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K. D. Smith 《Ibis》1965,107(4):493-526
Fifteen months were spent in Morocco. A few ecological aspects of the country are described, together with their influence on the dispersal of birds in winter. Some winter visitors are listed and discussed, several species were much commoner in the winter of 1962/63 than in 1963/64, in some cases presumably as a result of the cold weather in Europe, although in others not obviously so. Cold-weather movements of gulls, Lapwings and Cranes were observed. Individuals of species that are normally trans-Saharan migrants winter in Morocco in small numbers. Spring migration in southeast Morocco is excluded from discussion, but autumn migration in western Morocco is summarized and compared with existing data. The systematic list is devoted largely to winter visitors and passage migrants, but resident species are listed when new localities, breeding data or field notes warrant their inclusion. Six species not hitherto recorded in Morocco, were seen.  相似文献   

J. H. Elgood    C. H. Fry  R. J. Dowsett 《Ibis》1973,115(3):375-409
Owing to the regular alternation of wet and dry seasons and to the relatively simple arrangement of vegetation zones, migration is a well-developed phenomenon in the northern tropics of Africa. Nigeria is well placed for its study. While a vast amount remains to be learned, a systematic treatment of the 672 Nigerian bird species shows that at least 126 of them are migrant. Species newly shown to be migratory include the sunbird Nectarinia pulchella, the bunting Fringillaria (Emberiza) tahapisi, and the sparrow Gymnoris (Petronia) dentata, and corroborative evidence is adduced for many more. New interpretations are placed on the movements of the bustard Neotis denhami, the Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis, and other species. Most families that are migrant in the temperate zone (e.g. storks, cuckoos, nightjars, hirundines) have several migrants among their tropical representatives, except flycatchers, thrushes, warblers and shrikes. Important tropical migrant families include the kingfishers and sunbirds. The following ecological correlates emerge: migration appears to be more important at lower than higher trophic levels in the ecosystem; only one primary lowland rain forest and one montane forest species migrate; 95% of African migrants in Nigeria inhabit the five savanna zones, where the 120 migrants comprise 28% of the avifauna; most savanna migrants cross one, two or three vegetation zone boundaries; few are restricted within a single zone or cross four boundaries; twice as many savanna species are eurytopic (habitat-tolerant) as stenotopic (habitat-tied), and twice the proportion of eurytopic as stenotopic species are migrant; the majority of migrants move so as to avoid the winter drought in northern Nigeria (insectivores being little affected) and also the heaviest summer rains in southern savannas; migration is initiated by climatic factors such as rains, dry desert winds, etc. Three to six Nigerian species cross the Equator, but the stork Anastomus lamelligerus is shown to breed in Nigeria and the Chad basin and may not be a trans-equatorial migrant. A quail, a crake, a coucal and five cuckoos have space-time distribution patterns (motograms) in Nigeria that suggest equatorial migration. Motograms figured for 60 species show great variation. Nearly all land-bird migrants move with the progression of the sun and the inter-tropical front, north in spring and south in autumn. The basic pattern is thus a summer wet-season range at higher latitude than the winter dry-season range, and specific patterns vary according to the absolute and relative latitudinal limits af each season, and to speed and dates of migration. Comparison of congeneric migrants having different breeding seasons or motogram patterns suggests that a specific migration pattern is fixed by ecological necessity, and reproduction occurs at that time in the year when the species is stationary longest. Breeding seasons may span migration periods, leading to two-stage early-rains migration in e.g. the kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala. Water-bird migrations are complicated by opportunist breeding and responses to floods and changing water levels in rivers. A few species move with the typical land-bird pattern; others concentrate at perennial marshes in arid northern savannas, and may disperse in all directions from the few west African breeding stations.  相似文献   

K. D. Smith 《Ibis》1968,110(4):452-492
Very few quantitative data existed for the spring migration of birds across the Sahara desert. Observations covering 105 days in spring 1963–66 were made at Defilia, on the extreme northern fringe of the desert in southeast Morocco. The physical features and climate of the area are described, with brief reference to neighbouring desert zones. The birds recorded are listed in weekly or part-weekly totals, followed by subspecific and other comments on selected species.
The movements of migrants are summarized, together with the effects of adverse winds on migration; very bad weather along the northern desert fringe may contribute to the late arrival of some species in the British Isles (and presumably elsewhere in Europe) in spring by causing delays and heavy mortality. Most visible migration was northeastward or eastward, but substantial westward movements of hirundines took place.
Comparison is made with migration through other areas in Morocco and Algeria, both from existing literature and from previously unpublished data, which provide evidence of broad-front migration across the entire width of the Moroccan Sahara. Birds recorded in northwest Algeria in 1966 are listed, together with notes on physical features, climate and field observations. Many terns and waders were recorded at Daiat Tchiour, including some predominantly coastal species, which suggests that the latter were migrating on a great-circle track from winter quarters in West Africa across the Sahara to their breeding grounds in Siberia.
Recoveries of ringed birds are discussed; some of these, together with records of species well west of their normal migratory range, suggest that birds may be subject to lateral displacement by winds when crossing the Sahara, leading to considerable annual variation in species and numbers of birds recorded on the northern desert edge, even in the same place.  相似文献   

IDO IZHAKI  ASAF MAITAV 《Ibis》1998,140(2):223-233
Migrating Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla were mist netted at the desert edge in northern Israel and in Elat (southern Israel) during spring and autumn migrations between 1970 and 1991. Birds in spring in northern Israel were representative of birds that had completed the crossing of the Sahara, while those in Elat still had to cross the 150 km of the Negev Desert, which separates Elat and northern Israel. In autumn, birds captured in northern Israel were representative of those about to cross the Sahara Desert, while those in Elat had already started to cross the desert. The data allowed analysis of seasonal and location differences in the physiological state of Blackcaps before and after crossing the Sahara. Data analysed included body mass, visible fat score and calculated fat content. Autumn migrants were in better physiological condition than spring migrants at both locations, probably as a consequence of their migration route through fertile areas in autumn compared with the crossing of the Sahara in spring. Body mass was less variable after the Sahara crossing in spring than before the crossing in autumn. In spring, 71% and 67% of the birds were fat depleted (fat scores 0 and 1) at Elat and in northern Israel, respectively, while in autumn 34% and 42% were fat depleted. Blackcaps at Elat were 1.6 g lighter than those in northern Israel in autumn and 1.9 g lighter in spring. Potential flight ranges were estimated on the basis of meteorological conditions and flight altitude of passerines above the Negev in Israel (northern Sahara edge) during migration and on a simulation model that considered both energy and water as potential limiting factors for flight duration and distance. The simulation model predicted that half of the Blackcaps that stopped over in Elat and the majority of those that stopped over in northern Israel could not make a nonstop flight over the Sahara Desert in autumn without the assistance of at least an 8 m per s tailwind. Such a wind would still not be sufficient for 34% of the birds in Elat and 42% in northern Israel, and clearly they had insufficient fat reserves to cross the Sahara in a single flight. Although the fattest Blackcaps had accumulated sufficient fat to enable them to traverse the Sahara in a single flight, they probably faced dehydration by at least 12% of their initial body mass when they reached the southern Sahara edge. These birds should use intermittent migration with stopovers at sites with drinking and feeding potential. Their decision to stop over during the day in the desert at sites with shade but without food and water would be beneficial if the meteorological conditions during daytime migration imposed greater risks of dehydration than at night. Spring migrants could not reach their breeding areas in Europe without feeding, but those examined in Elat could cross the remainder of the desert in a single flight.  相似文献   

Large numbers of passerine migrants cross the Sahara desert every year on their way to-and-from wintering areas in tropical Africa. In the desert, hardly any fuelling opportunities exist and most migrants have to prepare in advance. A central question is how inexperienced birds know where to fuel. Inexperienced garden warblers Sylvia borin were studied in Greece just before the desert crossing in autumn. Body mass data collected at two sites indicate that most birds do not fuel for the desert crossing further north. For the first time, detailed information about stopover duration close to the Sahara desert was studied by using light weight radio-transmitters. Results from Crete show that most first-year garden warblers arrive with relatively small fuel loads in relation to lean body mass (<30%), stay for 13–20 d and depart with an average fuel load of about 100%. Radio-tagged birds performed small scale movements initially and took advantage of fig fruits. Birds trapped at fig trees were heavier than birds trapped with tape lures, showing that tape lures can bias the sample of migrants trapped. The precise fuelling pattern found indicates that first-year migrants must also include external spatial cues to make the preparation for crossing the desert in the right area.  相似文献   

The distribution of a number of Mesozoic brachiopods indicates a migration up the eastern side of the North Atlantic starting in the early Jurassic and reaching as far north as Greenland by the beginning of Cretaceous times. The brachiopods evidently reached the new Atlantic via the Rif mountains of northern Morocco and migrated both north and south from there. Some of them came from the central High Atlas which represents a gulf open to the east but closed to the west. The western High Atlas, on the other hand, was populated by successive waves of forms from the west. Brachiopods and other distinctive forms of “Tethyan” origin clearly extended considerably farther north on the eastern side of the Atlantic than they did on the west. This probably implies an early establishment of the Gulf Stream. Some Tethyan brachiopods which did not extend to the western end of the Mediterranean are found instead to have spread via northeast Siberia to cordilleran North America.  相似文献   

In order to succeed in crossing extensive ecological barriers, migratory birds usually deposit fuel en route. High rates of fuel deposition may enable birds to shorten their total migration time and are therefore advantageous for time-minimizing migrants. Several studies have suggested that water provision may increase food utilization in non-migratory birds. The goal of this study was to test the influence of water availability on the fuel deposition of en route migratory passerines. We studied fuel deposition of blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla and lesser whitethroats S. curruca staging in a plantation of Mount Atlas gum-tree Pistacia atlantica in the northern Negev desert, Israel, during the autumns of 2000 and 2002. We manipulated water availability at the site and measured the effect of water supplementation on fuel deposition of birds of both species. We found that when water was available, blackcaps had higher fuel loads and higher fuel deposition rates than during control trials. However, water availability had no effect on fuel deposition of lesser whitethroats. Species-specific differences in adaptations to arid conditions, reflected in the species' winter habitat preferences, may be responsible for the between-species dissimilarity in responding to water provision. We suggest that water availability may have strong ecological and evolutionary consequences for birds migrating through arid environments, by its possible effect on bird behavior and physiology.  相似文献   

The strategy of migrants crossing the Sahara desert has been the subject of debate, but recent evidence from radar studies has confirmed that most passerines use an intermittent migration strategy. The latter has also been suggested from previous studies in oases during autumn migration. It was found that migrants with relatively high fuel loads rest in the desert during daytime and continue migration during the following night, whereas lean migrants stopover in oases for several days to refuel. However, data from the Sahara are scarce for spring migration. We captured passerine migrants near B?r Amrane (22°47′N, 8°43′W) in the plain desert of Mauritania for 3 weeks during spring migration in 2004. We estimated flight ranges of 85 passerines stopping over in the desert to test whether they carried sufficient fuel loads to accomplish migration across the Sahara successfully. High fat loads of the majority of birds indicated that they were neither “fall-outs” nor too weak to accomplish migration successfully. The flight range estimates, based on mean flight speeds derived from radar measurements (59 km/h), revealed that 85% of all birds were able to reach the northern fringe of the desert with an intermittent migration strategy. Furthermore, birds stopping over in an oasis (Ouadane, 370 km to the southwest of B?r Amrane) did not carry consistently lower fuel loads compared to the migrants captured in the desert.  相似文献   

Mauremys leprosa, distributed in Iberia and North‐west Africa, contains two major clades of mtDNA haplotypes. Clade A occurs in Portugal, Spain and Morocco north of the Atlas Mountains. Clade B occurs south of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and north of the Atlas Mountains in eastern Algeria and Tunisia. However, we recorded a single individual containing a clade B haplotype in Morocco from north of the Atlas Mountains. This could indicate gene flow between both clades. The phylogenetically most distinct clade A haplotypes are confined to Morocco, suggesting both clades originated in North Africa. Extensive diversity within clade A in south‐western Iberia argues for a glacial refuge located there. Other regions of the Iberian Peninsula, displaying distinctly lower haplotype diversities, were recolonized from within south‐western Iberia. Most populations in Portugal, Spain and northern Morocco contain the most common clade A haplotype, indicating dispersal from the south‐western Iberian refuge, gene flow across the Strait of Gibraltar, and reinvasion of Morocco by terrapins originating in south‐western Iberia. This hypothesis is consistent with demographic analyses, suggesting rapid clade A population increase while clade B is represented by stationary, fragmented populations. We recommend the eight, morphologically weakly diagnosable, subspecies of M. leprosa be reduced to two, reflecting major mtDNA clades: Mauremys l. leprosa (Iberian Peninsula and northern Morocco) and M. l. saharica (southern Morocco, eastern Algeria and Tunisia). Peripheral populations could play an important role in evolution of M. leprosa because we found endemic haplotypes in populations along the northern and southern range borders. Previous investigations in another western Palearctic freshwater turtle (Emys orbicularis) discovered similar differentiation of peripheral populations, and phylogeographies of Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata underline the barrier status of mountain chains, in contrast to sea straits, suggesting common patterns for western Palearctic freshwater turtles.  相似文献   

The Libyan Desert is described and the specimens collected in the interior by British and Italian workers are listed. Among the otherwise very scanty resident population Falcons are surprisingly abundant. The evidence for migration across the desert is reviewed for each longitude. The Cyrenaican list of passage migrants closely resembles the Egyptian list without its eastern elements. I conclude that a broad-front migration of northern forms takes place at least from long. 21° to long. 31° (600 miles) and that a large proportion of all the birds travelling through N.E. Africa see nothing of the Nile. The new data for several individual forms are discussed, especially Storks and Shrikes.  相似文献   

The daily pattern of autumn bird migration in the northern Sahara   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The temporal pattern of migration by passerine birds during the night, and their arrival during the day at the Egyptian coast and in the northern Sahara Desert was investigated. The mean direction of nocturnal migration at the coast was south-southeast, while at all desert sites it was south-southwest.
Birds arrived at the Egyptian coast only during the second half of the night which is explained by the fact that no birds could have taken off from the Mediterranean Sea. At least some of the birds landed at the coast where they spent the day before taking off shortly after sunset. These birds passed the desert sites at the expected time of day assuming a ground speed of 18 m per second. However, the origin of the birds passing the desert sites early at night is unclear. They must either have spent the day in the desert north of the study sites or they had overflown the Egyptian coast in the afternoon without landing.
The landing of birds during the day at the desert sites was bimodal. This pattern of arrival is explained either by some birds having landed at the Egyptian coast in the early morning before continuing, or by deteriorating conditions later in the day during flight or when resting in the desert, that obliged them to seek shelter at the desert sites.
A correlation between the number of migrants observed during the night and the number of resting birds in the desert on the following day suggests that an unknown proportion of birds might regularly use an intermittent migratory strategy that includes rest periods by day when crossing the desert, whereas others might adapt a non-stop migratory strategy.  相似文献   

In order to succeed in crossing extensive ecological barriers, migratory birds usually deposit fuel en route. High rates of fuel deposition may enable birds to shorten their total migration time and are therefore advantageous for time‐minimizing migrants. Several studies have suggested that water provision may increase food utilization in non‐migratory birds. The goal of this study was to test the influence of water availability on the fuel deposition of en route migratory passerines. We studied fuel deposition of blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla and lesser whitethroats S. curruca staging in a plantation of Mount Atlas gum‐tree Pistacia atlantica in the northern Negev desert, Israel, during the autumns of 2000 and 2002. We manipulated water availability at the site and measured the effect of water supplementation on fuel deposition of birds of both species. We found that when water was available, blackcaps had higher fuel loads and higher fuel deposition rates than during control trials. However, water availability had no effect on fuel deposition of lesser whitethroats. Species‐specific differences in adaptations to arid conditions, reflected in the species’ winter habitat preferences, may be responsible for the between‐species dissimilarity in responding to water provision. We suggest that water availability may have strong ecological and evolutionary consequences for birds migrating through arid environments, by its possible effect on bird behavior and physiology.  相似文献   

The wing shape and size morphology of populations of the medically important phlebotomine sand fly, Phlebotomus papatasi, were examined in two endemic (south of the Atlas Mountains) and nonendemic (north of the Atlas Mountains) foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis by using geometric morphometrics in Morocco. Although it is present in all of Morocco, P. papatasi is the main vector of Leishmania major in only southern part of the Atlas Mountains. There are four major mountain ranges that serve as geographical barriers for species distribution in the study area and at least four gaps were recognized among these barriers. We found statistically significant differences in wing shape morphology between southern and northern populations. Analysis clearly recognized two main groups of populations on both sides of the mountains. The graphical depiction of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Variates Analysis (CVA) confirmed our morphometric study suggesting that the difference in wing morphology between the populations indicates that the population of P. papatasi shows phenotypic plasticity in the study area. According to centroid size analyses, which were used as measures of wing size differences among different sites, the north population of P. papatasi had relatively larger wings than the south population.  相似文献   

The identification of migration routes, wintering grounds and stopover sites are crucial issues for the understanding of the Palearctic-African bird migration system as well as for the development of relevant conservation strategies for trans-Saharan migrants. Using miniaturized light-level geolocators we report a comprehensive and detailed year round track of a granivorous trans-Saharan migrant, the European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur). From five recovered loggers, our data provide new insights on migratory journeys and winter destinations of Turtle Doves originating from a breeding population in Western France. Data confirm that Turtle Doves wintered in West Africa. The main wintering area encompassed Western Mali, the Inner Delta Niger and the Malian/Mauritanian border. Some individuals also extended their wintering ranges over North Guinea, North-West of Burkina Faso and the Ivory-Coast. Our results reveal that all individuals did not spend the winter period at a single location; some of them experienced a clear eastward shift of several hundred kilometres. We also found evidence for a loop migration pattern, with a post-breeding migration flyway lying west of the spring route. Finally, we found that on their way back to breeding grounds Turtle Doves needed to refuel after crossing the Sahara desert. Contrary to previous suggestions, our data reveal that birds used stopover sites for several weeks, presumably in Morocco and North Algeria. This later finding is a crucial issue for future conservation strategies because environmental conditions on these staging areas might play a pivotal role in population dynamics of this declining species.  相似文献   

The identification of migration dates and wintering zones for migratory birds are key elements for the understanding of the Afro-Palearctic migration system. From 2015 to 2022, a large-scale survey of Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur, a vulnerable species, was established in Northwest Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. We monitored migration dates and wintering individuals using the line-transect method. We found that Turtle Doves arrived in the last week of March and left the North African region in mid-October. Compared with Morocco, Doves arrived significantly earlier in Algeria and Tunisia. Moreover, Doves were discovered wintering on nine Northwest African sites, from October to February, where individuals feed in groups. We found that the occurrence probability of wintering Turtle Doves decreased significantly with increasing temperature and rainfall. Birds wintered most often close to wetlands since the overwintering probability decreased with the increasing distance from the recording area to the nearest water body. These are the first and only detailed findings on the migration phenology of the globally vulnerable Turtle Dove in north western Africa.  相似文献   

We describe the detoured migration route of the Oriental honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus , showing differences between autumn and spring migration, using data from 10 adult individuals marked with satellite transmitters. In autumn, the migration routes were very similar from Japan to the south end of the Malay Peninsula. The wintering sites were distributed within the Philippines, Borneo and the Malay Archipelago. During autumn, migration of the birds had few long-term stopover sites, instead, sometimes decidedly slowing their migration rate while proceeding in a consistent direction. During spring migration, the honey-buzzards penetrated into southern China, moving north to the base of the Korean Peninsula. The birds then went south through the Korean Peninsula to reach Japan. Before travelling to China, all spring migrants stopped for several weeks in south-east Asia. The slow rate of travel in the autumn suggests that migrants were foraging and replenishing their energy reserves. Instead of a migration strategy that uses only a few long-term stopover sites, honey-buzzards may adopt a strategy based on a number of short-term stay sites.  相似文献   

Sébastien Bachelet 《Ethnos》2013,78(5):849-866
This article examines how irregular migrants from Central and Western Africa stranded in Morocco forged tenuous but essential relationships in the face of hostile and violent border politics constraining their mobility and resulting in systematic infringement of their rights. I examine the basis of trust amongst migrants in Morocco, who called themselves ‘adventurers’ on a quest for the ‘objective’ (e.g. ‘finding their lives’, usually through getting into Europe). Although most of them had embarked on individual journeys, they regularly needed to cooperate in order to face arduous living conditions and attempt crossing the border into Spain. The article demonstrates how trust was entangled not only with hostile migration politics but with regular moral conundrums as migrants needed to manage a balance between collaborating with other migrants and reaching their own ‘objective’.  相似文献   

Analysis of pellets collected from adjacent communal winter roosts of Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus and Hen Harriers C. cyaneus on an extensive saltmarsh in the southwest Netherlands showed highly significant differences between the diets of the two species. Marsh Harrier diet showed no change throughout January, February and March. They specialized on ducks, which were about half of their prey numerically and more important by weight. Although Marsh Harriers sampled other prey, this remained at a low level and showed no seasonal response to the availability of young lagomorphs. Hen Harriers occupied the niche of a generalist predator, having a broader diet and responding to the presumed changes in availability of prey with diet shifts. In November, about half of their prey items were passerines but these declined in importance in December, and small mammals rose. The proportions of both small mammals and birds fell in February and March, due to increasing dependence on young lagomorphs. Diet overlap between the two species was greatest in January and declined in February and March.  相似文献   

Recent prospects on trans-Saharan migration of songbirds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
FRANZ BAIRLEIN 《Ibis》1992,134(S1):41-46
Many palaearctic migrants in tropical Africa have to cross the inhospitable land of the Sahara desert. Moreau (1961, 1972) hypothesized that these migrants crossed the Sahara in a single non-stop flight. Recent field data, however, revealed that some migrants stop-over in suitable desert habitats. The majority of grounded migrants showed a high body-mass and fat-loading, indicating sufficient reserves for onward flights. Further evidence on resting periods, retrapping rates and experiments with caged migrants supports the hypothesis of an intermittent migratory strategy, with regular stopovers during the day and flight at night, for some desert-crossing passerines.  相似文献   

Aim To study the patterns of genetic variation and the historical events and processes that influenced the distribution and intraspecific diversity in Hyla meridionalis Boettger, 1874. Location Hyla meridionalis is restricted to the western part of the Mediterranean region. In northern Africa it is present in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. In south‐western Europe it is found in the south of France, north‐western Italy and north‐eastern and south‐western Iberian Peninsula. There are also insular populations, as in the Canaries and Menorca. Methods Sampling included 112 individuals from 36 populations covering the range of the species. We used sequences of mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) for the phylogeographical analysis (841 bp) and COI plus a fragment including part of tRNA lysine, ATP synthase subunits 6 and 8 and part of Cytochrome Oxidase III for phylogenetic analyses (2441 bp). Phylogenetic analyses were performed with paup *4.0b10 (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony) and Mr Bayes 3.0 (Bayesian analysis). Nested clade analysis was performed using tcs 1.18 and Geo Dis 2.2. A dispersal‐vicariant analysis was performed with diva 1.0 to generate hypotheses about the geographical distribution of ancestors. Results We found little genetic diversity within samples from Morocco, south‐western Europe and the Canary Islands, with three well‐differentiated clades. One is distributed in south‐western Iberia and the High Atlas, Anti‐Atlas and Massa River in Morocco. The second is restricted to the Medium Atlas Mountains. The third one is present in northern Morocco, north‐eastern Iberia, southern France and the Canaries. These three groups are also represented in the nested clade analysis. Sequences from Tunisian specimens are highly divergent from sequences of all other populations, suggesting that the split between the two lineages is ancient. diva analysis suggests that the ancestral distribution of the different lineages was restricted to Africa, and that an explanation of current distribution of the species requires three different dispersal events. Main conclusions Our results support the idea of a very recent colonization of south‐western Europe and the Canary Islands from Morocco. South‐western Europe has been colonized at least twice: once from northern Morocco probably to the Mediterranean coast of France and once from the western coast of Morocco to southern Iberia. Human transport is a likely explanation for at least one of these events. Within Morocco, the pattern of diversity is consistent with a model of mountain refugia during hyperarid periods within the Pleistocene. Evaluation of the phylogenetic relationships of Tunisian haplotypes will require an approach involving the other related hylid taxa in the area.  相似文献   

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