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Two South African Pyrgomorpha species have reduced chromosome numbers, due to centric fusions between the largest autosomes and the medium and small autosomes. P. rugosa has 2n=11(XO) (4 pairs of submetacentric and 1 pair of acrocentric autosomes) and P. granulata has 2n=13(XO) (3 pairs of submetacentric and 3 pairs of acrocentric autosomes). A third South African species has a typical Pyrgomorphidae number of 2n=19(XO) (acrocentrics). The mean chiasma frequency of the 2n=19 species is higher than that of the other two, although the frequencies of distal chiasmata in all three are similar. The recombination potential of the two species with lower chromosome numbers has been reduced, due to fewer crossovers in comparison to the 2n=19 species, as well as to independent assortment.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A study was conducted to describe the major features of geographical and temporal variation in the diversity of grassland grasshopper species (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) in different sites of the Pampas, Argentina. Species richness and relative abundance were assessed at 12 sites in eastern La Pampa and western Buenos Aires provinces, from 1994 through 1999. Mean species richness at the regional level was 10, and 34 grasshopper species were collected throughout of the study. Comparison with grasshopper species diversity from the Great Plains of North America is discussed. An evaluation of the proportions of species in each of the three distribution groups (broad, intermediate and narrow) revealed that, over all sites, broadly distributed species made up 14.7% of species composition and intermediately and narrowly distributed species made up 26.5% and 58.8%, respectively. The three top-ranked species in the studied sites were Dichroplus elongatus , D. pratensis and Staurorhectus longicornis . Results showed that, contrary to what was expected, one of the widely distributed species in the region (i.e. Baeacris punctulatus ) does not always constitute one of the most abundant species. Finally, the loss of one of the historically most common species in the Pampas, D. maculipennis , is also discussed.  相似文献   

Supernumerary segments have been observed in five species of grasshoppers: Calliptamus barbarus, Oedipoda fuscocincta, Acrotylus insubricus, Omocestus raymondi and Chorthippus ariasi. In four cases they are located in the S-chromosomes, but in A. insubricus they are carried by the megameric pair (M9). In C. barbarus and O. fuscocincta we have observed non-homologous association during diplotene between the extra segments and the X-chromosome. The supernumerary segments of these two species are distally located. However, in anaphase-I the unequal bivalents divide reductionally in 30% and 20% of the cells, respectively. Finally, the supernumerary segments of C. barbarus do not produce any effect on mean chiasma frequency, but they decrease significantly the between-cell variance of chiasmata in males carrying them.  相似文献   

我国蝗虫二新种记述 (直翅目:蝗总科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑哲民 《昆虫学报》2000,43(2):184-187
报道了采自安徽及内蒙古地区的蝗虫二新种:黑翅负蝗Atractomorpha nigripennis sp.nov.及黄足小车蝗Oedaleus cnecososodius sp.nov.。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

A partial genomic library of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, enriched for microsatellite sequences was screened to identify marker loci. Eight polymorphic loci suitable for population genetic studies were identified by screening 192 field‐collected insects. The observed number of alleles ranged from four to 21 with an average of 12.25 (SE ± 1.94) while the effective number of alleles ranged from 1.23 to 11.05 with an average of 4.49 (SE ± 1.15). No linkage disequilibria or significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations were detected at any of the loci. Seven of the eight L. lineolaris microsatellite loci were transferable to Lygus hesperus.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to study the morphology and formation of the eggshell in the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris. Eggs are bean-shaped, with an operculum at the anterior end surrounded by a row of 36-40 respiratory horns. Three micropylar openings are on the operculum, and are sealed in oviposited eggs. The chorion consists of the chorion proper and the innermost chorionic layer. An air layer composed of colonnades is present in the chorion. The innermost chorionic layer is homogeneous and electron lucent. The follicle cells secrete electron dense materials that later coalesced into the reticulated vitelline membrane. This is followed by the deposition of the innermost chorionic layer by the follicle cells. After the primordial innermost chorionic layer is formed, follicle cells at the anterior pole of the oocyte secrete the scaffold for the colonnades in the air layer. Later, the primordial scaffold matrix is redistributed and localized at the lateral and posterior end of the oocyte where it becomes secondarily modified. At the end of choriogenesis, follicle cells at the anterior pole secrete the operculum and respiratory horns.  相似文献   

The complete genome sequence of a single-stranded RNA virus infecting the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), was identified by sequencing cDNA prepared from insects collected from the Mississippi Delta. The 9655 nucleotide positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome of the L. lineolaris single-stranded RNA virus (LyLV-1) contained a single open reading frame of 8958 nucleotides encoding a 2986 amino acid genome polypeptide. The open reading frame was flanked by untranslated regions of 603 and 69 nucleotides at the 5'- and 3'- ends of the genome, respectively. Database searches and homology based modeling was used to identify four capsid proteins (VP1-VP4), helicase/AAA-ATPase, cysteine protease (C3P), protease 2A, and the RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRp). In addition, a region with weak similarity to the eukaryotic structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) domain was identified near the amino-terminal of the polyprotein and adjacent to the VP1 domain. The amino acid sequence of LyLV-1 was approximately 44.4% similar to that of sacbrood virus (SBV) of the honey bee. The genomic organization of both viruses showed remarkable similarity with the exception of highly divergent amino acid regions flanking fairly conserved structural and non-structural polypeptide regions. High similarity to the SBV genome and similarities in the genome organization and amino acid sequence with the viruses of the family Iflaviridae suggested that LyLV-1 was a novel member of this family. Virus particles were 39 nm in diameter and appeared to transmit vertically via eggs. Although this virus may only cause covert infections under normal conditions, the potential for using this virus in biological control of L. lineolaris is discussed.  相似文献   

本记述采自福建武夷山地区蝗虫二新种,即曲缘卵翅蝗Caryanaa curvbnargina sp.n.亚武夷山雏蝗Chorthip pus wuyishanensis sp.n.  相似文献   

记述了采自马来西亚的蝗科6亚科22属30种,包括一新种Vitalisia bangiensus sp. nov.。 并首次发现和描述了Sedulia perakensis Willemse的雄性及Eucoptacra minima Ramme和Pagdenia rufipes Miller的雌性。还发现Meltripata bolivari Willemse 和Pagdenia rufipes Miller具二型:全翅型和退化翅型。提供了马来西亚已记录属和种的检索表。  相似文献   

报道了采自黑龙江省克山县古城镇的康蝗属一新种克山康蝗Kangacriskeshanensis Renet Zheng,sp. nov、并与其近似种做了比较。  相似文献   

A comparative study of male and female genitalia was carried out in thirty‐seven Libyan species representing twenty genera of the family Acrididae. An attempt has been made to describe and illustrate the different structures, namely, epiphallus, aedeagus, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the male, and spermatheca, ovipositor, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the female, in Acridids, with an aim to discover their significance in order to make the identification of genera and species, together with other generic characters, more perfect and convenient. Distinct family characters are shield or bridge‐shaped condition of epiphallus; presence or absence of dorso‐lateral appendices, oval sclerites and lophi on epiphallus; divided, undivided or flexured condition of aedeagus; presence or absence of gonopore process on aedeagus; condition of apical and pre‐apical diverticula of spermatheca; presence or absence of glandular pouches of Cornstock and Kellog on female subgenital plate; and rudimentary or well developed condition of egg‐guide. Stable characters for separating the subfamilies are taken to be presence or absence of ancorae on epiphallus, long or short condition of aedeagal sclerites; elongate, slender or short and broad condition of ovipositor valves: presence or absence of Jannone's organs and setae on posterior margin of female subgenital plate; and shape of diverticula of spermatheca. Useful generic characters are shape of male subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci, broad or narrow condition of bridge, presence or absence of branch of bridge connecting lophi with bridge of epiphallus; mono‐, bi‐ or tri‐lobate condition of lophi of epiphallus, length and upcurved or downcurved condition of apical valve of aedeagus, shape of posterior margin of female subgenital plate, presence of setae on the whole posterior margin or confined to lateral margins only; and toothed, tuberculate or smooth condition of ovipositor valves, length of the lateral apodeme in relation to the dorsal valves. Specific characters are shape of egg‐guide of female subgenital plate, shape of ovipositor valves and apical tips, shape of male supra‐anal plate and cerci, size of anterior and posterior lobes of lophi of epiphallus, size and shape of ancorae, shape of apical valves of aedeagus; and size of apical and pre‐apical diverticula and presence of protuberance on pre‐apical diverticulum.  相似文献   

Pyrgomorpha vignaudii (Guérin‐Méneville, 1849) is a pest of a wide variety of crop plants in Africa. To facilitate the search for a sustainable strategy against this pest, we have studied the post‐embryonic development, morphology and reproduction on Manihot esculenta in the laboratory. Five‐hundred and two larvae at the first stage of development obtained in the laboratory were individually reared in cages. Post‐embryonic development passed through seven stages. The total number of days spent for larval development varied from 77 to 108. The mean duration of development of stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 larvae were, respectively, 16.48 ± 0.43, 14.40 ± 0.55, 13.70 ± 0.61, 15.07 ± 0.84, 15.21 ± 1.31 and 16.21 ± 1.27 days. After the final molt, the females of P. vignaudii take an average of 12.7 ± 1.04 days before the first mating. The time between the first mating and first oviposition ranged from 14 to 34 days (averagely 25.2 ± 4.62 days). The females realized one to nine ovipositions during their lives. The number of eggs per egg‐pods (ootheca) varied from 16 to 93 with a mean of 45.31 ± 3.51. Our results provide valuable information for the search for a control strategy against P. vignaudii.  相似文献   

To enrich the genomic database of Catantopinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae), mitogenomes of three species from different genera, Traulia nigritibialis (15,701 bp), Choroedocus capensis (16,293 bp) and Stenocatantops splendens (15,574 bp), were characterized and compared with those of other grasshoppers in the subfamily. All 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) were initiated by ATN codons except COI with ACC (C. capensis and S.splendens) and ND6 with TTG (S. splendens). All transfer RNA (tRNA) genes had a typical clover-leaf structure, except tRNASer(AGN) in which the base pairs of the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm were reduced. The phylogenetic relationships were constructed among 22 species from four subfamiles of Acrididae by classical classifications based on two datasets of their mitogenomes using both Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML). The phylogenetic analysis confirmed the monophyly of the three other subfamilies, but did not provided support of the monophyly of Catantopinae.  相似文献   

A new species, Chorthippus(Altichorthippus) qixingtaiensis sp. nov. from China is described in this paper. The new species is similar to C.(A.) changtunensis Yin, 1984, but different by: prozona longer than metazoan, maximum width of medial area of tegmen about 2 times as maximum width of cubital area in male, base of hind femur without dark sloping stripe on inner side and length of interspace of mesosterum shorter than minimum width in female. A new combination Magaulacobothrus tianshanensis(Zheng, Ma Ren, 2009) comb. nov. is reported. The type specimens are deposited in the College of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong, China.  相似文献   

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