as visualised on individual DNA fibres. We evaluate how the different approaches inform our understanding of the replication process, placing particular emphasis on ways in which the higher order chromatin structures and the spatial architecture of replication sites contribute to the orderly activation of defined regions of the genome at precise times of S phase.  相似文献   

Checkpoints maintain order and fidelity in the cell cycle by blocking late-occurring events when earlier events are improperly executed. Here we describe evidence for the participation of Chk1 in an intra-S phase checkpoint in mammalian cells. We show that both Chk1 and Chk2 are phosphorylated and activated in a caffeine-sensitive signaling pathway during S phase, but only in response to replication blocks, not during normal S phase progression. Replication block-induced activation of Chk1 and Chk2 occurs normally in ataxia telangiectasia (AT) cells, which are deficient in the S phase response to ionizing radiation (IR). Resumption of synthesis after removal of replication blocks correlates with the inactivation of Chk1 but not Chk2. Using a selective small molecule inhibitor, cells lacking Chk1 function show a progressive change in the global pattern of replication origin firing in the absence of any DNA replication. Thus, Chk1 is apparently necessary for an intra-S phase checkpoint, ensuring that activation of late replication origins is blocked and arrested replication fork integrity is maintained when DNA synthesis is inhibited.  相似文献   

A small DNA fragment containing the high-frequency initiation region (IR) ori-beta from the hamster dihydrofolate reductase locus functions as an independent replicator in ectopic locations in both hamster and human cells. Conversely, a fragment of the human lamin B2 locus containing the previously mapped IR serves as an independent replicator at ectopic chromosomal sites in hamster cells. At least four defined sequence elements are specifically required for full activity of ectopic ori-beta in hamster cells. These include an AT-rich element, a 4-bp sequence located within the mapped IR, a region of intrinsically bent DNA located between these two elements, and a RIP60 protein binding site adjacent to the bent region. The ori-beta AT-rich element is critical for initiation activity in human, as well as hamster, cells and can be functionally substituted for by an AT-rich region from the human lamin B2 IR that differs in nucleotide sequence and length. Taken together, the results demonstrate that two mammalian replicators can be activated at ectopic sites in chromosomes of another mammal and lead us to speculate that they may share functionally related elements.  相似文献   

Amplified genes in cancer cells reside on extrachromosomal double minutes (DMs) or chromosomal homogeneously staining regions (HSRs). We used a plasmid bearing a mammalian replication initiation region to model gene amplification. Recombination junctions in the amplified region were comprehensively identified and sequenced. The junctions consisted of truncated direct repeats (type 1) or inverted repeats (type 2) with or without spacing. All of these junctions were frequently detected in HSRs, whereas there were few type 1 or a unique type 2 flanked by a short inverted repeat in DMs. The junction sequences suggested a model in which the inverted repeats were generated by sister chromatid fusion. We were consistently able to detect anaphase chromatin bridges connected by the plasmid repeat, which were severed in the middle during mitosis. De novo HSR generation was observed in live cells, and each HSR was lengthened more rapidly than expected from the classical breakage/fusion/bridge model. Importantly, we found massive DNA synthesis at the broken anaphase bridge during the G1 to S phase, which could explain the rapid lengthening of the HSR. This mechanism may not operate in acentric DMs, where most of the junctions are eliminated and only those junctions produced through stable intermediates remain.  相似文献   

Ors12, a mammalian autonomously replicating sequence (812 bp), was previously isolated by extrusion of African green monkey (CV-1 cells) nascent DNA from active replication bubbles. It contains a region of alpha-satellite extending 168-bp from the 5'-end, and a nonrepetitive portion extending from nucleotide position 169 to nucleotide 812 that is present in less than nine copies per haploid genome. Ors12 is capable of transient autonomous DNA replication in vivo and in vitro, associates with the nuclear matrix in a cell cycle-dependent manner, and hybridizes at the centromeric region of six CV-1 cell chromosomes as well as a marker chromosome. To demonstrate that DNA replication initiates at ors12 at a native chromosomal locus, a 14.2 kb African green monkey genomic clone was isolated and sequence information was obtained that allowed us to generate eight sets of PCR primers spanning a region of 8 kb containing ors12. One set of primers occurred inside ors12. These primers were used to amplify nascent DNA strands from asynchronously growing CV-1 and African green monkey kidney (AGMK) cells, using noncompetitive and competitive PCR-based mapping methodologies. Both assays showed that DNA replication in vivo initiates preferentially in a 2.3 kb region containing ors12, as well as at a second site located 1.7 kb upstream of ors12. This study provides the first demonstration of genomic function for a centromeric mammalian origin of DNA replication, originally isolated by nascent strand extrusion.  相似文献   

A general method for determining the physical location of an origin of bidirectional DNA replication has been developed recently and shown to be capable of correctly identifying the simian virus 40 origin of replication (L. Vassilev and E. M. Johnson, Nucleic Acids Res. 17:7693-7705, 1989). The advantage of this method over others previously reported is that it avoids the use of metabolic inhibitors, the requirement for cell synchronization, and the need for multiple copies of the origin sequence. Application of this method to exponentially growing Chinese hamster ovary cells containing the nonamplified, single-copy dihydrofolate reductase gene locus revealed that DNA replication begins bidirectionally in an initiation zone approximately 2.5 kilobases long centered about 17 kilobases downstream of the DHFR gene, coinciding with previously described early replicating sequences. These results demonstrate the utility of this mapping protocol for identifying cellular origins of replication and suggest that the same cellular origin is used in both the normal and the amplified DHFR locus.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster genomic DNA sequences from the region downstream of the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene reported to contain a chromosomal origin of bidirectional DNA replication (OBR-1) were tested for their ability to support autonomous DNA replication in human cells. A 13.3 kilobase fragment containing OBR-1 and surrounding sequences supported replication in short-term and long-term replication assays, while a 4.5 kb fragment containing OBR-1 did not support substantial replication in either assay. These results are consistent with our previous observations that large fragments of human DNA support replication, while smaller fragments are less efficient. The replication activities of plasmids containing OBR-1 were no greater than those of randomly chosen human fragments of similar size. Furthermore, two-dimensional gel analysis of plasmids containing OBR-1 indicated that initiation does not preferentially occur within the OBR-1 region. These results suggest that in the context of autonomous replication, the DHFR sequences tested do not contain genetic information specifying site-specific replication initiation. Possible implications of these results for chromosomal replication are discussed.  相似文献   

Several protein-protein interactions have been shown to be critical for proper replication fork function in Escherichia coli. These include interactions between the polymerase and the helicase, the helicase and the primase, and the primase and the polymerase. We have studied the influence of these interactions on proper initiation at oriC by using mutant primases defective in their interaction with the helicase and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme lacking the tau subunit so that it will not interact with the helicase. We show here that accurate initiation of bidirectional DNA replication from oriC is dependent on proper placement of the primers for leading strand synthesis and is thus governed primarily by the interaction between the helicase and primase.  相似文献   

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