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Aims Pollinators are traditionally considered to be the primary agent of selection on floral traits. However, floral traits may also be under selection from abiotic agents (e.g. rain), which makes considering the relative importance of pollinators and abiotic selective agents on floral traits essential. The functional significance of floral orientation is often ascribed to pollinator attraction, but orientation can also protect reproductive structures from rain. Therefore, a study that incorporates both factors will enhance our understanding of the ecological roles of floral orientation in plant fitness.Mertensia brevistylaandM. fusiformisare herbaceous species that differ in their floral orientations. A series of field and laboratory experiments was used to investigate the adaptive function of floral orientation in these species, particularly with respect to pollinators and rain.  相似文献   

  • Enantiostyly is a floral polymorphism in which two floral forms in the same species differ in deflection of the stigma to right or left position. In monomorphic enantiostylous plants, flowers of the two morphs occur within the same individual, usually in the same proportion. In self‐compatible species the function of monomorphic enantiostyly is proposed to increase outcrossing rates and offer a reproductive advantage under pollination limitation. Enantiostylous species are usually self‐compatible and show heteranthery, with poricide anthers and pollen as pollinator reward; however, there are families, such as Vochysiaceae, that have different characteristics.
  • We analysed the reproductive system and pollination biology of Qualea parviflora and Q. multiflora, two enantiostylous species from the Brazilian Cerrado that have specific morphological and physiological traits. For this, we characterized flower traits, performed hand pollinations and studied floral visitors.
  • We found no differences between morphs in the proportion of flowers, nectar produced or its concentration, pollen quantity and fruit set. Both species were self‐incompatible and quite generalist regarding floral visitors.
  • Enantiostyly in self‐incompatible plants seems to confer a reproductive advantage by reducing self‐interference resulting from stigma clogging. This novel result helps to expand our knowledge on this complex floral polymorphism and opens new avenues for future research on this topic.

Research into plant breeding systems enables the evaluation of whether seed production depends on pollination agents and gene flow mechanisms within and among populations. This aids, in turn, the estimation of the appropriate population sizes needed to maintain both genetic and species' diversity. Little is known about plant reproductive biology in the Monte Desert (Patagonia, Argentina), a habitat threatened by desertification as a result of human impact. The mating systems, flowering phenologies and pollinator networks were studied in five representative plant species of the Monte Desert. The mating systems studied ranged from anemophilous pollen dispersion in the dioecious Atriplex lampa, to a gradient of dependence on pollinators, from the less dependent (facultative self‐compatible) Gutierrezia solbrigii and two Larrea spp. (L. divaricata and L. cuneifolia) to the most dependent Grindelia chiloensis (self‐incompatible). Flowering phenology was restricted to spring and coincided with pollinator abundance. Solitary bees were the main pollinator group, but beetles, flies and butterflies were also important. The four insect‐pollinated species were moderately generalist, but they maintained their own pollinator assemblage. Coleopterans depended more on Grindelia chiloensis and dipterans on Gutierrezia solbrigii. Lepidopterans frequently visited Gutierrezia solbrigii and Larrea divaricata, whereas hymenopterans visited both Larrea spp. more frequently. The studied plant species are ecologically important, not only as resources for a wide range of pollinator species but also for other insects. The Monte Desert is a very disturbance‐sensitive environment and, as these plant species hardly show vegetative regeneration, sexual reproduction is essential for their survival. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 190–201.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: For the maintenance of gynodioecy (i.e. the coexistence of female and hermaphroditic plants), females need to compensate for the lack of pollen production through higher seed production or better progeny quality compared to hermaphrodites. In Geranium sylvaticum, females produce more seeds per flower than hermaphrodites. This difference in seed production might be modified by biological interactions with pollinators and herbivores that may favour one sex and thus affect the maintenance of gynodioecy. METHODS: Sexual dimorphism in flower size and flowering phenology, and in attractiveness to pollinators, pre-dispersal seed predators and floral herbivores were examined in natural populations of G. sylvaticum. KEY RESULTS: Pollinators preferred hermaphrodites 25 % more often than females in two of the three study populations, and floral herbivores attacked hermaphrodites 15 % more often than females in two of the six study populations. These preferences might be explained by the larger flower size of hermaphrodites. In contrast, seed predators did not prefer either sex. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that pollinator preference does not benefit females, whereas the higher floral herbivory of hermaphrodites might enhance the maintenance of females in G. sylvaticum. Thus, although the data support the view that ecological factors may contribute to the maintenance of gynodioecy, they also suggest that these contributions may vary across populations and that they may function in opposite directions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Floral nectaries and nectar features were compared between six Argentinian Ipomoea species with differences in their pollinator guilds: I. alba, I. rubriflora, I. cairica, I. hieronymi var. hieronymi, I. indica, and I. purpurea. METHODS: Pollinators were recorded in natural populations. The morpho-anatomical study was carried out through scanning electron and light microscopy. Nectar sugars were identified via gas chromatography. Nectar production and the effect of its removal on total nectar sugar amount were determined by using sets of bagged flowers. KEY RESULTS: Hymenopterans were visitors of most species, while hummingbirds visited I. rubriflora and sphingids I. alba. All the species had a vascularized discoidal nectary surrounding the ovary base with numerous open stomata with a species-specific distribution. All nectar samples contained amino acids and sugars. Most species had sucrose-dominant nectars. Flowers lasted a few hours. Mean nectar sugar concentration throughout the lifetime of the flower ranged from 34.28 to 39.42 %, except for I. cairica (49.25 %) and I. rubriflora (25.18 %). Ipomoea alba had the highest nectar volume secreted per flower (50.12 microL), while in the other taxa it ranged from 2.42 to 12.00 microL. Nectar secretion began as soon as the flowers opened and lasted for a few hours (in I. purpurea, I. rubriflora) or it was continuous during the lifetime of the flower (in the remaining species). There was an increase of total sugar production after removals in I. cairica, I. indica and I. purpurea, whereas in I. alba and I. rubriflora removals had no effect, and in I. hieronymi there was a decrease in total sugar production. CONCLUSIONS: The chemical composition, production dynamics and removal effects of nectar could not be related to the pollinator guild of these species. Flower length was correlated with nectary size and total volume of nectar secreted, suggesting that structural constraints may play a major role in the determination of nectar traits of these species.  相似文献   

Cross‐ and self‐fertilization in angiosperms are regulated by several factors, and a knowledge of the mechanism and time of spontaneous self‐pollination offers opportunities for a better understanding of the evolution of mating systems and floral traits. The floral biology of five species of Gentianaceae found in high‐altitude neotropical grassland is presented, with emphasis on the mechanisms that promote spontaneous self‐pollination. A presumed floral Batesian mimicry system is suggested between the rare and rewardless Zygostigma australe and Calydorea campestris, a species of Iridaceae with pollen‐flowers, pollinated by syrphids and bees. The floral morphology of the other four gentian species points to three different pollination syndromes: melittophily, phalaenophily and ornithophily. However, with the exception of the nocturnal Helia oblongifolia, flowers are nectarless and appear to exhibit non‐model deceptive mechanisms, providing similar floral cues to some sympatric rewarding species with the same syndrome. The similar mechanism of spontaneous self‐pollination in Calolisianthus pedunculatus, Calolisianthus pendulus and H. oblongifolia (Helieae) is based on the stigmatic movements towards the anthers. Selfing is promoted by movements of the style/stigma and of the corolla in Deianira nervosa and Z. australe (Chironieae), respectively. The movements of stamens, style and stigma during anthesis seem to be the most common method of spontaneous self‐pollination in angiosperms. It is suggested that the evolution of delayed spontaneous self‐pollination would be more expected in those taxa with dichogamous flowers associated with herkogamy. Such a characteristic is frequent in long‐lived flowers of certain groups of Asteridae, which comprise most documented cases of autonomous selfing. Thus, the presence of dichogamy associated with herkogamy (which supposedly evolved as a result of selection to promote both separation of male and female functions and the efficient transfer of cross pollen) may be the first step in the adaptive evolution of delayed selfing to provide reproductive assurance. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 357–368.  相似文献   

  • Three synchronopatric Cactaceae species, Echinopsis rhodotricha, Harrisia balansae and Praecereus saxicola, have mostly nocturnal anthesis and similar flowers, characteristics that motivated us to perform a comparative study of reproductive ecology.
  • Reproductive phenology was sampled monthly from December 2014 to November 2015. We describe floral biology, breeding system via pollination treatments and evaluate floral visitors from focal and filming observations. Pollen grains found on moth proboscis were compared among cactus species under light microscopy. We used fluorescent dye particles to test intra‐ and interspecific pollen flow.
  • These three species have extended flowering with greater intensity in the wet season, causing high overlap. They have white and hypocrateriformis flowers that open at twilight or nightfall and last about 15 h. H. balansae seems to be self‐incompatible, while E. rhodotricha presented self‐compatibility. P. saxicola presented self‐fertility, but most of the population seems to be self‐incompatible. We suggest sphingophily for the three species, but only P. saxicola was visited by Manduca rustica (Sphingidae). However, we observed pollen grains of all three species on the proboscis of moths, especially M. rustica and M. sexta. Prolonged anthesis allowed bees (herein considered as secondary pollinators) to visit flowers of E. rhodotricha and P. saxicola.
  • It can be concluded that the studied species share nocturnal and diurnal pollinators, suggesting interspecific pollen flow, which, however, could not be detected with fluorescent dye particles. In view of the low frequency of primary pollinators, it appears that these three species have different reproductive strategies, ensuring the fruiting and production of viable seeds.

In columnar cacti, a higher production of reproductive structures on branches oriented towards the Equator has been explained by their higher interception of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) as well as resource availability. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of orientation on diverse aspects of the reproductive biology of Myrtillocactus geometrizans. Phenology was studied in north- and south-facing branches. Floral cycle events, floral visitors, reproductive traits associated with sexual and attraction functions, and reproductive success were estimated from reproductive structures with contrasting orientation. Pollination experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of orientation on mating system. Our results showed that south-facing branches had a longer duration of the mature fruit phenophase. Moreover, flower synchrony, production of reproductive structures, and floral traits associated with the male (number of anthers and pollen grains per floral bud), female (number and size of ovules and dimensions of both ovary and ovary cavity), and attraction (petal size) functions had higher values in south-facing flowers. The beginning and ending of the male function and the end of flower anthesis occurred earlier in south-facing flowers. Diversity of floral visitors was similar between orientations, except for beetles whose abundance was greater in flowers oriented towards the south. North- and south-facing flowers had a mixed mating system, with similar reproductive success. Our results showed strong differences in the reproductive biology of an intertropical columnar cactus, probably in response to the uneven PAR interception and resource availability in branches and flowers with contrasting orientation.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology of three sympatric Araceae species, Anthurium sagittatum, A. thrinax and Spathiphyllum humboldtii in French Guiana. The plants flowered simultaneously and were visited by scent‐collecting male euglossine bees, which were apparently their major pollinators. In total, each species was visited by 3–7 euglossine species, and 2–3 euglossine species accounted for at least 80% of all flower visits, with visits being plant species‐specific. Floral scent consisted of 6–10 main compounds, which made up 76–94% of the total amount of volatiles and were specific in these high amounts to each plant species. We suggest that the different floral scents lead to clear separation of the main pollinating euglossine species, providing a directed and efficient intraspecific pollen flow that results in high reproductive success. Since the simple floral (inflorescence) morphology of the studied plants does not support any morphological mechanisms to exclude visitors, as for example in euglossine‐pollinated perfume orchids, floral scent might be of major importance for the reproductive isolation and sympatric occurrence of these plants.  相似文献   

I observed the floral biology of three Leea morphospecies in a Philippine natural forest habitat. The red-flowered morphospecies Leea guineensis limits selfing through synchronized dichogamy, with male and female flowers temporally separated in the same inflorescence, whereas the two morphospecies of the white-flowered Leea indica might be prone to geitonogamous selfing. Light and soil pH are correlated with phenology. In addition to bees and flies, Leea is visited by wasps, butterflies, beetles, bugs and spiders.  相似文献   

Abstract The floral biology of the sand dune shrub Eriope blanchetii (Benth) Harley was investigated in a wild population located within an environment protection area near Salvador, NE Brazil. Inflorescence and flower development were monitored, and the reproductive biology was assessed. Inflorescences are terminal panicles, each bearing from one to 38 small, zygomorphic flowers. The duration of an inflorescence is about 2 months, with few new flowers each day. The rewards to visitors are pollen and nectar, the latter being produced in small quantities at the corolla base, near the stylopodium. Three sequential phases of flower development were identified, based on colour changes, pollen and nectar availability, and stigmatic receptivity. Anthesis takes place throughout the day within each plant, and flowers are strongly protandrous. Flowers are short‐lived, with individual variations of 7–30 h until corolla abscission. This variation is probably associated to a post‐pollinating response, which reduces the length of the female phase and could be advantageous for the economy of nectar production and for increased efficient pollination of the remaining flowers on a plant. The results of the pollination tests (apomixis, spontaneous and manual autogamy, manual cross‐pollination, and control) reinforced the role of pollinators for the reproductive success of E. blanchetii, given that the production of fruits from spontaneous pollination is unlikely to be resulting from protandry and given the morphological floral features. Taken together, the morphological and physiological aspects of E. blanchetii floral biology favour cross‐pollination, and it is likely that most of the fruits in nature are produced by outcrossing.  相似文献   

Data on flowering phenology and pollination of Peperomia species are virtually non-existent. This study presents data on the pollination biology of eight Peperomia species from south-eastern Brazil, including the flowering phenology, pollination system, and reproductive success. Data on flowering phenology were recorded weekly and exclusion experiments on inflorescences provided data on autonomous self- and wind pollination. Direct visual observations were made and insect visits were recorded. Four Peperomia species showed continuous flowering, while the others were seasonal and flowered in the wet season. Pollination by wind and Syrphidae was confirmed for two self-incompatible Peperomia species. The remaining species are self-compatible and their high fruit set may be accounted for by autonomous self-pollination and perhaps agamospermy. Although the floral morphology of Peperomia species suggests wind- and/or insect pollination, most of the species studied exhibit autogamy and perhaps agamospermy as the main method of reproduction.  相似文献   

Among the 16 genera of the Berberidaceae Achlys is the only one with a reduced perianth, an irregular floral phyllotaxis, and variable stamen number. Early floral stages show an unstable (chaotic) arrangement of the organ primordia. Only the single carpel of the gynoecium has a more fixed position in that the placenta is formed in the adaxial half of the flower. The irregularities in the androecium may be caused by the lack of influence of a perianth on floral symmetry. On the other hand, the regular orientation of the carpel is perhaps due to the early polarity of the flower, whereby the abaxial half of the flower is larger (with further developed stamen primordia) at the time when carpel polarity is established.  相似文献   

Floral traits such as color and size are highly diversified in lilies, but their adaptive significance remains uncertain. In the present study, we compared pollination processes between Lilium japonicum var. abeanum and var. japonicum to clarify how the two varieties are adapted to different pollinators. Lilium japonicum var. japonicum is known to be pollinated by moths, and we hypothesized from its flower traits that var. abeanum is pollinated by diurnal insects. Using waterproof digital cameras set to a recording interval of 10–30 s, we recorded flower visitors for 7–9 flowers of var. japonicum and 4–6 flowers of var. abeanum over 24‐h periods. We also recorded the number of versatile (T‐shaped) and rigid (I‐shaped) anthers per flower. For var. abeanum, we observed flowers at 05.00 and 17.00 hours to determine flower opening time and measured the intensity of floral scent using a metal‐oxide semi‐conductor odor sensor. Both diurnal and nocturnal insects visited flowers of the two varieties, but visitation of diurnal insects was more frequent in var. abeanum. Anthers of var. abeanum are usually rigid, as in many bee‐pollinated flowers, whereas those of var. japonicum are mostly versatile. Although flowers of var. japonicum are known to open in the evening, 32% of the flowers of var. abeanum started to flower during the day. Lilium japonicum var. abeanum emitted scent at night, with a maximum intensity at 20.00 hours, just as in var. japonicum. These findings suggest that the floral traits of the two varieties are adapted to the different relative availabilities of nocturnal versus diurnal pollinators. The flower of var. abeanum is more adapted to diurnal pollinators, but retains adaptations to nocturnal pollinators, particularly with regard to its scent.  相似文献   

Floral variation among closely related species is thought to often reflect differences in pollination systems. Flowers of the large genus Impatiens are characterized by extensive variation in colour, shape and size and in anther and stigma positioning, but studies of their pollination ecology are scarce and most lack a comparative context. Consequently, the function of floral diversity in Impatiens remains enigmatic. This study documents floral variation and pollination of seven co‐occurring Impatiens spp. in the Southeast Asian diversity hotspot. To assess whether floral trait variation reflects specialization for different pollination systems, we tested whether species depend on pollinators for reproduction, identified animals that visit flowers, determined whether these visitors play a role in pollination and quantified and compared key floral traits, including floral dimensions and nectar characteristics. Experimental exclusion of insects decreased fruit and seed set significantly for all species except I. muscicola, which also received almost no visits from animals. Most species received visits from several animals, including bees, birds, butterflies and hawkmoths, only a subset of which were effective pollinators. Impatiens psittacina, I. kerriae, I. racemosa and I. daraneenae were pollinated by bees, primarily Bombus haemorrhoidalis. Impatiens chiangdaoensis and I. santisukii had bimodal pollination systems which combined bee and lepidopteran pollination. Floral traits differed significantly among species with different pollination systems. Autogamous flowers were small and spurless, and did not produce nectar; bee‐pollinated flowers had short spurs and large floral chambers with a wide entrance; and bimodally bee‐ and lepidopteran‐pollinated species had long spurs and a small floral chamber with a narrow entrance. Nectar‐producing species with different pollination systems did not differ in nectar volume and sugar concentration. Despite the high frequency of bee pollination in co‐occurring species, individuals with a morphology suggestive of hybrid origin were rare. Variation in floral architecture, including various forms of corolla asymmetry, facilitates distinct, species‐specific pollen‐placement on visiting bees. Our results show that floral morphological diversity among Impatiens spp. is associated with both differences in functional pollinator groups and divergent use of the same pollinator. Non‐homologous mechanisms of floral asymmetry are consistent with repeated independent evolution, suggesting that competitive interactions among species with the same pollination system have been an important driver of floral variation among Impatiens spp.  相似文献   

We investigated the pollination system and movement patterns of pollinators among flowers of the nectarless, monoecious vine Akebia quinata in natural populations and experimental floral arrays. Female flowers did not offer any rewards for pollinators and were larger than male flowers. Pollinators of A.quinata , such as small solitary bees and hoverflies, clearly discriminated between male and female flowers. Hoverflies always visited male flowers and rarely visited female flowers. In contrast, solitary bees tended to visit female flowers first when entering the array, but then switched to male flowers within the same foraging bout. This tendency disappeared when the sepal size of female flowers was experimentally reduced to the size of male flowers. Thus, observed non-randomness in flower choice by solitary bees may be caused by female>male sexual dimorphism and may increase the chance of cross-pollination and lower the probability of geitonogamous pollination in a single visit to a plant. Therefore, floral sexual dimorphism in A.quinata is considered to be an adaptation for deceptive pollination associated with discriminating pollinators.  相似文献   

The genus Cymbidium comprises three subgenera with ca. 50 species. Interactions between pollinators and plants have been studied in the two subgenera Cymbidium and Cyperorchis, but only a few studies in the subgenus Jensoa have been reported. Here we report on the reproductive characteristics of C. goeringii (in sub-genus Jensoa) in three populations in the southwest of Hunan Province, China, during the winter from December 2005 to March 2006. Floral phenological and morphological features, behavior of visitors, the breeding system, and fruit sets under natural conditions were studied. The flowers of C. goeringii were strongly fragrant, but did not present any rewards to the visitors. The flowering period of C. goeringii in the studied populations lasted about 40 days, and most flowers (about 60%) opened within 30 days. Flowers opened immediately when temperature increased obviously and reached to about 16 ℃. The flowering time of the pollinated flowers, unpollinated flow-ers and the flowers with pollinarium removed were similar. Two bees of Apidae, Apis cerana cerana (honeybee) and Anthophora melanognatha, were observed visiting flowers of C. goeringii, but only the honeybees performed as pollinators. The honeybees mostly visited the orchid flowers at 10:00–17:00 on sunny days with temperature above 10 ℃. A total of only thirteen visits were observed during 20 days of observation, indicating pollinators were rare. Honeybees directly landed on the upper surface of the labellum and inserted their heads into the flowers between column and labellum, while the hind legs trod on the surface of the curved downward mid-lobe of label-lum. When a honeybee landed on the labellum of a flower, the labellum moved up and down slightly. After the honeybee entered the flower further, its head might touch the foot of the column. At this time, the body of the honeybee was parallel with the upper surface of the labellum. Then the honeybee used its front legs to scratch on the callus ridges on the upper surface of the labellum, and its hind legs hooked the edges of the side lobe of label-lum, trying to exit forcibly from the flower. During exiting process, sometimes the honeybee’s body was arched owing to tension. In this case, the surface of the scutellum came into close contact with the viscidium and then pollinaria, together with the anther cap, were removed. When this honeybee visited next flower, the pollinaria would be adhered to the stigma when it arched its body during the exiting process. Three plant species flowered synchronously with C. goeringii in the studied areas, but their flowers were different with C. goeringii in color or shape. Because C. goeringii is rewardless to pollinators, the flowers probably attract visitors by olfactory stimu-lus. Breeding system experiments showed no spontaneous autogamy and pollination success relying on pollinators in C. goeringii. Artificial pollination resulted in 90% fruit set by induced autogamy, 100% by pollinating within clone, and 100% by xenogamous pollination, respectively. These results indicate that C. goeringii is highly self-compatible and the fruit production is pollen limited. Because pollinators are essential for fruit set of C. goeringii in natural habitats, protection of wild honeybee populations or apiculture is likely a simple but effective strategy to maintain the orchid populations.  相似文献   

Sedum L. (Crassulaceae) is a large and taxonomically difficult genus whose delimitation and classification are under debate. Due to the controversial results of previous cytological, morphological, and molecular studies, further investigations are needed in order to gain a shared taxonomy of the current recognized species clades. In the present paper, morphological and micromorphological features of 23 selected Mediterranean species of Sedum s.l. – collected from exsiccata or fresh specimens throughout Italy – were investigated, in order to provide additional data toward their classification above species level. In particular, the study focused on flower structure and morphology, floral epidermal surfaces and pollen morphology. The distribution pattern of the examined microcharacters across the species revealed a wide range of variation and different combinations of the single characters. NMDS analysis allowed individuating discrete groups that showed a general consistency with the current systematic delimitation of species groups. Our study also evidenced for the first time the wide morphological variability of nectaries and of the glandular indumentum, not previously investigated in detail. In addition, we proposed the combined use of floral diagrams and floral formulae as valuable tools in studying the variability of flower structure at genus level.  相似文献   

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