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研究了16 g/L甘露醇处理对小麦细胞再分化、细胞IAA氧化酶、IAA过氧化物酶、 谷胱甘肽转移酶和过氧化物酶活性的影响。结果表明,甘露醇处理使小麦细胞再生能力明显降低,引起细胞蛋白质含量、IAA过氧化物酶和GST活性明显降低;但使细胞IAA氧化酶和POD活性明显增高。  相似文献   

研究了甘露醇和60BA处理对水稻服浮细胞再分化、过氧化物酶及IAA氧化酶的影响。结果表明,甘露醇处理能延迟水稻细胞衰老,提高细胞再分化能力,降低细胞过氧化物酶和IAA氧化酶活性,6-BA(2mg/L)虽然明显降低细胞过氧化物酶活性,但对IAA氧化酶及细胞衰老无明显影响,讨论了过氧化物酶及IAA氧化酶在水稻胚性细胞形成上的可能作用。  相似文献   

整株干旱降低盐棉46号叶片中的IAA总量,叶龄愈小下降愈多。幼叶中IAA总量的下降主要是结合态IAA减少的结果。气干和-1.7MPa PEG溶液渗透胁迫处理也降低离体成熟叶片的IAA总量,其变化与叶片含水量呈直线相关(r=0.905)。整株干旱处理提高各叶片的过氧化物酶活性,叶龄愈小提高愈多,但IAA氧化酶活性无显著变化。离体和整株干旱时IAA总量的下降,可能是过氧化物酶活性增加所致。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下荔枝叶片过氧化物酶和IAA氧化酶活性的变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以适应山地栽培的抗旱性较强的东刘1号和适应河边栽培的抗旱性较弱的陈紫2年生荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)实生苗为试验材料,研究了水分胁迫下叶片细胞胞质,与(细胞)壁以离子键结合和壁以共价键结合的过氧化的酶(POD)和IAA氧化酶活性的变化。结果表明:在叶片中POD主要是以与壁以离子键结合的POD存在,占总活性的51.15%-52.15%,其次是细胞胞质POD,占44.20%-44.74%,与壁以共价键结合的POD活性最低,仅占3.44%-3.65%。与POD不同,IAA氧化酶绝大多数存在于细胞胞质中,占总活性的88.93%-89.29%,其次是少量的与壁以离子键结合的IAA氧化酶,占7.32%-7.63%,与壁以共价键结合的IAA氧化酶活性最低,仅占3.39%-3.44%;2个品种间差异不明显。水分胁迫下,叶片细胞胞质以及与壁以离子键和壁以共价键结合的POD和IAA氧化酶(比)活性均上升,抗旱笥较强的品种上升的幅度均大于抗旱性较弱的品种。  相似文献   

棉纤维细胞伸长生长与过氧化物酶和IAA氧化酶的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
棉纤维细胞于开花当天从棉胚珠表皮上发生,随即开始伸长生长,星S型生长曲线。棉纤维细胞的可溶性蛋白、过氧化物酶活性和IAA氧化酶活性同伸长生长的关系不大;而离子型结合的细胞壁蛋白质含量、过氧化物酶活性和IAA氧化酶活性同棉纤维细胞的伸长生长关系较大,表现在棉纤维细胞快速伸长期活性较低,而在伸长生长停止时出现活性高峰,同棉纤维细胞的伸长生长有负相关现象。  相似文献   

植物谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶研究进展   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
氧化胁迫可诱导植物多种防御酶的产生,其中包括超氧化物歧化酶(SOD,EC1.15.L1)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX,EC1.11.1.11)、过氧化氢酶(CAT,E.C.和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPXs,EC1.11.1.9).它们在清除活性氧过程中起着不同的作用.GPXs是动物体内清除氧自由基的主要酶类,但它在植物中的功能报道甚少.最近几年研究表明,植物体内也存在类似于哺乳动物的GPXs家族,并对其功能研究已初见端倪.本文综述了有关GPXs的结构以及植物GPXs功能的研究进展.  相似文献   

以亚硒酸钠和蛋氨酸硒为对照,研究了纳米单质硒(纳米硒)对肉鸡肝细胞中细胞谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(cGPx)活性的影响。每种硒源分别以0.01、0.05、0.10、0.30、0.50、1.0μmol/L6个硒添加浓度培养肉鸡肝细胞,测定培养后0、24、48、72、96h肉鸡肝细胞cGPx活性。结果显示:亚硒酸钠添加浓度(以硒计)在0.01 ̄0.10μmol/L、蛋氨酸硒和纳米硒添加浓度(以硒计)在0.01 ̄0.30μmol/L,cGPx活性随着硒添加浓度的增加而增加;亚硒酸钠添加浓度在0.10 ̄1.0μmol/L、蛋氨酸硒添加浓度在0.30 ̄1.0μmol/L,cGPx活性随着硒添加浓度的增加而下降,而纳米硒添加浓度在0.30 ̄1.0μmol/L,cGPx活性始终保持在高峰平台。结果表明,3种硒源的剂量-效应关系曲线中的最适剂量范围宽度依次为:纳米硒>蛋氨酸硒>亚硒酸钠。  相似文献   

外磁场对小麦过氧化物酶酶促反应动力学的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
采用初速度法研究了外磁场对小麦过氧化物酶(POD)酶促反应动力学的影响。发现外磁场可使POD酶促反应体系时间进程加快,反应速度提高。进一步研究表明,外磁场使反应体系的动力学参数发生了变化。  相似文献   

30ppm以下浓度的咖啡因对小麦种子萌发,幼苗生长和胚根长度均有明显抑制作用。随着咖啡因浓度的增加,根尖细胞有丝分裂指数明显下降。低浓度时,过氧化物酶同工酶和苹果,酸脱氢酶没有变化,但高浓度时,使得这两种酶的活性几乎消失。  相似文献   

30ppm以上浓度的咖啡因对小麦种子萌发,幼苗生长和胚根长度均有明显抑制作用。随着咖啡因浓度的增加,根尖细胞有丝分裂指数明显下降。低浓度时,过氧化物酶同工酶和苹果酸脱氢酶没有变化,但高浓度时,使得这两种酶的活性几乎消失。  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal (MG), a physiological &#102 -dicarbonyl compound is derived from glycolytic intermediates and produced during the Maillard reaction. The Maillard reaction, a non-enzymatic reaction of ketones and aldehydes with amino group of proteins, contributes to the aging of proteins and to complications associated with diabetes. In our previous studies (Che, et al. (1997) "Selective induction of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor by MG and 3-deoxyglucosone in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. The involvement of reactive oxygen species formation and a possible implication for atherogenesis in diabetes". J. Biol. Chem., 272 , 18453-18459), we reported that MG elevates intracellular peroxide levels, but the mechanisms for this remain unclear. Here, we report that MG inactivates bovine glutathione peroxidase (GPx), a major antioxidant enzyme, in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The use of BIAM labeling, it was showed that the selenocysteine residue in the active site was intact when GPx was incubated with MG. MALDI-TOF-MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry) and protein sequencing examined the possibility that MG modifies arginine residues in GPx. The results show that Arg 184 and Arg 185, located in the glutathione binding site of GPx was irreversively modified by treatment with MG. Reactive dicarbonyl compounds such as 3-deoxyglucosone, glyoxal and phenylglyoxal also inactivated GPx, although the rates for this inactivation varied widely. These data suggest that dicarbonyl compounds are able to directly inactivate GPx, resulting in an increase in intracellular peroxides which are responsible for oxidative cellular damage.  相似文献   

A mutant rat GPX1 (a cytosolic predominant form), in which the selenocysteine residue in the catalytic center was replaced by cysteine, was prepared and an antibody against the mutant enzyme was raised. The resultant antibody specifically reacted with rat GPX1 and was, together with the Glutathione reductase (GR) antibody, used in a Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry experiments. To elucidate the physiological coupling of these enzymes under oxidative stress which accompanies the birth, developmental changes of the protein levels and enzymatic activities of GR and GPX1 were examined for lungs and kidneys from prenatal fetus to adult rats. The expression of GR was already evident at the prenatal stage and remained high in lungs at all stages. However, GR activity in kidneys gradually increased after birth reaching maximal levels at adulthood. An immunohistochemical study showed that GR was strongly bound to the bronchial epithelia in lungs and the epithelial cells of renal tubes. GPX1 was expressed in the renal tube epithelial cells and its level gradually increased after birth in a manner similar to that of GR. The expression of GPX1 in the lungs was, on the other hand, variable and occurred in some alveolar cells and bronchial epithelia only at restricted periods. It preferentially localized in nuclei at a late stage of development. Thus, the expression of the two functionally coupled enzymes via GSH did not appear to coordinate with development, tissue localization or under oxidative stress. Since many gene products show GSH-dependent preoxidase activity, other peroxidase(s) may be induced to compensate for the low GPX1 levels at stages with high GR expression.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a major obstacle to the successful chemotherapy of cancer. MDR is often the result of overexpression of ATP-binding cassette transporters following chemotherapy. A common ATP-binding cassette transporter that is overexpressed in MDR cancer cells is P-glycoprotein, which actively effluxes drugs against a concentration gradient, producing an MDR phenotype. Collateral sensitivity (CS), a phenomenon of drug hypersensitivity, is defined as the ability of certain compounds to selectively target MDR cells, but not the drug-sensitive parent cells from which they were derived. The drug tiopronin has been previously shown to elicit CS. However, unlike other CS agents, the mechanism of action was not dependent on the expression of P-glycoprotein in MDR cells. We have determined that the CS activity of tiopronin is mediated by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and that CS can be reversed by a variety of ROS-scavenging compounds. Specifically, selective toxicity of tiopronin toward MDR cells is achieved by inhibition of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and the mode of inhibition of GPx1 by tiopronin is shown in this report. Why MDR cells are particularly sensitive to ROS is discussed, as is the difficulty in exploiting this hypersensitivity to tiopronin in the clinic.  相似文献   

对光叶楮扦插生根过程中吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)3种酶进行了动态跟踪分析。结果表明:IAAO活性在扦插初期逐渐上升,第10d上升到高峰,之后下降再上升,第30d达到新高峰,然后迅速下降;前25d POD活性变化规律与IAAO相似,但30d以后活性一直上升;PPO活性在扦插前期缓慢上升,第20d上升到了最高点,此后变化不大。还研究了IAAO、PPO、POD与不定根的发生和发展关系,认为光叶楮扦插生根可分为愈伤组织形成期、根诱导期和根的伸长期3个阶段,愈伤组织形成期3种酶活性都呈上升趋势,根诱导期IAAO和POD的活性达到高峰;而根伸长期IAAO和POD活性下降,PPO活性上升。  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the role of gibberellic acid (GA3) and indole acetic acid (IAA) in the gravity response of stems and tension wood formation using two-year-old stems of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. var.japonica Maxim seedlings. Forty-five seedlings were used and divided into nine groups that included five seedlings in each group. Seedlings were treated with applications of GA3 alone at concentrations of 2.89 × 10-8and 2.89 × 10-7 μmol/L, IAA alone at concentrations of 5.71×10-8 and 5.71 ×10-7 μmol/L, or their combination to the apical bud of the stem using a micropipette. Seedlings were positioned horizontally after the first treatment.The same treatments were repeated six times per week. At the end of the experiment, all seedlings were harvested. Then, stem segments were cut under a light microscope. Application of exogenous GA3 at the higher concentration stimulated the upward bending of stems, whereas exogenous IAA had no effect. A synergistic effect of GA3 and IAA on upward stem bending was observed following application of the two combinations of GA3 and IAA. Moreover, application of exogenous GA3 at the higher dose stimulated wood formation on both the upper and lower sides of the stems, whereas the mixture of GA3 and IAA had a synergistic effect on wood formation in horizontal stems. Application of exogenous IAA alone at the lower concentration (5.71×10-8 μ mol/L) or application of a mixture of the higher concentrations of GA3 (2.89 × 10-7 μmol/L) and IAA (5.71×10-7 μmol/L) inhibited the development of gelatinous fibers (the G-layer) of tension wood on the upper side of the horizontal stems. The differentiation of gelatinous fibers of tension wood was not inhibited by GA3when it was applied alone, whereas the development of the gelatinous fibers of tension wood was strongly affected by the application of IAA. The findings of the present study suggest that the development of the G-layer is not related to the dose of GA3, but needs a relatively lower concentration of IAA.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a member of the neuro- trophin family and is required for the survival and maintenance of peripheral sympathetic and sensory ganglia. In the CNS, NGF regulates cholinergic expression by basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. NGF also stimulates cellular resistance to oxidative stress in the PC12 cell line and protects PC12 cells from the toxic effects of reactive oxygen species. The hypothesis that NGF protection involves changes in antioxidant enzyme expression was tested by measuring its effects on catalase and glutathione per- oxidase (GSH Px) mRNA expression in PC12 cells. NGF increased catalase and GSH Px mRNA levels in PC 12 cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. There was also a corresponding increase in the enzyme activities of catalase and GSH Px. Thus, NGF can provide cytoprotection to PC12 cells by inducing the free radical scavenging enzymes catalase and GSH Px.  相似文献   

以清洁级ICR雄性小白鼠为实验动物,研究不同剂量乙酸铜对小白鼠的生殖毒性。采用小白鼠精子畸形实验及小白鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞(以下简称PCE)微核实验等方法。分别对成年小白鼠腹腔每天注射0.25~16.00mg/kg8个剂量的乙酸铜,染毒7天。结果表明:乙酸铜对小白鼠的体重增长及睾丸重量具有一定的抑制作用,其中组VI、组VII的最明显。不同剂量的乙酸铜均使雄性小白鼠精子密度(P<0.001)、精子活力明显降低,具有明显的剂量效应。各实验组精子畸形率、PCE微核率均明显高于对照组(P<0.001)(P<0.05或P<0.001),且均随乙酸铜剂量的增加而明显升高。结果表明实验剂量的乙酸铜对ICR雄性小白鼠具有明显的生殖毒性效应。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effects of exogenous indole butyric acid (IBA) and callus formation on the antioxidant activity, total phenolics, and anthocyanin constituents of Morus nigra L. and M. alba L. cuttings, we investigated the variations before and after the treatment. The results indicate that anti-oxidant ability, total phenolic, and anthocyanin constituents of the callus stems of both Morus species were higher than those of non-callus forming species. There were also increases observed in anti-oxidant ability, total phenolic, and anthocyanin constituents of calli treated with IBA (1 000-3 000 mg/L).  相似文献   

乙酸铜对蚕豆根尖细胞致畸效应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用蚕豆根尖细胞的微核试验和染色体畸变试验方法,以不同浓度的乙酸铜为诱变剂,选择不同的处理时间,测定蚕豆根尖细胞的有丝分裂指数、微核率和染色体畸变率。结果表明:乙酸铜能诱发较高频率的微核率,处理6h、12h时微核率均随着乙酸铜浓度的升高而增加,具有明显的剂量效应;处理24h时在实验浓度范围内,其微核率随乙酸铜浓度的升高而增加,但高于一定浓度后反而呈下降趋势。不同浓度的乙酸铜在不同处理时间均使蚕豆根尖细胞有丝分裂指数增大。乙酸铜还能诱导蚕豆根尖细胞产生较高频率的染色体畸变,且产生多种类型的染色体畸变。因此,乙酸铜对蚕豆根尖细胞具有明显的致畸效应。  相似文献   

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