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白茹  陈立  王文凯 《昆虫学报》2021,64(7):875-886
蚂蚁(蚁科)有显著的群居特性,个体间分工明确,并具有复杂的合作策略,以保护巢穴不受捕食者、病原微生物、蚂蚁竞争者的侵害,以及捕食猎物等.切叶蚁亚科是蚁科的最大类群,共有147个现生属,主要通过喷洒富含生物碱的毒液分泌物进行防御和捕猎.本文综述了该亚科防御性生物碱的组分及属种分布特征,其结构类型包括哌啶、吡啶、吡咯、吲哚...  相似文献   

扁胸切叶蚁属一新种:膜翅目:蚁科   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扁胸切叶以属(Vollenhovia Mayr)昆虫分布于亚洲、大洋洲及非洲的塞舌尔群岛,通常生活于树木洞穴或朽木中。扁胸切叶蚁为捕食性昆虫,捕食等翅目、双翅目和鳞翅目成虫和幼虫。该属全世界记载有61种,我国仅记载了分布于台湾的1种,即台湾扁胸切叶蚁Vollenhovia satoi Santschi。现增加1新种,分布于湖南省南部。模式标本保存于中国林业科学研究院林业研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

中国稀切叶蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目,蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记载中国稀切中蚁属Oligomsrmex Mayr18种,其中描述8新种。分别编制了兵蚁和工蚁的检索表。评论了该属中国种类的分类历史。18个已知种依是卷须稀切叶蚁O.capreolus Wheeler,高结稀切叶蚁O.altinodus sp.nov,弯刺稀切叶蚁O.curvispinus sp.nov,条纹稀切叶蚁O.striatus sp.nov,尖刺稀切叶蚁O.acutispinus sp.nov,惠勒稀切叶蚁O.wheeleri Ettershank,钝齿稀切叶蚁O.obtusi-dentus sp.nov,双角稀切叶蚁O.bihornatus sp.nov,多音稀切叶蚁O.polyphemus Wheeler,邵氏稀切叶蚁O.sauteri Forel,香港稀切叶蚁O.taiponicus Wheeler,直背稀切叶蚁O.rectidorsus sp.nov,湖南稀切叶蚁O.hunanensis Wu et Wang,纹头稀切叶蚁O.reticapitus sp.nov,拟亮稀切叶蚁O.pseudolusciosus Wu et Wang,光亮稀切叶蚁O.lusciosus Wheeler,江西稀切叶蚁O.jiangxiensis Wu et Wang,阿美稀切叶蚁O.amius Forel。  相似文献   

钟迎 《昆虫分类学报》2021,43(4):322-326
本文对福建大头蚁属的已知物种进行了分类整理,并提供了大头工蚁分种检索表.记述采自福建省三明市瑞云山1新种:黄腹大头蚁Pheidole flavigaster sp.nov.,该新种体型较小,体棕黄色,腹部甚黄.经形态对比在中国已知物种中无一近似,与印尼地区P.schoedli近似,主要鉴别特征如下:后者大型和小型工蚁并...  相似文献   

报道了采自湖北西部地区的扁胸切叶蚁属1新种和红蚁属中国1新纪录种,即亮颚扁胸切叶蚁Vollenhovialucimandibula sp.nov.和乌尔班红蚁Myrmica urbanii Radchenko et Elmes.新种与埃氏扁胸切叶蚁V.emeryi Wheeler相似,但新种身体黑褐色,第2结节背面具密集粗糙刻点,上颚光亮无刻点.模式标本保存于湖北民族学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

描述陕西佛坪红蚁属1新种,即郑氏红蚁Myrmica zhengi sp.nov.。新种体色极浅;头部正面观方形;前中胸背板刻纹横形,但极不规则;并胸腹节刺粗壮,基部宽;后腹第1节背板基侧具明显细纵刻纹与近似种类相区别。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所,副模标本分存于广西师范大学生命科学学院、西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆、东北师范大学生命科学学院和西南林业大学标本馆昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

中国陕西圆颚切叶蚁属一新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记述采自陕西太白山的圆颚切叶蚁属StrongylognathusMayr1新种瘤点圆颚切叶蚁S.tylonum,sp.n.。该新种与卡氏圆颚切叶蚁S.karawajewiPisarski相似,但前者上颚外缘具4个小的疣突,并胸腹节末端具1对非常钝的小齿,腹柄节下方不具齿突,第1腹柄节顶端水平。文中提供了该属中国已知3种的检索表。  相似文献   

甘肃省毛蚁属一新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科:蚁亚科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述采自甘肃临夏地区的毛蚁属1新种-长须毛蚁Lasius longicirrus,sp.nov。模式标本保存在宁夏农学院标本室。  相似文献   

通过对臭蚁亚科7属16种昆虫(凹头臭蚁属philidris因未采集到除模式标本以外的标本,故未包含在其中)线粒体DNA的COⅠ、COⅡ和Cyt b基因部分序列(1 801 bp)进行测定,并从GeneBank下载Leptomyrmex unicolor相应基因片段序列,以江华多刺蚁Polyrhachis jianghuaensis和聚纹双刺猛蚁Diacamma rugosum作外群,重建了中国臭蚁亚科系统发育关系.研究结果支持(狡臭蚁属Technomyrmex+(酸臭蚁属Tapinoma+光胸臭蚁属Liometopum)的关系,虹臭蚁属Iridomyrmex+凹臭蚁属Ochetellus为姐妹群,强烈支持臭蚁属Dolichoderus的单系性,8种臭蚁的遗传关系稳定:((((((平背臭蚁D.flatidorsus+黑腹臭蚁D.taprobanae)+(皱头臭蚁D.rugocapitus+费氏臭蚁D.feae)+双疣臭蚁D.thoracicus)+凹头臭蚁D.incisus)+西伯利亚臭蚁D.sibiricus)+毛臭蚁D.pilosus).系统发育树显示细臭蚁属Leptomyrmex在臭蚁亚科进化过程中的分类地位不确定,没有与同族的虹臭蚁属和凹臭蚁属聚在一起,而是与穴臭蚁属Borhriomyrmex聚在一起互为姐妹群,这与传统的形态分类观点不一致,还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

描述中国湖南省切叶蚁属Myrmecina Curtis 1新种,即少节切叶蚁M.pauca sp.nov.。新种与食草切叶蚁M.graminicola(Latreille)相似,但触角只有11节,柄节基部圆柱形,并腹胸背面及侧面纵皱纹明显较粗,背面中央有1条宽的纵沟贯穿全长。目前世界切叶蚁属所有已知种类的触角均为12节,但新种的触角只有11节,所以很容易与同属的所有种类相区别。正模工蚁,湖南省桂东县八面山自然保护区,2004-06-14,黄建华采。副模:3工蚁,与正模同巢采集;1工蚁,湖南省江永县源口自然保护区,2003-09-23,黄建华采;1工蚁,湖南省炎陵县桃源洞自然保护区,2003-09-24,黄建华采;1雌蚁,湖南省衡阳市衡山自然保护区,2003-09-08,黄建华采;1雌蚁,湖南省望城县黑麋峰森林公园,2003-09-12,黄建华采;1雌蚁,湖南省通道县木脚乡宏门冲自然保护区,2004-07-25,黄建华采。词源:新种以拉丁词"paucus"(少)命名,以显示其"触角节数比该属其它已知种少"这一重要鉴别特征。  相似文献   

The interrelationships within ant subfamilies remain elusive, despite the recent establishment of the phylogeny of the major ant lineages. The tribe Myrmicini belongs to the subfamily Myrmicinae, and groups morphologically unspecialized genera. Previous research has struggled with defining Myrmicini, leading to considerable taxonomic instability. Earlier molecular phylogenetic studies have suggested the nonmonophyly of Myrmicini, but were based on limited taxon sampling. We investigated the composition of Myrmicini with phylogenetic analyses of an enlarged set of taxa, using DNA sequences of eight gene fragments taken from 37 representatives of six of the seven genera (Eutetramorium, Huberia, Hylomyrma, Manica, Myrmica, and Pogonomyrmex), and eight outgroups. Our results demonstrate the invalidity of Myrmicini as currently defined. We recovered sister‐group relationships between the genera Myrmica and Manica, and between Pogonomyrmex and Hylomyrma. This study illustrates that to understand the phylogeny of over 6000 myrmicine species, comprehensive taxon sampling and DNA sequencing are an absolute requisite. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 482–495.  相似文献   

An ant species, Cardiocondyla gibbosa Kuznetzov-Ugamsky, 1927, is newly recorded from China. The specimens were collected from Shule County of Kashgar, Xinjiang(39°14′N, 76° 22′E; elev. 1 248 m). All the specimens are kept in Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University. A key based on worker caste to known species of Cardiocondyla from China is provided.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(6):589-597
Examination of fossil ant specimens from various private and institutional German collections of Baltic amber has revealed a new genus and species of Myrmicinae, described here as Thanacomyrmex hoffeinsorum gen. et sp. nov. The new worker morphotype shares some similarities with the coeval extinct genus Parameranoplus Wheeler, also from Baltic amber, and the extant genera Pristomyrmex Mayr and Acanthomyrmex Emery, suggesting placement of the new fossil in the Myrmecina genus-group within the tribe Crematogastrini. The new genus highlights the tremendous diversity of ants that evolved in the Palaeogene European forests and composed the first major radiation of crown-group ants.  相似文献   

1. In any group of organisms, one can almost invariably find some species that are ecologically dominant (i.e. disproportionately more abundant and widespread), whereas others are comparatively less prevalent. Understanding of the causes of variation in ecological dominance has been elusive, particularly given that dominant and subordinate species often lack obvious features that could predict their abundance in nature. 2. In this study, physiological, behavioural, morphological, and phylogenetic information is integrated in an effort to understand the mechanisms underlying ecological dominance in ants using the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) as a model system. Field estimates of the relative abundance of 10 Pheidole species were compared with potential correlates, which included behavioural (walking velocity), physiological (tolerance to high and low temperatures and desiccation), and morphological traits (body size and degree of dimorphism in the worker caste). A molecular phylogeny of the tested species was also generated to account for potential confounding effects of phylogenetic non‐independence. 3. Dominant Pheidole species were characterised by higher environmental tolerance with respect to temperature and humidity, as well as faster walking speeds. On the other hand, no morphological correlates of ecological dominance were detected. Interestingly, subordinate species showed no evidence of trade‐off in performance, being both more fragile to environmental challenges and slower in their walking speeds. 4. These results provide important insights into the mechanisms involved in local species coexistence in Pheidole.  相似文献   

The ant genus Solenopsis Westwood 1840, is recorded for the first time in Saudi Arabia. The worker caste of S. saudiensis n. sp., collected in Riyadh is described and illustrated. This resembles S. cooperi Donisthorpe 1947, and S. kochi Finzi 1936. A revised key to the Arabian species is given together with ecological and biological notes. S. saudiensis n. sp. is identified by the following characters: Anterior clypeal margin with a central pair of stout projecting teeth and a lateral pair of short, broad basal blunt teeth; eyes with two minute facets; funicular segments 2–7 about twice as wide as long; propodeum short and low with the basal face making a continuous arc with the declivity; and petiole as long as broad in dorsal view.  相似文献   

Abstract Phylogenetic relationships of Pamphagidae were examined using cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) mtDNA sequences (684 bp). Twenty‐seven species of Acridoidea from 20 genera were sequenced to obtain mtDNA data, along with four species from the GenBank nucleotide database. The purpose of this study was analyzing the phylogenetic relationships among subfamilies within Pamphagidae and interpreting the phylogenetic position of this family within the Acridoidea superfamily. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using neighbor‐joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods. The 684 bp analyzed fragment included 126 parsimony informative sites. Sequences diverged 1.0%–11.1% between genera within subfamilies, and 8.8%–12.3% between subfamilies. Amino acid sequence diverged 0–6.1% between genera within subfamilies, and 0.4%–7.5% between subfamilies. Our phylogenetic trees revealed the monophyly of Pamphagidae and three distinct major groups within this family. Moreover, several well supported and stable clades were found in Pamphagidae. The global clustering results were similar to that obtained through classical morphological classification: Prionotropisinae, Thrinchinae and Pamphaginae were monophyletic groups. However, the current genus Filchnerella (Prionotropisinae) was not a monophyletic group and the genus Asiotmethis (Prionotropisinae) was a sister group of the genus Thrinchus (Thrinchinae). Further molecular and morphological studies are required to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the genera Filchnerella and Asiotmethis.  相似文献   

The ant genus Carebara of the Arabian Peninsula is revised. Carebara abuhurayri Sharaf & Aldawood, 2011 is synonymized under Carebara arabica Collingwood & van Harten, 2001. Carebara arabica is redescribed and a Neotype is fixed based on a specimen collected from southwestern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A new species, C. fayrouzae sp. n. is described from Saudi Arabia based on queens, major and minor workers. Keys to major and minor workers of the two Arabian Carebara species are given.  相似文献   

长有德  贺达汉 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):110-111
记述了采自甘肃平凉(崆峒山)的光胸臭蚁一新种,齿颚光胸臭蚁Liometopum dentim andibulum sp. Nov. 。模式标本保存在宁夏大学农学院标本室。  相似文献   

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