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Organisms must distribute sufficient energy among different and often competing physiological systems. This task can become challenging, however, as resources are often limiting, resulting in energetic trade-offs. For example, energetically based trade-offs between the reproductive and immune systems are common across taxa, yet the regulatory mechanisms underlying these trade-offs remain unclear. The adipose tissue hormone leptin is an ideal candidate for the modulation of energetic trade-offs between different physiological systems as this hormone serves as a gage of fat reserves and also modulates a range of physiological activities including the reproductive and immune processes. This article presents a review of the evidence for the role of leptin as a modulator of energetic trade-offs with the immune system and suggests its importance in disease ecology. In addition, we provide a case study of the ornate tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus), testing whether leptin is involved in mediating a well-documented influence of energy state on the trade-off between reproductive activity and immune function. Overall, the combined results suggest that leptin serves as a proximate endocrine signal of available energy to the immune system, and therefore likely to affect susceptibility to diseases.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit changes in immune function following adaptation to short photoperiods, including a marked attenuation of energetically expensive thermoregulatory and behavioral responses to gram-negative bacterial infections. Whether this seasonal attenuation of the immune response is idiosyncratic to gram-negative infections or is representative of innate immune responses in general is not known. If seasonal attenuation of responsiveness to infection is indeed driven primarily by anticipation of energetic constraints, then one would predict that responsiveness to all pathogens would be diminished during short days. If, on the other hand, seasonal changes in responsiveness to infection reflect anticipation of specific pathogens that are common at different phases of the annual cycle, then one would expect short photoperiods to attenuate responsiveness to some pathogens and long photoperiods to attenuate responsiveness to others. To resolve this issue, we exposed male Siberian hamsters to either long or short photoperiods for 11 weeks, then examined their behavioral sickness responses to compounds that represent the minimally immunogenic components of gram-negative bacterial (lipopolysaccharide), gram-positive bacterial (muramyl dipeptide), and viral (polyinosinepolycytidylic acid) organisms. Hamsters exhibited anorexic, anhedonic, ponderal, and/or thermoregulatory sickness behaviors to all 3 pathogen mimetics, but in all cases in which sickness responses were evident, they were attenuated in short days. Energetically costly behavioral responses to several distinct classes of infectious organisms are attenuated in anticipation of winter. The data are not consistent with a pathogen-specific seasonal modulation of innate immune responses.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Winter is energetically-demanding; thermoregulatorydemands increase when food availability usually decreases. Physiologicaland behavioral adaptations, including termination of breeding,have evolved among nontropical animals to cope with winter energyshortages. Presumably, selection for mechanisms that permitphysiological and behavioral anticipation of seasonal ambientchanges have led to current seasonal breeding patterns for manypopulations. Energetically—challenging winter conditionscan directly induce death via hypothermia, starvation, or shock;surviving these demanding conditions likely evokes significantstress responses. The stress of coping with energetically-demandingconditions may increase adrenocortical steroid levels to theextent that immune function is compromised. Individuals wouldenjoy a survival advantage if seasonally-recurring stressorscould be anticipated and countered by shunting energy reservesto bolster immune function. The primary environmental cue thatpermits physiological anticipation of season is daily photoperiod,a cue that is mediated by melatonin. However, other environmentalfactors, such as low food availability and ambient temperatures,may interact with photoperiod to affect immune function anddisease processes. Laboratory studies of seasonal changes inmammalian immune function consistently report that immune functionis enhanced in short day lengths. Prolonged melatonin treatmentmimics short days, and also enhances immune function in rodents.In sum, melatonin may be part of an integrative system to coordinatereproductive, immunologic, and other physiological processesto cope successfully with energetic stressors during winter.Social factors influence immune function and changes in socialinteractions may also contribute to seasonal changes in immunefunction. The mechanisms by which social factors are transducedinto immune responses are largely unspecified. In order to understandthe optimization of immune function it is necessary to understandthe interaction of factors, on both mechanistic and functionallevels, that affect immunity.  相似文献   

The primary goal of virtually all organisms is to produce genetic offspring, thereby passing on their genes to future generations. Offspring production, however, is limited by available resources within an environment. Moreover, distributing sufficient energy among competing physiological systems is challenging and can result in trade-offs between self-maintenance and offspring investment when resources are limited. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that the adipose hormone leptin is involved in mediating energetic trade-offs between competing physiological systems. Specifically, we tested the effects of elevated maternal leptin on investment into offspring production versus self maintenance (immune function), in the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus). The current study provides the first evidence that leptin serves as a signal to mothers of available energy resulting in epigenetic effects. Therefore, elevated leptin allows females to retain more embryos to parturition, and rear more offspring to weaning via reduced maternal infanticide. Innate immune response was suppressed seemingly as a result of these enlarged litters, suggesting that the observed fitness increase is not without costs to the mother. Collectively, these findings suggest that leptin plays a critical role in allowing mothers to determine how much energy to invest in the production and care of young versus self-maintenance.  相似文献   

The immune system requires energetic and nutritional resources to optimally defend organisms against pathogens and parasites. Because resources are typically limited, immune function may require a trade-off with other physiologically demanding activities. Here, we examined whether photoperiodically induced seasonal states (breeding, molting, or nonbreeding) affected the cutaneous immune response of captive male house sparrows (Passer domesticus). To assess immune function in these birds, we injected the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA) into the patagium and measured the resulting wing web swelling. Molting and nonbreeding birds had similar immune responses to PHA injection. However, males in a breeding state showed lower immune responses than both molting and nonbreeding birds even though they did not actually breed. We tested whether this decrease in the PHA swelling response in birds in a breeding state was due to elevated plasma concentrations of testosterone (T) by administering T to birds in a nonbreeding state. Contrary to some evidence in the literature, T did not suppress the response to PHA in house sparrows. Our data show that passerine birds show seasonal modulation in immune function, even in benign environmental conditions. However, even though T is often cited as a strong immunosuppressant, it is not fully responsible for this seasonal modulation.  相似文献   

Vertebrate sickness behaviors, which include lethargy, anorexia, and decreased libido, can facilitate defense against pathogens by conserving energy for use in other immune responses and by limiting parasites' access to nutrients. Such benefits come with considerable costs, however, as lethargy decreases the time available for other fitness-enhancing activities and dampened libido directly reduces reproductive prospects. While the degree of sickness behaviors expressed varies among individuals, populations, and species, the ecological and physiological factors driving this diversity remain unclear. Here, we consider how an organism's ecological context and life-history strategy may impact the ways in which it balances the costs and benefits of sickness behaviors to enable or suppress its expression. Striking an appropriate balance requires physiological assimilation of information about external ecological conditions as well as about the status of infection and host nutrition. This integration requires multi-directional communication among the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems, the purview of the field of psychoneuroimmunology. This discipline portrays cytokines, signaling molecules originally characterized solely by their roles within the immune system, as key mediators of a brain-immune network that ensures the adaptive expression of sickness behaviors. Study of these molecules and the behaviors they coordinate in an ecological context will greatly augment our understanding of the natural variation in immune function found among wild animals.  相似文献   

Animals living in temporally dynamic environments experience variation in resource availability, climate and threat of infection over the course of the year. Thus, to survive and reproduce successfully, these organisms must allocate resources among competing physiological systems in such a way as to maximize fitness in changing environments. Here, we review evidence supporting the hypothesis that physiological trade-offs, particularly those between the reproductive and immune systems, mediate part of the seasonal changes detected in the immune defences of many vertebrates. Abundant recent work has detected significant energetic and nutritional costs of immune defence. Sometimes these physiological costs are sufficiently large to affect fitness (e.g. reproductive output, growth or survival), indicating that selection for appropriate allocation strategies probably occurred in the past. Because hormones often orchestrate allocations among physiological systems, the endocrine mediators of seasonal changes in immune activity are discussed. Many hormones, including melatonin, glucocorticoids and androgens have extensive and consistent effects on the immune system, and they change in systematic fashions over the year. Finally, a modified framework within which to conduct future studies in ecological immunology is proposed, viz. a heightened appreciation of the complex but intelligible nature of the vertebrate immune system. Although other factors besides trade-offs undoubtedly influence seasonal variation in immune defence in animals, a growing literature supports a role for physiological trade-offs and the fitness consequences they sometimes produce.  相似文献   

A wide range of physiological and behavioral alterations occur in response to sickness. Sickness behaviors, rather than incidental by-products or side-effects of acute illness, serve as adaptive functional responses that allow animals to cope with a pathogenic challenge. Among the more salient sickness behaviors is a reduction in food intake; virtually all sick animals display marked decreases in this behavior. Food intake, however, is only one component of the food-related behavioral repertoire. For many mammalian species, food hoarding represents a substantial portion of the total energetic budget. Here we tested the effects of experimental sickness on food hoarding and food intake in a naturally food hoarding species, Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Adult male and female hamsters received injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce sickness or control injections. LPS-induced sickness resulted in a marked decrease in food intake in both males and females, but did not decrease hoarding in either sex. These results support previous findings suggesting that food hoarding and food intake appear to be differentially regulated at the physiological level.  相似文献   

Multidirectional interactions among the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems have been demonstrated in humans and non-human animal models for many decades by the biomedical community, but ecological and evolutionary perspectives are lacking. Neuroendocrine-immune interactions can be conceptualized using a series of feedback loops, which culminate into distinct neuroendocrine-immune phenotypes. Behavior can exert profound influences on these phenotypes, which can in turn reciprocally modulate behavior. For example, the behavioral aspects of reproduction, including courtship, aggression, mate selection and parental behaviors can impinge upon neuroendocrine-immune interactions. One classic example is the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH), which proposes that steroid hormones act as mediators of traits important for female choice while suppressing the immune system. Reciprocally, neuroendocrine-immune pathways can promote the development of altered behavioral states, such as sickness behavior. Understanding the energetic signals that mediate neuroendocrine-immune crosstalk is an active area of research. Although the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) has begun to explore this crosstalk from a biomedical standpoint, the neuroendocrine-immune-behavior nexus has been relatively underappreciated in comparative species. The field of ecoimmunology, while traditionally emphasizing the study of non-model systems from an ecological evolutionary perspective, often under natural conditions, has focused less on the physiological mechanisms underlying behavioral responses. This review summarizes neuroendocrine-immune interactions using a comparative framework to understand the ecological and evolutionary forces that shape these complex physiological interactions.  相似文献   

Differential allocation of energy to reproduction versus host defense is assumed to drive the seasonal antiphase relation between peak reproductive function and immunocompetence; however, evidence supporting this assumption is only correlational. These experiments tested whether photoperiod affects immune responses to antigens in peripubertal Siberian hamsters, whether such activation of the immune system exacts energetic and reproductive costs, and whether such costs vary seasonally. Male Siberian hamsters were raised from birth in long (LD) or short days (SD), which respectively initiate or inhibit the onset of puberty. To elicit a specific immune response, hamsters were injected with a novel antigen (keyhole limpet hemocyanin [KLH]) as juveniles. Reproductive development was attenuated and body temperature was elevated in LD hamsters relative to saline-injected control animals. In contrast, KLH treatments affected neither thermoregulation nor reproductive development in photoinhibited SD hamsters. In experiment 2, juvenile male hamsters were challenged with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in order to elicit an innate immune response. Febrile and anorexic responses to LPS were greater in reproductively stimulated LD hamsters relative to reproductively inhibited SD hamsters. LPS treatments attenuated somatic and testicular development in LD hamsters, but did not significantly affect circulating testosterone concentrations. In contrast, LPS treatments were without effect on somatic and reproductive development in SD hamsters. These experiments indicate that photoperiod affects antigen-specific antibody production, febrile responses to LPS, and sickness behaviors in juvenile Siberian hamsters, and that peripubertal activation of the immune system exacts energetic and metabolic costs that can diminish the magnitude of somatic and reproductive maturation in LD. The data also underscore the importance of seasonally dependent life history factors in assessing physiological tradeoffs.  相似文献   

Sickness behavior is a taxonomically widespread coordinated set of behavioral changes that increases shelter‐seeking while reducing levels of general activity, as well as food (anorexia) and water (adipsia) consumption, when fighting infection by pathogens and disease. The leading hypothesis explaining such sickness‐related shifts in behavior is the energy conservation hypothesis. This hypothesis argues that sick (i.e., immune‐challenged) animals reduce energetic expenditure in order have more energy to fuel an immune response, which in some vertebrates, also includes producing an energetically expensive physiological fever. We experimentally tested the hypothesis that an immune challenge with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) will cause Gryllus firmus field crickets to reduce their activity, increase shelter use and avoid foods that interfere with an immune response (i.e., fat) while preferring a diet that fuels an immune response (i.e., protein). We found little evidence of sickness behavior in Gryllus firmus as immune‐challenged individuals did not reduce their activity or increase their shelter‐seeking. Neither did we observe changes in feeding or drinking behavior nor a preference for protein or avoidance of lipids. Males tended to use shelters less than females but no other behaviors differed between the sexes. The lack of sickness behavior in our study might reflect the fact that invertebrates do not possess energetically expensive physiological fever as part of their immune response. Therefore, there is little reason to conserve energy via reduced activity or increased shelter use when immune‐challenged.  相似文献   

Understanding the cost of immune function is essential for more accurate characterization of energy budgets of animals and better understanding of the role of immunity in the evolution of life-history strategies. We examined the energetic cost of maintaining a normally functioning immune system and mounting a mild immune response in wild male white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). To evaluate the cost of maintaining immunocompetence, we compared resting and daily metabolic rates (RMR; DMR) and masses of body organs of mice whose immune systems were suppressed by cyclophosphamide with those of control mice. To evaluate the cost of mounting an immune response, we measured RMR, DMR, and organ masses in mice whose humoral and cell-mediated immune responses had been stimulated by injections of sheep red blood cells and phytohemagglutinin, respectively. Immunosuppression resulted in a significant reduction in circulating leukocytes, by 225%, but no significant effect on metabolic rates or organ masses. Immunochallenged animals showed no significant differences in metabolic rates compared with control animals but did exhibit significantly smaller dry masses of the small intestine and testes, by 74% and 22%, respectively. We concluded that the cost of maintaining the immune system was minimal. In contrast, there was a significant energetic cost of mounting an immune response that, depending on its magnitude, can be met through reductions in energy allocation to other physiological systems.  相似文献   

Many animals experience marked seasonal fluctuations in environmental conditions. In response, animals display adaptive alterations in physiology and behaviour, including seasonal changes in immune function. During winter, animals must reallocate finite energy stores from relatively costly, less exigent systems (e.g. reproduction and immunity) to systems critical for immediate survival (e.g. thermoregulation). Seasonal changes in immunity are probably mediated by neuroendocrine factors signalling current energetic state. One potential hormonal candidate is insulin, a metabolic hormone released in response to elevated blood glucose levels. The aim of the present study was to explore the potential role of insulin in signalling energy status to the immune system in a seasonally breeding animal, the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus). Specifically, exogenous insulin was administered to male hamsters housed in either long ‘summer-like’ or short ‘winter-like’ days. Animals were then challenged with an innocuous antigen and immune responses were measured. Insulin treatment significantly enhanced humoural immune responses in short, but not long days. In addition, insulin treatment increased food intake and decreased blood glucose levels across photoperiodic treatments. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that insulin acts as an endocrine signal integrating seasonal energetic changes and immune responses in seasonally breeding rodents.  相似文献   

Leptin is an adipocyte-derived pleiotropic hormone that modulates a large number of physiological functions, including control of body weight and regulation of the immune system. In this work, we show that a recombinant strain of the food-grade lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis (LL-lep) can produce and efficiently secrete human leptin. The secreted leptin is a fully biologically active hormone, as demonstrated by its capacity to stimulate a STAT3 reporter gene in HEK293 cells transfected with the Ob-Rb leptin receptor. The immunomodulatory activity of leptin-secreting L. lactis was evaluated in vivo by coexpression with the human papillomavirus type 16 E7 protein. In C57BL/6 mice immunized intranasally with a recombinant L. lactis strain coproducing leptin and E7 antigen, the adaptive immune response was significantly higher than in mice immunized with recombinant L. lactis producing only E7 antigen, demonstrating adjuvanticity of leptin. We then analyzed the effects of intranasally administered LL-lep in obese ob/ob mice. We observed that daily administration of LL-lep to these mice significantly reduced body weight gain and food intake. These results demonstrate that leptin can be produced and secreted in an active form by L. lactis and that leptin-producing L. lactis regulates in vivo antigen-specific immune responses, as well as body weight and food consumption.  相似文献   

1.  Organisms must contend with seasonal fluctuations in energy availability. To maintain a positive energy balance year-round, a number of adaptations have evolved including seasonal changes in reproduction, energetics and immunity. Photoperiod is the primary environmental signal most animals use to predict seasonal events. Despite the established link between energetics and immune function, little is known regarding how changes in energy availability affect immunity.
2.  The goal of the present study was to determine the effects of food restriction on photoperiodic changes in reproduction and immune function in the Siberian hamster ( Phodopus sungorus ). Adult hamsters were housed in long or short days and were food restricted or fed ad libitum . Immune responses were quantified by measuring specific antibody production and bacterial killing capacity.
3.  Food restriction decreased body and relative reproductive masses in long-day animals. Antibody responses, but not bacterial killing ability, were enhanced in food restricted short-day animals as compared with ad libitum fed controls. We also found differential effects of body fat on immune responses depending on the immune measure.
4.  The effects of food restriction on immune function appear to vary based on the restriction regimen, the response measured, and the physiological state of the organism including energy balance, metabolic rate and reproductive status.
5.  In conclusion, these results suggest that a wide range of factors can differentially affect immune function. In addition, these effects may vary based on the specific response examined. Future studies should include a variety of measurements to provide a more integrative and accurate picture of reproductive, energetic, and photoperiodic effects on immune function.  相似文献   

Melatonin mediates seasonal adjustments in immune function.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In addition to seasonal changes in reproductive function, seasonal changes in immune function are mediated by the pineal hormone, melatonin. Melatonin affects immune function both indirectly, acting through other hormones, and directly by acting on components of the immune system. Melatonin also affects tumorigenesis and tumor development. We hypothesize that many of the indirect effects of melatonin on immune function are mediated through glucocorticoids, and appear to be part of an integrated series of adaptations to manage energy. Direct effects of melatonin on immune function appear to be mediated by melatonin receptors on lymphatic tissue or on immune cells in circulation. Winter is energetically demanding and stressful; thermoregulatory demands typically increase when food availability decreases. Individuals would enjoy a survival advantage if seasonally recurring stressors could be anticipated and countered by bolstering immune function. To summarize, melatonin may be part of an integrative system to coordinate reproductive, immunologic and other physiological processes to cope successfully with energetic stressors during winter.  相似文献   

Pathogens may induce different immune responses in hosts contingent on pathogen characteristics, host characteristics, or interactions between the two. We investigated whether the broadly effective acute-phase response (APR), a whole body immune response that occurs in response to constitutive immune receptor activation and includes fever, secretion of immune peptides, and sickness behaviors such as anorexia and lethargy, varies with pathogen identity in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). Birds were challenged with a subcutaneous injection of either a glucan at 0.7 mg/kg (to simulate fungal infection), a synthetic double-stranded RNA at 25 mg/kg (to simulate viral infection), or LPS at 1 mg/kg (to simulate a gram-negative bacterial infection), and then body mass, core body temperature changes, sickness behaviors, and secretion of an acute-phase protein, haptoglobin, were compared. Despite using what are moderate-to-high pyrogen doses for other vertebrates, only house sparrows challenged with LPS showed measurable APRs. Febrile, behavioral, and physiological responses to fungal and viral mimetics had minimal effects.  相似文献   

Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone/cytokine that links nutritional status with neuroendocrine and immune functions. In humans, leptin influences energy homeostasis and regulates neuroendocrine function primarily in states of energy deficiency. Initially described as an antiobesity hormone, leptin has subsequently been shown also to influence basal metabolism, hematopoiesis, thermogenesis, reproduction, and angiogenesis. As a cytokine, leptin can affect thymic homeostasis and the secretion of acute-phase reactants such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor-necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Leptin links nutritional status and proinflammatory T helper 1 (Th1) immune responses and the decrease in leptin plasma concentration during food deprivation leads to impaired immune function. Similar to other pro-inflammatory cytokines, leptin promotes Th1-cell differentiation and can modulate the onset and progression of autoimmune responses in several animal models of disease. Here, we review the advances and controversy for a role of leptin in the pathophysiology of immune responses and discuss novel possible therapeutic implications for leptin modulators.  相似文献   

Leptin, from fat to inflammation: old questions and new insights   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Leptin is 16 kDa adipokine that links nutritional status with neuroendocrine and immune functions. Initially thought to be a satiety factor that regulates body weight by inhibiting food intake and stimulating energy expenditure, leptin is a pleiotropic hormone whose multiple effects include regulation of endocrine function, reproduction, and immunity. Leptin can be considered as a pro-inflammatory cytokine that belongs to the family of long-chain helical cytokines and has structural similarity with interleukin-6, prolactin, growth hormone, IL-12, IL-15, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and oncostatin M. Because of its dual nature as a hormone and cytokine, leptin links the neuroendocrine and the immune system. The role of leptin in the modulation of immune response and inflammation has recently become increasingly evident. The increase in leptin production that occurs during infection and inflammation strongly suggests that leptin is a part of the cytokine network which governs the inflammatory-immune response and the host defense mechanisms. Leptin plays an important role in inflammatory processes involving T cells and has been reported to modulate T-helper cells activity in the cellular immune response. Several studies have implicated leptin in the pathogenesis of autoimmune inflammatory conditions, such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and intestinal inflammation. Very recently, a key role for leptin in osteoarthritis has been demonstrated: leptin indeed exhibits, in concert with other pro-inflammatory cytokines, a detrimental effect on articular cartilage by promoting nitric oxide synthesis in chondrocytes. Here, we review the recent advances regarding leptin biology with a special focus on those actions relevant to the role of leptin in the pathophysiology of inflammatory processes and immune responses.  相似文献   

Leptin is an adipocyte-derived pleiotropic hormone that modulates a large number of physiological functions, including control of body weight and regulation of the immune system. In this work, we show that a recombinant strain of the food-grade lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis (LL-lep) can produce and efficiently secrete human leptin. The secreted leptin is a fully biologically active hormone, as demonstrated by its capacity to stimulate a STAT3 reporter gene in HEK293 cells transfected with the Ob-Rb leptin receptor. The immunomodulatory activity of leptin-secreting L. lactis was evaluated in vivo by coexpression with the human papillomavirus type 16 E7 protein. In C57BL/6 mice immunized intranasally with a recombinant L. lactis strain coproducing leptin and E7 antigen, the adaptive immune response was significantly higher than in mice immunized with recombinant L. lactis producing only E7 antigen, demonstrating adjuvanticity of leptin. We then analyzed the effects of intranasally administered LL-lep in obese ob/ob mice. We observed that daily administration of LL-lep to these mice significantly reduced body weight gain and food intake. These results demonstrate that leptin can be produced and secreted in an active form by L. lactis and that leptin-producing L. lactis regulates in vivo antigen-specific immune responses, as well as body weight and food consumption.  相似文献   

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