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Four supposedly closely related taxa were crossed artificially to test for hybridization barriers. Intra- as well as inter-specific crossings were made. The intra-specific crossings resulted in a high portion of viable hybrids, whereas hybridization barriers were found in all inter-specific combinations except one. The hybrids were non-viable at different levels, viz., (1) no seeds germinated, (2) seeds formed lethal chlorotic seedings, or (3) seeds formed chlorophyllous seedlings which survived the cotyledonary stage, but developed into intermediate forms with low pollen production and/or a strongly reduced pollen viability. Crossings betweenCampanula afra and any of the other three taxa resulted in a non-viable progeny. The crossing capacity amongC. occidentalis, C. kremeri, andC. dichotoma varied. Combinations with large-flowered maternal taxa and small-flowered paternal ones usually failed, whereas a high number of the reciprocal crossings produced hybrids which survived the cotyledonary stage. The hybrid plants varied in pollen viability and pollen production, however. It is concluded that theCampanula dichotoma group should be treated as comprising four distinct species.  相似文献   

Wang  Xinhua  Sæther  Ole A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,444(1-3):237-240
Rheocricotopus (Psilocricotopus) calviculus sp. n. and R. (P.) villiculus sp. n. from China are described as male imagines. The species are closely related to the previously described R. (P.) orientalis Wang forming a new group, the orientalis group, which eventually may deserve the rank of subgenus or even genus. The group is distinguished by lacking a humeral pit, numerous sensilla clavata on third palpomere, cuneiform wings, no or few setae on squama, long legs, banded abdomen, very long inferior volsella, gonocoxite with apical extensions, and gonostylus with a median triangular projection.  相似文献   

Vicia sativa L. s. l. is presented as a variable complex consisting of 7 subspecies, including wild types, weedy races and cultivated derivatives. The group is characterized by: (a) Decreasing aneuploid (dysploid) chromosome series (2n = 14 12 10,); (b) wide variation in karyotypes; (c) pronounced weediness and colonization of disturbed habitats; (d) cohabitation of several forms; (e) intergradations between the main morphological types; (f) predominance of self-pollination; (g) lack of full sterility between the main chromosome types. Plants with different chromosome numbers or different karyotypes are loosely interconnected by occasional hybridization, particularly in disturbed habitats. Colonization appears to be associated with reticulate evolution and the recombination of previously separated gene pools. The wide karyotypic polymorphism characteristic for this complex is interpreted as a result of such relatively recent processes.  相似文献   

The Lilium carniolicum group consists of several taxonomically dubious taxa endemic to the European flora. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) were used to clarify both the delineation of, and relationships among, taxa in the group as well as to provide insight on the phylogenetic position of the group within the genus. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses were in general agreement, with all taxa in the group being very closely related, and the entire group being monophyletic. L. pyrenaicum and L. pomponium are placed at the basal position in the group, while L. chalcedonicum is shown to be more closely related to L. carniolicum than previously thought. Our analyses suggested that L. albanicum and L. jankae are distinct from L. carniolicum, while no evidence was found to support the same separation for L. bosniacum.  相似文献   

The morphology, anatomy, and chemistry of five taxa belonging to theLecanactis grumulosa group from several localities of the Mediterranean area have been analysed in detail. One new saxicolous species,L. subgrumulosa, is described from Spain and Morocco. The new combinationL. farinosa is made.L. nothiza, L. monstrosa, L. ramosus, andOpegrapha alboatra are proposed as synonyms ofL. grumulosa. L. werneri andL. farinosa are cited for the first time in Europe and northern Africa, respectively. Anthraquinones are reported as new forLecanactis.  相似文献   

Sphyraena iburiensis sp. nov. is described, and taxonomic reviews are provided for S. obtusata and S. pinguis. These species, characterized by having 2 gill rakers, are defined as the S. obtusata group. Sphyraena iburiensis, known only from the Pacific coast of southern Japan, is characterized by 8.5–9.5 scales above the lateral line, a single row of scales in the groove along the lower margin of the suborbital region from the posterior tip of the maxilla to below the eye (=suborbital groove) not covered with skin, 2 distinct longitudinal stripes on the lateral surface of the body when fresh (upper stripe usually lost in preserved specimens), the lower stripe reaching the caudal-fin base just below the lateral line. Sphyraena obtusata, distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by 5–7.5 scales above the lateral line, a single row of scales in the suborbital groove covered with skin, 2 somewhat indistinct longitudinal stripes on the lateral surface of the body when fresh (upper stripe usually lost in preserved specimens), the lower stripe joining the lateral line midway between the end of the second dorsal-fin base and caudal peduncle and extending to the middle of the caudal-fin base. Sphyraena pinguis, distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by 7.5–9.5 scales above the lateral line, a single row of scales in the suborbital groove not covered with skin, and a single longitudinal stripe on the lateral surface of the body joining the lateral line slightly before or just below the end of the second dorsal-fin base and extending to the middle of the caudal-fin base. Seven (S. aureoflammea, S. brachygnathos, S. flavicauda, S. grandisquamis, S. langsar, S. lineata, and S. strenua) and 2 (S. chrysotaenia and S. schlegelii) nominal species are regarded as junior synonyms of S. obtusata and S. pinguis, respectively. In addition, lectotypes are designated for S. flavicauda, S. langsar, S. lineata, and S. obtusata. A key to the three species of the S. obtusata group is provided.  相似文献   

Two trisaccharide glycosides,p-trifluoroacetamidophenylethyl 3-O-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy--d-galactopyranosyl)-2-O-(-l-fucopyranosyl)--d-galactopyranoside andp-trifluoroa-cetamidophenylethyl 2-O-(-l-fucopyranosyl)-3-O-(-d-galactopyranosyl)--d-galactopyranoside, corresponding to the human blood group A and B determinants, were synthesized. A key fucosylgalactosyl disaccharide derivative was glycosylated with galactosaminyl or galactosyl donors, respectively. Dimethyl (thiomethyl)sulfonium tetrafluoroborate was used for thioglycoside activation in coupling reactions.  相似文献   

Comparative morphological, karyological and chorological studies prove the distinctness of the SE European and Asiatic populations ofPulmonaria mollis s.l., to be treated asP. dacica (Figs. 4, 5).P. mollis s.str. is interpreted as a relatively young taxon, which probably has evolved from an older stock ofP. dacica ancestors during the Pleistocene (Figs. 6, 8) and might have migrated, perhaps with oak woodland communities, from SE to C. Europe. A similar evolution can be postulated for S—SE European dysploidP. rubra-carnica-stiriaca-vallarsae group; this may have involved still unknown tetraploids (P. carnica?, Fig. 7). This group is linked via the hypertriploid speciesP. vallarsae with theP. saccharata group and at least the eastern species of theP. australis group. The monotypic genusParaskevia apparently marks the earliest divergence from the common Tertiary ancestral stock (Fig. 8). It exhibits a tetraploid chromosome number (2n = 28) but has preserved the most primitive characters. — Some comments on the systematics and nomenclature ofP. australis andParaskevia are added.  相似文献   

The capacity of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans to reduce different concentrations of hexavalent chromium in shake flask cultures has been investigated. A. ferrooxidans reduces 100% of chromium (VI) at concentrations of 1, 2.5 and 5 ppm, but in the presence of 10 ppm only 42.9% of chromium (VI) was reduced after 11 days of incubation. A. thiooxidans showed a lower capacity to reduce this ion and total reduction of chromium (VI) was only obtained for concentrations of 1 and 2.5 ppm, whereas 64.7% and 30.5% was reached for 5 and 10 ppm, respectively, after 11 days. A continuous flow mode system was subsequently investigated, in which A. thiooxidans was immobilized on elemental sulphur and the acidic medium obtained was employed to solubilize chromium (III) and to reduce chromium (VI) present in a real electroplating waste [30% of chromium (III) and 0.1% of chromium (VI)]. The system enabled the reduction of 92.7% of hexavalent chromium and represents a promising way to treat this type of waste in the industry.  相似文献   

The earthworms of the Metaphire formosae species group distributed in Taiwan are members of the Pheretima complex within the Megascolecidae. In this study, the systematics and phylogeography of this species group were investigated using DNA sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S ribosomal (r)RNA, and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1). The results indicated that the 13 taxa of the M. formosae species group form a clade, including a cryptic species discovered in this study. In addition, Metaphire hengchunensis (James, S.W., Shih, H.-T., Chang, H.-W., 2005. Seven new species of Amynthas (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) and new earthworm records from Taiwan. J. Nat. Hist. 39, 1007-1028) should be regarded as a subspecies of Metaphire paiwanna Tsai, C.-F., Shen, H.-P., Tsai, S.-C., 2000a. Native and exotic species of terrestrial earthworm (Oligochaeta) in Taiwan with reference to Northeast Asia. Zool. Stud. 39, 285-294, Tsai, C.-F., Tsai, S.-C., Liaw, G.-J., 2000b. Two new species of pontandric pheretimoid earthworms belonging to the genus Metaphire (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from Taiwan. J. Nat. Hist. 34, 1731-1741, and Metaphire bununa glareosa Tsai et al. 2000 should be elevated to specific status. Phylogeographical inferences showed that allopatric speciation occurred in this species group during the rapid uplift of the main island of Taiwan between 5.0 and 2.5 million years ago. Our analysis exposes non-monophyly within each of the genera Amynthas and Metaphire, and more generally within the Pheretima complex. Further revisions of this speciose complex are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Lomatium, the largest genus of Apiaceae in western North America, includes many narrow endemics whose relationships are uncertain. Although no infrageneric classification exists forLomatium, several informal groups have been recognized. TheEuryptera group comprises seven narrowly endemic species distributed primarily in California. We conducted parsimony and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses using sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA from species of theEuryptera group and several other species ofLomatium. When considered with distribution, morphological, and cpDNA data, the ITS analyses are consistent with the monophyly of theEuryptera group and suggests that speciation in this group has occurred through geographical divergence. Inferences from ITS data also identify putative progenitors of the polyploidEuryptera species.  相似文献   

The protein crystals produced by Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) are used against the larvae of pestiferous flood-water mosquitoes in ephemeral wetlands. Although mosquito larvae are considered important predators on protozoans and bacteria, it is not known how a distinct reduction of mosquito larvae density in natural wetlands caused by application of Bti may indirectly affect these microbial communities. Here we show, in a large scale experiment in six natural wetlands, that the densities of heterotrophic protozoans was on an average 4.5 times higher in wetland areas treated with Bti than in control areas. In addition, the taxonomic richness of heterotrophic protozoans increased on an average of 60% in areas with Bti application compared to control areas. The increase in protozoan density and richness was fairly consistent among sites of different wetland habitats. We discuss the potential implications of our results for other parts of the ecosystem. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Summary Members of thePolycomb (Pc) group of genes are required for the correct determination of segment identity, and are thought to be negative regulators of thebithorax andAntennapedia complexes. This hypothesis has been tested molecularly for only some members of thePc group. Here, we examine the distribution ofUltrabithorax (Ubx),Antennapedia (Antp), andSex combs reduced (Scr) proteins in the epidermis, central nervous system, and midgut of embryos homozygous for mutations in tenPc group genes. We show that zygotic loss of mostPc group genes causes ectopic expression ofUbx andAntp, but that there are differences in time and tissue-specificity. FivePc group mutations lack midgut constrictions and also exhibit ectopic or suppressedUbx expression and suppression ofAntp expression. Distribution ofAntp is upset earlier than distribution ofUbx in the central nervous system of everyPc group mutant affecting both genes. Loss of the zygotic products ofPolycomb, extra sex combs, andAdditional sex combs cause ectopic expression ofScr in epidermis, and allPc group genes exceptPsc have suppressedScr expression in the nervous system. These results are discussed with respect to the function of thePc group.  相似文献   

Six unrelated male gorillas formed an all-male group within the Virunga mountain gorilla population. Frequent homosexual interactions characterized the high cohesiveness of this group. Such homosexual behavior reduced the inter-individual distances and increased the social tension between the two silverbacks in the group. The silverbacks retained “ownership” of the homosexual partners, but competed and fought with each other violently when the partners avoided or ignored their courtship. Neither submissive nor reassurance behavior was noted between the silverbacks. Thus, their relationships may not be explained in terms of dominance and subordinancy. However, the loser-support and mediating behavior observed in the group prevented them from engaging in severe fights. Aggression was always directed from the elder and dominant males to the younger and subordinate males, while supporting interactions occurred in the opposite direction. The blackbacks frequently supported the subadult aggressees by attacking the silverbacks, and the younger males displayed mediating behavior in violent fights between the silverbacks. The group's ranging was influenced by encounters with neighboring social units. The members avoided contact with other units and shifted their range after several encounters. On the other hand, when and after a subadult male had immigrated into their group, they frequently encountered other units and did not move away from the encounter site. An all-male group may not be a favorable unit for females to transfer to, but may be profitable for maturing males to associate with. Its formation is probably related to recent social change in the Virunga gorilla population.  相似文献   

We present data on aspects of the behavioral ecology of a free- ranging group of Saguinus fuscicollis weddelliat a site in Brazilian Amazonia where a second callitrichid, Callithrix emiliae,is syntopic. Diet, activity patterns, and ranging behavior are broadly similar to those of S. fuscicollisfrom sites in Bolivia, Brazil, and Perú, though significant seasonal changes include an extreme and atypical form of ranging behavior in which they foraged in central-place fashion around a source of exudate—Parkia pendula. S. f. weddelliwas active at relatively low levels in the forest both in absolute terms and relative to C.emiliae, which appears to be an important factor in their niche partitioning. Association between the two species appeared to be less systematic overall than those observed between S. fuscicollisand congeners at other sites, though this may be partly a result of observation conditions. During the period of central-place foraging, the two species exhibited a high degree of association. Other characteristics of the behavior of S. f. weddelliat the study site include the frequent use of tree holes as sleeping sites.  相似文献   

The genus Drosophila has played an essential role in many biological studies during the last 100 years but much controversy and many incompletely addressed issues still remain to be elucidated regarding the phylogeny of this genus. Because information on the Neotropical species contained in the subgenus Drosophila is particularly incomplete, with this taxonomic group being underrepresented in many studies, we designed a study to answer some evolutionary questions related to these species. We subjected at least 41 Drosophilidae taxa to a phylogenetic analysis using a 516-base pair (bp) fragment of the alpha-methyldopa (Amd) nuclear gene and a 672 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) gene both individually and in combination. We found that the subgenus Drosophila is paraphyletic and subdivided into two main clusters: the first containing species traditionally placed in the virilis-repleta radiation and the second assembling species of the immigrans-Hirtodrosophila radiation. Inside the first of these clusters we could detect the monophyly of both the flavopilosa (the sister-clade of the annulimana group) and the mesophragmatica (closely related to the repleta group) species groups. Concerning the immigrans-Hirtodrosophila lineage, Zaprionus, Liodrosophila, Samoaia, and Hirtodrosophila were the early offshoots, followed by the immigrans, quinaria, testacea, and funebris species groups. The tripunctata radiation appears to be a derived clade, composed of a paraphyletic tripunctata group, intimately interposed with members of the cardini, guarani, and guaramunu species groups. Overall, the COII gene yielded a poor phylogenetic performance when compared to the Amd gene, the evolutionary hypothesis of which agreed with the total evidence tree. This phenomenon can be explained by the fast saturation of transitional substitutions in COII, due to strong biases in both base composition and substitution patterns, as also by its great among-site rate variation heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The karyotype of Halobatrachus didactylus presents 46 chromosomes, composed of eight metacentric, 18 submetacentric, four subtelocentric, and 16 acrocentric chromosomes. The results of FISH showed that the major ribosomal genes were located in the terminal position of the short arm of a large submetacentric chromosome. They also showed a high variation in the hybridization signals. The products of amplification of 5S rDNA produced bands of about 420 pb. The PCR labeled products showed hybridization signals in the subcentromeric position of the long arm of a submetacentric chromosome of medium size. Double-color FISH indicated that the two ribosomal families are not co-located since they hybridizated in different chromosomal pairs. Telomeres of all the chromosomes hybridized with the (TTAGGG) n probe. The GATA probe displayed a strong signal in the long arm of a submetacentric chromosome of medium size, in the subcentromeric position. The double-color FISH showed that the microsatellite GATA and the 5S rDNA gene are located in different chromosomal pairs. The majority presence of GATA probes in one pair of chromosomes is unusual and considering its distribution through different taxa it could be due to evolutionary mechanisms of heterochromatine accumulation, leading to the formation of differentiated sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Busse I  Preisfeld A 《Protist》2003,154(1):57-69
The gene coding for the small ribosomal subunit RNA of Ploeotia costata contains an actively splicing group I intron (Pco.S516) which is unique among euglenozoans. Secondary structure predictions indicate that paired segments P1-P10 as well as several conserved elements typical of group I introns and of subclass IC1 in particular are present. Phylogenetic analyses of SSU rDNA sequences demonstrate a well-supported placement of Ploeotia costata within the Euglenozoa; whereas, analyses of intron data sets uncover a close phylogenetic relation of Pco.S516 to S-516 introns from Acanthamoeba, Aureoumbra lagunensis (Stramenopila) and red algae of the order Bangiales. Discrepancies between SSU rDNA and intron phylogenies suggest horizontal spread of the group I intron. Monophyly of IC1 516 introns from Ploeotia costata, A. lagunensis and rhodophytes is supported by a unique secondary structure element: helix P5b possesses an insertion of 19 nt length with a highly conserved tetraloop which is supposed to take part in tertiary interactions. Neither functional nor degenerated ORFs coding for homing endonucleases can be identified in Pco.S516. Nevertheless, degenerated ORFs with His-Cys box motifs in closely related intron sequences indicate that homing may have occurred during evolution of the investigated intron group.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomy, pattern of post-illumination CO2 burst (PIB) and activity of three C4-acid decarboxylating enzymes in C4 photosynthesis were investigated with the leaves of five species in theDichotomiflora group of the genusPanicum. All species had mestome sheaths, exhibited the sharp pattern of PIB in less than 30 sec of darkness and were classified as NAD-malie enzyme species biochemically. However, they clearly fell into two groups according to the difference in chloroplast location in bundle sheath cells (BSC).P. coloratum var.makarikariense, P. lanipes andP. stapfianum had centripetal chloroplasts, whereasP. laevifolium andP. longijubatum had centrifugal chloroplasts, whereas cv. Kabulabula and cv. Solai had centrifugal chlorplasts. The results indicate that theDichotomiflora group had the two leaf anatomical variations of NAD-malic enzyme species. In addition, the results onP. coloratum suggest that this species may be divided into two separate species by chloroplast location in BSC. The ultrastructural features of leaves ofP. dichtomiflorum, NAD-malic enzyme species with centrifugal chloroplasts, were also investigated. Chloroplasts in BSC had well-developed grana, and numerous large mitochondria with extensively developed internal membrane structure were restricted to the area between the chloroplsts and the vacuole in BSC.  相似文献   

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