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The prion protein (PrP) binds Cu(2+) in its N-terminal octarepeat domain, composed of four or more tandem PHGGGWGQ segments. Previous work from our laboratory demonstrates that copper interacts with the octarepeat domain through three distinct coordination modes at pH 7.4, depending upon the precise ratio of Cu(2+) to protein. Here, we apply both electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and fluorescence quenching to determine the copper affinity for each of these modes. At low copper occupancy, which favors multiple His coordination, the octarepeat domain binds Cu(2+) with a dissociation constant of 0.10 (+/-0.08) nM. In contrast, high copper occupancy, involving coordination through deprotonated amide nitrogens, exhibits a weaker affinity characterized by dissociation constants in the range of 7.0-12.0 microM. Decomposition of the EPR spectra reveals the proportions of all coordination species throughout the copper concentration range and identifies significant populations of intermediates, consistent with negative cooperativity. At most copper concentrations, the Hill coefficient is less than 1.0 and approximately 0.7 at half copper occupancy. These findings demonstrate that the octarepeat domain is responsive to a remarkably wide copper concentration range covering approximately 5 orders of magnitude. Consideration of these findings, along with the demonstrated ability of the protein to quench copper redox activity at high occupancy, suggests that PrP may function to protect cells by scavenging excess copper.  相似文献   

Copper introduced into met-myoglobin crystals occupies various sites as indicated by electron paramagnetic resonance parameters. Cu2+ (A) is probably liganded to histidine A10, lysine A14, and asparagine GH4 (Banaszak et al., 1965) and shows superhyperfine interaction with a single (imidazole) nitrogen. Cu2+ (B) and Cu2+ (C) correspond to other anisotropic sites described in less detail. Cu2+ (A) exhibits a transition to an isotropic form with a transition temperature of 40.5 degrees C. This transition indicates a conformational change in myoglobin and could correspond to a motion of A helix away from the GH section. The transition temperature is 7 degrees C higher than the one previously reported (Atanasov, 1971) for myoglobin in solution.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the presence of divalent cation binding sites in purified F1-ATPase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus (Micrococcus luteus). Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of native F1-ATPase indicate that the enzyme binds Mn2+ and Cu2+. Scatchard-type plot for Mn2+ binding to the enzyme indicates the presence of 3–4 independent and identical sites with a dissociation constant of 18.3 · 10−6 M. Cu2+ binds to the enzyme at only one kind of site(s). This Cu2+ binding site(s) is characterized by a moderately ionic ligand field provided by the protein and by a tetragonal symmetry of nitrogen and/or oxigen ligands. Competition studies indicate that Mg2+ binds at these Mn2+ and Cu2+ binding sites.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrP) is a cell-surface Cu(2+)-binding glycoprotein that when misfolded is responsible for a number of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Full-length PrP-(23-231) and constructs in which the octarepeat region has been removed, or His(95) and His(110) is replaced by alanine residues, have been used to elucidate the order and mode of Cu(2+) coordination to PrP-(23-231). We have built on our understanding of the appearance of visible CD spectra and EPR for various PrP fragments to characterize Cu(2+) coordination to full-length PrP. At physiological pH, Cu(2+) initially binds to full-length PrP in the amyloidogenic region between the octarepeats and the structured domain at His(95) and His(110). Only subsequent Cu(2+) ions bind to single histidine residues within the octarepeat region. Ni(2+) ions are used to further probe metal binding and, like Cu(2+), Ni(2+) will bind individually to His(95) and His(110), involving preceding main chain amides. Competitive chelators are used to determine the affinity of the first mole equivalent of Cu(2+) bound to full-length PrP; this approach places the affinity in the nanomolar range. The affinity and number of Cu(2+) binding sites support the suggestion that PrP could act as a sacrificial quencher of free radicals generated by copper redox cycling.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L2 is a primary 23S rRNA binding protein in the large ribosomal subunit. We examined the contribution of the N- and C-terminal regions of Bacillus stearothermophilus L2 (BstL2) to the 23S rRNA binding activity. The mutant desN, in which the N-terminal 59 residues of BstL2 were deleted, bound to the 23S rRNA fragment to the same extent as wild type BstL2, but the mutation desC, in which the C-terminal 74 amino acid residues were deleted, abolished the binding activity. These observations indicated that the C-terminal region is involved in 23S rRNA binding. Subsequent deletion analysis of the C-terminal region found that the C-terminal 70 amino acids are required for efficient 23S rRNA binding by BstL2. Furthermore, the surface plasmon resonance analysis indicated that successive truncations of the C-terminal residues increased the dissociation rate constants, while they had little influence on association rate constants. The result indicated that reduced affinities of the C-terminal deletion mutants were due only to higher dissociation rate constants, suggesting that the C-terminal region primarily functions by stabilizing the protein L2-23S rRNA complex.  相似文献   

The interaction of copper ions with tRNA has been studied by optical and EPR spectroscopies. The interaction results in two different paramagnetic complexes characterized by a tetragonal symmetry of the ligand electric field sensed by the ions. The complete set of the spin Hamiltonian parameters has been extracted by computer simulation with the Monte Carlo method. Hypotheses concerning the putative ligands are put forward.  相似文献   

The kinetics of folding of mPrP(121-231), the structured 111-residue domain of the murine cellular prion protein PrP(C), were investigated by stopped-flow fluorescence using the variant F175W, which has the same overall structure and stability as wild-type mPrP(121-231) but shows a strong fluorescence change upon unfolding. At 22 degrees C and pH 7.0, folding of mPrP(121-231)-F175W is too fast to be observable by stopped-flow techniques. Folding at 4 degrees C occurs with a deduced half-life of approximately 170 micros without detectable intermediates, possibly the fastest protein-folding reaction known so far. Thus, propagation of the abnormal, oligomeric prion protein PrP(Sc), which is supposed to be the causative agent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, is unlikely to follow a mechanism where kinetic folding intermediates of PrP(C) are a source of PrP(Sc) subunits.  相似文献   

All inherited forms of human prion diseases are linked with mutations in the prion protein (PrP) gene. Here we have investigated the stability and Cu(II) binding properties of three recombinant variants of murine full-length PrP(23-231)-containing destabilizing point mutations that are associated with human Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker disease (F198S), Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (E200K), and fatal familial insomnia (D178N) by electron paramagnetic resonance and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Furthermore, we analyzed the variants H140S, H177S, and H187S of the isolated C-terminal domain of murine PrP, mPrP(121-231), to test a role of the histidine residues in Cu(II) binding. The F198S and E200K variants of PrP(23-231) differed in Cu(II) binding from the wild-type mPrP(23-231). However, circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that the variants and the wild type did not undergo conformational changes in the presence of Cu(II). The D178N variant showed a high tendency to aggregate at pH 7.4 both with and without Cu(II). At lower pH values, it showed the same Cu(II) binding behavior as the wild type. The analysis allowed for a better location of the Cu(II) binding sites in the C-terminal part of the protein. Our present data indicate that hereditary forms of prion diseases cannot be rationalized on the basis of altered Cu(II) binding or mutation-induced protein destabilization alone.  相似文献   

Kirby TL  Karim CB  Thomas DD 《Biochemistry》2004,43(19):5842-5852
We used EPR spectroscopy to probe directly the interaction between phospholamban (PLB) and its regulatory target, the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (SERCA). Synthetic monomeric PLB was prepared with a single cytoplasmic cysteine at residue 11, which was then spin labeled. PLB was reconstituted into membranes in the presence or absence of SERCA, and spin label mobility and accessibility were measured. The spin label was quite rotationally mobile in the absence of SERCA, but became more restricted in the presence of SERCA. SERCA also decreased the dependence of spin label mobility on PLB concentration in the membrane, indicating that SERCA reduces PLB-PLB interactions. The spin label MTSSL, attached to Cys11 on PLB by a disulfide bond, was stable at position 11 in the absence of SERCA. In the presence of SERCA, the spin label was released and a covalent bond was formed between PLB and SERCA, indicating direct interaction of one or more SERCA cysteine residues with Cys11 on PLB. The accessibility of the PLB-bound spin label IPSL to paramagnetic agents, localized in different phases of the membrane, indicates that SERCA greatly reduces the level of interaction of the spin label with the membrane surface. We propose that the cytoplasmic domain of PLB associates with the lipid surface, and that association with SERCA induces a major conformational change in PLB in which the cytoplasmic domain is drawn away from the lipid surface by SERCA.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that the prion protein (PrP) plays a role in copper metabolism in the central nervous system. The N-terminal region of human PrP contains four sequential copies of the highly conserved octarepeat sequence PHGGGWGQ spanning residues 60-91. This region selectively binds divalent copper ions (Cu(2+)) in vivo. To elucidate the specific mode and site of binding, we have studied a series of Cu(2+)-peptide complexes composed of 1-, 2-, and 4-octarepeats and several sub-octarepeat peptides, by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR, conventional X-band and low-frequency S-band) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. At pH 7.45, two EPR active binding modes are observed where the dominant mode appears to involve coordination of three nitrogens and one oxygen to the copper ion, while in the minor mode two nitrogens and two oxygens coordinate. ESEEM spectra demonstrate that the histidine imidazole contributes one of these nitrogens. The truncated sequence HGGGW gives EPR and CD that are indistinguishable from the dominant binding mode observed for the multi-octarepeat sequences and may therefore comprise the fundamental Cu(2+) binding unit. Both EPR and CD titration experiments demonstrate rigorously a 1:1 Cu(2+)/octarepeat binding stoichiometry regardless of the number of octarepeats in a given peptide sequence. Detailed spin integration of the EPR signals demonstrates that all of the bound Cu(2+) is detected thereby ruling out strong exchange coupling that is often found when there is imidazolate bridging between paramagnetic metal centers. A model consistent with these data is proposed in which Cu(2+) is bound to the nitrogen of the histidine imidazole side chain and to two nitrogens from sequential glycine backbone amides.  相似文献   

We present a hybrid QM/MM Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics study of the copper-loaded C-terminal domain of the mouse prion protein. By means of a statistical analysis of copper coordination in known protein structures, we localized the protein regions with the highest propensity for copper ion binding. The identified candidate structures were subsequently refined via QM/MM simulations. Their EPR characteristics were computed to make contact with the experimental data and to probe the sensitivity to structural and chemical changes. Overall best agreement with the experimental EPR data (Van Doorslaer et al., J Phys Chem B 2001; 105: 1631-1639) and the information currently available in the literature is observed for a binding site involving H187. Moreover, a reinterpretation of the experimental proton hyperfine couplings was possible in the light of the present computational findings.  相似文献   

The binding of vanadyl to a porcine and bovine testicular S-100-like protein and to calmodulin was demonstrated using X-band (9.2 gHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in aqueous solution at pH 7.4. In liquid solutions at 22°C, the vanadyl-protein complexes yielded VO2+ near rigid limit spectra. At 122 K, each of the three high-field resonances (i.e., 3/2, 5/2, and 7/2 parallel components) splits into two components indicating the presence of two classes of vanadyl-binding sites in each protein. The spectra of the frozen solutions were simulated to give parallel and perpendicular components of the hyperfine coupling constant and g factors similar to other vanadyl-protein complexes.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative disorders associated with conformational conversion of the cellular prion protein, PrP(C), into a misfolded, protease-resistant form, PrP(Sc). Here we show, for the first time, the oligomerization and fibrillization of the C-terminal domain of murine PrP, mPrP-(121-231), which lacks the entire unstructured N-terminal domain of the protein. In particular, the construct we used lacks amino acid residues 106-120 from the so-called amyloidogenic core of PrP (residues 106-126). Amyloid formation was accompanied by acquisition of resistance to proteinase K digestion. Aggregation of mPrP-(121-231) was investigated using a combination of biophysical and biochemical techniques at pH 4.0, 5.5, and 7.0 and at 37 and 65 degrees C. Under partially denaturing conditions (65 degrees C), aggregates of different morphologies ranging from soluble oligomers to mature amyloid fibrils of mPrP-(121-231) were formed. Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed that roughly spherical aggregates were readily formed when the protein was incubated at pH 5.5 and 65 degrees C for 1 h, whereas prolonged incubation led to the formation of mature amyloid fibrils. Samples incubated at 65 degrees C at pH 4.0 or 7.0 presented an initial mixture of oligomers and protofibrils or fibrils. Electrophoretic analysis of samples incubated at 65 degrees C revealed formation of sodium dodecyl sulfate-resistant oligomers (dimers, trimers, and tetramers) and higher molecular weight aggregates of mPrP-(121-231). These results demonstrate that formation of an amyloid form with physical properties of PrP(Sc) can be achieved in the absence of the flexible N-terminal domain and, in particular, of residues 106-120 of PrP and does not require other cellular factors or a PrP(Sc) template.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that the prion protein binds copper. However, there have also been suggestions that prion protein (PrP) binds manganese. We used isothermal titration calorimetry to identify the manganese binding sites in wild-type mouse PrP. The protein showed two manganese binding sites with affinities that would bind manganese at concentrations of 63 and 200 mum at pH 5.5. This indicates that PrP binds manganese with affinity similar to other known manganese-binding proteins. Further study indicated that the main manganese binding site is associated with His-95 in the so-called "fifth site" normally associated with copper binding. Additionally, it was shown that occupancy by copper does not prevent manganese binding. Under these conditions, manganese binding resulted in an altered conformation of PrP, displacement of copper, and altered redox chemistry of the metal-protein complex. Cyclic voltammetric measurements suggested a complex redox chemistry involving manganese bound to PrP, whereas copper-bound PrP was able to undergo fully reversible electron cycling. Additionally, manganese binding to PrP converted it to a form able to catalyze aggregation of metal-free PrP. These results further support the notion that manganese binding could cause a conformation change in PrP and trigger changes in the protein similar to those associated with prion disease.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is a Cu2+ binding protein connected to the outer cell membrane. The molecular features of the Cu2+ binding sites have been investigated and characterized by spectroscopic experiments on PrPC-derived peptides and the recombinant human full-length PrPC (hPrP-[23-231]). The hPrP-[23-231] was loaded with 63Cu under slightly acidic (pH 6.0) or neutral conditions. The PrPC/Cu2+-complexes were investigated by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). For comparison, peptides from the copper-binding octarepeat domain were investigated in different environments. Molecular mechanics computations were used to select sterically possible peptide/Cu2+ structures. The simulated EPR, ENDOR, and EXAFS spectra of these structures were compared with our experimental data. For a stoichiometry of two octarepeats per copper the resulting model has a square planar four nitrogen Cu2+ coordination. Two nitrogens belong to imidazole rings of histidine residues. Further ligands are two deprotonated backbone amide nitrogens of the adjacent glycine residues and an axial oxygen of a water molecule. Our complex model differs significantly from those previously obtained for shorter peptides. Sequence context, buffer conditions and stoichiometry of copper show marked influence on the configuration of copper binding to PrPC. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The g anisotropy of the EPR spectra of carp azidomethemoglobin is found to be pH-dependent, whereas, the spectra of human azidomethemoglobin are not. The two hemoglobins have the same g values at alkaline pH values. Crystal field analysis yielded values of 2.25 and 3.31, respectively, for the rhombic distortion, V/lambda, and the tetragonal distortion, delta/lambda. The spin orbit coupling constant is lambda. At pH 4.0 the values of V/lambda and delta/lambda for carp azidomethemoglobin became 1.95 and 4.76, respectively, whereas those for the human hemoglobin are virtually unchanged. The results are interpreted to mean an increase of out-ofplane displacement of the iron atom and stabilization of the T form of carp azidomethemoglobin by high proton concentration. At pH 6.0 and lower, the EPR spectra of carp azidomethemoglobin showed the presence of about 1.5% of high spin species, the amount is not affected by excess of either inositol hexaphosphate or sodium azide. The EPR spectra of aquo- and fluoroderivatives of carp methemoglobin were not affected by pH changes.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are fatal transmissible neurodegenerative diseases affecting many mammalian species. The normal prion protein (PrP) converts into a pathological aggregated form, PrPSc, which is enriched in the β-sheet structure. Although the high resolution structure of the normal PrP was determined, the structure of the converted form of PrP remains inaccessible to high resolution techniques. To map the PrP conversion process we introduced disulfide bridges into different positions within the globular domain of PrP, tethering selected secondary structure elements. The majority of tethered PrP mutants exhibited increased thermodynamic stability, nevertheless, they converted efficiently. Only the disulfides that tether subdomain B1-H1-B2 to subdomain H2-H3 prevented PrP conversion in vitro and in prion-infected cell cultures. Reduction of disulfides recovered the ability of these mutants to convert, demonstrating that the separation of subdomains is an essential step in conversion. Formation of disulfide-linked proteinase K-resistant dimers in fibrils composed of a pair of single cysteine mutants supports the model based on domain-swapped dimers as the building blocks of prion fibrils. In contrast to previously proposed structural models of PrPSc suggesting conversion of large secondary structural segments, we provide evidence for the conservation of secondary structural elements of the globular domain upon PrP conversion. Previous studies already showed that dimerization is the rate-limiting step in PrP conversion. We show that separation and swapping of subdomains of the globular domain is necessary for conversion. Therefore, we propose that the domain-swapped dimer of PrP precedes amyloid formation and represents a potential target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The two highly conserved Zn(2+) finger motifs of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein, NCp7, strongly bind Zn(2+) through coordination of one His and three Cys residues. To further analyze the role of these residues, we investigated the Zn(2+) binding and acid-base properties of four single-point mutants of a short peptide corresponding to the distal finger motif of NCp7. In each mutant, one Zn(2+)-coordinating residue is substituted with a noncoordinating one. Using the spectroscopic properties of Co(2+), we first establish that the four mutants retain their ability to bind a metal cation through a four- or five-coordinate geometry with the vacant ligand position(s) presumably occupied by water molecule(s). Moreover, the pK(a) values of the three Cys residues of the mutant apopeptide where His44 is substituted with Ala are found by (1)H NMR to be similar to those of the native peptide, suggesting that the mutations do not affect the acid-base properties of the Zn(2+)-coordinating residues. The binding of Zn(2+) was monitored by using the fluorescence of Trp37 as an intrinsic probe. At pH 7.5, the apparent Zn(2+) binding constants (between 1.6 x 10(8) and 1.3 x 10(10) M(-)(1)) of the four mutants are strongly reduced compared to those of the native peptide but are similar to those of various host Zn(2+) binding proteins. As a consequence, the loss of viral infectivity following the mutation of one Zn(2+)-coordinating residue in vivo may not be related to the total loss of Zn(2+) binding. The pH dependence of Zn(2+) binding indicates that the coordinating residues bind Zn(2+) stepwise and that the free energy provided by the binding of a given residue may be modulated by the entropic contribution of the residues already bound to Zn(2+). Finally, the pK(a) of Cys49 in the holopeptide is found to be 5.0, a value that is at least 0.7 unit higher than those for the other Zn(2+)-coordinating residues. This implies that Cys49 may act as a switch for Zn(2+) dissociation in the distal finger motif of NCp7, a feature that may contribute to the high susceptibility of Cys49 to electrophilic attack.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are a group of fatal neurodegenerative disorders associated with structural conversion of a normal, mostly alpha-helical cellular prion protein, PrP(C), into a pathogenic beta-sheet-rich conformation, PrP(Sc). The structure of PrP(C) is well studied, whereas the insolubility of PrP(Sc) makes the characterization of its structure problematic. No proteins similar to PrP, except for its paralog with the same fold, PrP-Doppel, are known. However, PrP-Doppel does not undergo a structural transition into a beta-sheet-rich conformation. Structural information from proteins that share a weak but significant sequence similarity with PrP may be used to gain additional insights into the conformation of PrP(Sc). We construct a sequence profile corresponding to the structured domain of PrP and use this profile to search the SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL databases. We identify a significant sequence similarity between PrP and chimpanzee cytomegalovirus glycoprotein UL9. This glycoprotein scores higher than all PrP-Doppel sequences. Fold recognition methods assign a mainly-beta fold to UL9. Owing to the observed sequence similarity with PrP and a putative mainly-beta fold, the UL9 glycoprotein may represent a potential target for experimental structure determination aimed at obtaining a structural template for PrP(Sc) modeling.  相似文献   

The presence of a nucleotide binding site on hsp90 was very controversial until x-ray structure of the hsp90 N-terminal domain, showing a nonconventional nucleotide binding site, appeared. A recent study suggested that the hsp90 C-terminal domain also binds ATP (Marcu, M. G., Chadli, A., Bouhouche, I., Catelli, M. G., and Neckers, L. M. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 37181-37186). In this paper, the interactions of ATP with native hsp90 and its recombinant N-terminal (positions 1-221) and C-terminal (positions 446-728) domains were studied by isothermal titration calorimetry, scanning differential calorimetry, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Results clearly demonstrate that hsp90 possesses a second ATP-binding site located on the C-terminal part of the protein. The association constant between this domain of hsp90 and ATP-Mg and a comparison with the binding constant on the full-length protein are reported for the first time. Secondary structure prediction revealed motifs compatible with a Rossmann fold in the C-terminal part of hsp90. It is proposed that this potential Rossmann fold may constitute the C-terminal ATP-binding site. This work also suggests allosteric interaction between N- and C-terminal domains of hsp90.  相似文献   

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