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Evolutionary theory predicts that natural selection should be less efficient in asexually than in sexually reproducing organisms. Obligate asexuals are expected to adapt slowly to changing environments and to accumulate mildly deleterious mutations to their genomes, potentially explaining their typically short evolutionary lifespans. One group of animals that appear to challenge these ideas is the bdelloid rotifers, a large and ancient clade of obligate asexuals. Previous work has found no evidence for inefficient selection against deleterious mutations in protein-coding genes of bdelloids. However, these studies relied mostly on between-species comparisons and were therefore unable to detect mildly deleterious mutations that persist within populations but are removed by selection over longer time periods. Here, we test for inefficient purifying selection acting on the cytochrome oxidase I (cox1) mitochondrial gene in 3 clades of bdelloids. Patterns of variation are compared to those of two facultatively sexual clades: a monogonont rotifer (Brachionus) and a branchiopod crustacean (Daphnia). As predicted due to the strict linkage between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, bdelloids exhibit higher frequencies of putatively deleterious amino acid polymorphism within populations than the two facultatively sexual clades. While the monophyly and age of bdelloids makes it hard to rule out other explanations for the observed differences, several possible confounding factors, such as differences in effective population size or patterns of codon usage, are shown not to explain the observed differences. We therefore conclude that bdelloid mitochondrial DNA variation does display the signature of inefficient selection expected of obligate asexuals.  相似文献   

There are numerous anthropological analyses concerning the importance of diet during human evolution. Diet is thought to have had a profound influence on the human phenotype, and dietary differences have been hypothesized to contribute to the dramatic morphological changes seen in modern humans as compared with non-human primates. Here, we attempt to integrate the results of new genomic studies within this well-developed anthropological context. We then review the current evidence for adaptation related to diet, both at the level of sequence changes and gene expression. Finally, we propose some ways in which new technologies can help identify specific genomic adaptations that have resulted in metabolic and morphological differences between humans and non-human primates.  相似文献   

The Chinese Meishan pig breed is well known for its high prolificacy. Moreover, this breed can be divided into three types based on their body size: big Meishan, middle Meishan (MMS) and small Meishan (SMS) pigs. Few studies have reported on the genetic signatures of Meishan pigs, particularly on a genome‐wide scale. Exploring for genetic signatures could be quite valuable for revealing the genetic architecture of phenotypic variation. Thus, we performed research in two parts based on the genome reducing and sequencing data of 143 Meishan pigs (74 MMS pigs, 69 SMS pigs). First, we detected the selection signatures among all Meishan pigs studied using the relative extended haplotype homozygosity test. Second, we detected the selection signatures between MMS and SMS pigs using the cross‐population extended haplotype homozygosity and FST methods. A total of 111 398 SNPs were identified from the sequenced genomes. In the population analysis, the most significant genes were associated with the mental development (RGMA), reproduction (HDAC4, FOXL2) and lipid metabolism (ACACB). From the cross‐population analysis, we detected genes related to body weight (SPDEF, PACSIN1) in both methods. We suggest that rs341373351, located within the PACSIN1 gene, might be the causal variant. This study may have achieved consistency between selection signatures and characteristics within and between Meishan pig populations. These findings can provide insight into investigating the molecular background of high prolificacy and body size in pig.  相似文献   

The drivers of speciation remain among the most controversial topics in evolutionary biology. Initially, Darwin emphasized natural selection as a primary mechanism of speciation, but the architects of the modern synthesis largely abandoned that view in favour of divergence by geographic isolation. The balance between selection and isolation is still at the forefront of the evolutionary debate, especially for the world's tropical oceans where biodiversity is high, but isolating barriers are few. Here, we identify the drivers of speciation in Pacific reef fishes of the genus Acanthurus by comparative genome scans of two peripheral populations that split from a large Central‐West Pacific lineage at roughly the same time. Mitochondrial sequences indicate that populations in the Hawaiian Archipelago and the Marquesas Islands became isolated approximately 0.5 Ma. The Hawaiian lineage is morphologically indistinguishable from the widespread Pacific form, but the Marquesan form is recognized as a distinct species that occupies an unusual tropical ecosystem characterized by upwelling, turbidity, temperature fluctuations, algal blooms and little coral cover. An analysis of 3737 SNPs reveals a strong signal of selection at the Marquesas, with 59 loci under disruptive selection including an opsin Rh2 locus. While both the Hawaiian and Marquesan populations indicate signals of drift, the former shows a weak signal of selection that is comparable with populations in the Central‐West Pacific. This contrast between closely related lineages reveals one population diverging due primarily to geographic isolation and genetic drift, and the other achieving taxonomic species status under the influence of selection.  相似文献   

Finite populations of asexual and highly selfing species suffer from a reduced efficacy of selection. Such populations are thought to decline in fitness over time due to accumulating slightly deleterious mutations or failing to adapt to changing conditions. These within‐population processes that lead nonrecombining species to extinction may help maintain sex and outcrossing through species level selection. Although inefficient selection is proposed to elevate extinction rates over time, previous models of species selection for sex assumed constant diversification rates. For sex to persist, classic models require that asexual species diversify at rates lower than sexual species; the validity of this requirement is questionable, both conceptually and empirically. We extend past models by allowing asexual lineages to decline in diversification rates as they age, that is nonrecombining lineages “senesce” in diversification rates. At equilibrium, senescing diversification rates maintain sex even when asexual lineages, at young ages, diversify faster than their sexual progenitors. In such cases, the age distribution of asexual lineages contains a peak at intermediate values rather than showing the exponential decline predicted by the classic model. Coexistence requires only that the average rate of diversification in asexuals be lower than that of sexuals.  相似文献   

Z. Zhang  Y. Jia  Y. Chen  L. wang  X. Lv  F. Yang  Y. He  Z. Ning  L. Qu 《Animal genetics》2018,49(2):132-136
It is well known that both British and American Pekin ducks originated from China. However, the populations differ substantially in production performance, but the genetic changes involved are still poorly understood. Herein, we sequenced 24 individual Pekin ducks (eight from each population) with an average sequencing depth of more than 45× for each population (mean coverage of 6.29 per individual). Among these populations from three different countries, we identified a large number of SNPs and indels as well as many unique population variants, which can be used as population‐specific molecular markers. Genomic comparisons among the three duck populations revealed many candidate genes as well as pathways and Gene Ontology categories that are putatively associated with meat yield in the British population, growth in the American population and brain development in all three populations. These findings will enable a better understanding of the artificial selection history of Pekin ducks and provide a valuable resource for future research on the breeding of this species.  相似文献   

As environments and pathogen landscapes shift, host defenses must evolve to remain effective. Due to this selection pressure, among-species comparisons of genetic sequence data often find immune genes to be among the fastest evolving genes across the genome. The full extent and nature of these immune adaptations, however, remain largely unexplored. In a recent study, we analyzed patterns of selection within distinct components of the Drosophila melanogaster immune pathway. While we found evidence of positive selection within some immune processes, immune genes were not universally characterized by signatures of strong selection. On the contrary, we even found that some immune functions show greater than expected constraint. Overall these results highlight 2 major factors that appear to play an outsize role in determining a gene's evolutionary rate: the type of pathogen the gene targets and the gene's position within the immune network. These results join a growing body of literature that highlight the complexity of immune adaptation. Rather than there being uniformly strong selection across all immune genes, a combination of pathogen-specificity and host genetic constraints appear to play key roles in determining each immune gene's individual evolutionary trajectory.  相似文献   

We study the population genetics of adaptation in nonequilibrium haploid asexual populations. We find that the accumulation of deleterious mutations, due to the operation of Muller's ratchet, can considerably reduce the rate of fixation of advantageous alleles. Such reduction can be approximated reasonably well by a reduction in the effective population size. In the absence of Muller's ratchet, a beneficial mutation can only become fixed if it creates the best possible genotype; if Muller's ratchet operates, however, mutations initially arising in a nonoptimal genotype can also become fixed in the population, since the loss of the least-loaded class implies that an initially nonoptimal background can become optimal. We show that, while the rate at which adaptive mutations become fixed is reduced, the rate of fixation of deleterious mutations due to the ratchet is not changed by the presence of beneficial mutations as long as the rate of their occurrence is low and the deleterious effects of mutations (s(d)) are higher than the beneficial effects (s(a)). When s(a) > s(d), the advantage of a beneficial mutation can outweigh the deleterious effects of associated mutations. Under these conditions, a beneficial allele can drag to fixation deleterious mutations initially associated with it at a higher rate than in the absence of advantageous alleles. We propose analytical approximations for the rates of accumulation of deleterious and beneficial mutations. Furthermore, when allowing for the possible occurrence of interference between beneficial alleles, we find that the presence of deleterious mutations of either very weak or very strong effect can marginally increase the rate of accumulation of beneficial mutations over that observed in the absence of such deleterious mutations.  相似文献   

Local adaptation within and among populations may have an impact on processes ranging from speciation to the evolution of mixed breeding systems and dispersal strategies. It is also one potential factor that could favor the production of asexual over sexual propagules. This field experiment tested whether asexually produced bulbils of Allium vineale demonstrate local adaptation to the parental microsite at the scale of natural dispersal from the parent (5, 25, 50, 100, and 1000 cm). Both "home' and randomly chosen "away' genotypes were planted at each location to determine the relative performance of the "home' genotype. Overall, bulbil performance declined with distance from the parent. In particular, "home' bulbils outperformed "away' bulbils at a distance of 25 cm from the parent, indicating that local adaptation has occurred at the scale of natural dispersal in this species. The variance in propagule performance also increased at farther distances from the parent, indicating that the predictability of offspring performance decreases with distance. Fine-scale local adaptation within the range of seed dispersal in this population may be one factor favoring asexual reproduction in Allium vineale.  相似文献   

How changes in selective regimes affect trait evolution is an important open biological question. We take advantage of naturally occurring and repeated transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction in a New Zealand freshwater snail species, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, to address how evolution in an asexual context—including the potential for relaxed selection on male‐specific traits—influences sperm morphology. The occasional production of male offspring by the otherwise all‐female asexual P. antipodarum lineages affords a unique and powerful opportunity to assess the fate of sperm traits in a context where males are exceedingly rare. These comparisons revealed that the sperm produced by ‘asexual’ males are markedly distinct from sexual counterparts. We also found that the asexual male sperm harboured markedly higher phenotypic variation and was much more likely to be morphologically abnormal. Together, these data suggest that transitions to asexual reproduction might be irreversible, at least in part because male function is likely to be compromised. These results are also consistent with a scenario where relaxed selection and/or mutation accumulation in the absence of sex translates into rapid trait degeneration.  相似文献   

Elucidating the genetic basis of adaptation to the local environment can improve our understanding of how the diversity of life has evolved. In this study, we used a dense SNP array to identify candidate loci potentially underlying fine‐scale local adaptation within a large Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population. By combining outlier, gene–environment association and haplotype homozygosity analyses, we identified multiple regions of the genome with strong evidence for diversifying selection. Several of these candidate regions had previously been identified in other studies, demonstrating that the same loci could be adaptively important in Atlantic salmon at subdrainage, regional and continental scales. Notably, we identified signals consistent with local selection around genes associated with variation in sexual maturation, energy homeostasis and immune defence. These included the large‐effect age‐at‐maturity gene vgll3, the known obesity gene mc4r, and major histocompatibility complex II. Most strikingly, we confirmed a genomic region on Ssa09 that was extremely differentiated among subpopulations and that is also a candidate for local selection over the global range of Atlantic salmon. This region colocalized with a haplotype strongly associated with spawning ecotype in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), with circumstantial evidence that the same gene (six6) may be the selective target in both cases. The phenotypic effect of this region in Atlantic salmon remains cryptic, although allelic variation is related to upstream catchment area and covaries with timing of the return spawning migration. Our results further inform management of Atlantic salmon and open multiple avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Mountain regions contain extraordinary biodiversity. The environmental heterogeneity and glacial cycles often accelerate speciation and adaptation of montane species, but how these processes influence the genomic differentiation of these species is largely unknown. Using a novel chromosome-level genome and population genomic comparisons, we study allopatric divergence and selection in an iconic bird living in a tropical mountain region in New Guinea, Archbold''s bowerbird (Amblyornis papuensis). Our results show that the two populations inhabiting the eastern and western Central Range became isolated ca 11 800 years ago, probably because the suitable habitats for this cold-tolerating bird decreased when the climate got warmer. Our genomic scans detect that genes in highly divergent genomic regions are over-represented in developmental processes, which is probably associated with the observed differences in body size between the populations. Overall, our results suggest that environmental differences between the eastern and western Central Range probably drive adaptive divergence between them.  相似文献   

Studying the effect of similar environments on diverse genetic backgrounds has long been a goal of evolutionary biologists with studies typically relying on experimental approaches. Pink salmon, a highly abundant and widely ranging salmonid, provide a naturally occurring opportunity to study the effects of similar environments on divergent genetic backgrounds due to a strict two‐year semelparous life history. The species is composed of two reproductively isolated lineages with overlapping ranges that share the same spawning and rearing environments in alternate years. We used restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing to discover and genotype approximately 8000 SNP loci in three population pairs of even‐ and odd‐year pink salmon along a latitudinal gradient in North America. We found greater differentiation within the odd‐year than within the even‐year lineage and greater differentiation in the southern pair from Puget Sound than in the northern Alaskan population pairs. We identified 15 SNPs reflecting signatures of parallel selection using both a differentiation‐based method (BAYESCAN) and an environmental correlation method (BAYENV). These SNPs represent genomic regions that may be particularly informative in understanding adaptive evolution in pink salmon and exploring how differing genetic backgrounds within a species respond to selection from the same natural environment.  相似文献   

Integrated knowledge on phenotype, physiology, and genomic adaptations is required to understand the effects of climate on evolution. The functional genomic basis of organismal adaptation to changes in the abiotic environment, its phenotypic consequences, and its possible convergence across vertebrates are still understudied. In this study, we use a comparative approach to verify predicted gene functions for vertebrate thermal adaptation with observed functions underlying repeated genomic adaptations in response to elevation in the lizard Anolis cybotes. We establish a direct link between recurrently evolved phenotypes and functional genomics of altitude‐related climate adaptation in three highland and lowland populations in the Dominican Republic. We show that across vertebrates, genes contained in this interactome are expressed within the brain, the endocrine system, and during development. These results are relevant to elucidate the effect of global climate change across vertebrates and might aid in furthering insight into gene–environment relationships under disturbances to homeostasis.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is an important principle in a world of environmental change and might be critical for species persistence. We tested the hypothesis that replicated populations can attain rapid local adaptation under two varying laboratory environments. Clonal subpopulations of the cyclically parthenogenetic rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus were allowed to adapt to two varying harsh and a benign environment: a high‐salt, a food‐limited environment and untreated culture medium (no salt addition, high food). In contrast to most previous studies, we re‐adjusted rotifer density to a fixed value (two individuals per ml) every 3–4 days of unrestricted population growth, instead of exchanging a fixed proportion of the culture medium. Thus our dilution regime specifically selected for high population growth during the entire experiment and it allowed us to continuously track changes in fitness (i.e., maximum population growth under the prevailing conditions) in each population. After 56 days (43 asexual and eight sexual generations) of selection, the populations in the harsh environments showed a significant increase in fitness over time relative to the beginning compared to the population in untreated culture medium. Furthermore, the high‐salt population exhibited a significantly elevated ratio of sexual offspring from the start of the experiment, which suggested that this environment either triggered higher rates of sex or that the untreated medium and the food‐limited environment suppressed sex. In a following assay of local adaptation we measured population fitness under “local” versus “foreign” conditions (populations adapted to this environment compared to those of the other environment) for both harsh habitats. We found significantly higher fitness values for the local populations (on average, a 38% higher fitness) compared to the foreign populations. Overall, local adaptation was formed rapidly and it seemed to be more pronounced in the high‐salt treatment.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根观察与侵染率测定方法的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盛萍萍  刘润进  李敏 《菌物学报》2011,30(4):519-525
菌根生长状况观察与侵染率测定是菌根学研究中一项重要的基础性工作。综述了丛枝菌根(AM)染色观察与侵染率测定方法研究概况,并对其进行比较和评价。认为采用醋酸墨水染色观察AM生长状况与采用根段侵染率加权法和放大交叉法测定AM真菌侵染率是目前较为科学、准确、易行的方法。根据不同需要也可选择其他适宜的方法,如要了解丛枝发育状况,可采用放大交叉法;如要了解泡囊和侵入点数量,可采用直接计数法,从而使其研究结果具有可比性。有必要建立基于分子生物学技术和脂肪酸定量分析技术测定一种或数种AM真菌侵染状况,这将有力推动AM真菌生理、生态功能研究的发展。  相似文献   

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