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Protective effect of cystamine (150 mg/kg) against genetic damages induced by gamma-irradiation in germ cells of male mice of CBA strain (at doses of 100, 300, 600 r) was studied. The application of cystamine decreased the frequency of dominant lethal mutations induced by radiation in sperms, spermatids and spermatocytes. The degree of the protective effect of cystamine depended on a radiation dose. The protective effect of cystamine was the highest at the radiation dose of 300 r. It was negligible at the radiation dose of 100 r and was completely absent at the dose of 600 r. Cystamine did not affect the rate of induced reciprocal translocations in the spermatogonia at all the radiation doses used.  相似文献   

The frequency of reciprocal translocations in mice spermatogonia after the exposure to chronic gamma-irradiation at doses of 100, 200, 300, 600, 920 r, at the dose rate of 4,2 r/day was investigated. It was shown that the mutation frequency increased insignificantly with the increase of the radiation dose (y =0,8+0.0011x). The comparison of the data obtained with earlier results revealed no changes in the yield of translocations at the reduction of the dose rate from 10 r/day to 4,2 r/day. The investigation of the genetic radiosensitivity of mice spermatogonia after a chronic gamma-irradiation showed a tendency to increase in their radioresistance.  相似文献   

Data reported in the literature up to 1985 on reciprocal translocation induction in male mouse germ cells by external gamma-ray doses ranging from 0.5 to 6.0 Gy delivered at fixed dose rates were analyzed. On the assumption of a non-threshold linear dose response, zero effect at zero dose, and a center of distribution lying on an approximately straight line, calculations were made of linear regression coefficients. These coefficients (b), as a function of the dose rate (P), were well fitted by two straight lines: b = (3.15 +/- 0.59 log P) X 10(-6) for dose rates from 0.01 to 0.1 mGy/min; and b = (7.52 +/- 3.86 log P) X 10(-6) for dose rates ranging from 0.06 to 1.2 X 10(3) mGy/min. The intersection point of these two lines determined the so-called threshold level of the dose rate, namely, 4.6 X 10(-2) mGy/min, at which the effectiveness of external gamma-irradiation is not expected to exceed 2.36 X 10(-6)/mGy. In addition, experiments were undertaken in which yields were recorded of reciprocal translocations in germ cells of male mice exposed to 0.9 Gy of gamma-radiation at dose rates ranging from 6.14 X 10(-3) to 6.14 X 10(2) mGy/min (6 levels); comparisons were made with data published up to 1985 from similar studies using other fixed doses. To do this, translocation yields were expressed as relative yields (F) and their relationship to the dose rate (P) for the individual fixed doses was represented by an equation of the type: F = alpha + beta log P. For most of the equations, the regression coefficients were in good agreement and a single relationship was obtained to represent them. From the analysis performed it follows that, within the 0.6-6.0 Gy dose range, the pattern of the F vs. P relationship is unaffected by the dose. This supports the initial assumption that for the dose range up to 6.0 Gy the dose response for the reciprocal translocation yield is a non-threshold straight-line relationship.  相似文献   

The frequency of recessive lethal mutations and reciprocal translocations was investigated in spermatogonia of CBA male mice which were thrice gamma-irradiated at doses of 300 r with 28 days intervals. The rate of induced recessive lethals was estimated 1) by comparison of embryos survival between the irradiated and control groups in mating of the F1 males with their daughters, and 2) by estimation the frequency of males heterozygotes for recessive lethals in the first generation. In the first case the frequency of recessive lethals was 2,8 +/- 0,8-10(-4) per r per gamete (for the pre- and post-implantation death) and 1,6 +/- 0,1-10(-4) per r per gamete (for the pre- and post-implantation death) and 1,6 +/- 0,1-10(-4) per r per gamete in the second case. The frequency of heterozygotes for reciprocal translocations in the first generations of males was 3,1 +/- 0,9-10(-5) per r per gamete.  相似文献   

Chronological changes of chromosome aberration rates related to accumulated doses in chronically exposed humans and animals at a low-dose-rate have not been well studied. C3H female specific pathogen-free mice (8 weeks of age) were chronically irradiated. Chromosome aberration rate in mouse splenocytes after long-term exposure to low-dose-rate (LDR) gamma-rays was serially determined by conventional Giemsa method. Incidence of dicentrics and centric rings increased almost linearly up to 8000 mGy following irradiation for about 400 days at a LDR of 20 mGy/day. Clear dose-rate effects were observed in the chromosome aberration frequencies between dose rates of 20 mGy/day and 200 Gy/day. Furthermore, the frequencies of complex aberrations increased as accumulated doses increased in LDR irradiation. This trend was also observed for the incidences of micronuclei and trisomies of chromosomes 5, 13 and 18 in splenocytes, detected by micronucleus assay and metaphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method, respectively. Incidences of 2-4 micronuclei and trisomy increased in mouse splenocytes after irradiation of 8000 mGy at a LDR of 20 mGy/day. These complex chromosome aberrations and numerical chromosome aberrations seem to be induced indirectly after radiation exposure and thus the results indicate that continuous gamma-ray irradiation for 400 days at LDR of 20 mGy/day induced chromosomal instability in mice. These results are important to evaluate the biological effects of long-term exposure to LDR radiation in humans.  相似文献   

Chromosome translocations in Glossina austeni   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Chromosome translocations in human cancer   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

While a high-dose of ionizing radiation is generally harmful and causes damage to living organisms, a low-dose of radiation has been shown to be beneficial in a variety of animal models. To understand the basis for the effect of low-dose radiation in vivo, we examined the cellular and immunological changes evoked in mice exposed to low-dose radiation at very low (0.7 mGy/h) and low (3.95 mGy/h) dose rate for the total dose of 0.2 and 2 Gy, respectively. Mice exposed to low-dose radiation, either at very low- or low-dose rate, demonstrated normal range of body weight and complete blood counts. Likewise, the number and percentage of peripheral lymphocyte populations, CD4+ T, CD8+ T, B, or NK cells, stayed unchanged following irradiation. Nonetheless, the sera from these mice exhibited elevated levels of IL-3, IL-4, leptin, MCP-1, MCP-5, MIP-1α, thrombopoietin, and VEGF along with slight reduction of IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-17, and IFN-γ. This pattern of cytokine release suggests the stimulation of innate immunity facilitating myeloid differentiation and activation while suppressing pro-inflammatory responses and promoting differentiation of naïve T cells into T-helper 2, not T-helper 1, types. Collectively, our data highlight the subtle changes of cytokine milieu by chronic low-dose γ-radiation, which may be associated with the functional benefits observed in various experimental models.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the relationship between meiotic pairing and recombination, and electron microscopic (EM) study of synaptonemal complexes (SC) and an analysis of chiasma frequency and distribution were made in male mice singly and doubly heterozygous for Robertsonian [Rb(16.17)7Bnr] and reciprocal [T(16:17)43H] translocations and also in tertiary trisomics for the proximal region of chromosome 17. In all these genotypes an extensive zone of asynapsis/desynapsis around the breakpoints was revealed. At the same time a high frequency of non-homologous pairing was observed in precentromeric regions of acrocentric chromosomes. The presence in the proximal region of chromosome 17 of the t haplotype did not affect the synaptic behaviour of this region. Chiasma frequency in the proximal region of chromosome 17 in the T(16:17)43H heterozygotes and trisomics was increased when compared with that in Robertsonian heterozygotes.by H.C. Macgregor  相似文献   

Mice exposed to gamma-quanta during 47 and 82 days at a dose-rate of 1.3 mGy/h and cumulative doses of 1.45 and 2.54 Gy, respectively, were subsequently subjected to a single acute irradiation with a dose of 20 Gy. Repair of DNA damages induced by the acute exposure was shown to proceed in the brain, pulmonary and splenic tissues of chronically exposed mice more readily than in the tissues of mice not subjected to chronic irradiation. The data obtained indicate that the induced adaptive response activates DNA repair in tissues of mice exposed to long-term low-level radiation.  相似文献   

Male C3H mice were exposed to 100 W m-2 of 2.45 GHz continuous-wave microwave radiation for 6 h per day for a total of 120 h over an 8-week period. The exposure level was chosen so that the specific energy absorption rate (SAR) would be approximately equal to the level of 4 W kg-1 which is considered by a number of organizations to be a threshold for adverse biological effects. At the end of the treatment period the mice were mated with a different group of (C3H x 101) F1 hybrid females each week for the following 8 weeks. There was no significant reduction in pregnancy rate, preimplantation survival or postimplantation survival in the exposed group compared to sham-exposed controls. At the end of the mating period a cytogenetic analysis was carried out of meiotic chromosome preparations of testicular tissue, thus sampling cells that were stem cell spermatogonia during the treatment regime. The results showed no difference in the frequency of reciprocal translocations between the sham and treated groups, or in the frequency of cells with autosome or sex chromosome univalents. Low levels of fragments and exchanges were found in both groups. It is concluded that there is no evidence in this experiment to show that chronic exposure of male mice to 2.45 GHz microwave radiation induces a mutagenic response in male germ cells. This conclusion is in agreement with the observations of Berman et al. (1980), who reported a lack of male germ cell mutagenesis after repetitive or chronic exposure of rats to 2.45 GHz.  相似文献   

BURNHAM CR 《Genetics》1950,35(4):446-481

Estrogenic endocrine disruptors (EEDs) are naturally occurring or man-made compounds present in the environment that are able to bind to estrogen receptors and interfere with normal cellular development in target organs and tissues. There is mounting evidence that EEDs can interfere with the processes of sexual differentiation of brain and behavior in different animal models. We investigated the effects of maternal exposure to EEDs, at concentrations within the range of human exposure and not patently teratogenic, on behavioral responses of male and female house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) before and after puberty. Pregnant dams were trained to spontaneously drink daily doses of corn oil with or without the estrogenic plastic derivative, bisphenol A (BPA 10 microg/kg), or the estrogenic insecticide methoxychlor (MXC 20 microg/kg) from gestation day 11 to postpartum day 8. Their male and female offspring were examined at different ages to examine several components of explorative and emotional behaviors in 3 experimental paradigms: a novelty test before puberty and, as adults, a free-exploratory open-field test and the elevated plus maze test. The main results are sex differences in control mice on a number of behavioral responses at both ages and in all experimental paradigms, while perinatal exposure to BPA or MXC decreased or eliminated such sex differences. The present findings are evidence of long-term consequences of developmental exposure to BPA and MXC on neurobehavioral development and suggest a differential effect of low-dose exposure to these estrogenic chemicals in males and females.  相似文献   

Adult male mice were given a range of neutron doses at 80 +/- 20 mrad/h from a plutonium-beryllium source. Cytogenetic analysis indicated that chronic spermatogonial exposure to a mean total dose of 10, 30, 52, 98 or 150 rad produced translocations, sampled in spermatocytes four months later, amounting to 0.32, 0.99. 1.69, 1.91 and 1.65%, respectively. The dose response for the 0-52 rad range was linear. For higher doses, a better fit to the data was an expression with dose exponent above unity.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced multivalents, fragments and bivalent separation were studied at metaphase I in mouse spermatocytes. These cells had been irradiated with 200 rad X-rays as spermatogonia or in different stages of prophase. Radiation sensitivity increased towards the latter end of prophase with respect to multivalents and fragments. These results were compared with protracted gamma-irradiation throughout prophase.  相似文献   

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